Design and Connection System2
Getting Started3
Control During Operation6
Installation and Commissioning7
Maintenance and Repair8
Technical Data9
Exclusion of Liability
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We have checked the contents of this publication and every effort has been
made to ensure that the descriptions of both hardware and software are as
accurate as possible. However, deviations from the description cannot be
completely ruled out, so that no liability can be accepted for any errors or
omissions contained in the information given.
The data in this manual are checked regularly and the necessary corrections
are included in subsequent editions. We are grateful for any improvements
that you care to suggest.
Subject to technical modifications.
Document Release 4.62.00
Edition 09.2007
is a registered trademark of SIEMENS AG. Other designations in
this manual may be trademarks that if used by third parties for their own pur
poses may violate the rights of the owner.
Siemens AG Order-No. C53000-G1176-C182-3
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Aim of this ManualThis manual describes the functions, operation, installation, and commissioning of the
complete SIPROTEC 7SS52 V4 distributed busbar and breaker failure protection system. In particular, you will find:
• Information on configuration of the system → Chapter 4, page 45
• Description of the system functions and their setting op tions → Chapter 5, page 91
• Information on control during operation → Chapter 6, page 209
• Information on installation and commission in g → Chapter 7, page 255
• Overview of technical data → Chapter 9, page 311
• and a compilation of the most important information for the exper ienced user
→ Chapter A.1, page 336
The SIPROTEC 4 System Description /1/ deals in a general way with the management, configuration, parameterization, operation, installation and commissioning of a
SIPROTEC 4 system.
Target audienceProtection engineers, commissioners, persons who are involved in setting, testing and
maintenance of protection, automation, and control devices, as well as operation personnel in electrical plants and power stations.
Scope of validity of
this manual
This manual is valid for the complete SIPROTEC 7SS52 V4 distributed busbar and
breaker failure protection system, firmware version 4.6. The system comprises the
central unit 7SS522 V4.6 and the bay units 7SS523 V3.3 and 7SS525 V3.3. The complete system will be referred to in the manual as 7SS52 V4.
Indication of Conformity
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the Eur opean Comm unities
on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC Council Directive 89/336/EEC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 73/23 EEC).
This conformity has been proved by tests performed according to Article 10 of the
Council Directive in agreement with the generic standards EN 61000-6-2 and EN
61000-6-4 (for EMC directive) and with the standard EN 60255-6 (for Low Voltage Directive) by Siemens AG.
The device is designed and manufactured for application in industrial environment.
The product conforms with the international standar ds of IEC 60255 and the Ger man
standard VDE 0435.
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Additional supportFor any questions concerning your SIPROTEC system, please contact your Siemens
Training coursesIndividual course offers may be found in our T raining Cat alog, or questions can b e di-
rected to our training center in Nuremberg.
Instructions and
The warnings and notes contained in this manual serve for your own safety and for an
appropriate lifetime of the device. Please obser ve the m!
The following terms and definitions are used:
indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage will result
if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage can result
if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury or property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. This is especially valid for damage on or in the device itself and
consequential damage thereof.
indicates information about the device or respective part of the instruction manual
which is essential to highlight.
Hazardous voltages are present in this electrical equipment during operation. Non–
observance of the safety rules can result in severe personal injury or property damage.
Only qualified personnel shall work on and around this equipment afte r becoming thoroughly familiar with all warnings and safety notices of this manual as well as with the
applicable safety regulations.
The successful and safe operation of this device is dependent on proper handlin g, installation, operation, and maintenance by qualified personnel under observance of all
warnings and hints contained in this manual.
In particular the general erection and safety regulations (e.g. IEC, DIN, VDE, EN or
other national and international standards) regarding the corr ect u se of hoisting gear
must be observed. Non–observance can r esult in death, personal injury or substantial
property damage.
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For the purpose of this instruction manual and product labels, a qualified person is one
who is familiar with the installation, construction and operation of the equipment and
the hazards involved. In addition, he or she has the following qualifications:
• Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear, ground and tag circuits
and equipment in accordance with established safety practices.
• Is trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment in accordance with established safety practices.
• Is trained in rendering first aid.
and symbol
The following text formats are used when literal information from the device or to the
device appear in the text flow:
Parameter names, i.e. designators of configuration or function parameters, which
may appear word-for-word in the display of the device or on the screen of a personal
computer (with DIGSI), are marked in bold letters of a monospace type style.
