SigTEL Compact Installation and Configuration Manual
1 IMPORTANT NOTES ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.4DESK CONTROL UNIT (PART NO.ECU-224) ......................................................................................................................... 5
5 TYPICAL SYSTEMS ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.1SYSTEM UP TO 4 OR 8 EXTENSIONS .................................................................................................................................... 8
5.2SYSTEM UP TO 16 EXTENSIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 8
5.3NETWORKED SYSTEM UP TO 224 EXTENSIONS, I.E. THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EXTENSIONS ......................................................... 9
5.4NETWORKED SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM.............................................................................................................................. 10
6 FIRST FIX INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................. 11
7 MOUNTING WALL UNITS ............................................................................................................................................ 12
7.1REMOVE THE BASE PCBS ............................................................................................................................................... 12
7.2REMOVE THE LID .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
7.4FIX THE BASE TO THE WALL ............................................................................................................................................. 12
7.5RE-INSTALL THE BASE PCBS ............................................................................................................................................ 13
8 INSTALLING THE ECU722/ECU723 NETWORK COMMS CARD (OPTIONAL) .................................................................. 14
11.3FITTING TYPE A OUTSTATION (EVC301RPO/EVC301RLK) ................................................................................................ 17
11.4FITTING TYPE B OUTSTATION (EVC302S/GS AND EVC302F/GF) ........................................................................................ 17
11.5WIRING TO A DISABLED PERSONS TOILET ALARM (DPTA) ..................................................................................................... 17
SigTEL Compact Installation and Configuration Manual
13 SECOND FIX INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................ 18
13.1CONNECTING EXTENSIONS TO THE MCU/LCU WALL UNIT .................................................................................................... 18
13.3MCU/LCU WALL UNIT INPUT CONNECTIONS (DISABLING THE SYSTEM) ................................................................................... 19
13.4MCU/LCU WALL UNIT OUTPUT CONNECTIONS .................................................................................................................. 19
13.5MCUWALL UNIT TO ECU-224DESK CONTROL UNIT ........................................................................................................ 20
16 POWERING UP AND TESTING ..................................................................................................................................... 23
17.1SINGLE, NON-NETWORKED SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................... 25
17.2NETWORKED SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................. 26
17.3ADDING OR REPLACING WALL UNITS, OUTSTATIONS OR DPTA AFTER COMMISSIONING ............................................................... 28
20 ENHANCED SIGTEL COMPACT FEATURES .................................................................................................................... 34
20.1FIRMWARE VERSION AND WALL/DESK UNIT NAME ............................................................................................................... 34
21 INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING CERTIFICATE ................................................................................................... 35
22 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 36
SigTEL CompactInstallation and Configuration Manual
1 Important Notes
This equipment must only be installed and maintained by a suitably skilled and technically competent
person. No responsibility can be accepted by the manufacturer, or distributors of this product for any
misinterpretation of an instruction, or guidance note, or for the compliance of the system as a whole.
About this guide
This guide explains how to install, commission and maintain a SigTEL EVCS disabled refuge and fire telephone
system. A separate user manual (ref. DAU0000092) includes detailed operational information, some of which will
need to be referred to by the installation engineer when setting up the system.
No responsibility can be accepted by the manufacturer, or distributors for any misinterpretation of these instructions,
or for the compliance of the system as a whole.
This installation guide must not be accessible to the user.
System design
EVCS design is beyond the scope of this document. An understanding of system components and their use is
We recommend that you read the latest edition of BS 5839 Part 9 (available from the BSI,,
for this information. Contact the building control, or fire officer in case he has any special requirements.
Equipment guarantee
This equipment is not guaranteed unless the system is installed and commissioned in accordance with national
standards by an approved and competent person, or organisation.
General precautions
Do not test wiring with an insulation tester (Megger) with any equipment connected as the 500 volt test will destroy
these devices totally. You must observe local wiring regulations.
Do not run SELV and LV cables in the same enclosure without adequate insulation between them.
SigTEL EVCS control equipment is designed to be installed indoors. Outstations are not IP rated so should not be
installed outdoors unless an IP65, or better housing, is used and cables are installed so as to prevent the ingress of
Anti-static handling guidelines
Make sure that electro-static handling precautions are taken immediately before handling PCBs and
other static sensitive components. Before handling any static-sensitive items, Operators should get
rid of any electrostatic charge by touching a sound safety earth.
Always handle PCBs by their sides and avoid touching any components. PCBs should be stored in
a clean, dry place that is free from vibration, dust and excessive heat. Storing the PCBs in a suitable
cardboard box will also guard them against mechanical damage.
2 Regulations Affecting EVCS
Disabled refuge systems are called for by DETR Approved document B (Fire safety) volume 2, section 4, Design for
vertical escape and BS 5588 Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings, Part 8, Code of
practice for means of escape for disabled people.
