Siemens SIPROTEC 7SJ61,SIPROTEC 7SJ62,SIPROTEC 7SJ63,SIPROTEC 6MD63 Technical Data Manual

Multifunction protection with control 7SJ62 / 7SJ63
Communication module
Bus specific parameters
Supported Modbus functions Exception responses of the Modbus
Annunciations to the Modbus master
Data type definitions
Modbus register map
Technical data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Revision: 1.0 Edition: April 2000 C53000-L1840-C001-01


Non-liability clause
Although we have checked the contents of this publication for conformance with the hardware and software described we cannot guarantee complete conformance since differences cannot be ruled out.
The information in this manual is checked at regular intervals, and necessary corrections are included in the next releases.
Your suggestions are welcome. Subject to change without prior notice.
Copyright Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. Passing on or reproduction of this document, utilization and revelation
of its contents is not permitted without express permission. Violations shall be cause for damage claims. All rights reserved, in particular when a patent is issued or a general model registered.
Registered trademarks
SIPROTEC und DIGSI are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Modbus and Modbus Plus are trademarks of Modicon, Inc. Other designations in this manual may be trademarks that if used by third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the owner.
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft C53000-L1840-C001-01


Contents of this manual
Additional literature
The manual is devided into the following topics:
Bus specific parameters
Supported Modbus functions
Exception responses of the Modbus slave
Annunciations to the Modbus master
Data type definitions
Modbus register map
Technical data
This manual desc ribes the operation the register map organization and the hardware interface of the Modbus slave for the SIPROTEC devices 7SJ61, 7SJ62, 7SJ63 and 6MD63.
The following additional manuals inform you about the function, operation, assembly and commissioning of the SIPROTEC devices:
Manual Contents Order number
Overcurrent, overload and motor protection with control SIPROTEC 7SJ61
Function, operation, assembly and commiss ioni ng of the SIPROTEC device 7SJ61
Multifunction protecti on with control SIPROTEC 7SJ62
Multifunction protecti on with control SIPROTEC 7SJ63
Input/output unit with local control SIPROTEC 6MD63
Function, operation, assembly and commiss ioni ng of the SIPROTEC device 7SJ62
Function, operation, assembly and commiss ioni ng of the SIPROTEC device 7SJ63
Function, operation, assembly and commiss ioni ng of the SIPROTEC device 6MD63
The Modbus specification with a detailed explanation of the Modbus protocol is contained in:
Modbus Protocol Reference Guide PI-MBUS-300 Rev. J June 1996, Modicon, Inc
7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 - Modbus C53000-L1840-C001-01
Notes to this manual
Training courses
This manual provides you with the following aids to make it easier to locate the information you are looking for:
At the beginning of this manual you will find a complete table of contents plus separate lists of figures and tables contained in this manual.
In the individual chapters, you will find information in the left margin of each page which will give you an overview of the contents of that particular paragraph.
Following the last chapter of this manual, you will find a glossary containing definitions of technical terms and abbreviations used in this manual.
At the end of this manual, you will find a comprehensive index for fast access to the information you need.
This manual is valid for
SIPROTEC devices 7SJ61, 7SJ62, 7SJ63 and 6MD63 with firmware
version 4.2 and Modbus communication module.
See our catalog of courses f or a list of available courses or contact our training center in Nuremberg.
If you have questions to the SIPROTEC devices, contact your Siemens representative.
7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 - Modbus

Revision index

Modified chapters /
Edition Reasons of modification
1.0 First edition Apr 12
, 2000
7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 - Modbus C53000-L1840-C001-01
Revision index
7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 - Modbus