Parameter options, i.e. possible settings of text parameters, which may appear
word-for-word in the display of the device or on the screen of a personal computer
(with DIGSI), are written in italic style, additionally. This applies also for options in
“Annunciations”, i.e. designators for information, which may be output by the relay
or required from other devices or from the switch gear, are marked in a monospace
type style in quotes.
Deviations may be permitted in drawings when the type of designator can be o bviously
derived from the illustration.
The following symbols are used in drawings:
Device-internal logical input signal
Device-internal logical output signal
Internal input signal of an analog quantity
External binary input signal with number (binary input,
input indication)
External binary output signal with number (device indication)
Example of a parameter switch designated with the
address and the possible settings
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Besides these, graphical symbols are used according to IEC 60 617–12 and
IEC 60 617–13 or symbols derived from these standards. The most frequen t symbols
are the following:
Input signal of an analogue quantity
OR-combination of input values
AND-combination of input values
Exclusive–OR gate: output is active, if only one of the
inputs is active
2-of-3-combination of input values
Coincidence: output is active if both inputs are active
or inactive at the same time
Dynamic input signals (edge–triggered) above with
positive, below with negative edge
Formation of one analogue output signal from a
number of analogue input signals
Limit value stage with parameter addr ess and parameter name
Timer (pickup delay T adjustable) with parameter
address and parameter name
Timer (dropout delay T, non-adjustable)
Edge-controlled time stage with effective time T
Static memory (RS-flipflop) with setting input (S),
resetting input (R), output (Q) and inverted output (Q)
Circuit breaker (open and closed)
Isolator (open and closed)
This chapter introduces the SIPROTEC 7SS52 V4 distributed busbar and breaker failure protection. An overview of the device is presented in its application, characteristics, and scope of functions.
1.1 Overall Operation 2
1.2 Applications 4
1.3 Features 5
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1.1Overall Operation
The SIPROTEC 7SS52 V4 distributed busbar and breaker failure protection consists
of compact bay units which are connected to the central unit by fiber-optic cables. Figure 1-1, page 3 shows the basic structure of the protection system.
All tasks from acquisition of the measured values up to the commands to the circuit
breakers are exclusively processed in a digital manner.
In the bay units the feeder or coupler currents are measured time-synchronized, digitalized, preprocessed and transmitted to the central unit via the fast serial port. The
input nominal current can be 1 or 5 A depending on the main current transformer design. A full galvanic and low-capacitive isolation of the measuring inputs is provided
by transducers. Suppression of disturbances is achieved by filters which are optimized
for the measured value processing with regard to bandwidth and processing speed.
Bay unitsThe bay units can be parameterized and operated either directly or from the central
unit. Chapter 6.1, page 210 summarizes the operator options during operation.
The bay units capture the isolator positions and bay-related binary signals, process
functions of the breaker failure protection and fulfil auto diagnosis tasks.
Heavy-duty command relays take the protec ti on system's trip commands directly to
the circuit breakers. Marshallable alarm relays and indicators (LEDs, LC display,
DIGSI communication software) allow event indication. In addition operational measured values are displayed.
For the marshalling of isolator positions, command relays, alarm relays and allocatable binary inputs the DIGSI communication software is used.
Optionally, the bay units can be equipped with a backup protection function (definitetime, inverse-time) including breaker failure protection.
Central unitThe central unit reads in time-synchronized measured currents from the connected
bay units and processes them together with binary information from the protection
functions (differential protection, breaker failure protection). The central unit transmits
the results of the calculations cyclically to the bay units, which perform logical combinations of the results.
Freely marshallable alarm relays and LED displays are provided for signalling. They
are marshalled with the DIGSI communication software.
The central unit manages all configuration and setting data for the bu sbar and breaker
failure protection functions. Communication is possible via the serial port by mean s of
a PC utilizing a current version of the DIGSI communication software. With DIGSI V4.6
the central unit - but not the bay unit - can also be operated via IEC 61850 with the
optional EN100 module. Indications, parameters and measured values are visualized
in the display or in DIGSI. In addition the pro gram can read ou t fault data from the protection device and analyze it.
The central unit and bay units contain power supply modules for a reliable powe r supply on different voltage ranges.