Fire telephone systems for buildings are called for by BS 5588 Fire precautions in the design, construction and use
of buildings Part 5, Code of practice for firefighting stairs and lifts, Part 10, Code of practice for shopping complexes
and Part 11, Code of practice for shops, offices, industrial, storage and other similar buildings.
Fire telephone systems for sports venues are called for by the Guide to safety at sports grounds.
The installation of EVCS’s is covered by BS 5839-9 Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings – Part 9:
Code of practice for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of emergency voice communication
SigTEL CompactInstallation and Configuration Manual
3 SigTEL Compact Components
Note: See Specification (section 19) for component details.
3.1MCU wall unit (part nos. ECU-4, ECU-8, ECU-16)
The master control unit (MCU) controls the EVCS and allows the Operator to
communicate with the outstations.
Each MCU is wall mounted and has either four extensions (ECU-4), eight
extensions (ECU-8), or 16 extensions (ECU-16).
One extension typically has one outstation (Type A or B) or a disabled persons
toilet alarm (DPTA) connected.
A flush bezel (EVC385) and an anti-tamper enclosure (BF359/3M) are available
to house the unit.
Note: Up to 14 MCU and LCU wall units can be connected on a network by
installing a Network Comms Card in each unit.
3.2 LCU wall unit (part no. ECU-8NT)
The line control unit (LCU) is identical to an MCU but it does not have a handset
mounted on its front. Each LCU has eight extensions.
3.3 Grey flush bezel (part no. EVC385)
This flush mounting bezel is used with the MCU/LCU and provides a neat finish when an enclosure is semi-recessed
(up to 60 mm).
3.4 Desk control unit (part no. ECU-224)
This 1-224 line unit is used during normal operation of the system, to answer
or make calls to outstations. It has a handset and a display.
Note: The ECU-244 unit connects to a Network Communications Card
(ECU723) fitted inside an MCU wall unit, i.e. one ECU-224 per ECU723 per
MCU. Therefore, a maximum of 14 ECU-224’s can be installed on a network.
The ECU-224 is intended to be free-standing. However, a sloping wall
mounting shelf (ECUWMB) is available.
3.5 Type A fire telephone outstation (part nos. EVC301RPO, EVC301RLK)
One Type A outstation is connected to one extension so that the control room can call out to
specific locations and also know which location is calling in.
The outstation consists of a telephone-style handset housed within a wall-mounted, red steel
case. Two versions are available a magnetic ‘push to open’ version (EVC301RPO) right, and
a ‘lift lock’ version (EVC301RLK) used to prevent unauthorised access.
Both units can be surface mounted, or a flush mounting bezel (T-BEZ301) is available.
3.6 Flush-mounting bezel (part no. T-BEZ301)
This red flush bezel provides a neat finish when a Type A fire telephone is semi-recessed.
One Type B outstation is connected to one extension so that the control room can call out to
specific locations and also know which location is calling in. The EVC302S has a stainless
steel fascia and the EVC302GS has a green mild steel fascia. Both units use hands-free,
duplex operation and have a ‘Push to Call or Answer’ button, Call in Progress LED, buzzer
and apertures for a microphone and loudspeaker.
3.8 Type B disabled refuge outstation - flush mounted (part no. EVC302F/GF)
Identical to the EVC302S/GS version but with a flat fascia suitable for flush installation. The
EVC302F has a stainless steel fascia and the EVC302GF has a green mild steel fascia. An
IP66 rated housing (BF359/1) is available to allow the outstation to be used outdoors.
3.9 Type B outstation enclosure (part no. BF359/1)
This weatherproof enclosure is used to protect an EVC302F/GF Type B outstation when used
at an external disabled refuge. It is supplied with a non-locking handle (as disabled refuge
points should not normally be locked) and has an IP66 rating.
3.10 Enclosures (part no. BF359/3M, BF359/3S)
The BF359/3M is a stainless steel, anti-tamper enclosure used to house an MCU wall
unit. It is supplied with two optional locking kits; BF359/3CL (camlock kit) or BF359/3SL
(solenoid kit).
The BF359/3S is a shallower variant and is used to house an LCU wall unit.
The EVCS is able to interface to a disabled persons toilet alarm (DPTA) system. This is a
secondary function to the primary purpose of the EVCS. If the site has toilet alarms AND
they are connected into the EVCS, then active toilet alarms will be displayed at the wall unit
and desk units. As toilet alarm monitoring is a secondary function, any activated toilet alarms
will be suppressed from being displayed if there are any calls from/to any outstations. At the
end of outstation calls the activated toilet alarms will then be displayed.
