Sigma TAURO 35,TAURO 40,TAURO 35 PLUS,TAURO 40 PLUS Instruction, Use And Maintenance Manual

Via Artigianato 85 – 25030 Torbole Casaglia.
(BRESCIA) – ITALY – Tel 030 265 04 88 –Fax 030 265 01 43
TAURO 35 – 35 PLUS – 40 – 40 PLUS MIXER
Translation of the original instructions
Edition date 01/01/2015
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1. General information ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.1. Foreword ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Content of the declaration of conformity .......................................................................................... 5
3. Warranty conditions ............................................................................................................................ 6
3.1. Validity ............................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2. Warranty mode of provision .............................................................................................................. 6
3.3. Wear parts ......................................................................................................................................... 6
4. General safety standards ................................................................................................................... 7
4.1. Safety standards. .............................................................................................................................. 7
4.2. Safety devices. .................................................................................................................................. 8
4.3. Safety standards applied to the machine. ......................................................................................... 8
5. Customer set-ups .............................................................................................................................. 10
5.1. Instructions for ordering spare parts ............................................................................................... 10
6. Safe work methods and procedures ............................................................................................... 11
6.1. Risks for the operator ...................................................................................................................... 11
6.2. Residual risks .................................................................................................................................. 13
7. Organisation of the manual and how to consult it ......................................................................... 14
7.1. Glossary .......................................................................................................................................... 14
8. Machine description .......................................................................................................................... 15
9. Machine identification ....................................................................................................................... 16
9.1. Main components ............................................................................................................................ 16
10. Technical data and features ............................................................................................................. 17
10.1. Units of measurement ..................................................................................................................... 17
10.1.1. Technical data .............................................................................................................................17
10.1.2. Dimensions .................................................................................................................................18
10.1.3. Packaging ...................................................................................................................................18
10.1.4. Optional .......................................................................................................................................19
10.2. Control panel ................................................................................................................................... 20
10.3. Storage and conservation of the machine ....................................................................................... 21
10.3.1. Storing the packaged machine: ..................................................................................................21
10.3.2. Storing the unpackaged machine. ..............................................................................................21
10.3.3. Storing the machine ....................................................................................................................22
10.4. Type of drive, motors. ...................................................................................................................... 22
10.5. Types and features of the product and of the treated materials ..................................................... 22
10.6. Type and features of machine emissions ........................................................................................ 22
11. Transport and installation ................................................................................................................ 23
11.1. Transport and handling ................................................................................................................... 23
11.1.1. Machine on pallet ........................................................................................................................23
11.1.2. Machine without pallet ................................................................................................................23
11.2. Description of the adjustment and commissioning operations ........................................................ 24
11.2.1. Installation ...................................................................................................................................24
11.2.2. Electric line connection ...............................................................................................................25
12. Adopted safety devices .................................................................................................................... 26
13. Operating instructions and for loading the ingredients ................................................................ 27
13.1. Operating instructions ..................................................................................................................... 27
13.1.1. To start the machine ...................................................................................................................27
13.1.2. Working with the machine. ..........................................................................................................27
14. Scheduled maintenance and/or replacement interventions ......................................................... 29
14.1. Master switch .................................................................................................................................. 29
14.2. Stop circuit and mobile guard safety micro-switch .......................................................................... 29
14.3. System checks ................................................................................................................................ 30
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14.4. Routine maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 30
14.4.1. Tensioning of belts and chains ...................................................................................................31
14.4.2. How to tension belts and chains .................................................................................................34
14.5. Special maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 35
14.6. Machine cleaning ............................................................................................................................ 36
15. Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ 37
15.1. Machine lock-up and necessary solutions ...................................................................................... 37
16. Machine exploded view..................................................................................................................... 38
16.1. Casing exploded view ..................................................................................................................... 43
17. Recommended spare parts .............................................................................................................. 44
17.1. Recommended spare parts ............................................................................................................. 44
18. Electrical Drawing ............................................................................................................................. 45
19. Demolition and disposal ................................................................................................................... 48
19.1. Obligations of informing users ......................................................................................................... 48
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1. General information
This instructions, use and maintenance manual provides the necessary instructions for machine transportation, commissioning, use and maintenance and it must be consulted before performing any of these operations.
