Signature Control Systems, Inc. EZ Pro Jr. ,8304,8374,8306,8376,8309,8379,8312,8382 Installation And Programming Manual

Where do I leave
the LARGE dial?
Leave the dial on
Date: July 2014
Revision No.: A
How do I delete a
start time?
Set the Start Time at
12:00. With the 12
blinking, touch the
ADJUST one time.
Part No.: 99903327
Jr. Instructions Zone Chart
Please read before calling Customer Service.
Does your system run
Do NOT set a start time for
every zone. Only ONE start
time is necessary if the system
needs to run one time a day.
EZ Pro™Jr. 8300 Series
Installation and Programming Guide
For EZ ProTMJr. models:
8304 8374 8306 8376 8309 8379 8312 8382
THANK YOU for purchasing the EZ Pro™Jr. electronic irrigation controller. The EZ Pro™Jr. is so "EZ", you’ll probably be able to install and program this feature-packed controller without instructions. However, before installing and programming the controller, we recommend you read these instructions carefully to take full advantage of all the EZ Pro™Jr. has to offer.
If you have questions, problems or comments on your new
EZ Pro™ Jr., please call our Technical Services Department
toll-free at 1-866-4SIGNATURE, or by visiting us on our website at
NOTE: In our efforts to continually improve and update
our products, features and specifications in this
manual may change without notice.
Features 5 Installation 6-10
Terminal Strip 9 Connecting Master Valve or Pump-Start Relay 9 Connecting Rain/Moisture Sensor 9 Connecting Battery & Starting Controller 10
Programming the EZ Pro™Jr. 11-21
Programming Overview 11 Front Panel Layout 12-13 Set Time of Day 14 Set Today's Date 14 Set Current Day 14 Select Zones and Set Their Run Times 14 Set Start Times 15 Set % Water Budget 15-16 Set % Water Budget by Month 16 Scheduling 16-17 Set Water Days Scheduling Option 17 Set Odd/Even Day Scheduling Option 18 Set Interval Scheduling Option 18 Set Event Day Scheduling Option 19 Program Review 19 Set Master Valve or Pump 20 Set Rain Delay 20 Turning the Controller Off 21
Advanced Features 22-23
Run a Zone Manually 22 Run a Program Cycle Manually 23
Technical Data/Specifications 24-26 Troubleshooting/Service 27 FCC Rules 28
• Lithium battery back-up stores programs without AC or Battery power (AA)
• Programmable delay between zones
• Three independent programs
• Three start times per program (9 total starts)
• Stacking start times
• Three scheduling options to suit the needs of plant material or to comply with watering restrictions (days of the week, 1-30 day interval, true odd/even)
• Event days programming per program
• Rain Sensor bypass option
• Leap year compatible-automatically includes Feb 29th every
four years
• Water budget option reduces or increases watering 0-200 percent
• Advanced water budget to set water budget for each month
of the year
• Two test cycles (Manual with ManualAdvance feature and Cycle)
• Programmable run times from one minute to 1 hour 59 minutes
• Poly-fuse self resetting circuit protection
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The EZ Pro™Jr. 8300 Series can be mounted indoors or outdoors. Find a location near a 120V wiring source (230/240V for 8374, 8376, 8379, and 8382 models). Install the EZ Pro™Jr. near eye level if possible.
Wiring the Transformer
120 VAC in United States, Canada and Mexico; 230 VAC in Europe, and 240 VAC in Australia and South Africa
NOTE: Refer to and follow local codes if different from these instructions.
CAUTION: Disconnect 120V (230/240V for 8374, 8376, 8379, and 8382
models) power source before wiring transformer. Complete all wiring and installation before connecting the transformer to power source. This will avoid accidental shorting which could damage the controller.
Power supply cables and cords used for connections are to be of ordinary duty or greater. Low voltage output cables should be enclosed in conduit affixed to the controller with a suitable adapter. Remove the two screws and lift out the transformer cover to provide access to the internal transformer, bring 120V (or 230/240 for 8374, 8376, 8379, and 8382 models) wires up through 1/2" conduit hole in the bottom of the case. (For field connection, AC wires must have an insulation rated at 75° C minimum). Conduit should be secured to the case (follow local codes).
For models 8304, 8306, 8309, 8312 (see figure 1)
Remove the transformer cover by loosening the two screws. Attach
AC wires to transformer wires using wire nuts. Also, ensure earth ground wire is attached to green with yellow stripe ground wire. Please check local codes for the grounding requirements in your area. Bundle wire within cable tie loop and tighten cable tie to prevent loose wiring from touching secondary circuits. The transformer is now wired. Replace the transformer cover and the two screws.
DO NOT turn on power yet.
NOTE: Failure to ground unit properly may cause severe damage
to the controller and/or personal property and will void warranty.
Figure 1
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For models 8374, 8376, 8379, 8382 (see figure 2)
Remove the transformer cover by loosening the two screws. Route
AC wires to connector provided. Cut and trim wires to install in chassis mount connector. Tighten the screws. (For Australia an extra clamp has been provided.) Observe proper polarity of wires as you install them (ie. L1, L2 and ground). The transformer is now wired. Replace the transformer cover and the two screws. DO NOT turn on power yet.
NOTE: Failure to ground unit properly may cause severe damage
to the controller and/or personal property and will void warranty.
Figure 2
Terminal Strip
All zone, pump and sensor wire connections made inside the EZ Pro
Jr. utilize screw type connectors that require a small screwdriver. The terminal strips in the controller accept 12 AWG (2.1mm) wire or smaller.
Connecting Master Valve or Pump-Start Relay
The EZ Pro™Jr. is equipped with a shared circuit to operate either a
pump-start relay or a master valve. Connect one wire from the pump­start relay to COM (common) on terminal strip, the other to PMP/MV (pump/master valve) on the terminal strip. Refer to the pump-start relay manufacturer’s instructions for specific installation details.
Connecting Rain/Moisture Sensor
The EZ Pro™Jr. is equipped to operate a sensor with normally-closed
leads. To install a sensor, remove the factory-installed jumper wire from the sensor connector on the terminal strip and insert the sensor wires. Refer to the sensor manufacturer’s instructions for specific installation details. (See figure 2)
If a sensor has suspended watering, the sensor indicator segment
will appear on the LCD. The symbol will go off when the sensor has dried out. The EZ Pro™Jr. will resume operation based on the selected program.
NOTE: Manual operations will ignore the rain sensor
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