Due to the nature of wireless communications, transmission and reception of data
can never be guaranteed. Data may be delayed, corrupted (i.e., have errors) or be
totally lost. Although significant delays or losses of data are rare when wireless
devices such as the Sierra Wireless modem are used in a normal manner with a
well-constructed network, the Sierra Wireless modem should not be used in
situations where failure to transmit or receive data could result in damage of any
kind to the user or any other party, including but not limited to personal injury,
death, or loss of property. Sierra Wireless accepts no responsibility for damages
of any kind resulting from delays or errors in data transmitted or received using
the Sierra Wireless modem, or for failure of the Sierra Wireless modem to
transmit or receive such data.
Do not operate the Sierra Wireless modem in areas where blasting is in progress,
where explosive atmospheres may be present, near medical equipment, near life
support equipment, or any equipment which may be susceptible to any form of
radio interference. In such areas, the Sierra Wireless modem MUST BE POWERED OFF. The Sierra Wireless modem can transmit signals that could
interfere with this equipment.
Do not operate the Sierra Wireless modem in any aircraft, whether the aircraft is
on the ground or in flight. In aircraft, the Sierra Wireless modem MUST BE POWERED OFF. When operating, the Sierra Wireless modem can transmit
signals that could interfere with various onboard systems.
Limitation of
Note: Some airlines may permit the use of cellular phones while the aircraft is on the
ground and the door is open. Sierra Wireless modems may be used at this time.
The driver or operator of any vehicle should not operate the Sierra Wireless
modem while in control of a vehicle. Doing so will detract from the driver or
operator's control and operation of that vehicle. In some states and provinces,
operating such communications devices while in control of a vehicle is an offence.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not
represent a commitment on the part of Sierra Wireless. SIERRA WIRELESS AND
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall Sierra Wireless and/or its
affiliates aggregate liability arising under or in connection with the Sierra Wireless
product, regardless of the number of events, occurrences, or claims giving rise to
liability, be in excess of the price paid by the purchaser for the Sierra Wireless
Rev. 1 Sep.13Proprietary and Confidential3
AirPrime MC73xx/8805 AT Command Reference
PatentsThis product may contain technology developed by or for Sierra Wireless Inc. This
product includes technology licensed from QUALCOMM
. This product is
manufactured or sold by Sierra Wireless Inc. or its affiliates under one or more
patents licensed from InterDigital Group and MMP Portfolio Licensing.
This document describes supported standard and proprietary AT
commands available for Sierra Wireless AirPrime™ products, and
provides details where commands vary from the standards. These
commands are intended for use by OEMs, and are supplemental to
the standard AT commands for GSM devices defined by the 3GPP
(3rd Generation Partnership Project) in TS 27.007 AT command set
for User Equipment (UE) and TS 27.005 Use of Data Terminal
Equipment—Data Circuit terminating Equipment (DTE-DCE)
interface for Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast
Service (BSE).
Note: When designing applications that use these AT commands, use
ensure proper use of command groups. For questions or concerns relating to
command implementation, please contact your Sierra Wireless account
or other Sierra Wireless applications as functionality templates to
Command access
Most commands in this reference are password-protected. To use
these commands, you must enter the correct password using
AT !ENTERCND on page 18. Once the password is entered, all
commands are available and remain available until the modem is
reset or powered off and on.
The password assigned to
and is configured onto the modem during manufacture. If you do not
know your password, contact your Sierra Wireless Account Manager.
AT!ENTERCND is unique to each carrier
Command timing
Interval timing
Some commands require time to process before additional
commands are entered. For example, the modem returns OK when it
this, the modem returns an error.
When building automated test scripts, ensure that sufficient delays
are embedded, where necessary, to avoid these errors.
Rev. 1 Sep.13Proprietary and Confidential9
AT!DAFTMACT. If AT!DASBAND is received too soon after
AirPrime MC73xx/8805 AT Command Reference
Escape sequence guard time
The AT escape sequence “+++” requires a guard time of 1.0 seconds before and
after it is used.
