We have checked the text of this manual against the hardware
and software described. However, deviations from the description cannot be completely ruled out, so that no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions contained in the information
The information in this manual is checked periodically, and necessary corrections will be included in future editions. We appreciate any suggested improvements.
We reserve the right to make technical improvements without
and communication of its contents, is not authorized except
where expressly permitted. Violations are liable for damages. All
rights reserved, particularly for the purposes of patent application
or trademark registration.
Registered Trademarks
SIPROTEC, SINAUT, SICAM and DIGSI are registered trademarks of SIEMENS AG. Other designations in this manual may
be trademarks that if used by third parties for their own purposes
may violate the rights of the owner.
Release 4.30.01
7SA522 Manual
Purpose of this
This manual describes the functions, operation, installation, and placing into service
of device 7SA522. In particular, one will find:
• Descriptions of device functions and settings;
• Instructions for mounting and commi s sioni ng;
• Compilation of the technical specifications;
• As well as a co mpilation of the most significant data for experienced users in the
General information about design, configuration, and operation of SIPROTEC
devices are laid down in the SIPROTEC
4 System Description
(Order no.: E50417-H1176-C151-A1).
T a rget AudienceProtection engineers, commissioning engineers, personnel concerned with adjust-
ment, checking, and service of selective protective equipment, automatic and control
facilities, and personnel of electrical facilities and power plants.
Applicability of this
This manual is valid for Distance Protection Device SIPROTEC
Firmware Version V4.3
4 7SA522;
Indication of Conformity
This product compli es with the d irecti ve of th e Cou ncil of the Euro pean Com muni ties on the app roximati on of the l aws of th e Me mber States relat ing to elec tromag netic compatibility (EMC Council Directive 89/336/EEC) and concerning electrical
equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 73/23
This conformity is proved by tests conducted by Siemens AG in accordance with
Article 10 of the Counc il Directive in agreement with the generic standards EN
50081 and EN 61 000-6-2 for EMC directive, and with the standard EN 60 255-6
for the low- voltage directive.
The product conforms with the international standard of the series IEC 60 255 and
the German standard VDE 0435.
Further Standa rdsIEEE Std C37.90-*
This product is UL-certified according to the Technical Data:
37SA522 Manual
Additional SupportShould further information on the System SIPROTEC® 4 be desired or should partic-
ular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purpose, the
matter should be referred to the local Siemens representative.
Training CoursesIndividual course offerings may be found in our Training Catalogue, or questions may
be directed to our training centre in Nuremberg.
Instructions and
The warnings and notes contained in this manual serve for your own safety and for
an appropriate lifetime of the device. Please observe them!
The following indicators and standard definitions are used:
indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage will
result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury or property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. This particularly applies to damage on or in the device itself and
consequential damage thereof.
indicates information about the device or respective part of the instruction manual
which is essential to highlight.
Hazardous voltages are present in this electrical equipment during operation.
Failure to observe these precautions can result in death, personal injury, or serious
material damage.
Only qualified personnel shall work on and in the vicinity of this equipment. The per-
sonnel must be thoroughly familiar with all warnings and maintenance procedures of
this manual as well as the safety regulations.
Successful and safe operation of the device is dependent on proper transportation,
storage, mounting and assembly and the observance of the warnings and instructions
of the unit manual.
Of particular importance are the general installation and safety regulations for work in
a high-voltage environment (for example, VDE, IEC, EN, DIN, or other national and
international regulations). These regulations must be observed.
7SA522 Manual
Prerequisites to proper and safe operation of this product are proper transport,
proper storage, setup, installation, operation, and maintenance of the product, as
well as careful operation and servicing of the device within the scope of the warnings and instructions of this manual.
• Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear, ground and tag circuits
and equipment in accordanc e with establ is hed safety practi ce s.
• Training and instruction (or other qualification) for switching, grounding, and designating devices and systems.
• Is trained in rendering first aid.
Typographic and
Graphical Conventions
To designate terms which refer in the text to information of the device or for the
device, the following fonts are used:
Designators of configuration or function parameters which may appear word-forword in the display of the device or on the screen of a personal computer (with operation software DIGSI
), are marked in bold letters of a monospace type style. This
also applies to header bars for selection menus.
