Modbus Communications Interface
The Sentry Controller Modbus RTU Communications Interface enables Sentry to easily communicate with PC based Distributed Control Systems
and graphic based human-machine interfaces and
via the FieldServer T echnologies gateway to a wide
range of other protocols.
The Sentry system from Sierra Monitor offers comprehensive, cost effective solutions to many specific gas management requirements. From a simple 4-point monitoring
system to a complete plant wide hazardous gas monitoring system with hundreds of gas detection points, Sentry
meets the need.
With the Modbus communications interface Sentry can
easily interface with a PC-based Distributed Control System to provide a graphical display of hazardous gas conditions in the plant. PC-based DCS software in conjunction
with Sentry provides the operator enhanced data acquisition, alarming and alarm management, historical trending,
distributed architecture, and integration into the plant’s distributed control system.
Sentry’s Modbus communication interface provides over
620 different parameters accessible by the PC-based DCS
software, including:
• gas concentration
• alarm setpoints
• sensor diagnostic messages
• historical reset time/date
• power up/down time/date
• trouble alarm time/date
• minimum/maximum values plus time/date
• high/low alarm latch/non-latched
• auto calibration enabled
• calibration status/coefficients
• calibration concentrations
• calibration due date
• zone option enabled
• operate mode
Using the optional FieldServer T echnologies Gateway the
user can convert from the Modbus RTU output to a wide
variety of other protocols including DF1, DH+, Profibus,
Modbus TCP, ControlLogix and many more.
FieldServer T echnologies is a division of Sierra Monitor Corporation. More information on FieldServer products can be
found at www.fieldserver .com
Ordering Information
5387-50Modbus Communications Interface
4301-10Converter RS-232/RS-485, 9VDC
Sierra Monitor Corp. 1991 T arob Ct., Milpitas, CA 95035, USA, 408-262-6611, 800-727-4377, F AX: 408-262-9042
Web Site: http://www.sierramonitor.com E-Mail: sales@sierramonitor.com
© 2009 by Sierra Monitor Corporation