Result codes
Result codes are not shown in the command tables unless special conditions
apply. Generally the result code OK is returned when the command has been
executed. ERROR may be returned if parameters are out of range, and is
returned if the command is not recognized or is not permitted in the current state
or condition of the modem.
This guide covers the command sets used by OEMs, designers and testers of
Sierra Wireless AirPrime products, plus general operational use commands.
You may also want to consult the other documents available on our website at
Terminology and acronyms
This document makes wide use of acronyms that are in common use in data
communications and cellular technology.
Current firmware versions
To determine your firmware revision, enter the identification command AT+GMR.
If your modem firmware is an earlier version, you can acquire updated firmware
by contacting your account manager.
Document structure
This document describes the proprietary commands listed in the tables below—
each table corresponds to a specific chapter.
10Proprietary and Confidential4114486
About This Guide
AT Password Commands — Commands used to enable access to password-
protected AT commands and to set the AT command password.
Table 1-1: AT password commands
!ENTERCNDEnable access to password-protected commands18
!SETCNDSet AT command password18
Modem Status, Customization, and Reset Commands— Commands used to
determine modem status, adjust customization settings, and reset the modem.
Table 1-2: Modem status commands
!ANTSELSet/query external antenna select configuration21
!BANDSelect/return frequency band set22
!BOOTHOLDReset modem and wait in bootloader for firmware download23
!CUSTOMSet/return customization settings24
!DARPENEnable/disable DARP for SAIC28
!DTMENEnable/disable Dual Transfer Mode stack functionality29
!EDAENConfigure protocol stack for EDA29
!GCFENEnable/disable GCF test mode30
!GCFUIMTYPESet /return current SIM type30
!GETBANDReturn the current active band31
!GETRATReturn the current active radio access technology (RAT)31
!GOBIIMPREFQuery/set Gobi Image Management preferences32
!GRESETReset the modem33
!GSTATUSReturn operational status33
!LTENASConfigure LTE NAS settings34
!NASRELSet/report supported NAS release compliance version35
!NVENCRYPTIMEIWrite unencrypted IMEI to modem36
!NVNSCODEReturn Network Subset codes37
!NVPLMNProvision PLMN list for Network Personalization locking38
!NVSPCODEProvision Network Service Provider code list38
!PACKAGEReturn package version string39
!PCINFOReturn power control status information39
!PCOFFENSet/return Power Off Enable state40
Rev. 1 Sep.13Proprietary and Confidential11
AirPrime MC73xx/8805 AT Command Reference
Table 1-2: Modem status commands (Continued)
!PCTEMPReturn current temperature information40
!PCTEMPLIMITSSet/report temperature state limit values41
!PCVOLTReturn current power supply voltage information42
!PCVOLTLIMITSSet/report power supply voltage state limit values43
!POWERDOWNPower down system44
!PRIIDSet/report module PRI part number and revision44
!RELSet/report active protocol/revision45
!RESETReset modem45
!SELACQSelect RAT acquisition order46
!SELMODESet/return current service domain47
!SIMRSTCSet/report SIM refresh reset notification state47
!UDINFOReturn informatio n from active USB descriptor48
!UDPIDSet/report product ID in USB descriptor49
!UDUSBCOMPSet/report USB interface configuration50
&VReturn operating mode AT configuration parameters51
Diagnostic Commands— Commands used to select frequency bands and
diagnose problems.
Table 1-3: Diagnostic commands
!BCFWUPDATESTATUSReport status of most recent firmware update attempt54
!ERRDisplay diagnostic information55
!RXDENEnable/disable WCDMA/LTE receive diversity56
Test Commands —Commands required to place the modem in particular modes
of operation, test host connectivity, and to configure the transmitters and receivers
for test measurements.