3.12 Network comms card (part no. ECU722/ECU723)
The ECU722 Network Comms Card enables up to 14 MCUs or LCU wall units to be
connected on a network. The ECU723 Network Comms Card enables up to 14 MCUs
or LCUs plus up to 14 ECU-224 desk control units to be connected on a network. Note
that if an ECU-224 is fitted with no network, then an ECU723 is still required. See
section 5.4 for further details.
The ECU722 and ECU723 cards are fitted inside the MCU/LCU and transmit both
speech audio and digital data.
SigTEL CompactInstallation and Configuration Manual
Cable Type
Extensions to outstations
2-core, 1.0 mm2 or 1.5 mm2 cable is recommended for each extension. Larger cables will stress
the connectors. The maximum cable resistance is 40 ohms, which is 1 km of 1.0 mm2. If this is
exceeded audio quality will degrade.
Extensions to DPTA
systems (NC951)
2-core cable is required for each extension.
Power supplies
The MCU/LCU wall unit requires fixed wiring using 2-core cable and earth/CPC cable (no less
than 0.75 mm2 and no more than 2.5 mm2) fed from an isolating switched fused spur, fused at
3 amps. A plug and socket MUST NOT be used.
Networked systems
Either MCU to MCU, or
4 x 2-core, 1.5 mm2, up to 1 km in length. This cable connects ECU722/ECU723 network comms
cards mounted inside the MCU/LCU wall unit.
Note: To provide full network reliability only 2-core cable should only be used. This allows two
separate cable paths to be run with each path containing a single speech and data cable (which
should not be mixed in the same cable).
Networked systems
Connects the MCU/LCU wall unit to the ECU722/ECU723 Network Comms Card using one CAT5
patch cable (supplied with ECU722/ECU723).
MCU to ECU-224
Two, 4-core 1.0 mm2 or 1.5 mm2 enhanced fire-rated cable up to 200 metres.
The ECU-224’s supplied 5 metre CAT5 lead should connect to an adjacent CAT5 socket with
mechanical protection in accordance with BS 5839-1.
3.12.1 Key features of the EVCS networked system:
1. Allows the interconnection of up to 14 wall and 14 desk control units using 4 x 2-core, 1.5 mm2, fire-rated wiring.
2. Maximum length on the speech wiring loop, or digital linear wiring = 1 km.
3. Wall and desk control units monitors both the network wiring and each other for faults (open and short circuits).
4. Fault tolerant network that allows the system to continue working in the event of a single cable break in the
speech or digital wiring.
5. Each networked unit can be programmed with the following configuration:
One MCU wall unit is configured as the ‘master’ and has control over the system. The other control units
(MCU/LCU/ECU-224) act as repeaters but can take control from the current master when a security PIN code is entered,
either at the master or a repeater. PIN code entry is not required in ‘first come, first served mode’ (see section 18.7).
The current master displays the location of calls and the description of faults on the EVCS. Faults on current repeater
units are displayed at the master as remote faults.
Calls from any outstation, regardless of which unit they are connected to, are automatically routed to the current
master unit. Current repeater units indicate that outstations are calling the master unit and can take control of the
system by picking up their handsets and entering a security PIN code.
When no outstations are calling in, ability to take control from the current master unit at any repeater unit (by entering
a security PIN code). For example, the nearest unit to the building entry point. Also, able to give control from the
current master unit to any repeater unit (by entering a security PIN code).
Changes made at the current master unit (e.g. security PIN codes, extension names, addition/removal of an
outstation) are automatically updated on all repeater units.
The current master unit is automatically dialled to by repeater units when their handsets are picked up (when no
outstations are calling in).
4 Cables
Generally, cables used between EVCS components, and for the low voltage Mains supply to the system, should be enhanced
fire-resistant [see 26.2e of BS 5839-1]. Please note the following exceptions.
BS 5839-9: section 14 the following recommendations are applicable:
c) Standard fire resisting cables [see 26.2d of BS 5839-1] should be considered to provide sufficient resistance to the effects of
fire with appropriate methods of support and jointing [see 26.2g of BS 5839-1] for:
1) EVC systems for use in disabled refuges but not for fire-fighting or similar purposes by, e.g. the fire and rescue service, in:
i) sprinklered buildings;
ii) unsprinklered buildings less than 30 m in height, provided that evacuation takes place in three or fewer phases.
2) Underground sections of cabling at sports and similar venues.
SigTEL CompactInstallation and Configuration Manual
5 Typical Systems
5.1System up to 4 or 8 extensions
Equipment required
One MCU wall unit (ECU-4) for 4 extensions, or one MCU wall unit (ECU-8) for 8
extensions (shown right), each MCU requires two 12 volt 7 Ah batteries
One optional Desk Control Unit (ECU-224) c/w CAT5 wall socket and back box.
One 3 A fused spur and back box per MCU.
