Mounting and Commissioning3
Multi-Functional Generator
Protection Relay
Technical Data4
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We have checked the text of this manual against the hardware
and software described. However, deviations from the description cannot be completely ruled out, so that no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions contained in the information
The information in this manual is checked periodically, and necessary corrections will be included in future editions. We appreciate any suggested improvements.
We reserve the right to make technical improvements without
Dissemination or reproduction of this document, or evaluation
and communication of its contents, is not authorized except
where expressly permitted. Violations are liable for damages. All
rights reserved, particularly for the purposes of patent application
or trademark registration.
Registered Trademarks
SIPROTEC, SINAUT, SICAM and DIGSI are registered trademarks of SIEMENS AG. Other designations in this manual may
be trademarks that if used by third parties for their own purposes
may violate the rights of the owner.
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Purpose of this
Target AudienceProtection engineers, commissioning engineers, personnel concerned with adjust-
Applicability of this
Indication of Conformity
This manual describes the functions, operation, installation, and commissioning of the
device 7UM61. In particular it contains:
• Information regarding the configuration of the device extent and descriptions of
device functions and settings → Chapter 2;
• Instructions for mounting and commissioning → Chapter 3;
• Compilation of technical data→ Chapter 4;
• As well as a compilation of the most significant data for experienced users in Appendix A.
General information about design, configuration, and operation of SIPROTEC
devices is laid down in the SIPROTEC
ment, checking, and service of selective protective equipment, automatic and control
facilities, and personnel of electrical facilities and power plants.
This manual is valid for: Multi-Functional Generator Protection Relay with Local
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Council Directive 89/336/EEC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 73/23
This conformity has been proved by tests conducted by Siemens AG in accordance with Article 10 of the Council Directive in agreement with the generic standards EN 50081 and EN 61000-6-2 (for EMC directive) and the standard
EN 60255-6 (for low-voltage directive). This device was designed and produced
for industrial use according to the EMC standard.
The product conforms with the international standard of the series IEC 60255 and
the German standard VDE 0435.
4 7UM61; firmware version V4.1.
System Description /1/.
This product is UL-certified according to the Technical Data:
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Additional SupportShould further information on the System SIPROTEC® 4 be desired or should partic-
ular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purpose, the
matter should be referred to the local Siemens representative.
Training CoursesIndividual course offerings may be found in our Training Catalogue, or questions may
be directed to our training centre in Nuremberg.
Instructions and
The warnings and notes contained in this manual serve for your own safety and for
an appropriate lifetime of the device. Please observe them!
The following indicators and standard definitions are used:
indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage will
result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury or property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. This particularly applies to damage on or in the device itself and
consequential damage thereof.
indicates information about the device or respective part of the instruction manual
which is essential to highlight.
When operating an electrical device, certain parts of the device inevitably have dangerous voltages.
Failure to observe these precautions can result in fatality, personal injury, or extensive
material damage.
Only qualified personnel shall work on and around this equipment. It must be thoroughly familiar with all warnings and safety notices of this manual as well as with the
applicable safety regulations.
The successful and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handling, installation, operation, and maintenance by qualified personnel under observance of all
warnings and hints contained in this manual. In particular the general erection and
safety regulations (e.g. IEC, DIN, VDE, EN or other national and international standards) regarding the correct use of hoisting gear must be observed.
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For the purpose of this instruction manual and product labels, a qualified person is
one who is familiar with the installation, construction and operation of the equipment
and the hazards involved. In addition, he has the following qualifications:
• Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear, ground and tag circuits
and equipment in accordance with established safety practices.
• Is trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment in accordance with
established safety practices.
• Is trained in rendering first aid.
Typographic and
Graphical Conventions
To designate terms which refer in the text to information of the device or for the
device, the following fonts are used:
Parameter names
Designators of configuration or function parameters which may appear word-forword in the display of the device or on the screen of a personal computer (with operation software DIGSI
also applies to header bars for selection menus.