Table 1-4: Test commands
!DAFTMACTPut modem into Factory Test Mode60
!DAFTMDEACTPut modem into online mode from Factory Test Mode60
!DAGGAVGRSSIReturn averaged RSSI value in dBm (GSM only)61
!DAGGRSSIReturn the RSSI value in dBm (GSM only)61
12Proprietary and Confidential4114486
About This Guide
Table 1-4: Test commands (Continued)
!DAGGRSSIRAWReturn raw RSSI value62
!DAGINFOReturn GSM mode RF information (GSM only)63
!DAGSLOCKReturn synthesizer lock state64
!DAGSRXBURSTSet GSM receiver to burst mode64
!DAGSRXCONTSet GSM receiver continuously on65
!DAGSTXBURSTSet GSM transmitter to burst mode65
!DAGSTXFRAMESet GSM Tx frame structure66
!DALGAVGAGCReturn averaged Rx AGC value (LTE only)67
!DALGRXAGCReturn Rx AGC value (LTE only)68
!DALGTXAGCReturn Tx AGC value and transmitter parameters (LTE only)69
!DALSPARANGESet LTE PA range (LTE only)70
!DALSRXBWSet LTE Rx bandwidth (LTE only)71
!DALSTXBWSet LTE Tx bandwidth (LTE only)71
!DALSTXINDEXSet LTE Tx gain index (LTE only)72
!DALSWAVEFORMSet LTE TX waveform (LTE only)72
!DAOFFLINEPlace mode m offline73
!DASBANDSet frequency band73
!DASCHANSet modem chann el (frequency)74
!DASLNAGAINSet LNA gain state75
!DASPDMSet PDM value76
!DASTXOFFTurn Tx PA o ff76
!DASTXONTurn Tx PA on77
!DAWGAVGAGCReturn averaged Rx AGC value (WCDMA only)77
!DAWGRXAGCReturn Rx AGC value (WCDMA only)78
!DAWINFOReturn WCDMA mode RF information (WCDMA only)79
!DAWSCONFIGRXSet WCDMA receiver to factory calibration settings80
!DAWSPARANGESet PA range state machine81
!DAWSSCHAINEnable secondary receive chain (WCDMA only)81
!DAWSCHAINTCMPlace receive chain in test call mode (WCDMA only)82
!DAWSTXCWSet waveform used by the transmitter82
!DAWSTXPWRSet desired Tx power level (WCDMA mode only)83
Rev. 1 Sep.13Proprietary and Confidential13
AirPrime MC73xx/8805 AT Command Reference
Table 1-4: Test commands (Continued)
!GCDUMPDisp lay crash dump data83
!IMSTESTMODEEnable/disable IMS test mode84
Memory Management Commands— Commands that control the data stored in
GPS Commands—Supported on GPS-enabled modems only.
Table 1-6: GPS commands
!GPSAUTOSTARTConfigure GPS auto-sta r t features89
!GPSCLRASSISTClear specific GPS assistance data90
!GPSENDEnd an active session91
!GPSFIXInitiate GPS position fix92
!GPSKEEPWARMConfigure Keep Warm functionality93
!GPSLOCReturn last known location of the modem96
!GPSMOMETHODSet/report GPS MO method97
!GPSMTLRSETTINGSSet/report MT location request settings98
!GPSNIQOSTIMESet/report GPS QoS timeout period for network-initialized fixes98
!GPSNMEAEnable/disable NMEA streaming99
!GPSNMEACONFIGEnable and set NMEA data output rate99
!GPSNMEASENTENCESet/report NMEA sentence type100
!GPSPORTIDSet/report port ID to use over TCP/IP101
!GPSPOSMODEConfigure support for GPS positioning modes102
!GPSSATINFORequest satellite information103
!GPSSTATUSRequest current status of a position fix session104
!GPSSUPLURLSet/report SUPL server URL105
!GPSSUPLVERSet/report SUPL server version105
14Proprietary and Confidential4114486
About This Guide
Table 1-6: GPS commands (Continued)
!GPSTRACKInitiate local tracking (multiple fix) session106
!GPSTRANSSECControl GPS transport security107
!GPSXTRADATAENABLE Set/report GPS XTRA settings109
!GPSXTRADATAURLSet/report GPS XTRA data server URLs110
!GPSXTRAINITDNLDInitiate gpsOneXTRA data download and inject operation110
!GPSXTRASTATUSReturn current status of gpsOneXTRA111
!GPSXTRATIMEInject GPS or UTC time into gpsOneXTRA system112
!GPSXTRATIMEENABLESet/report GPS XTRA time settings113
SIM Commands— Commands used to communicate with an installed (U)SIM.