One Type A Outstation (EVC301RPO/EVC301RLK), or one Type B Outstation
(EVC302F/GF/S/GS), or one DPTA (NC951) per extension.
One Telephone Line Tester (FiTT).
For each extension to outstation: up to 1 km of 2-core, 1.5 mm2 fire-rated cable.
For each extension to DPTA (NC951): 2-core cable.
Between MCU and ECU-224, two 4-core 1.5mm2 fire rated cables up to 200 m.
Note: If an odd number of outstations are required, there is no need to connect
anything to the unused terminals. When the system is configured an outstation
will not be found and so a fault will not be reported.
5.2System up to 16 extensions
Equipment required
One MCU wall unit (ECU-16), requires two 12 volt 7 Ah batteries
One optional Desk Control Unit (ECU-224) c/w CAT5 wall socket and
back box.
One 3 A fused spur and back box per MCU.
One Type A Outstation (EVC301RPO/RLK), or one Type B Outstation
(EVC302F/GF/S/GS), or one DPTA (NC951) per extension.
One Telephone Line Tester (FiTT).
For each extension to outstation: up to 1 km of 2-core, 1.5 mm2
enhanced fire-rated cable.
For each extension to DPTA (NC951): 2-core cable.
Application Note 0012.0 details a suggested method when
wiring FP200 cable to an ECU-16 panel using a junction box.
SigTEL Compact Installation and Configuration Manual
Extensions do not have to be
unused terminals.
5.3Networked system up to 224 extensions, i.e. the maximum number of extensions
Equipment required
Up to 14 MCU wall units (ECU-16), each requires two 12 volt 7 Ah batteries (BC286/2) per MCU.
One 3 A fused spur and back box per MCU.
Up to 14 optional Desk Control Units (ECU-224) c/w CAT5 wall socket and back box (one fitted per MCU).
One Type A Outstation, or one Type B Outstation, or one DPTA (one fitted per extension).
One Telephone Line Tester (FiTT).
For each extension to outstation: up to 1 km of 2-core, 1.5 mm2 enhanced fire-rated cable.
For each extension to DPTA (NC951): 2-core cable.
Between MCU and ECU-224, two 4-core 1.5mm2 fire rated cables up to 200 m.
Network Connections (MCU to MCU): 4 x 2-core, 1.5 mm2, enhanced fire-rated cable. This allows two separate cable
paths (Cable Paths 1 & 2) to be run with each path containing a single speech and data cable. The network wiring is
fault-tolerant - see network diagram (section 9).
SigTEL CompactInstallation and Configuration Manual
6 First Fix Installation
6.1Equipment location
Control equipment
SigTEL EVCS control units must be installed indoors, positioned to avoid accidental damage, and MUST NOT be
subjected to dust, conductive or corrosive gases or liquids, nor subject to temperatures, input voltages and electrical
loads outside the stated operating range.
As far as practical, control equipment should be located where background noise is normally low (preferably not
more than 40 dBA).
The MCU/LCU must be wall mounted at an easily accessible height, at less than or equal to 2m, typically 1.4 metres
above final floor level and should be located in areas of low fire risk, usually in the control room. Ideally, the indicators
should be at eye level and the ambient light level should allow the status of the indicators to be clearly visible
The ECU-224 is normally free-standing on a control console.
Outstations are not IP rated so should not be installed outdoors unless an IP65, or better housing, is used and cables
are installed so as to prevent the ingress of moisture. The BF359/1 weatherproof enclosure may be used to protect
an EVC302F/GF Type B outstation when used at an external disabled refuge.
Type A outstations should be located at entrances and fire-fighting lobbies and normally mounted 1.3 m to 1.4 metres
above final floor level. Type B outstations should be located in disabled refuges at each storey exit and normally
mounted 0.9 to 1.2 metres above final floor level.
As far as practical, outstations should be located where background noise is normally low (preferably not more than
40 dBA). Where there is a higher level of background noise, the installation of an acoustic hood around the outstation
may help to reduce the effect of background noise to an acceptable level.
Disabled persons toilet alarm (DPTA) System
Refer to the documentation supplied with the DPTA (Part No. NC951).
Sports stadiums
In sports stadiums, Type A outstations should be located no more than 30 metres from stewards’ positions, or other
normally manned areas as listed in the Guide to Safety in Sports Grounds. If they are exposed to the elements they
should be mounted in an IP65 enclosure with an easily opened door. Steps should be taken to ensure that moisture
does not enter and damage the electronics and that necessary functionality is not impaired.
Strobe driver module (part no. SDM)
If the ringer is not loud enough a flashing strobe light and/or sounder may be fitted to any outstation.
A strobe driver module, part number SDM should be connected across the line to sense when the outstation rings.
An external 12 VDC EN 54 power supply must be connected to the strobe module to provide power for the module