The manual must be read by the maintenance technicians and by the machine operators who must perform their tasks correctly.
The manual is an integral part of the machine and it must be kept in an adequate place to ensure its integrity and availability for consultation throughout the machine life-span.
In case of loss or deterioration, request a copy from the manufacturer, clearly specifying all of the machine identification data (year or manufacture, model, serial number).
All references and/or instructions in this manual relating to:
• CE marking;
• CE declaration(s) of conformity;
• declaration(s) of incorporation of the partly-completed machine;
• directives and regulations issued by the EU institutional bodies (Parliament, Council, Commission, etc.) and related transposition deeds of the EU member states;
• European harmonised standards, are to be considered valid only for the machines intended to be placed on the EU market or for which compliance
with Laws, Directives, etc. issued by the EU was expressly required by the customer and formally accepted by SIGMA SRL.
These references and instructions have no meaning and value for all machines not intended for the EU market, apart from the above exceptions.
1.1. Foreword
This manual is intended for all those in charge of installation, use and maintenance of the machinery in question, so that they can make the best use of the product features.
This manual must be kept and stay with the machine in the event of any moves, including when the machine changes hands. The manual must be kept available for reference in the interest of safe operation.
The manufacturer is not obliged to notify any subsequent product changes.
It also reserves the right to ownership of this document in accordance with the law and prohibits tampering, reproduction and transmission to third parties without its authorisation.
The following symbols are used to highlight some parts of the text: PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS: symbols used to indicate the specific competence required for the operation
(they will be discussed further in the GLOSSARY chapter).
ATTENTION: indicates hazardous situations for which particular caution is required.
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2. Content of the declaration of conformity
The undersigned manufacturer:
25030 TORBOLE CASAGLIA (Bs), Italy
VAT number: 03121980175
Through Mrs. Ornella Salvadori, as Chairwoman;
that the machine: TAURO 35 – 35 PLUS – 40 – 40 PLUS
Year of manufacture:
complies with the relevant provisions provided by:
-Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on machinery and amending Directive 95/16/EC (transposed by the Italian state with L.D. 27/11/2010, no.17);
-Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility and repealing Directive 89/336/EEC;
-Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food and repealing Directives 80/590/EEC and 89/109/EEC
-Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1183/2012 of 30 November 2012 amending and correcting Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food;
-Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1183/2012 of 30 November 2012 amending and correcting Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food;
-Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2023/2006 of 22 December 2006 on good manufacturing practice for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food;
The Chairwoman Ornella Salvadori
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3. Warranty conditions
3.1. Validity
The warranty becomes effective from the date of shipment and lasts for twelve months, if:
The machine was not damaged during transportation, and it was installed, commissioned, used and serviced as prescribed in this manual.
It was not tampered with, modified and no unintended tools were installed on it.
It has not been modified or repaired by the purchaser or by third parties in an inconsistent manner or without
the prior consent of the supplier.
The following conditions constitute improper use of the machine:
Loading more than what is allowed or use of unsuitable ingredients.
Cleaning with unsuitable tools or instruments that can scratch the bowl or damage the machine, paint and
plastic parts.
Use of the machine in unsuitable places.
3.2. Warranty mode of provision
The purchaser must immediately notify the supplier of any detected machine defects; the supplier will quickly analyse the non-conformity and decide, in collaboration with the purchaser, on the actions to be taken.
After agreement with the supplier, the purchaser must give the same the necessary time and opportunity to carry out any changes, improvements, repairs or supply of under-warranty parts it deems necessary, otherwise the supplier is exempt from property vices.
3.3. Wear parts
Some components are sized to last longer than normal use of the machine under warranty time. The failure or malfunction of these parts depends on the use, they are therefore considered wear parts and are not covered by warranty, except for evident defects on the part or machinery.