Parameter addresses have the same character style as parameter names. Parameter addresses contain the suffix $ in the overview tables if the parameter can only
be set in DIGSI
via the option Display additional settings.
possible settings of text parameters, which may appear word-for-word in the display
of the device or on the screen of a personal computer (with operation software DIG-
), are additionally written in italics. This also applies to header bars for selection
Designators for information, which may be output by the relay or required from other
devices or from the switch gear, are marked in a monospace type style in quotation
Deviations may be permitted in drawings and tables when the type of designator can
be obviously derived from the illustration.
7SA522 Manual
The following symbols are used in drawings:
device-internal logical input signal
device-internal (logical) output signal
internal input signal of an analogue quantity
external binary input signal with number (binary input, input
external binary output signal with number (device indication)
external binary output signal with number (device indication)
used as input signal
Example of a p arameter sw itch designat ed FUNCTION with
the address 1234 and the possible settings ON and OFF
Besides these, graphical symbols are used according to IEC 60 617-12 and IEC 60
617-13 or symbols derived from these standards. Some of the most frequently used
are listed below:
Input signal of an analogue quantity
OR gate
AND gate
Exclusive–OR gate (antivalence): output is active, if only
one of the inputs is active
Equivalence: output is active, if both inputs are active or inactive at the same time
Dynamic inputs (edge–triggered) above with positive, below
with negative edge
Formation of one analogue output signal from a number of
analogue input signals
Limit stage with setting address and parameter designator
Timer (pickup delay T, example adjustable) with setting
address and parameter designator (name)
Timer (dropout delay T, example non-adjustable)
Dynamic triggered pulse timer T (monoflop)
Static memory (RS-flipflop) with setting input (S), resetting
input (R), output (Q) and inverted output (Q
The SIPROTEC® 4 7SA522 is introduced in this chapter. The device is presented in
its application, characteristics, and scope of functions.
1.1Overall Operation18
1.2Application Scope22
177SA522 Manual
1 Introduction
1.1Overall Operation
The digital Distance Protection SIPROTEC® 4 7SA522 is equipped with a powerful microprocessor system. This provides fully numerical processing of all functions in the
device, from the acquisition of the measured values up to the output of commands to
the circuit breakers Figure 1-1 shows the basic structure of the 7SA522.
Analog I n pu tsThe measuring inputs (MI) convert the currents and voltages coming from the trans-
formers and adapt them to the level appropriate for the internal processing of the
device. The device has 4 current and 4 voltage inputs. Three current inputs are provided for measurement of the phase currents, a further measuring input (I
configured to measure the earth current (residual current from the current transformer
star-point), the earth current of a parallel line (for parallel line compensation) or the
star-point current of a power transformer (for earth fault direction determination).
) may be
7SA522 Manual
1.1 Overall Operation
Figure 1-1Hardware structure of the digital Distance Protection 7SA522
A voltage measuring input is provided for each phase-earth voltage. A further voltage
input (U
) may optionally be used to measure either the displacement voltage (e-n volt-
age), for a busbar voltage (for synchronism and voltage check) or any other voltage
(for overvoltage protection). The analog values are transferred further to the IA
input amplifier group.
The input amplifier group IA provides high-resistance termination for the analog input
quantities. It consists of filters that are optimized for measured value processing with
regard to bandwidth and processing speed.
The AD analog digital converter group contains analog/digital converters and memory
components for data transfer to the microcomputer system.
7SA522 Manual
1 Introduction
Apart from processing the measured values, the microcomputer system µC also executes the actual protection and control functions. They especially consist of:
• Filtering and conditioning of the measured signals,
• Continuous monitoring of the measured quantities
• Monitoring of the pickup conditions for the individual protective functions
• Querying of limit values and time sequences,
• Control of signals for logical functions,
• Reaching trip and close command decisions,
• Stocking messages, fault data and fault values for fault analysis purposes,
• Administration of the operating system and its functions, e.g. data storage, realtime
clock, communication, interfaces, etc.
The information is provided via output amplifier OA.
Binary Inputs and
Binary inputs and outputs from and to the computer system are routed via the I/O
modules (inputs and outputs). The computer system obtains the information from the
system (e.g remote resetting) or the external equipment (e.g. blocking commands).
Additional outputs are mainly commands that are issued to the switching devices and
messages for remote signalling of events and states.
Front ElementsLEDs and an LC display provide information on the function of the device and indicate
events, states and measured values.
Integrated control and numeric keys in conjunction with the LCD facilitate local inter-
action with the device. Thereby, all information on the device such as configuration
and setting parameters, operation and fault indications and measured values can be
retrieved or changed, (see also Chapter 2 and SIPROTEC
order no. E50417-H1176-C151.