Table of contents

1 Bus specific parameters ................................................................................................1-1
2 Supported Modbus functions........................................................................................2-1
3 Exception responses of the Modbus slave..................................................................3-1
4 Annunciations to the Modbus master ..........................................................................4-1
5 Data type definitions ......................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Single command (SC) / Single-point indiation (SP).............................................5-2
5.2 Double command (DC) / Double-point indication (DP)........................................5-2
5.3 Measured value (signed integer) .........................................................................5-3
5.4 Metered measurand (unsigned long)...................................................................5-3
6 Modbus register map .....................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Explanation ..........................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Notes for parametrization in DIGSI......................................................................6-2
6.3 Coil status registers (0X references) ...................................................................6-3
6.3.1 Register addresses 00001 to 00018:
Double commands...............................................................................................6-3
6.3.2 Register addresses 00033 to 00054:
Single commands ................................................................................................6-4
6.3.3 Register addresses 00065 to 00071:
Internal commands ..............................................................................................6-5
6.3.4 Register addresses 00081 to 0096:
Application logic CFC...........................................................................................6-6
6.3.5 Register addresses 00257 to 00264:
Exception flags.....................................................................................................6-8
6.4 Input status registers (1X references)..................................................................6-9
6.4.1 Register addresses 10001 to 10037:
Input channels with allocation to the binary inputs...............................................6-9
6.4.2 Register addresses 10049 to 10064:
Application logic CFC.........................................................................................6-10
6.4.3 Register addresses 10065 to 10089:
Automatic recloser status ..................................................................................6-11
6.4.4 Register addresses 10097 to 10137:
Time overcurrent protection...............................................................................6-12
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Table of contents
6.4.5 Register addresses 10145 to 10188:
Directional time overcurrent protection..............................................................6-13
6.4.6 Register addresses 10193 to 10200:
Unbalanced load protection ...............................................................................6-15
6.4.7 Register addresses 10209 to 10224:
Frequency protection .........................................................................................6-15
6.4.8 Register addresses 10225 to 10247:
Undervoltage and overvoltage protection ..........................................................6-16
6.4.9 Register addresses 10257 to 10278:
Sensitive ground fault protection........................................................................6-17
6.4.10 Register addresses 10289 to 10298:
Circuit breaker failure protection........................................................................6-18
6.4.11 Register addresses 10305 to 10313:
Thermal overload protection ..............................................................................6-18
6.4.12 Register addresses 10321 to 10325:
Motor start protection.........................................................................................6-18
6.4.13 Register addresses 10337 to 10342:
Startup supervision ............................................................................................6-19
6.4.14 Register addresses 10353 to 10359:
Trip coil monitor .................................................................................................6-19
6.4.15 Register addresses 10369 to 10383:
Inrush stabilization .............................................................................................6-19
6.4.16 Register address 10385:
Fault locator .......................................................................................................6-20
6.4.17 Register addresses 10393 to 10396:
Cold load pickup.................................................................................................6-20
6.4.18 Register addresses 10401 to 10408:
Measurement supervision..................................................................................6-21
6.4.19 Register addresses 10417 to 10426:
Set point alarms.................................................................................................6-21
6.4.20 Register addresses 10433 to 10446:
Status annunciations..........................................................................................6-21
6.5 Input registers (3X references) ..........................................................................6-23
6.5.1 Reference values for selecting a standard mapping in accordance with the
operating values of the primary equipment........................................................6-23
6.5.2 Recorded measured values...............................................................................6-24
6.6 Holding registers (4X references) ......................................................................6-26
6.6.1 Register addresses 40001 to 40048:
System information ............................................................................................6-26
6.6.2 Register address 40129:
Diagnosis ...........................................................................................................6-26
6.6.3 Register addresses 40201 to 40215:
Metered measurands.........................................................................................6-28
6.6.4 Register addresses 40251 to 40257:
Measured values – mean values .......................................................................6-29
6.6.5 Register addresses 40301 to 40305:
Fault locator and fault currents ..........................................................................6-30
7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 - Modbus
Table of contents
7 Technical data.................................................................................................................7-1
7.1 Modbus slave for the SIPROTEC devices...........................................................7-1
7.2 Hardware interface...............................................................................................7-1
7.2.1 Connection via the AME module..........................................................................7-2
7.2.2 Connection via the AMO module .........................................................................7-2
8 Glossary...........................................................................................................................8-1
9 Index.................................................................................................................................9-1
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Table of contents

List of figures

Figure 5-1 Data typ single command / single-point indication...............................................5-2
Figure 5-2 Data type double command / double-point indication..........................................5-2
Figure 5-3 Data type measured value (signed integer).........................................................5-3
Figure 5-4 Data type metered measurand (unsigned integer) ..............................................5-3

List of tables

Table 2-1 Supported Modbus functions ...............................................................................2-2
Table 7-1 Technical data of the connection via the AME module........................................7-2
Table 7-2 Assignment of the bus connection at the device (D-SUB outlet).........................7-2
Table 7-3 Technical data of the connection via the AMO module........................................7-2
7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 - Modbus
1 Bus specific parameters

Bus specific parameters

The following settings for the ser ial com m unication between the Modbus master and the Modbus slave of the SIPROTEC device have to be defined when programming the device using the parameterization system DIGSI.
Slave address
Modbus mode
Permissible slave addresses are in the range between 1 and 247.
The Modbus slave of the SIPROTEC device supports the two serial transmission modes ASCII and RTU:
In ASCII mode each byte in a Modbus message is sent as two ASCII characters. For error checking a Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC) is used.
When the Modbus slave is setup to communicate on a Modbus network using RTU mode each byte in a Modbus message contains two hexadecimal characters . In RTU mode a Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) is applied for frame checking.
Baud rate
Maximum slave response time
The following baud rates are available:
300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 Bit/s.
The parity is adjustably to:
even or odd parity bit (EVEN, ODD) in ASCII mode,
none, even or odd paritiy bit (NONE, EVEN, ODD) in RTU mode.
The maxim um response time determ ines the time interval within which the Modbus slave may respond to enquiries from the master.
This value is indicated into m illiseconds unities and m us t be coor dinated with the time-out of the Modbus master.
The following formula is valid:
< (T
- Transmission time of the slave response on the bus line,
- Time-out of the Modbus master,
- Maximum slave response time.
+ T
) < T
7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 - Modbus C53000-L1840-C001-01
Bus specific parameters
Processing of broadcast messages
If one of the Modbus messages "Force Single Coil", "Preset Single Register", "Force Multiple Coil" or "Preset Single Regs " (ref. to chap. 2) is transmitted from the Modbus master to the Modbus slaves using slave address 0 all Modbus slaves recognize this message as a broadcast message and process it.
For every Modbus slave of a SIPROTEC device can be dec ided whether broadcast messages are accepted for coil status registers and/or holding registers.
Per default this option is enabled and all broadcast messages are processed.
Modbus Plus is not supported by the Modbus slave of the SIPROTEC devices 7SJ61, 7SJ62, 7SJ63 and 6MD63.
7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 – Modbus
2 Supported Modbus functions