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Overall Operation
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SBK:Protection processingSC:Serial coupling
DPR:Dual port RAMPS:Power supply
I/O CU: Input/output central unitZPS: Central processor protection
SBK:Bus master
Figure 1-1 General view of the configuratio n of the protection system
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ApplicationThe SIPROTEC 7SS52 V4 distributed busbar and breaker failure protection is a se-
lective, reliable and fast protection for busbar short-circuits and circuit-b reaker failures
in medium-voltage, high-voltage and extra high-voltage switching stations. It is suitable for almost all busbar configurations.
The busbar protection uses a phase-selective measuring principle.
The protection system consists of a central unit (CU) and up to 48 bay units (BU) con-
nected by fiber-optic (FO) cables. The latter can be located in the vicinity of the bays
(distributed) but also together with the CU in cubicles (centralized).
Use and scope of
The protection can be used with all types of switchgear with either conventional or linearized CTs.
The modular design facilitates extensions or modifications of the protection system in
conformity with the switchgear design.
The 7SS52 V4 is designed for 12 selective bus zones and 12 bus coupler (auxiliary
bus) sections. These are sections which serve exclusively for coupling of the bus
zones. They do not have any feeders. The busbar co nfigura tion can includ e up to 24
sectionalizing isolators and 16 bus couplers with one bay unit or 8 bus couplers with
two bay units.
By virtue of the universal isolator replica, the SIPROTEC 7SS52 V4 distributed busbar
and breaker failure protection can be matched with differ ent b usbar configu ra tions in
the design phase.
Compensation of different current transformer ratios is achieved by parameter setting.
Interposing current transformers are thus no more required.
A busbar short-circuit is detected by evaluating the differential current and the stabilizing current. Appropriate measures ensure corr ect performance even for extreme CT
saturation (requested current transmission time ≥ 2 ms for stability in the case of external faults and ≥ 3 ms for tripping).
The integrated circuit breaker failure protec tion (CBF) can be operated in five modes,
selectable per bay (see Chapter, page 119):
• I> query (1-stage CBF)
• TRIP repetition with overcurrent detection I> (2-stage CBF)
• Unbalancing (1-stage CBF)
• TRIP repetition with following unbalancing (2-stage CBF)
• Single-pole or three-pole start by external CBF and tripping via the isolator replica
In addition, the integrated circuit breaker failure protection provides two operating
modes that can be set in parallel to the other five modes (see Chapter, page
The overcurrent-time protection is a back-up protection function of the bay unit an d includes the following functions (see Chapter 5.16, page 188):
• Phase-selective high-set stage (I>>)
• High-set stage for the earth current (IE>>)
• Phase-selective overcurrent stage with definite time or inverse time characteristic (I> / Ip)
• Overcurrent stage for the earth curren t with definite time or inverse time character-
istic (IE> / IEp)
Back-up protection function, can work without the central unit
Separate circuit breaker failure protectio n
• Powerful multiprocessor system
• Completely digital measured value processing and co ntrol, from the acquisition and
digitizing of measured values, recognition of the isolator status and processing of
the CB failure protection signals up to the trip decisions for the circuit-breaker
• Graphical station planning with the DIGSI communication software
• Easy station configuration with the DIGSI communication software
• Easy centralized operation of bay units from the central unit using DIGSI, or local
menu-guided operation via integrated keypad and display panel
• Battery-buffered storage of fault events as well as instantaneous values for fault recording
• Complete galvanic and disturbance-free isolation betwe en the internal processing
circuits of central unit and bay units and the measuring and auxiliary supply circuits
of the station by virtue of screened measuring transducers, binary input and output
modules and DC converters
• Disturbance-free and fast data transmission from and to the bay units by fiber-optic
• Complete scope of functions for the selective protection of multiple busbar systems
• Central administration of the isolator states
• Continuous monitoring of measured values as well as of hardware an d software of
the unit
• Comprehensive self-monitoring provides for fast signaling of unit failures
• Communication via electrical or optical interfaces and use of the DIGSI communi-
cation software for planning, parameterization and for indication and fault record
• Communication check via Web browser
• IEC 61850
• Control center link of the central unit as per IEC 60870-5-103 and IEC 61850
7SS52 V4 Manual
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• Output of indications to
− Control center
− LEDs
− Binary outputs of the central unit
• Commissioning support by measuring and display functions, and output of indica-
tions to a control center as well as to LEDs and outputs of the central unit.