Devices with control functions also allow station control on the front panel.
Serial InterfacesVia the serial inte rface
using the operating program DIGSI
dling of all device functions.
The service
using DIGSI
interface can also be used for communication with a personal computer
. This interface is especially well suited for the fixed wiring of the devices
to the PC or operation via a modem.
Via the serial system interface
tion unit or to a control centre. This interface may be provided with various protocols
and physical transmission schemes to suit the particular application.
A further interface is provided for time synchronization
ternal synchronization sources.
Further communication protocols can be realized via additional interface modules.
Protection Data Interface (optional)
Depending on the version there are one or two protection data interfaces
interfaces the data for the teleprotection scheme and further information such as
closing the local circuit breaker, other external trip commands coupled via binary
inputs and binary information can be transmitted to other ends.
4 System Description,
in the front panel the communication with a personal computer
is possible. This facilitates a comfortable han-
all device data can be transferred to a central evalua-
of the internal clock through ex-
. Via these
Power SupplyThese described functional units are supplied by a power supply PS with the neces-
sary power in the different voltage levels. Brief supply voltage dips which may occur
7SA522 Manual
1.1 Overall Operation
on short circuits in the auxiliary voltage supply of the power system are usually bridged
by a capacitor (see also Technical Data, Sub-section 4.1).
7SA522 Manual
1 Introduction
1.2Application Scope
The digital distance protection SIPROTEC® 4 7SA522 is a selective and quick protection for overhead lines and cables with single- and multi-ended infeeds in radial, ring
or any type of meshed systems of any voltage levels. The network neutral can be
earthed, compensated or isolated.
The device incorporates the functions which are normally required for the protection
of an overhead line feeder and is therefore capable of universal application. It may
also be applied as time-graded back-up protection to all types of comparison protection schemes used on lines, transformers, generators, motors and busbars of all
voltage levels.
The devices located at the ends of the protected zone exchange measuring information via teleprotection functions with conventional connections (contacts) or via optional protection data interfaces using dedicated communication links (usually fibre optic
cables) or a communication network. If the 7SA522 devices are equipped with a protection data interface, they can be used for a protection object with 2 ends. Lines with
three terminals (teed feeders) require at least one device with two protection data interfaces.
Protective Elements
The basic function of the device is the recognition of the distance to the fault with distance protection measurement. In particular for complex multiphase faults, the distance protection has a non-switched 6-impedance-loops design (full scheme). Different pickup schemes enable a good adaption to system conditions and the user
philosophy. The network neutral can be isolated, compensated or earthed (with or
without earth current limiting). The use on long, heavily-loaded lines is possible with
or without series compensation.
The distance protection may be supplemented by teleprotection using various signal
transmission schemes (for fast tripping on 100 % of the line length). In addition, an
earth fault protection for high resistance earth faults (ordering option) is available,
which may be directional, non-directional and may also be incorporated in signal
transmission. On lines with weak or no infeed at one line end, it is possible to achieve
fast tripping at both line ends by means of the signal transmission schemes. Subsequent to energizing the line onto a fault which may be located along the entire line
length, it is possible to achieve a non-delayed trip signal.
In the event of a failure of the measured voltages due to a fault in the secondary circuits (e.g. trip of the voltage transformer mcb or a fuse) the device can automatically
revert to an emergency operation with an integrated overcurrent protection, until the
measured voltage again becomes available. This time overcurrent protection has
three definite-time overcurrent stages and one inverse-time stage; a number of characteristics based on various standards is available for the inverse-time stage. The
stages can be combined in any way. Alternatively, the time delayed overcurrent protection may be used as back-up time delayed overcurrent protection, i.e. it functions
independent and parallel to the distance protection.
Depending on the version ordered, most short-circuit protection functions may also trip
single-pole. They may work in co-o per ati on with an integrated automatic reclosure
(available as an option) which enables single-pole, three-pole or single and three-pole
automatic reclosure as well as several interrupt cycles on overhead lines. Before reclosure after three-pole tripping, the device can check the validity of the reclosure
through voltage and/or synchronism check (can be ordered optionally). It is also possible to connect an external automatic reclosure and/or synchronism check as well as
double protection with one or two automatic reclosure functions.
7SA522 Manual
1.2 Application Scope
Apart from the mentioned fault protection functions, additional protection functions are
possible, such as multi-stage overvoltage, undervoltage and frequency protection,
circuit breaker failure protection and protection against effects of power swings (simultaneously active as power swing blocking for the distance protection). For the rapid location of the damage to the line after a fault, a fault locator is integrated which also
may compensate the influence of parallel lines.