Parameter addresses have the same character style as parameter names. Parameter addresses contain the suffix A in the overview tables if the parameter can only
be set in DIGSI
Parameter Conditions
Possible settings of text parameters, which may appear word-for-word in the
display of the device or on the screen of a personal computer (with operation software DIGSI
selection menus.
Designators for information, which may be output by the relay or required from other
devices or from the switch gear, are marked in a monospace type style in quotation
), are additionally written in italics. This also applies to header bars for
via the option Display additional settings.
), are marked in bold letters of a monospace type style. This
7UM61 Manual
Deviations may be permitted in drawings and tables when the type of designator can
be obviously derived from the illustration.
The following symbols are used in drawings:
Device-internal logical input signal
Device-internal (logical) output signal
Internal input signal of an analog quantity
External binary input signal with number (binary input, input
External binary output signal with number (device indication)
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External binary output signal with number (device indication)
used as input signal
Example of a parameter switch designated FUNCTION with
the address 1234 and the possible settings ON and OFF
Besides these, graphical symbols are used according to IEC 60617-12 and IEC
60617-13 or symbols derived from these standards. Some of the most frequently used
are listed below:
Input signal of an analog quantity
AND gate
OR gate
Exclusive–OR gate (antivalence): output is active, if only
one of the inputs is active
Equivalence: output is active, if both inputs are active or inactive at the same time
Dynamic inputs (edge–triggered) above with positive, below
with negative edge
Formation of one analog output signal from a number of
analog input signals
Limit stage with setting address and parameter designator
Timer (pickup delay T, example adjustable) with setting
address and parameter designator (name)
Timer (dropout delay T, example non-adjustable)
Dynamic triggered pulse timer T (monoflop)
Static memory (RS-flipflop) with setting input (S), resetting
input (R), output (Q) and inverted output (Q
The SIPROTEC® 7UM61 devices are introduced in this section. An overview of the
7UM61 is presented with its application areas, features, and scope of functions.
1.1Overall Operation18
1.2Application Scope21
177UM61 Manual
1 Introduction
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1.1Overall Operation
The digital Multi-Function Protection SIPROTEC® 7UM61 is equipped with a high performance microprocessor. All tasks such as the acquisition of the measured values
and issuing of commands to circuit breakers and other switching equipment, are processed digitally. Figure 1-1 shows the basic structure of the device.
Analog Inputs The measuring inputs (MI) are galvanically isolated, transform the currents and volt-
ages from the primary transformers and adapt them to the internal processing level of
the device. The device has 4 current and 4 voltage inputs. Three inputs are used on
each side of the protected object for measuring of the phase currents.
Figure 1-1Hardware Structure of the Digital Machine Protection Device 7UM61 (maximum configuration)
1 current input is equipped with sensitive input transformers (IEE) and can measure
secondary currents in the mA range. 3 voltage inputs acquire the phase-to-earth voltages (connection to phase-to-phase voltages and voltage transformers in V connec-
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1.1 Overall Operation
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tion is possible as well). The 4th voltage input is for displacement voltage measurement for stator earth fault protection.
The IA input amplifier group allows high impedance connection for analog input values
and contains filters optimized for measured value processing bandwidth and speed.
The AD analog digital converter group contains high resolution Σ∆ digital converters
(22 bits) and memory components for data transfer to the microcomputer.
Adaptation of Sampling Frequency
The implemented software is processed in the microcomputer system (µC). Essential
functions are:
• Filtering and conditioning of the measured signals,
• Continuous monitoring of the measured quantities
• Monitoring of the pickup conditions for the individual protective functions
• Querying of limit values and time sequences,
• Control of signals for logical functions,
• Decision for trip commands
• Signalling of protection behaviour via LEDs, LCD, relays or serial interfaces
• Storage of indications, fault data and fault values for fault analysis,
• Management of the operating system and its associated functions such as data recording, real-time clock, communication, interfaces, etc.
The frequency of the measured quantities is continuously measured and used for adjusting of the actual sampling frequency. This ensures that the protection and measurement functions produce correct results over a wide frequency range. This ensures
measuring accuracy in the frequency range from 11 Hz to 69 Hz.