Supported Modbus functions

The following Modbus functions are s upported by the Modbus slave of the SIPROTEC device:
1 Read Coil
2 Read Input
3 Read Holding
4 Read Input
Reading one or several coil status registers of the Modbus slave. A maximum of 1970 regis ters can be read with one message. The coil status regist ers reflect the ON/OFF stat us of discrete outputs of the SIPROTEC device.
Reading one or several input status regi sters of the Modbus slave. A maximum of 1970 regis ters can be read with one message. The input status registers reflect the ON/OFF stat us of discrete inputs and the status of the protection function of the SIPROTEC device.
Reading one or several holding registers of the Modbus slave. A maximum of 125 regis ters can be read with one message. The holding registers contain device status annunciations, measured values – mean values and metered measurands.
Reading one or several input registers of the Modbus slave. A maximum of 125 regis ters can be read with one message. The input registers contain recorded measured values.
5 Force Single
6 Preset Single
7 Read
8 Diagnostics This function provides diagnos t i c values to the Modbus mast er.
Broadcast messages from Modbus m aster to the Modbus slaves using slave address 0 in the modbus message
(ref. to paragraph "Processi ng of broadcast messages" in chap. 1).
Writing (forc e to ON or OFF) one coil status register (and binary output of the SIPROTEC device assigned with that). Use function code 15 to force multiple coil s tatus registers.
Function presets a value into a single holding register. Use function code 16 to preset multiple holding registers. There are none writable holding registers for the SI PROTEC devices at present.
This function responses the value of the eight exception status coils to the Modbus master. The Modbus slave of the SIPROTEC devic e uses coil status regi ster
257..264 as exception coils.
Subfunctions 0 and 2 are im pl emented.
Funktion 0:
The data passed in the query data field of the message to the slave is to be returned (looped-back ) i n t he response.
Funktion 2:
The contents of the diagnost i c register is returned in the res ponse to the master. For thi s the contents of the holdi ng regi ster 129 is used.
7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 - Modbus C53000-L1840-C001-01
Supported Modbus functions
15 Force
16 Preset
Multiple Coils (0X-Register)
Multiple Regs (4X-Register)
Writing (forc e to ON or OFF) one or several coil status regi sters (and binary outputs of the SIP ROTE C devi ce assigned with these). A maximum of 1970 regis ters can be written with one message.
Function presets one or several holdi ng regi sters register. A maximum of 125 regis ters can be written with one message. There are none writable holding registers for the SI PROTEC devices at present.
Table 2-1 Supported Modbus functions
Description Broadcast
7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 – Modbus
3 Exception responses of the Modbus slave

Exception responses of the Modbus slave

If the Modbus slave receives a query from the Modbus master which cannot be processed (e.g. a request to read a non-existent register), then the slave answers with an exception response message.
The following exception codes are signaled in a exception response message to the Modbus m aster by the Modbus slave of the SIPROT EC device:
Exception code 01
Exception code 02
ILLEGAL_FUNCTION The function code used in the query by the Modbus master is not
supported by the Modbus slave of the SIPROTEC device. Ref to chap. 2 for a list of supported Modbus functions.
ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS The Modbus master addresses in the query a register for which:
no mapping entry exist (i.e. a non-existent register),
Exception code 03
Exception code 06
Exception code 08
the access is not enabled since the addressed register is part of a
complex bus object which uses more than one regis ters and can be read only completely.
ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE The Modbus master tried to write to a register for which only read
access is permitted.
SLAVE_DEVICE_BUSY The Modbus slave has no valid mapping data or the Modbus registers
still have not been initialized and enabled by the SIPROTEC device (after initial start or restart of the device).
NEGATIVE_ACKNOWLEDGE If at the diagnostic query (Modbus function code 8) another subfunction
than 00 or 02 is requested, then this is rejected with NEGATIVE_ACKNOWLEDGE.
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Exception responses of the Modbus slave
7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 – Modbus
4 Annunciations to the Modbus master

Annunciations to the Modbus master

When analysing the annunciations of the SIPROTEC device in the Modbus master, it should be noted that due to the cycle period of the Modbus system (period between two following queries of the sam e data of the Modbus slave) temporar y changes of an annunc iation’s value (ON and OFF within one cycle) may eventually not be recognized.
This applies in the first place for protection annunciations.
Protection pickup
Protection TRIP The parameter M
Protection annunciations which indicate the status protection pick up are active only for the period of time of the protection pickup.
address = 210) allows setting of the minimum duration of the TRIP command.
This time setting applies to all protection functions which may cause a TRIP signal. After a protection TRIP, the corresponding protection annunciations transmit the value ON for the program med m inimum time duration.
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Annunciations to the Modbus master
7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 – Modbus
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