Digital Transmission of Protection
Data (optional)
If the distance protection is to be complemented by digital teleprotection schemes, the
data required for this purpose can be transmitted via the protection data interface by
employing a digital communication link. Communication via the protection data interfaces can be used for transmitting further information. Besides measured values also
binary commands or other information can be transmitted.
With more than two devices (= ends of the protected object) the communication can
be built up as a ring. This enables a redundant operation in case one communication
line fails. The devices will automatically find the remaining healthy communication
lines. But even with two ends, communication lines can be doubled to create redundancies.
Control FunctionsDepending on the ordered variant the device provides control functions which can be
accomplished for activating and deactivating switchgears via the integrated operator
panel, the system interface, binary inputs and a personal computer with the operating
software DIGSI
. The status of the primary equipment can be transmitted to the device
via auxiliary contacts connected to binary inputs. The current status (or position) of the
primary equipment can be read out at the device, and used for interlocking or plausibility monitoring. The number of the operating equipment to be switched is limited by
the binary inputs and outputs available in the device or the binary inputs and outputs
allocated for the switch position indications. Depending on the equipment used one
(single point indication) or two (double point indication) binary inputs may be used. The
capability of switching primary equipment can be restricted by a setting associated
with the switching authority (remote or local), and by the operating mode (interlocked/non-interlocked, with or without password request). Processing of interlocking
conditions for switching (e.g. switching error protection) can be established with the
aid of integrated, user-configurable logic functions.
Messages and Measured Value s; Fault
The operating messages provide information about conditions in the power system
and the device. Measurement quantities and values that are calculated can be displayed locally and communicated via the serial interfaces.
Device messages can be assigned to a number of LEDs on the front cover (allocatable), can be externally processed via output contacts (allocable), linked with user-definable logic functions and/or issued via serial interfaces (see Communication below).
During a fault (fault in the system) important events and status changes are stored in
the fault logs. Instantaneous fault values are also saved in the device and may be analyzed subsequently.
Co m mu n ic a t i on Serial interfaces are available for the communication with operating, control and
memory systems.
A 9-pin DSUB socket on the front cover is used for local communication with a person-
al computer. By means of the SIPROTEC
al and evaluation tasks can be executed via this operating
operating software DIGSI® 4, all operation-
interface, such as specifying and modifying configuration parameters and settings, configuration of userspecific logic functions, retrieving operational messages and measured values, inquiring device conditions and measured values, issuing control commands.
7SA522 Manual
1 Introduction
To establish an extensive communication with other digital operating, control and
memory components the device may be provided with further interfaces depending on
the order variant.
The service
interface can be operated through data lines. Also, a modem can be connected to this interface. For this reason, remote operation is possible via personal
computer and the DIGSI
operating software, e.g. to operate several devices via a
central PC.
The system
interface ensures the central communication between the device and the
substation controller. The service interface can be operated through data cables or
optical fibres. For data transmission there are several standardized protocols available. The integration of the devices into automation systems from other manufacturers
can also take place with this profile.
7SA522 Manual
General Features• Powerful 32-bit microprocessor system
• Complete di gi tal proces si ng of me as ur ed va lu es an d co nt r ol , fro m the sa mp li n g of
the analog input values up to the closing and tripping commands to the circuit
• Complete galvanic and reliable separation between internal processing circuits
from the measurement, control, and power supply circuits by analog input transducers, binary inputs and outputs and the DC/DC or AC/DC converters
• Complete scope of functions which are normally required for the protection of a line
• Digital protection data transmission, may be used for teleprotection with permanent
monitoring of disturbance, fault or transfer time deviations in the communication
network with automatic runtime re-adjustment
• Distance protection system realizable for 3 ends
• Simple device operation using the integrated operator panel or a connected personal computer with operator guidance
1.3 Characteristics
• Storage of fault indications as well as instantaneous values for fault recording
Distance Protection• Protection for all types of faults in systems with earthed, compensated or isolated
• Selectable polygonal tripping characteristic or MHO-circle characteristic;
• Reliable differentiation between load and fault conditions also on long, high-loaded
• High sensitivity in the case of a weakly loaded system, extreme stability against
load jumps and power swings
• Optimum adaption to the line parameters by means of the tripping characteristic