The sampling frequency adaptation can, however, operate only when at least one a.c.
measured quantity is present at one of the analog inputs, with an amplitude of at least
5 % of rated value (“operational condition 1”).
If no suitable measured values are present, or if the frequency is below 11 Hz or above
70 Hz, the device operates in mode “operational condition 0”.
Binary Inputs and
F r o n t E l em e n ts Optical indicators (LEDs) and a front display panel (LC display) provide information on
7UM61 Manual
Binary inputs and outputs from and to the computer system are routed via the I/O
modules (inputs and outputs). The computer system obtains the information from the
system (e.g remote resetting) or the external equipment (e.g. blocking commands).
Outputs are mainly commands that are issued to the switching devices and messages
for remote signalling of events and states.
the function of the device and indicate events, states and measured values. Integrated control and numeric keys in conjunction with the LCD facilitate local interaction with
the device. By this means all information on the device such as design and setting parameters, operation and disturbance indications and measured values can be queried,
(see also SIPROTEC
System Description /1/), and setting parameters can be
1 Introduction
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S e r i a l I n t e r f a c e s A serial operator interface in the front cover is provided for local communication with
a PC, using the operating program DIGSI
functions of the device.
A serial service
possible using DIGSI
devices to the PC or for operation via a modem. The service interface can be also
used for connecting a RTD-Box (see chapter 2.32)
All data can be transferred to a central control or monitoring system via the serial
transmission modes to suit the particular application.
A further interface is provided for time synchronization
ternal synchronization sources.
Further communication protocols can be implemented via additional communication
Power Supply The functional units described are supplied by a power supply PS with the necessary
power in the different voltage levels. Voltage dips may occur if the voltage supply
system (substation battery) becomes short-circuited. Usually, they are bridged by a
capacitor (see also Technical Data).
interface. This interface may be provided with various protocols and physical
interface can likewise make communication via PC with the device
4. This is especially well suited for dedicated connection of the
4. This permits convenient operation of all
of the internal clock through ex-
7UM61 Manual
1.2Application Scope
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The SIPROTEC® 7UM61 device is a digital multi-function machine protection unit from
the 7UM6 Numerical Protection series. It provides all functions necessary for protection of generators and motors. As the scope of functions of the 7UM61 can be customized, it is suited for small, medium-sized and large generators.
The device fulfills the protection requirements for the two typical basic connections:
• Busbar connection
• Unit connection
1.2 Application Scope
Figure 1-2Typical Connections
The scalable software allows a wide range of applications. Corresponding function
packages can be selected for each particular application. For instance, alone with the
7UM61 device, it is possible to provide comprehensive and reliable protection of generators from small to medium capacity (approx. 0.5 - 5 MW).
Additionally, the device forms the basis for the protection of medium to large size generators (backup protection). In combination with the 7UM62 device (a further device
of the 7UM6 series), all protection requirements encountered in practice for the smallest to the largest machines can be met. This makes possible a consistent concept for
reserve protection capacity.
7UM61 Manual
1 Introduction
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The 7UM61 device is usable for further applications such as
• Backup protection, since in addition to overcurrent protection, a large variety of protection functions allow, for example, monitoring of voltage and frequency load.
• Protection of synchronous and asynchronous motors.
• Mains Decoupling Device
Messages and Measured Values; Recording of Event
and Fault Data
Communication For communication with external operator, control and storage systems, serial inter-
Operator Interface
on the Front Panel
The operating messages provide information about conditions in the power system
and the device itself. Measurement quantities and resulting computed values can be
displayed locally and communicated via the serial interfaces.
Annunciations of the devices can be presented by LEDs on the front panel (allocatable), processed further externally using output contacts (allocatable), combined with
user-definable logic functions and/or output via serial interfaces (see Communication
During a generator or network fault (fault in the power system), important events and
state changes are stored in a fault annunciation buffer. The instantaneous or rms measured values during the fault are also stored in the device and are subsequently available for fault analysis.
faces are available.
