Analysis Modes | Swept Analysis
20 Bandwidth Controls
• RBW Shape – Select the RBW filter shape. See RBW Filter Shape for more information.
• RBW – This controls the resolution bandwidth (RBW). For each span a range of RBWs may
be used. The RBW controls the FFT size and signal processing, similar to selecting the IF
band pass filters on an analog spectrum analyzer. The selectable bandwidths displayed
change depending on the RBW Shape selected.
o RBWs are available in a 1-3-10 sequence. (e.g. 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz,
…) when using the arrow keys.
• VBW – This controls the Video Bandwidth (VBW). After the signal has been passed through
the RBW filter, it is converted to an amplitude. This amplitude is then filtered by the Video
Bandwidth filter. When VBW is set equal to RBW, no VBW filtering is performed.
o All RBW choices are available as Video Bandwidths, with the constraint that VBW
must be less than or equal to RBW.
o In Real-Time mode VBW is not selectable.
• Auto RBW – Having auto selected will choose reasonable and fast RBWs relative to the
span. When changing span, it is recommended to have this enabled along with Auto VBW.
• Auto VBW – When enabled, VBW will equal RBW. Acquisition Controls
• Video Units – In the system, unprocessed amplitude data may be represented as voltage,
linear power, or logarithmic power. Select linear power for RMS power measurements.
Logarithmic power is closest to a traditional spectrum analyzer in log scale.
• Detector – The detector specifies how amplitudes in each bin are calculated. Each
frequency bin in a sweep is the result of several FFTs depending on RBW/VBW/SwpTime.
The results of the FFTs are then either averaged or min/maxed based on the choice of
detector. Choose min/max to show the range between the min and max value. When
min/max is selected, markers are placed on the max values. To place markers on the min
values, select min detector.
• Sweep Time
o For SA series devices, the sweep time value is ignored.
o For BB and SM series devices, sweep time is used to suggest how long the spectrum
analyzer should acquire data for the configured sweep. The actual sweep time may
be significantly different from the time requested, depending on RBW, VBW, and
span settings, as well as hardware limitations.
• Sweep Interval – For all devices, the device will sweep at intervals of no more than the
configured sweep interval. For example, a sweep interval will cause the device to sweep at
most once per second.
4.1.2 Measurements Control Panel
The Measurements control panel allows the user to configure the spectrum related measurements. This
control panel is visible while the software is in standard swept analysis and real-time operating modes.