Part 2: Driver Installation
1. Insert the PCS Connection Card into your computer’s
PPCC CCaarrdd sslloott
(Sprint label facing
up). Then raise the antenna so that it is fully extended and pointed up at a 90 degree
angle. Use in any other configuration may exceed FCC RF Exposure limits.
OOnnccee tthhee ccaarrdd iiss iinnsseerrtteedd,, ddoo nnoott pphhyyssiiccaallllyy rreemmoovvee tthhee WWiirreelleessss PPCC CCaarrdd uunnttiill
yyoouu hhaavvee ccoommpplleetteedd tthhee UUnnpplluugg//EEjjeecctt pprroocceessss ddeessccrriibbeedd oonn
page 38.
mmaayy ccaauussee aa ffaattaall eerrrroorr ttoo yyoouurr nnootteebbooookk ccoommppuutteerr..
2. Your operating system will determine which Driver Installation instructions you will
Option 1: Hardware Detection for Windows 2000 and Windows ME (page 24)
Option 2: Hardware Detection for Windows 98SE (page 25)
Option 3: Hardware Detection for Windows XP (page 27)
11. Windows 98SE only: You must restart your computer before the new settings will take
effect. Click
Yes to restart your computer.
Note: The following screen shot will appear for Windows 2000 and XP, whereas the same
screen shot will appear for Windows 98 and Me after reboot.
12. Click OK to proceed.
13. The PCS Connection Manager will launch.
QX Connection Card Start Here-3b 10.30.02.qxd 11/4/2002 12:09 AM Page 22

PC3220 PC Card
Regulatory Information
In This Section
-Warning (EMI)- US FCC Information
-Warning (EMI)- Canada
This Section outlines important regulatory notices concerning your new PC Card.
Section 5: Technical Specifications/Regulatory information
5B: Regulatory Information
Regulatory Notices
This device is compliant with Parts 15, 22, and 24 of the FCC rules. This PC card has been
tested in a typical laptop computer configuration with the side loading PCMCIA bay. This PC card
must not be co-location or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Use of
this device in any other configuration may exceed the FCC RF Exposure compliance limit.
Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesirable operations.
FCC guidelines stipulate that the antenna should be more than 1.5 cm (.59”) from by-standers
and 1.0cm (0.39”) from the user. When in use, the antenna should be fully extended upward at a
90-degree angle.
The highest reported SAR values of the PC card - Model PC3220 are:
1. Separation distance of 1.5 cm (0.59”) to nearby persons (1.26 w/kg).
2. Direct contact to user’s lap with PC card inserted into the bottom PC card slot of the
laptop computer with antenna in the stowed (down) position (1.34 w/kg).
Caution: Unauthorized modification of this device not expressly approved by the manufacturer
could void compliance with RF exposure guidelines.
Warning- This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits pursuant to Part
15, 22, and 24 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in an approp riate installation. This equipment generates, uses, and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instruction, may cause harmful interference to radio communication. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
[Section 5: Technical Specification/Regulatory Information
5B: Regulatory Information