A 9-pin DSUB socket on the front panel is used for local communication with a personal computer. By means of the SIPROTEC
and evaluation tasks can be executed via this user
modifying configuration parameters and settings, configuring user-specific logic functions, retrieving operational and fault messages and measured values, readout and
display of fault recordings, querying of devices statuses and measured values.
operating software DIGSI®, all operational
interface, such as specifying and
Rear Panel Interfaces
Depending on the individual ordering variant, additional interfaces are located on the
rear panel of the device. These interfaces allow an extensive communication with
other digital operating, control and memory components to be set up:
The service
nected to this interface. For this reason, remote operation is possible via PC and the
The system
control centre. The data cables or fibre optic cables can be used. Several standard
protocols are available for data transmission:
• IEC 60 870–5–103
Integration of the devices into the substation automation systems SINAUT
• Profibus DP
This protocol of automation technology allows transmission of indications and measured values.
• Modbus ASCII/RTU
This protocol of automation technology allows transmission of indications and measured values.
•DNP 3.0
This protocol of automation technology allows transmission of indications and measured values.
interface can be operated through data lines. Also, a modem can be con-
4 operating software, e.g. to operate several devices from a central PC.
interface is used for central communication between the device and a
can also be done with this profile.
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General Features• Powerful 32-bit microprocessor system.
• Complete digital processing of measured values and control, from sampling and
digitalization of measured quantities to tripping circuit breakers or other switchgear
• Total electrical separation between the internal processing stages of the device and
the external transformer, control and DC supply circuits of the system because of
the design of the binary inputs, outputs, and the DC converters.
1.3 Characteristics
Definite Time Overcurrent Protection
(I>) with Undervoltage Seal-In
• Simple device operation using the integrated operator and display panel or by
means of a connected PC running DIGSI
• Continuous computation and display of measured quantities.
• Storage of fault messages and instantaneous or rms values for fault recording.
• Continuous monitoring of measured values as well as of the hardware and software
of the device.
• Communication with central control and memory storage equipment via serial interfaces, optionally via data cable, modem, or optic fibre lines.
• Battery-buffered clock that can be synchronized with an IRIG-B (via satellite) or
DCF77 signal, binary input signal, or system interface command.
• Statistics: Recording of the number of trip signals instigated by the device and
logging of currents switched off last by the device, as well as accumulated shortcircuit currents of each pole of the circuit breaker.
• Operating Hours Counter: Tracking of operating hours of the equipment under load
being protected.
• Commissioning aids such as connection check, field rotation check, status display
of all binary inputs and outputs, and test measurement recording.
• 2 definite time stages I> and I>> for the 3 phase currents (I
• Undervoltage seal-in for synchronous machines whose excitation voltage is obtained from the machine terminals;
• Optionally additional directional determination with the high current stage I>>.
, IL2, IL3).
• Blocking capability e.g. for reverse-interlocking bus-bar protection with any stage.
Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection
Thermal Overload
7UM61 Manual
• Selection possible from various characteristics (IEC, ANSI).
• Optionally voltage-controlled or voltage-dependent alteration of current pick-up behaviour during undervoltage;
• Voltage influencing can be blocked by fuse failure monitor or via voltage transformer
protective circuit breaker.
• Temperature image of current heat losses (overload protection with full memory capability, single body thermal model).
• Additional adjustable warning levels based on temperature rise and current magnitude.
• Consideration of coolant and ambient temperatures possible.
1 Introduction
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Negative Sequence
Reverse Power Protection
Forward Power Supervision
• Precise evaluation of negative sequence component of the three phase currents.
• Alarm stage when a set unbalanced load is exceeded.
• Thermal characteristic with adjustable negative sequence factor and adjustable
cooldown time.
• High-speed trip stage for large unbalanced loads (can be used for short-circuit protection).
• Conductance measurement from positive sequence components.
• Multi-step characteristic for steady-state and dynamic stability limits;
• Consideration of excitation voltage (only via binary input).
• Calculation of power from positive sequence components.
• Highly sensitive and precise active power measurement (detection of small motor-
ing powers even with low power factor cos ϕ , angle error compensation).
• Insensitive to power fluctuations.