with diverse configuration parameters and “load trapezoid” (elimination of the possible load impedances);
• Six measuring systems for each distance zone
• Six distance zones, selectable as forward, reverse or non-directional reaching, one
may be used as an overreach zone
• Nine time stages for the distance zones
• Direction determination (with polygon) or polarisation (with MHO-circle) is done with
unfaulted loop (quadrature) voltages and voltage memory , thereby achieving unlimited directional sensitivity, and not affected by capacitive voltage transformer transients
7SA522 Manual
• Suitable for lines with series compensation
• Insensitive to current transformer saturation
• Compensation against the influence of a parallel line
• Shortest tripping time is approx. 17 ms (for f
= 50 Hz) or 15 ms (for fN = 60 Hz)
• Phase segregated tripping (in conjunction with single-pole or single- and three-pole
• Non-delayed tripping following switch onto fault
1 Introduction
• Two sets of earth impedance compensation
Power Swing Supplement (optional)
Teleprotection Supplement
• Power swing detection with dZ/dt measurement with three measuring systems
• Power swing detection up to a maximum of 7 Hz swing frequency;
• In service also during single-pole dead times
• Settable power swing programs
• Prevention of undesired tripping by the distance protection during power swings
• Tripping for out-of-step conditions can also be configured
• Different procedures may be set:
• Permissive Underreach Transfer Trip = PUTT (via a separately settable overreach
• Comparison schemes (Permissive O verreach Transfer Trip = POTT or blocking
schemes, with separate overreach zone);
• Suitable for lines with two or three ends
• Phase segregated transmission possible in lines with two ends
• Optionally signal exchange of the devices via dedicated communication links (in
general optical fibres) or a communication network, in this case a phase-segregated transmission with two or three line ends and continuous monitoring of the communication paths and the signal propagation delay with automatic re-adjustment.
Earth Fault Protection (optional)
• Time overcurrent protection with maximally three definite time stages (DT) and one
inverse time stage (IDMT) for high resistance earth faults in earthed systems
• For inverse time protection a selection from various characteristics based on
several standards can be made
• The inverse time stage can also be set as fourth definite time stage
• High sensitivity (depending on the version from 3 mA);
• Phase current stabilization against fault currents during current transformer saturation
• Second harmonic inrush restraint
• Optionally earth fault protection with zero sequence voltage tripping time or inverse
time tripping
• Each stage can be set to be non-directional or directional in the forward or reverse
• Single-pole tripping enabled by integrated phase selector
• Direction determination with automatic selection of the larger of zero sequence
voltage or negative sequence voltage (U
quantities (I
). or with negative sequence system quantities (I2, U2) or with zero sequence
power (3I
, U0), with zero sequence current and transformer starpoint current (I0,
· 3U0);
, Iy or U2), with zero sequence system
• One or more stages may function in conjunction with a signal transmission supplement; also suited for lines with three ends
• Instantaneous tripping by any stage when switching onto a fault
7SA522 Manual
1.3 Characteristics
Transmission of Information (only
with numerical protection data transmission)
Tripping at Line
Ends with no or
Weak Infeed
External Direct and
Remote Tripping
Time Overcurrent
• Transmission of the measured values from all ends of the protected object
• Transmission of 4 commands to all ends
• Transmission of 24 additional binary signals to all ends
• Possible in conjunction with telepr otection schemes
• Allows fast tripping at both line ends, even if there is no or only weak infeed available at one line end
• Phase segregated tripping and single-pole automatic reclosure (version with singlepole tripping)
• Tripping at the local line end from an external device via a binary input
• Tripping of the remote line end by internal protection functions or an external device
via a binary input (with teleprotection)
• Selectable as emergency function in the case of measured voltage failure, or as
backup function independent of the measured voltage
• Maximally two definite time stages (DT) and one inverse time stage (IDMT), each
for phase currents and earth current
• For IDMT protection a selection from various characteristics based on several standards is possible
• Blocking capability e.g. for reverse interlocking with any element
• Instantaneous tripping by any stage when switching onto a fault
• Stub fault protection: Additional stage for fast tripping of faults between the current
transformer and line isolator (when the isolator switching status feed back is available); particularly suited to substations with 1
/2 circuit breaker arrangements.
• Fast tripping for all faults on total line length
• Selectable for manual closure or following each closure of the circuit breaker
• With integrated line energization detection
• For reclosure after single-pole, three-pole or single-pole and three-pole tripping
• Single or multiple reclosure (up to 8 reclosure attempts)
• With separate action times for every reclosure attempt, optionally without action
• With separate dead times after single-pole and three-pole tripping, separate for the
first four reclosure attempts
• Controlled optionally by protection pickup with separate dead times after single,
two-pole and three-pole pickup
• Optionally with adaptive dead time, reduced dead time and dead line check.