Parts subject to wear: transmission belts, chain and bearings
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4. General safety standards
The safe and systematic use of the machine is subject to compliance with the below listed standards and behaviours.
4.1. Safety standards.
Personnel must be in good physical and psychological conditions, and appropriately instructed on how to use the mixer by reading this document.
Only professional use of the machine is allowed in places where access to the public, to profane, to children and to anyone not expressly authorised is forbidden.
It is forbidden to use the machine: for operations and / or with different product(s) to those specified; if the connections to the service facilities from the site are not run as expected in this manual; in places with risk of fire and / or explosion and major incidents, high humidity or wet, excess water vapour, oily vapour, dust, presence of corrosive substances / gases, adverse weather conditions; in the vicinity of naked flame, zones with projection of sparks and heat sources; in conditions of abnormal vibration or shock.
The safety officer, and / or the employer, and / or the owner of the company, in choosing the person who will be authorised to use the machine (suitable person to work according to applicable laws), must check the same on the basis of attitudes and skills encountered and provide training of the same, with the reading of this publication, in order to provide comprehensive knowledge of the machine and of the rules of conduct applicable to it.
The space around the machine must be well-lit, uncluttered and clean. Leave about 250mm of free space around the machine, especially on the side where the master switch is located, leave 1000mm.
Personnel in charge of running, cleaning and servicing the machine must wear the prescribed P.P.E. (personal protective equipment): gloves, shoes with reinforced tip, goggles, masks and helmet.
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Do not wear loose clothing or with fluttering hems (ties, torn clothes, open jackets, etc.) to avoid the risk of entanglement.
During maintenance and cleaning operations, the operator must release the master switch (OFF) and secure the system (for example, by removing the plug and leaving it in a clearly visible position).
Never leave the machine unattended during operation, pay attention to unusual sounds or behaviour and keep away from rotating parts. Never open the guard unless the tool has completely stopped.
In order to empty the machine completely, release the master switch (OFF), disconnect power by removing the plug and leaving it clearly visible, secure it and clean with water.
4.2. Safety devices.
The machine is equipped with some devices to protect its operation and the operator's safety; they must never be removed and modified and their operation must be periodically verified.
Master switch: disconnects power to the machine, for safe maintenance.
Circuit breaker: it interrupts power supply in case of overheating of the electric motor that moves the spiral.
Fixed guards: all casings and protections fixed with screws or mechanical blocks can only be removed for
maintenance, by qualified personnel and as prescribed. Once the work is completed, they must be immediately reassembled.
Mobile guards: properly closed mobile guards allow the machine to be used.
A lack of these conditions prevents operation.
4.3. Safety standards applied to the machine.
As repeatedly stated in this manual, the employer must provide workers with adequate information and training, also practical, on the correct and safe use of the machine (must be simple and understandable in relation to the acumen that can reasonably be expected by those concerned).
The following table provides a minimum list of topics to be covered as information, training and educating of personnel; for clarity we provide the following definitions:
information: transfer of information, knowledge, etc…, without verification of learning; training: transfer of information, knowledge, etc ..., on special and specific topics, with verification of understanding
of the topics covered, but without practical demonstration; training: transfer of information, knowledge, etc ..., with practical demonstration of their implementing on special
Topics Information Educating Training Chapter
Hazard characterising the machine and
related risks. Use of PPE. Machine limits
and destination. Intended and/or
prohibited uses.
Safe operating method and procedures
Safety signs
Residual risks and measures to take to
limit them
Organisation of the manual and how to
consult it
Machine description
Control panel description
Storage and conservation of the machine
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Topics Information Educating Training Chapter
Noise emitted by the machine
Machine handling and transportation
Description of the adjustment and
commissioning operations
Adopted safety devices
Instructions on using and loading the
ingredients (machine use and how to
insert the ingredients)
Replacements and/or scheduled
maintenance (routine and extraordinary
Cleaning the machine
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5. Customer set-ups
The environmental conditions of the location where the machine is installed must have the following features:
Water and heat sources at an appropriate distance.