• Long-time stage and short-time stage (active with closed emergency tripping valve).
• Calculation of power from positive sequence components.
• Supervision of over-power (P>) and/or under-power (P<) of active power output
with individually adjustable power limits.
Impedance protection
Undervoltage Protection
Overvoltage Protection
Frequency Protection
Overexcitation Protection
• Optionally high-speed or high-accuracy measurement.
• Overcurrent pickup with undervoltage seal-in (for synchronous machines which
take their excitation voltage from the terminals).
• 2 impedance zones, 1 overreach zone (switchable via binary input), 4 time stages.
• Polygonal tripping characteristics;
• Two-stage undervoltage measurement of positive sequence component of voltages.
• Two-stage overvoltage measurement of the highest of the three voltages.
• Optionally with phase-to-phase voltages or phase-to-earth voltages.
• Monitoring on undershooting (f<) and/or overshooting (f>) with 4 frequency limits
and delay times that are independently adjustable.
• Insensitive to harmonics and abrupt phase angle changes.
• Settable undervoltage threshold.
• Calculation of the ratio U/f.
• Adjustable warning and tripping stage.
• Standard characteristic or arbitrary trip characteristic for calculation of the thermal
stress, selectable.
7UM61 Manual
1.3 Characteristics
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Rate-of-FrequencyChange Protection
Vector Jump• Sensitive phase jump detection to be used for network disconnection.
90% Stator Earth
Fault Protection
Sensitive Earth
F a u l t P r o t e c t i o n
• Monitors whether the frequency overshoots (df/dt>) and/or undershoots (df/dt<) a
set limit value, with 4 individually settable limit values or delay times.
• Variable measuring windows
• Coupling to frequency protection pickup.
• Settable undervoltage threshold.
• Suitable for generators in unit connection and directly connected to busbars.
• Measurement of displacement voltage via the neutral or earthing transformer or by
calculation from phase-to-earth voltages.
• Highly sensitive earth current detection, optional with or without directional determination with zero sequence components (I
• Directional characteristic adjustable.
• Determination of the earth-faulted phase.
• Two-stage earth fault current measurement: I
• High sensitivity (adjustable on the secondary side from 2 mA).
• Can be used for stator earth fault or rotor earth fault detection.
, U0).
>> and IEE>.
100% Stator Earth
Fault Protection
w i t h 3 r d H a r m o n i c
Motor Starting Time
Restart Inhibit for
Breaker Failure
• Measurement circuit monitoring for minimum current flow when used for rotor earth
fault protection.
• Detection of the 3rd harmonic of the voltage at the starpoint or broken delta winding
of an earthing transformer.
• In addition to the 90-%-stator earth fault protection there is a protection of the entire
stator winding (protective range 100 %).
• Inverse time overcurrent tripping based on an evaluation of the motor starting
• Inverse time delay with blocked rotor.
• Approximate computation of rotor overtemperature.
• Motor switchon is enabled only a if a restartup limit is undershot.
• Calculation of waiting time until automatic reclosure is enabled.
• Different prolongation of cooldown time constants for standstill/operation period is
taken into consideration.
• Possibility for disabling the start inhibit if emergency startup is required.
• By checking the current or evaluation of the breaker auxiliary contacts.
• Initiation of each integrated protection function allocated to the circuit breaker.
• Initiation possible through a binary input from an external protective device.
7UM61 Manual
1 Introduction
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Inadvertent Energizing Protection
Threshold Supervisions
Temperature Detection by Thermoboxes
Phase Sequence Inversion
User-Defined Functions
• Damage limitation on inadvertent switching on of a stationary generator by fast
opening of the generator switch.
• Instantaneous value acquisition of the phase currents.
• Operational state and voltage supervision as well as fuse failure monitor are the
enable criteria.
• 6 freely assignable indications for threshold supervision.
• Implementation of fast supervision tasks with CFC.
• Acquisition of any ambient temperatures or coolant temperatures using thermoboxes and external temperature sensors.
• Selectable L1, L2, L3 or L1, L3, L2 via setting (static) or binary input (dynamic).