The digital busbar protection contains the following functions:
• Evaluation of the differential current in conjunction with through-current stabilization
(Figure 1-2, page 7)
• Trip decision based on 3 independent measurements. 2 mea surements are based
on busbar configuration, and the third measurement considers all busbar sections
independent of the isolator replica (check zone).
• Fast tripping (typical trip time 15 ms)
• Busbar protection with up to 12 bus zones (BZ), 12 bus coupler (auxiliary bus) sec-
tions (AB) and up to 48 bay units
• Protection of systems with up to quintuple busbars (including transfe r busbars)
• Stabilization against spurious tripping in case of external faults and CT saturation
• Zone-selective and phase-selective blocking of the busbar protection by the differ-
ential current monitor
• Selective blocking of the bus section in case of
− Isolator faults
− Bay faults (bay unit, FO cable)
− Measured value error
− Response of the zero crossing supervision
• Characteristics for check zone and bus-selective zones can be set independently
from each other
− Normal pick-up characteristic (Figure 1-2, page 7)
− Earth fault characteristic (Figure 1-3, page 7)
• Matching to different CT ratios without interposing matching transformers
• Selective clearance of short-circuits even on the bypass bus with signal transmis-
sion to the remote end
• Detection and disconnection of short-circuits in the coupler bay betwee n current
transformers and circuit-breaker based on current measurement and selective unbalance
• Detection and disconnection of short-circuits between current transformers and circuit-breaker of a line by end fault protection
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• Circuit breaker failure protection (CBF), selectable per bay, for low-current faults in
the variants
− I> query (1-stage CBF)
− TRIP repetition with overcurrent detection I> (2-stage CBF)
− Unbalancing (1-stage CBF)
− TRIP repetition with following unbalancing (2-stage CBF)
− Single-pole or three-pole start by external breaker failure pro tection and tripping
via the isolator replica
• Direct operation of the circuit breaker by the ba y un it
• Direct tripping of busbar sections via binary inputs of the central unit
Figure 1-2 Pick-up characteristics of the busbar and breaker failure protection (unbalancing)
Figure 1-3 Earth fault characteristic
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Breaker failure
The integrated circuit breaker failure protection (CBF) contains th e following functions:
• In case of a busbar short-circuit, a breaker failure is detected by co mparison of current thresholds.
• In all operating modes of the circuit breaker failure protection, a bay-selective command is output by the bay units to trip the circuit breaker at the remote end (transfer
trip command).
• The external breaker failure protection can be started for one phase or for three
• The breaker failure protection can be started on 1 channel or, for extra reliability, on
2 channels. Both settings can be combined with a monitoring feature.
• Reduced response times in case of a circuit breaker malfunction
• Query of the circuit breaker position in case of low-current faults
• The circuit breaker failure protection function can be deactivated fo r te st purp oses.
The following modes are available for the circuit breaker failure protection:
• I> query:
After initiation by a TRIP command from the feeder protection, the 7SS52 V4
checks the feeder current. If the measured current stays above the set threshold after a set time has elapsed, the 7SS52 V4 issues zone- selective TRIP commands in
the bays considering the isolator replica.
• TRIP repetition with subsequent I> query:
When initiated by a TRIP command from the feeder protection, the 7SS52 V4 issues a second TRIP command to the circuit breaker of the initiating feeder after a
set time delay. In case this second TRIP command is also unsuccessful, tripping as
per mode I>query is effected.
• Unbalancing:
After initiation by a TRIP command from the feeder protection, the
7SS52 V4 system checks the feeder current. If the measured current stays above
the set threshold after a set time has elapsed, the polarity of the current in this feeder is inverted by the 7SS52 V4 (unbalancing).
• TRIP repetition with subsequent unbalancing:
When initiated by a TRIP command from the feeder protection, the 7SS52 V4 issues a second TRIP command to the circuit breaker of the initiating feeder after a
set time delay. In case this second TRIP command is also unsuccessful, tripping as
per mode Unbalancing is effected.
• TRIP by external CBF:
Where a separate circuit breaker failure protection is provided, the 7SS52 V4 can
generate zone-selective feeder trip commands utilizing the integrated isolator replica.
• TRIP repetition with subsequent unbalancing with pulse trigger or I>query:
This mode should be used when the CBF is triggered by the remote station. The
function is triggered by a trip command from the feeder protection at the remote
feeder terminal. The further proceeding is described in the modes TRIP repetition
with subsequent unbalancing and I>query.