Table 1-7: GPS commands
!ICCIDReturn (U)SIM card’s ICCID118
OMA-DM Commands—Commands used to configure DM (Device Management)
accounts, sessions, and host–device–server interactions.
Table 1-8: OMA-DM commands
!IDSAUTOFOTAConfigure automatic settings for FOTA updates120
!IDSAUTOSDMConfigure Subscriber Device Management response to server
!IDSCONFIGACCConfigure DM account authentication mode and XML format122
!IDSCREATEACCEnter DM account credentials123
!IDSDFLTACCSet DM account to use for device-initiated sessions124
!IDSPIDSet profile ID for DM data connection types124
!IDSROAMConfigure DM client roaming support125
!IDSSUPPORTConfigure DM sessions126
Rev. 1 Sep.13Proprietary and Confidential15
AirPrime MC73xx/8805 AT Command Reference
SAR Backoff and Thermal Control Commands—Commands used to configure
SAR options, and thermal mitigation algorithm parameters and limits.
Table 1-9: SAR backoff and thermal control commands
!MAXPWRSet/report maximum Tx power128
!SARINTGPIOMODESet/report default pull mode for SAR interrupt GPIOs129
The following format conventions are used in this reference:
Character codes or keystrokes that are described with words or standard
abbreviations are shown within angle brackets using a different font, such as
<CR> for Carriage Return and <space> for a blank space character.
Numeric values are decimal unless prefixed as noted below.
Hexadecimal values are shown with a prefix of 0x, i.e. in the form 0x3D.
Binary values are shown with a prefix of 0b, i.e. in the form 0b00111101.
Command and register syntax is noted using an alternate font:
The leading “
commands except as noted in the reference tables.
Characters that are required are shown in uppercase; parameters are noted in
lowercase. Required parameters are enclosed in angle brackets (
optional parameters are enclosed within square brackets (
not to be included in the command string.
Commands are presented in table format. Each chapter covers the commands
related to that subject and presents a summary table to help you locate a needed
command. Commands are in ASCII alphabetical order in the body of each
Any default settings are noted in the command tables. Note that these are the
factory default settings and not the default parameter value assumed if no
parameter is specified.
Result Code This is a numeric or text code that is returned after all commands
(except resets)—text codes are returned if verbose responses are enabled. Only
one result code is returned for a command line regardless of the number of
individual commands contained on the line.
Response This term indicates a response from the modem that is issued prior to
a result code. Reading registers or issuing commands that report information will
provide a response followed by a result code unless the command generates an
AT” characters are not shown but must be included before all
<n>) while
[x]). The brackets are
Responses and result codes from the modem, or host system software prompts,
are shown in this font:
16Proprietary and Confidential4114486
2: AT Password Commands
AT commands described in this document are password-protected.
This chapter describes how to enter and change the password.
Command summary
Ta bl e 2 - 1 on page 17 lists the commands described in this chapter.
Table 2-1: AT password commands
!ENTERCNDEnable access to password-protected commands18
!SETCNDSet AT command password18
Rev. 1 Sep.13Proprietary and Confidential17
AirPrime MC73xx/8805 AT Command Reference
Command reference
Table 2-2: AT command password details
Enable access to password-protected commands
Before you can use any password-protected AT commands, you must enter the password
correctly using this command. The initial password is configured onto the modem during
manufacture. You can change the password using !SETCND. If you do not know the
password, contact your Sierra Wireless account manager
Once the password has been entered correctly, the password-protected AT commands are
available until the modem is reset or powered off and on.
Purpose:This command is password-protected. After entering the password correctly
<“key”> (Password stored in NV memory)
•Password must be entered with quotation marks. (For example,
•Password length: 4–10 characters (0–9, A–Z, upper or lower case)
•Characters may be entered in ASCII format, or in Hex format. (For example:
“myPass3” or “ABCDEF01234”.)
<key> (if unlocked)
using the execution operation (“=”), you can use this command to display
the password as a reminder.