Synchronism and
Voltage Check (optional)
7SA522 Manual
• V eri f ic at i on of th e synchronous con d it i ons b ef o re re clo sing after th re e- po l e t rip p in g
• Fast measuring of voltage difference U
quency difference f
of the phase angle difference ϕ
and fre-
1 Introduction
• Alternatively, check of the de-energized state before reclosing
• Closing at asynchronous system conditions with prediction of the synchronization
• Settable minimum and maximum voltage
• Verification of the synchronous conditions or de-energized state also possible
before the manual closing of the circuit breaker, with separate limit values
• Also measurement via transformer
• Measuring voltages optionally phase-phase or phase-earth
Voltage Protection
Frequency Protection (optional)
• Overvoltage and undervoltage detection with different stages
• Two overvoltage stages for the phase-earth voltages, with common time delay
• Two overvoltage stages for the phase-phase voltages, with common time delay
• Two overvoltage stages for the positive sequence voltage, with a time delay each,
optionally with compounding
• Two overvoltage stages for the negative sequence voltage, with a time delay each
• Two overvoltage stages for the zero sequence voltage or any other single-phase
voltage, with a time delay each
• Settable drop-off to pick-up ratios for the overvoltage protection functions
• Two undervoltage stages for the phase-earth voltages, with common time delay
• Two undervoltage stages for the phase-phase voltages, with common time delay
• Two undervoltage stages for the positive sequence voltage, with a time delay each
• Settable current criterion for undervoltage protection functions
• Monitoring on underfrequency (f<) and/or overfrequency (f>) with 4 frequency limits
and delay times that are independently adjustable
• Very insensitive to phase angle changes
• Large frequency range (approx. 25 Hz to 70 Hz)
Fault Location• Initiated by trip command or reset of the pickup
• Computation of the distance to fault with dedicated measured value registers
• Fault location output in ohm, kilometers or miles and % of line length
• Parallel line compensation can be selected
• Taking into consideration the load current in case of single-phase earth faults fed
from both sides (settable)
Circuit Breaker
Failure Protection
• With definite time current stages for monitoring current flow through every pole of
the circuit breaker
• With definite time monitoring time steps for single-pole and three-pole tripping
• Start by trip command of every internal protection function
• Start by external trip functions possible
• Single-stage or two-stage
7SA522 Manual
• Short dropout and overshoot times
1.3 Characteristics
User-defined Functions
Operation (only
with digital transmission of protection data)
Command Processing
Monitoring Functions
• Freely programmable combination of internal and external signals for the implementation of user-defined logic functions;
• All common logic functions
• Time delays and set point interrogation
• Display of magnitude and phase angle of local and remote measured values
• Display of measured values of the communication link, such as runtime and availability
• Switchgears can be energized and de-energized manually via local control keys,
the programmable function keys on the front panel, via the system interface (e.g. by
operating software DIGSI
or LSA), or via the operating interface using a personal computer and the
• Feedback on switching states via the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts (for commands with feedback)
• Plausibility monitoring of the circuit breaker position and monitoring of interlocking
conditions for switchi ng ope ra tio ns
• Availability of the device is greatly increased by monitoring of the internal measurement circuits, auxiliary power supply, hardware, and software
Additional Functions
• Current transformer and voltage transformer secondary circuits are monitored
using summation and symmetr y check techniques
• Trip circuit supervision
• Checking for the load impedance, the measured direction and the phase sequence
• Monitoring the signal transmission of the optional digital communication path
• Battery buffered real time clock, which may be synchronized via a synchronization
signal (e.g. DCF77, IRIG B via satellite receiver), binary input or system interface
• Continuous calculation and display of measured quantities on the front display. Indication of measured values of the remote end or of all ends (for devices with protection data interfaces);
• Fault event memory (trip log) for the last 8 network faults (faults in the power system), with real time stamps
• Fault recording and data transfer for fault recording for a maximum time range of
15 s
• Statistics: Counter with the trip commands issued by the device, as well as recording of the fault current data and accumulation of the interrupted fault currents
• Communication with central control and memory components possible via serial interfaces (depending on the individual ordering variant), optionally via data line,
modem or fibre optics
7SA522 Manual
1 Introduction
• Commissioning aids such as connection and direction checks as well as circuit
breaker test functions
7SA522 Manual
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