• Internal and external signals can be logically combined to establish user-defined
logic functions.
• All common logic functions (AND, OR, NOT, Exclusive OR, etc.).
• Time delays and limit value interrogations.
• Processing of measured values, including zero suppression, adding a knee characteristic for a transducer input, and live-zero monitoring.
Breaker Control• Circuit breakers can be opened and closed manually via programmable function
Measured Values
keys, via the system interface (e.g. by SICAM
face (using a PC with DIGSI
• Feedback information on circuit breakers states via the breaker auxiliary contacts.
• Plausibility monitoring of the circuit breaker positions and interlocking conditions for
• Increased reliability thanks to monitoring of internal measuring circuits, of auxiliary
power supply, and of hardware and software.
• Current transformer and voltage transformer secondary circuits are monitored
using symmetry checks.
• Trip circuit monitoring possible via external circuitry.
• Phase sequence check.
or LSA), or via the operating inter-
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This chapter describes the numerous functions available on the SIPROTEC® 4
7UM61. It shows the setting possibilities for all the functions in maximum configuration. Instructions for deriving setting values and formulae, where required are provided.
Additionally it may be defined which functions are to be used.
2.1Introduction, Reference Systems29
2.2Functional Scope31
2.3Power System Data 134
2.4Change Group39
2.5Power System Data 240
2.6Definite-Time Overcurrent Protection (I>, ANSI 50/51) with Undervoltage
2.7Definite-Time Overcurrent Protection (I>>, ANSI 50, 51, 67) with Direction
2.25Restart Inhibit for Motors (ANSI 66, 49Rotor)149
2.26Breaker Failure Protection (ANSI 50BF)157
2.27Inadvertent Energization (ANSI 50, 27)162
2.28Measurement Supervision166
2.29Trip Circuit Supervision176
2.30Threshold supervision183
2.31External Trip Functions189
2.33Phase Rotation Reversal201
2.34Protection Function Control203
2.35Ancillary Functions208
2.36Command Processing221
7UM61 Manual
2.1 Introduction, Reference Systems
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2.1Introduction, Reference Systems
The following chapters explain the individual protective and additional functions and
provide information about the setting values.
2.1.1Functional Description
GeneratorThe calculation examples are based on two smaller capacity reference power systems
with the two typical basic connections, i.e. the busbar connection and the unit connection (see following figure). All default settings of the relay are adapted accordingly.
Figure 2-1Reference Systems
7UM61 Manual
2 Functions
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Technical Data of
the Reference
Power Systems
Current transformer:I
Toroidal c.t.:I
Voltage transformer:U
Zero point transformer:
= 5.27 MVA
N, T
= 6.3 kV
N, Gen
ING = 483 A
cos ϕ = 0.8
= 500 A;I
= 60 A;I
=(6.3/√3) kVU
N, prim
= 5.3 MVA
N, T
UOS = 20 kV
U = 6.3 kV
= 7 %
= 1 A
N, sec
= 1 A
N, sec
= (100/√3) V
N, sec
/3 = (100/3) V
Resistor divider:5 : 1
MotorVN = 6600 V
= 126 A
N, M
Current transformer:I
= 624 A (Starting current)
= 135 A (Permissible continuous stator cur-
= 8.5 s(Starting time at ISTRT)
= 200 A;I
Further technical data are provided within the framework of the functional setting
specifications of the individual protective functions.
The calculated setting values are secondary setting values related to the device and
can be modified immediately by way of local operation.
For a complete reparametrization the operating program DIGSI
In this way, the user can specify primary values in addition to secondary settings. This
is done in the 7UM61 as a setting referred to the rated values of the object to be protected (e.g. I
N, G
dent, typical settings of the protective functions can be pre-specified. The data of the
individual power system are updated in the Power System Data 1 or Power System Data 2 and conversion to secondary values is done by mouse clicking. All
necessary conversion formulas of the individual functions are stored in the operating
; U
N, G
= 1 A
N, sec
4 is recommended.
; S
). This procedure has the advantage that system-indepen-
N, G
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