ZIPR-SD3503 Z-Wave Over IP Gateway
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Z-Wave Over IP Gateway
User’s Manual
(With Engineering UI)
All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs o wns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be
edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs.
© 2012 Sigma Designs, Inc.
ZIPR-SD3503 Z-Wave Over IP Gateway
1 1
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................4
2. ENGINEERING UI PC APPLICATION SOFTWER INSTALLATION.................................................5
2.1 About .................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Installation ..........................................................................................................................5
2.3 Using Engineering UI ...........................................................................................................9
2.3.1 Home ..................................................................................................................................9
2.3.2 Initialization ...................................................................................................................... 10 Classic ............................................................................................................................... 10 Z/IP Local .......................................................................................................................... 11 Z/IP Portal ......................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.3 Network Manager ............................................................................................................. 13
2.3.4 Controller ......................................................................................................................... 14
2.3.5 Interfaces .......................................................................................................................... 15 Naming/Location .............................................................................................................. 15 Basic ................................................................................................................................. 15 Binary Sensor .................................................................................................................... 15 Multi-Level Sensor ............................................................................................................ 15 Binary Switch .................................................................................................................... 16 Multi-level Switch ............................................................................................................. 16 Alarm ................................................................................................................................ 16 Association ....................................................................................................................... 16 Configuration .................................................................................................................... 18 Door Lock .......................................................................................................................... 18 Meter ............................................................................................................................... 18 Pulse Meter ...................................................................................................................... 19
All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs o wns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be
edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs.
© 2012 Sigma Designs, Inc.
ZIPR-SD3503 Z-Wave Over IP Gateway
1 1 AV .................................................................................................................................... 19 Battery .............................................................................................................................. 19 User Code ......................................................................................................................... 20 Wake up ........................................................................................................................... 20 Command Queuing ........................................................................................................... 20 Multi Command ................................................................................................................ 21 Climate Control Schedule .................................................................................................. 21 Clock ................................................................................................................................. 21 Indicator ........................................................................................................................... 22 Protection ......................................................................................................................... 22 Thermostat related interfaces ........................................................................................... 22 Firmware .......................................................................................................................... 24 Z/IP Gateway .................................................................................................................... 25
2.3.6 Scenes .............................................................................................................................. 26 Add or Edit Scene .............................................................................................................. 27 Edit Scene ......................................................................................................................... 29 Delete Scene ..................................................................................................................... 30 Execute (Activate) Scene ................................................................................................... 30 Update Scene Status ......................................................................................................... 30 Update All Scene Status ..................................................................................................... 31 About ............................................................................................................................... 32
3 FCC NOTICE TO USERS ....................................................................................................... 33
4 EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ................................................................................... 33
All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs o wns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be
edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs.
© 2012 Sigma Designs, Inc.
ZIPR-SD3503 Z-Wave Over IP Gateway
1 1
The ZIPR is a low cost Z-Wave over Internet Protocol (Z/IP) Gateway reference design, allowing
Ethernet clients to access the Z-Wave Home Area Network (HAN). With the ZIPR connected to an
internet router, clients outside the home can connect to it through the internet via the service
provider’s portal with any AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and Hyper Text Markup Language)
compatible web browser.
Figure 1: ZIPR with Tethered RJ45 Cable
Figure 2: ZIPR Network Diagram
All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs o wns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be
edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs.
© 2012 Sigma Designs, Inc.
ZIPR-SD3503 Z-Wave Over IP Gateway
1 1
2.1 About
This section covers the steps for installation, execution and usage of the PC application software,
Engineering UI. Engineering UI is a Z-Wave web gateway that acts as a secure Z-Wave static controller
on a classic Z-Wave network or a Z-Wave over IP client. As such, it supports Z-Wave certification devices
from multiple vendors.
System Requirements
Windows XP and 7 for 32 & 64 bit PCs
AJAX capable default browser such as Internet Explorer 8 & 9; Firefox 6.0, Chrome 13.
The diagrams shown in this guide are for Windows XP with Internet Explorer 8 unless otherwise
2.2 Installation
On running ZHCWeb_Setup.exe or ZIPHCWeb_Setup.exe, for the classic or Z/IP versions respectively, the
following will be the self explanatory flow of screens with minor differences for the versions.
All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs o wns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be
edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs.
© 2012 Sigma Designs, Inc.
ZIPR-SD3503 Z-Wave Over IP Gateway
1 1
All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs o wns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be
edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs.
© 2012 Sigma Designs, Inc.
ZIPR-SD3503 Z-Wave Over IP Gateway
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All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs o wns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be
edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs.
© 2012 Sigma Designs, Inc.
ZIPR-SD3503 Z-Wave Over IP Gateway
1 1
Launching the program can be done from the last step of setup or from the Windows start menu.
By default port 8088 is used. However user can specify the port using the Z-Wave Configuration. Also
an advanced user may start multiple servers on different ports using the Z-Wave Host Controller [with
port number] option. There is also a facility to reset password to default. The launcher runs the server
console (if not already started, shown below) and the default web browser.
All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs o wns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be
edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs.
© 2012 Sigma Designs, Inc.
ZIPR-SD3503 Z-Wave Over IP Gateway
1 1
2.3 Using Engineering UI
The Engineering UI is the most flexible UI, enabling all Z-Wave features.
2.3.1 Home
After successful login, the user can see the Home page if the controller has already been initialized. All
web pages have a navigation menu on the left. The home page shows the details of the local controller.
The user may log out anytime by clicking “Logout” Menu option. The menu is used to navigate to the
other pages described in the following chapters.
All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs o wns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be
edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs.
© 2012 Sigma Designs, Inc.
ZIPR-SD3503 Z-Wave Over IP Gateway
1 1
2.3.2 Initialization Classic
The settings page shown below allows selecting the serial port to connect to the static controller device.
The serial port must be chosen and initialized, as shown in the diagram below. UZB ports are listed first
followed by other COM ports. Refresh shows newly inserted UZBs.
After selection, when Initialize is pressed, the progress is shown by the number of nodes that may need
to be rediscovered if previous network state had not been made persistent on this machine.
On successful initialization, the port is shown as “currently configured”. Now the other pages will be
populated with network information.
All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs o wns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be
edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs.
© 2012 Sigma Designs, Inc.
ZIPR-SD3503 Z-Wave Over IP Gateway
1 1 Z/IP Local
The settings page allows entering/selecting IP address & UDP port to connect to the Z/IP gateway.
When ‘Refresh’ button is pressed, Z/IP gateway discovery is initiated. Upon completion, the new list of
gateway addresses is shown.
After Initialize is pressed, on successful initialization, the address is shown as “currently configured” and
the port as “busy”. Now the other pages will be populated with network information. Z/IP Portal
The settings page allows the following operations:
Add a new client
Enter ‘Client Id’, ‘Client PIN’, rest of the portal configurations and press ‘Add / Update’
Update an existing client
Remove a client from ‘Unregistered Clients’ or ‘Registered Clients’
Register a client
All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs o wns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be
edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs.
© 2012 Sigma Designs, Inc.
Select the entry from ‘Unregistered Clients’ or ‘Registered Clients’; update any configuration
and press ‘Add / Update’ button
Select the entry from the list and press ‘Remove’ button corresponding to the list
Select it from ‘Unregistered Clients’ and press ‘>’ button.