• Low-current CBF:
This mode outputs a TRIP command even in the case of low-cur rent faults (e.g. tripping by Buchholz protection). After a settable time the circuit breaker position is
queried. A TRIP repetition also takes place with a low-current oper ating mode.
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End fault protectionThis mode detects short-circuits between the current transformers and the circuit
breaker and generates the necessary commands to disconnect the faulted line.
The overcurrent protection of the bay unit is independent of the busbar protection
function and of the central unit. The overcurrent protection comprises the following
functions (Chapter 5.16, page 188):
• High-set stage I>> with separate fault detection in each phase
• High-set stage IE>>
• Definite time overcurrent stage I> with separate fault detection in each phase OR
• Inverse time overcurrent stage Ip with separate fault detection in each phase
• Definite time earth current stage IE> OR
• Inverse time earth current stage IEP
• Setting of different current/time characteristics for phase and earth currents is pos-
• With inverse time O/C protection: three standardized characteristics are selecta ble
for phase currents and earth currents.
• The CBF function remains active even in case of central unit failure or with the bay
unit out of service.
The isolator replica is common for the busbar protection and the circuit-brea ker failure
protection function. The isolator replica comprises the following functions:
• Management of up to 48 bay units, 12 bus zones and 12 bus coupler sections:
The protection system is suitable for configurations up to quintuple busbars. Combibus operation is possible. Up to 16 couplers can be configured with one bay unit,
and up to 8 couplers with 2 bay units. These can be bus couplers or/and sectionalizing isolators.
Trip output / Trip reset
• Isolator running time supervision
• Integrated storage of isolator status on loss of DC supply:
The isolator replica allows to allocate to the isolators their positions prior to the DC
supply failure. It is also possible to allocate to all isolators of this feeder the position
CLOSED. The allocation of NOT OPEN = CLOSED eliminates the necessity of calibrated isolator auxiliary contacts. Also, it ensures stable functioning of the protection even in case of a wire break.
• Graphical planning of the station configuration with the DIGSI communication software
• Visualization of isolator positions by LEDs on the bay units
The signal processing is distinguished by the following characteristics:
• Feeder-selective TRIP command by the bay units
• Feeder-selective selectable overcurrent release of the TRIP command
• Extension of busbar TRIP signal for set time
• Current-controlled reset of TRIP signal
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Fault recordingDuring a fault event, the instantaneous values of the measured values are stored at
intervals of 1 ms at 50 Hz and 0.83 ms at 60 Hz respectivelyin a buffer of the central
unit or of the bay units. The central unit calculates from the instantaneous valu es the
differential and restraint currents of each phase for all busbar sections and the check
zone. The bay units calculate from the instantaneous values the currents and the binary tracks.
After starting the fault recording, the fault data are stored in a range from max. 500 ms
before the TRIP command to max. 500 ms after it. Th e central un its can sto re up to 8
faults with a maximum of 80 fault events each, an d ea ch bay unit can sto re8 faults
with a maximum of 100 fault events each. Where more events are gener ated, the oldest are overwritten in the order of their generation. Fault recording is started, for instance, by a busbar short circuit, by a binary input or through DIGSI.
The fault data can be read out to a PC and evaluated by the DIGSI communication
software. The fault record data buffer SIPROTEC 7SS52 V4 is protected aga inst data
loss in case of power failures.
LEds and
binary inputs
of the central unit12 binary inputs are available to control the functions of the central unit (e .g. clock syn-
of the bay unitThe bay units are the interface link to the station.
All inputs and outputs are freely marshallable.
Each LED or relay can be allocated to more than one event; likewise, events can be
marshalled more than one LED or relay.
chronization, LED reset).
16 alarm relays and 32 LED in the central unit can be allocated to various functions
for user-specific output and indication.
Each bay unit 7SS523 has
• 4 command relays with each 2 NO contacts
• 1 command relay with 1 NO contact
• 1 command relay with 1 NO contact
• 1alarm relay with 2 NC contacts (device failure, not marshallable)
The functional allocation of the outputs can be marshalled with the DIGSI communication software.
20 freely marshallable binary inputs are available for control functions or state recognition.
16 binary inputs can be marshalled to various functions, such as recognition of the isolator states.