Appropriate ventilation and lighting that is compliant with the hygiene and safety standards required by the laws
in force. The floor must be level and compact in order to favour proper cleaning.
Do not place in the immediate vicinity of the machine, obstacles of any nature that may affect the normal operation and ventilation of the machine in question (leave about 250 mm free around the machine, especially on the side, where the master switch is located, leave 1000mm).
Upon machine arrival, ensure it is intact. Any damages incurred during transport or delivery must be immediately reported.
Ensure that the power supply matches that of the machine: check the plate on the machine and on the wiring diagram (chap. 18). Connection to the line MUST be done via a CE standard blocked socket, fitted with three valves adequate to the amount of current absorbed during machine operation.
The electrical mains must have an automatic circuit breaker with adequate features to those of the machine, where the opening distance between contacts is at least 3 mm. In particular, an earthing system compliant with current regulations is essential.
5.1. Instructions for ordering spare parts
SIGMA S.r.l., reserves to make all changes it deems necessary to its machine models.
It is, therefore, always necessary to specify:
Type of machine
Year of manufacture
Serial no.
Required number of parts.
Address your request to:
Sigma S.r.l. via Artigianato 85, 25030 Torbole Casaglia (BS) Italy Tel 030 265 04 88 - Fax 030 265 01 43 - Email:
Check that the system power supply voltage and frequency are compatible with the values indicated in the technical features and on the plate affixed to the machine.
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6. Safe work methods and procedures
In order to prevent hazardous conditions and/or possible injuries caused by: electric current, mechanical parts, fire, or of hygienic nature, the following safety warnings must be observed:
Keep your work station tidy. Clutter can cause accidents.
Assess the environmental conditions. Do not use or leave the machine in a wet, damp or poorly lit environment,
or in the vicinity of flammable liquids or gases.
Keep children and unauthorised personnel away. Do not allow these people to approach the machines or work station.
Use the machine within its operating range and for the purpose for which it was designed. It works best and at its safest when it is not overloaded.
Wear appropriate clothing. Do not wear dangling clothes or accessories that may get entangled in moving parts. Use the shoes with reinforced tip and non-slip sole. For health and safety reasons, long hair should be gathered in the appropriate net and gloves should be worn.
Protect the power supply cable. Do not pull the cable to disconnect the plug. Do not expose the cable to high temperatures, in contact with sharp edges, water or solvents.
Avoid unsafe positions. Find the most suitable position that ensures absolute stability.
Always exercise extreme caution.
Always take the plug out of the socket after use and before cleaning and maintenance and before moving the
machine, and leave it in a clearly visible place.
Never use extension cables outdoors.
Make sure that the machine is not damaged. Carefully check the effectiveness of the safety devices before
using the machine. Make sure that: the mobile parts are locked in place, there are no damaged components, all the parts have been assembled correctly and the machine can be run normally in optimal conditions. (See chapter 14)
Entrust repairs to qualified personnel. Repairs must only be performed by qualified personnel using original spare parts.
6.1. Risks for the operator
Gripping and dragging hazard: it is present between bowl and structure, between bowl and contrast wheels
Electrocution hazard: the machine must not be used without adequate earthing, and it must be connected to a system built according to building regulations in force in the country of installation.
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Earthing obligation Prohibition to clean and
lubricate moving parts
Prohibition to remove the
safety devices and guards
Wear the provided PPE during operation (e.g. shoes with reinforced tip, gloves, goggles and masks).
Clean the machine thoroughly after use. Do not remove the safety devices or protective casings. Do not put any objects through the bowl guard with the parts in motion. Before any manoeuvre wait for the machine to completely stop, turn it off and
disconnect it from the mains.