Set AT command password
Change the password used for the !ENTERCND command. (Before you can change the
password using !SETCND, you must enable access to this command using !ENTERCND.)
Password required: Yes
•Execution:AT!SETCND= <“key”>
Purpose:Sets <“Key”> as the new password for accessing protected commands.
<“key”> (New password)
•Password must be entered with quotation marks (for example,
•Password length: 4–10 characters (0–9, A–Z, upper or lower case)
•Characters may be entered in ASCII format, or in Hex format. (For example:
“myPass3” or “ABCDEF01234”.)
Warning: Do NOT enter a null password (that is, the <“Key”> cannot be ““) — you will NOT
be able to use password-protected commands, and will have to contact Sierra Wireless for
help to reset the password.
18Proprietary and Confidential4114486
3: Modem Status, Customization, and Reset
This chapter describes commands used to reset the modem, adjust
customization settings, retrieve the hardware version, and monitor
the temperature, voltage, and modem status.
Command summary
Ta bl e 3 - 1 lists the commands described in this chapter.
Table 3-1: Modem status commands
!ANTSELSet/query external antenna select configuration21
!BANDSelect/return frequency band set22
!BOOTHOLDReset modem and wait in bootloader fo r firmware download23
!CUSTOMSet/return customization settings24
!DARPENEnable/d isable DARP for SAIC28
!DTMENEnable/disable Dual Transfer Mode stack functionality29
!EDAENConfigure protocol stack for EDA29
!GCFENEnable/disable GCF test mode30
!GCFUIMTYPESet/return current SIM type30
!GETBANDReturn the current active band31
!GETRATReturn the current active radio access technology (RAT)31
!GOBIIMPREFQuery/set Gobi Image Management preferences32
!GRESETReset the modem33
!GSTATUSReturn operational status33
!LTENASConfigure LTE NAS settings34
!NASRELSet/report supported NAS release compliance version35
!NVENCRYPTIMEIWrite unencrypted IMEI to modem36
!NVNSCODEReturn Network Subset codes37
!NVPLMNProvision PLMN list for Network Personalization locking38
!NVSPCODEProvision Network Service Provider code list38
!PACKAGEReturn package version string39
Rev. 1 Sep.13Proprietary and Confidential19
AirPrime MC73xx/8805 AT Command Reference
Table 3-1: Modem status commands (Continued)
!PCINFOReturn power control status information39
!PCOFFENSet/r eturn Power Off Enable state40
!PCTEMPReturn current temperature information40
!PCTEMPLIMITSSet/report temperature state limit values41
!PCVOLTReturn current power supply voltage information42
!PCVOLTLIMITSSet/report power supply voltage state limit values43
!POWERDOWNPower down system44
!PRIIDSet/report module PRI part number and revision44
!RELSet/report active protocol/revision45
!RESETReset modem45
!SELACQSelect RAT acquisition order46
!SELMODESet/return current service domain47
!SIMRSTCSet/report SIM refresh reset notification state47
!UDINFOReturn information from active USB descriptor48
!UDPIDSet/report product ID in USB descriptor49
!UDUSBCOMPSet/report USB interface configurati on50
&VReturn operating mode AT configuration parameters51
20Proprietary and Confidential4114486
Modem Status, Customization, and Reset Commands
Command reference
Table 3-2: Modem status, customization, and reset commands
Set/query external antenna select configuration
Configure the device to drive (high or low) up to four GPIOs for specific bands. (If a
GPIO is not needed for a specific band, it is identified as not required.)
When the device switches to a configured band, the GPIOs are driven as specified, and
the host uses those GPIOs to tune the external antenna appropriately. Note that this
feature is independent of the radio technology being used. For example, Band 5
corresponds to any 850-band technology (CDMA, WCDMA, LTE, GSM).
Note: Any changes to GPIO configurations take effect after the modem is reset.
Note: System level testing should be performed to ensure that the antenna switching
feature does not introduce any handover issues. The tunable antenna should be
designed to ensure that it can retune in < 5 µs (recommended) and < 10 µs (maximum).