Installation Instructions
DICOM Connect Extension
© Siemens AG 2002
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Register 3 English Prin t No.: SPR2-130.814.04.01.02 Doc. Gen. Date: 11.02
Replaces: n.a.
DICOM Connect Extension1
Document revision level
The document corresponds to the version/revision level effective at the time of system delivery.
Revisions to hardcopy documentation are not automatically distributed. Please contact your local Siemens office to order current re vi si on levels.
The installation and service of equipment described herein is to be performed by qualified personnel who are e m ployed by Siem ens or one of its af f iliates or who are otherwis e authoriz ed by Siemens o r one of its affili at es to prov ide such se rvices.
Assemblers and other pe rs ons who are not employed by or othe rw is e directly affiliated with or authorized by Siem ens or one of its af f iliates are direc t ed to conta c t on e of t he local offices of Siemens or one of its affiliates before attempting installation or service pro­cedures.
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DICOM Connect Extension 3

Safety information 1

Danger of physical injuries or even death as well as property damage!
Please note:
- the product-specific safety infor mation in these instructions,
- the general safety information in these instructions TD00-000.860.01... and
- the general safety information according to ARTD Part 2.
Non-compliance can lead to death or physical injuries or to property damages.
Electrical voltage! Non-compliance can lead to death or physical injuries or to property damages.
The voltage-conducting parts are exposed after removing the covers of the system. To avoid dan ger the sy stem must be d is ­connected from the l ine voltage before r emoving the covers. To do this, either pull out the power plug, or switch off the power to the line voltage connect ion of the syste m and secure it aga inst being turned on again.
If work that involves electrical voltage is necessary, observe the
general safety information in the instructions TD00-000.860.01... .
Danger of infection by pathogenic agents! Non-compliance can lead to death or physical injuries.
This device is approved for use in operating rooms and can be contaminated with infectious blood or other bodily excretions.
Avoid any skin contact with blood or other bodily excretions! For this r eason, comply strictly with th e preventa ti ve measures
against infectious diseases stipulated in ARTD-002.731.37... .
Electrostatic voltage! Non-compliance can lead to property damage.
Obser ve the ESD g u i de l ines when working.
Siemens AG Register 3 SPR2-130.814.04 Page 3 of 8 SIREMOBIL Medical Solutions Rev. 01 11.02 CS PS 24
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