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6.2. Residual risks
In short, the residual risks are:
-Gripping and dragging risk (very low) between bowl and base: despite the distance between the bowl and
base meets the UnI EN 453 requirements, there is still a residual risk of being caught and dragged if a person inserts a body part in this space. The risk is even greater, the greater the thrust with which the person forces the passage (e.g. of an upper limb);
-Risk (very low) of crushing, shearing, dragging, impact in case of contact with the moving spiral: the bowl
guard meets the requirements of UNI EN 453, however there is the remote possibility that a person reaches the moving spiral through the gap between guard and bowl, which forms by lifting the guard before the safety microswitch trips commanding the emergency stop or, once the guard is open, before the spiral completely stops (maximum stopping time allowed by Standard UNI EN453 is 4 seconds);
-Risk (very low) of bruising by dragging when the bowl is made to turn with guard open via the hold-down
control device: if the operator places his hand in the dough near the spiral and/or column, as the dough rotates it may drag the hand and push it against the parts with risk of a slight bruising;
-Health risk from inhaling flour powder which, despite the measures taken in accordance with UNI EN 453,
inevitably develops even if minimally, and due to inadequate cleaning of the machine;
-Risk of muscle - skeletal injury: due to ergonomic factors and/or abnormal stresses during the manual lifting of
bags of flours and/or buckets of water to be poured into the bowl, and during the dough extraction operations. As far as possible and relevant, adequate safety signs have been affixed on the machine; the affixed signs and
their position on the machine are described in the instruction manual.
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7. Organisation of the manual and how to consult it
7.1. Glossary
Symbol Description Features
Person informed on machine operation,
adjustment and programming, on the safety and
protection systems, who knows the possible manufacturing cycles and the ingredients to be used with related maximum quantities allowed,
and has read and understood the operating and
maintenance manual.
Person in good health conditions who is qualified
by title, appointment and/or experience as an
electrical maintenance operator and has read and
understood the operating and maintenance
Person in good health conditions who is qualified
by title, appointment and/or experience as a
mechanical maintenance operator and has read and understood this operating and maintenance
Person in good health conditions who is qualified by title, appointment and/or experience to handle
loads and has read and understood this operating
and maintenance manual.
ASSISTANCE Tel.+39030.265.04.88 Fax+39030.265.10.82
Requests for manual updates. Telephone
assistance on the operation, commissioning or
failure of the machinery. Requests for spare parts,
product repairs, system revisions, on-site
interventions. Training courses.
This type of signal urges to pay particular attention
in the indicated operations. Failure to comply may
cause injury to people in charge or damage the
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8. Machine description
MACHINE DESCRIPTION AND USE: MACHINE DESCRIPTION AND USE: The TAURO mixing machines are designed for professional use only, to mix water and flour-based food dough for
bread-making and pastry workshops. A spiral rotates mixing, refining and oxygenating the mix contained in a rotary bowl and, thanks to the vigorous mechanical action performed by the system, the mix is quickly and effectively prepared.
As specified above, the machines are for professional use only, by educated, trained and authorised personnel. Any other use is forbidden, any particular needs and specifications must be examined by the SELLER on request. The machine, filled with water, flour and additives as described below, is started from the control panel and the
spiral, rotating together with the bowl, mixes the ingredients. To empty the bowl, stop the machine by pressing the stop button, lift the guard and manually remove the dough from the bowl. Help yourself using a plastic or wooden spatula to avoid scratching the bowl.
1) BOWL: container in which the various ingredients to be mixed are inserted, is equipped with rotation;
2) CONTRAST ROD: tool contrasting the spiral, to improve product mixing;
3) CONTROL PANEL: device used to start or stop the machine, and set the processing time;
4) MOBILE GUARD: it is a guard used prevent spilling dough and flour from the bowl and/or prevent injuring the upper limbs; it is connected to a safety micro switch;
5) SPIRAL: tool used to mix the dough, through rotational movement;
6) SPEED SELECTOR (ONLY FOR 2­SPEED TAURO): select the wanted speed;
7) MASTER SWITCH: electrical device that connects/disconnects the machine power supply;
8) BOWL CONTRAST WHEEL: used to facilitate rotating the bowl;
9) BEARING STRUCTURE: machine body;
10) FEET: used as support on the surfaces and to stabilise the machine during operation.
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