Sigma Designs UZB3-U, ACC-UZB3-E, UZB3-H, UZB3-E, ACC-UZB3-H User Manual

UZB3 Z-Wave USB Adapter
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All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs owns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs. © 2014 Sigma Designs, Inc.
Model: UZB3-U UZB3-E
Z-Wave USB Stick
User’s Manual
UZB3 Z-Wave USB Adapter
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All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs owns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs. © 2014 Sigma Designs, Inc.
1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
2. SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................................................4
3. PC CONTROLLER APPLICATION SOFTWER INSTALLATION .............................................................6
4.1 Installation .............................................................................................................................6
4.2 Start the Z-Wave PC Controller application ..............................................................................9
4.3 Remove Z-Wave PC Controller application Software .............................................................. 10
4.4 User Interface ....................................................................................................................... 11
4. FCC NOTICE TO USERS ............................................................................................................... 24
5. EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ........................................................................................... 25
UZB3 Z-Wave USB Adapter
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All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs owns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs. © 2014 Sigma Designs, Inc.
UZB, Z-Wave USB Stick and bundled application software (PC Controller) enables you to control a
range of Z-Wave enabled devices through your PC or Notebook.
Z-wave is an established short range interoperable two-way RF mesh network technology.
Refer to for detail of the technology.
Refer to for various Z-Wave certified ready products.
Refer to for Z-Wave Alliances.
Simply plug in UZB to USB port of a PC/Notebook with PC Controller installed
Fully compatible with Z-wave enable network that can communicate with any Z-wave certified device.
System Requirements
Windows 7/8 32 & 64 bit
Linux kernel 2.6.24+
UZB3 Z-Wave USB Adapter
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All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs owns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs. © 2014 Sigma Designs, Inc.
Z-Wave & RF Specification
Z-Wave wireless transceiver comprises a 3-channel 1GHz ISM FSK/GFSK narrowband radios.
Table 1. UZB3 General Specifications
Product UZB3
Product Description Z-Wave USB Adapter
Manufacturer Sigma Designs
Z-Wave Chip SD3503
Z-Wave Library Serial API Version 4.x
Basic Device Class Static Controller
Z-Wave Protocol Z-Wave version ZDK 4.5x and ZDK6.0x
Firmware Version SDK6.51.06
Communication Half Duplex
Data Rate 9.6 kbps / 40 kbps / 100 kbps 100 kbps
Number of Channels 3
Frequency 908.42 MHz
908.40 MHz
916.00 MHz
868.42 MHz
868.40 MHz
869.85 MHz
922.50 MHz
923.90 MHz
926.30 MHz
Range 40 meters Line Of Sight
UZB3 Z-Wave USB Adapter
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All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs owns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs. © 2014 Sigma Designs, Inc.
Table 2. Z-Wave RF properties (US)
Data rate 9.6kbps 40kbps 100kbps
Frequency 908.42 MHz 908.40 MHz 916 MHz
Frequency Shift
Keying (FSK)
Frequency Shift
Keying (FSK)
Gaussian Frequency
Shift Keying (GFSK)
Frequency deviation fC±20kHz fC±20kHz fC±29.3kHz
Transmitter Bandwidth 90kHz +/-10% 90kHz +/-10% 110kHz +/-10%
Receiver Bandwidth 250kHz +/-10% 250kHz +/-10% 500kHz +/-10%
Non-return to Zero
Non-return to Zero
LO Injection Low-side Low-side High-side
Table 3. Z-Wave RF properties (Europe)
Data rate 9.6kbps 40kbps 100kbps
Frequency 868.42 MHz 868.40 MHz 869.85 MHz
Frequency Shift
Keying (FSK)
Frequency Shift
Keying (FSK)
Gaussian Frequency
Shift Keying (GFSK)
Frequency deviation fC±20kHz fC±20kHz fC±29.3kHz
Transmitter Bandwidth 90kHz +/-10% 90kHz +/-10% 110kHz +/-10%
Receiver Bandwidth 250kHz +/-10% 250kHz +/-10% 500kHz +/-10%
Non-return to Zero
Non-return to Zero
LO Injection Low-side Low-side High-side
UZB3 Z-Wave USB Adapter
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All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs owns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs. © 2014 Sigma Designs, Inc.
4.1 Installation
1. Exit all programs.
2. Run the installation file of the Z-Wave PC Controller application.
Figure 1. Welcome page of Z-Wave PC Controller installation
3. Select the installation folder and who should be able to use the Z-Wave PC Controller application. Please note, that it is not recommended to move the Z-Wave PC Controller application manually after it has been installed into the above specified folder. When done, click Next.
UZB3 Z-Wave USB Adapter
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All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs owns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs. © 2014 Sigma Designs, Inc.
Figure 2. Installation folder
4. Installation confirmation appears. Click Next again to confirm and start the installation.
Figure 3. Confirmation page of Z-Wave PC Controller installation
UZB3 Z-Wave USB Adapter
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All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs owns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs. © 2014 Sigma Designs, Inc.
5. The actual installation procedure will pass with progress indicator and final confirmation appears.
6. Click Close to complete the installation.
Figure 4. Installation complete
UZB3 Z-Wave USB Adapter
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All information are correct at the time of release. Sigma Designs owns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this document. It may not be edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by Sigma Designs. © 2014 Sigma Designs, Inc.
4.2 Start the Z-Wave PC Controller application
You can start the Z-Wave PC Controller using the Start menu. To open the Start menu, click the Start button in the lower-left corner of your screen. Or, press the Windows logo key on your keyboard. The Start menu appears.
To open Z-Wave PC Controller, click its icon shown in the left pane of the Start menu that displays the most frequently used programs list. If you don't see its icon there, click All Programs at the bottom of the left pane. Instantly, the left pane displays a long list of programs in alphabetical order, followed by a list of folders. Click Sigma Designs folder, then click Z-Wave PC Controller folder and finally Z-Wave PC Controller icon.
Each time you start Z-Wave PC Controller, you are actually running the “C:\Program Files\SigmaDesigns\Z-Wave PC Controller\ZWaveController.exe” executable file, although you do not usually type its name or even see it.
Run the PC based Controller application, and the Main window will appear as shown below:
Figure 5. PC based Controller Main Window
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