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Each bay unit 7SS525 has
• 3 command relays with each 2 NO contacts
• 2 command relay with 1 NO contact
• 1 command relay with 1 NO contact
• 1 alarm relay with 1 NC contact (device failure, not marshallable)
The functional allocation of the outputs can be marshalled with the DIGSI communication software.
10 freely marshallable binary inputs are available for control functions or state recognition.
1 LED is freely allocable.
Measuring and
testing functions
The SIPROTEC 7SS52 V4 distributed busbar and circuit br eaker failure provides a variety of measuring and testing functions to assist during commissioning and maintenance. These functions are:
• Display of the feeder currents per phase in each bay unit and in the central unit. In
addition the data are available at the serial port for visualization in the DIGSI software.
• Phase-selective and zone-selective calculation of differential and stabilizing currents. Display in the DIGSI software through the serial PC port. In addition, the data
are visualized per phase, per bus zone, a nd for the checkzone, in the display of the
central unit. The display of the bay unit shows only the data for the check zone.
• Monitoring of the zone-selective and phase-selective differential currents with zoneselective blocking or alarm output
• Monitoring of the zone-selective and phase-selective differential currents with zoneselective blocking or alarm output
• Phase-selective trip test including control of the feeder circuit breaker (through
DIGSI, bay unit display or binary input)
• Bay out of service
Removal of one bay from the busbar protection processing via central unit or bay
unit, e.g during maintenance works.
• Revision mode
The isolator replica of one bay is retained by the central and the bay unit with the
protection function remaining active.
• Cyclic test of measured value acquisition, measured value processing and trip circuit test including the coils of the command relays
• Manual blocking
Blocking of the circuit breaker failure protection, the XMZ and the backup breaker
failure protection and of the TRIP commands.
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Event buffer in central unit
Event buffer in
bay unit
The SIPROTEC 7SS52 V4 distributed busbar and circuit breaker failure protection
supplies battery-buffered data for the analysis of faults as well as for operational
Up to 200 operational events and 80 fault events with real-time information are stored
in a circulating buffer in the central unit.
Operational events include switching operations, protection status indications, isolator
status irregularities and monitoring functions.
Fault events include trip signals in the event of busbar short-circuits, circuit-breaker
failure and transfer trip.
Up to 50 operational events and100 fault events per fault.
Hardware and software are continuously monitored; irregulari ties are recognized instantly and annunciated.
A high degree of security and availability is achieved by the continuous monitoring of:
• Isolator statuses
• Trip circuits
• Measured current circuits
• Measured value transformations
• Supply voltages
• Program memories
• Program processing
• Discharge degree of battery (central unit and bay unit)
For diagnosis purposes in the event of device failures, a battery-buffered dedicated
data memory is available in the central unit.
Clock control• Central unit
− Battery-buffered time with 1 ms resolution
− Time set by entry of current data
− Synchronization of the central unit via binary input or system port (synchroniza-
tion signal DCF77, IRIG B by satellite receiver)
− IEC 60870-5-103 and IEC 61850
• Bay unit
− Battery-buffered time with 1 ms resolution
− Clock synchronization by central unit in intervals of 1 minute
− Local clock setting possible as well
The central unit and the bay units are equipped with buffer batteries to ensure that
LED states, date and time, operational and fault events as well as fault records are
maintained in case of an auxiliary power failure.
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Design and Connection System2
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This chapter describes the design of the central un it and the bay u nits that con stitute
the SIPROTEC 7SS52 V4 distributed busbar and breaker failure protection. It explains
what housing versions are possible and what connection methods are used.
2.0 General 14
2.1 Central Unit 15
2.2 Bay Unit 18
2.3 Connection Method 22
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Design and Connection System
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The SIPROTEC 7SS52 V4 distributed busbar and breaker failure protection is comprised of:
• Central unit
• Bay units
• Data links (fiber-optic cables)
Prefabricated fiber optic cables with double-end ST plug connectors are used for th e
data exchange.
They can be delivered with specific anti-rodent protection for outdoor installation. Indoor cables may be used for centralized configuration of the bay units.
Power supplyThe modules in the bay unit and central unit are powere d by powerful power supply
units. For the range required for your specific input voltage, please refer to the selection and ordering data in the Table A-1, page 336.
Bonding power failure
Short dips or failures of the supply voltage up to 50 ms, which may occur due to shortcircuits in the DC supply system of the station, are compensated by a DC storage capacitor (for nominal voltages ≥ 60 V).
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