Siemens SIMOTION SCOUT Configuration Manual

Valid as of Version 4.5
Fundamental safety instructions
Configuration Manual
User interface
Target system
Upgrading and project updates
Service with SIMOTON SCOUT
Siemens SIMOTION Diagnostics
Configuring a further connection (such as HMI)
Product combinations
Technical specifications
Legal information Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
NOTICE indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
Siemens AG Division Digital Factory Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG GERMANY
Ⓟ 10/2016 Subject to change
Copyright © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved

Table of contents

1 Preface.........................................................................................................................................................9
1.1 Validity......................................................................................................................................9
1.2 Sections in this manual............................................................................................................9
1.3 SIMOTION Documentation....................................................................................................10
1.4 Hotline and Internet addresses..............................................................................................10
2 Fundamental safety instructions.................................................................................................................13
2.1 General safety instructions.....................................................................................................13
2.2 Industrial security...................................................................................................................14
2.3 Danger to life due to software manipulation when using removable storage media..............15
3 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................17
3.1 Content of the configuring manual.........................................................................................17
3.2 SIMOTION SCOUT engineering system................................................................................17
3.3 SIMOTION hardware platforms..............................................................................................18
3.4 Programming languages........................................................................................................19
3.4.1 Programming languages in SIMOTION SCOUT....................................................................19
3.4.2 Motion Control Chart (MCC)..................................................................................................21
3.4.3 Ladder Logic / Function Block Diagram (LAD/FBD)...............................................................22
3.4.4 Structured Text (ST)...............................................................................................................23
3.5 CamEdit cam editor................................................................................................................24
3.6 CamTool options package.....................................................................................................24
3.7 Technology packages and technology objects......................................................................25
3.8 CLib Studio option package...................................................................................................26
4 Installation..................................................................................................................................................27
4.1 SCOUT and SCOUT Standalone system requirements........................................................27
4.2 Installing SIMOTION SCOUT.................................................................................................27
4.2.1 Installing SIMOTION SCOUT.................................................................................................27
4.2.2 Installing SIMOTION SCOUT Standalone.............................................................................28
4.2.3 SINAMICS Support Package (SSP).......................................................................................29
4.3 Uninstalling SIMOTION SCOUT ...........................................................................................29
4.4 Licenses.................................................................................................................................30
4.4.1 To install the authorization.....................................................................................................30
4.4.2 Saving and moving the license key........................................................................................31
5 User interface.............................................................................................................................................33
5.1 SIMOTION SCOUT - workbench...........................................................................................33
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5.2 SIMOTION SCOUT - working area........................................................................................35
5.3 SIMOTION SCOUT project navigator ...................................................................................36
5.3.1 Using the project navigator....................................................................................................36
5.3.2 Creating elements..................................................................................................................37
5.3.3 Inserting a folder....................................................................................................................39
5.3.4 Changing properties of the elements.....................................................................................40
5.3.5 Wizards for configuration support..........................................................................................41
5.4 SIMOTION SCOUT - menus..................................................................................................41
5.5 SIMOTION SCOUT - menu items..........................................................................................44
5.6 SIMOTION SCOUT - keyboard operation and shortcuts.......................................................49
5.7 SIMOTION SCOUT - using the context menus......................................................................50
5.8 SIMOTION SCOUT - detailed view........................................................................................51
5.8.1 Using the detail view..............................................................................................................51
5.8.2 Using the symbol browser......................................................................................................51
5.8.3 Address list.............................................................................................................................52
5.8.4 Watch table............................................................................................................................52
5.8.5 Working with lists...................................................................................................................54
5.9 SIMOTION SCOUT - language settings................................................................................54
5.10 SIMOTION SCOUT - using help............................................................................................54
5.10.1 SIMOTION SCOUT Online Help............................................................................................54
5.10.2 Searching in the online help...................................................................................................60
5.10.3 Getting Started with SIMOTION SCOUT...............................................................................61
5.10.4 Error remedy..........................................................................................................................62
5.11 Adding add-ons to the workbench..........................................................................................63
6 Configuring/parameterizing........................................................................................................................65
6.1 Configuration overview...........................................................................................................65
6.2 SIMOTION SCOUT - basic settings.......................................................................................65
6.3 Managing projects..................................................................................................................66
6.3.1 SIMOTION SCOUT project....................................................................................................66
6.3.2 Creating a new project...........................................................................................................67
6.3.3 Open project...........................................................................................................................70
6.3.4 Saving and compiling.............................................................................................................71
6.3.5 Performing a consistency check............................................................................................72
6.3.6 Archiving and backing up projects on memory cards.............................................................72
6.3.7 Exporting and importing a project in XML format...................................................................73
6.3.8 Searching in the project.........................................................................................................74
6.3.9 Replacing in the project..........................................................................................................76
6.3.10 Printing projects.....................................................................................................................76
6.4 Configuring devices................................................................................................................77
6.4.1 Adding a SIMOTION device...................................................................................................77 Starting HW Config................................................................................................................78 The HW Config program........................................................................................................79 HW Config: Opening the hardware catalog............................................................................79 SIMOTION devices in the hardware catalog..........................................................................80
6.4.2 Selecting technology packages..............................................................................................80
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6.4.3 Connecting to the target system............................................................................................82 Installing the interface card....................................................................................................82 Set PG/PC interface...............................................................................................................84 Specifying the access point....................................................................................................85 Communication via PROFIBUS DP.......................................................................................86 Ethernet communication........................................................................................................87 Communication via PROFINET.............................................................................................87
6.4.4 Inserting a drive......................................................................................................................88 Drives with SIMOTION...........................................................................................................88 Inserting a SINAMICS drive on PROFIBUS DP.....................................................................89 Inserting a SINAMICS drive on PROFINET IO......................................................................90 Commissioning the drives......................................................................................................91 SINAMICS S120 on SIMOTION.............................................................................................92 Configuring the infeed............................................................................................................94 Testing the drive with the drive control panel.........................................................................96
6.5 Creating and testing an axis.................................................................................................100
6.5.1 TO axis technology object....................................................................................................100
6.5.2 Configuring Axes..................................................................................................................102
6.5.3 Testing the axis with the axis control panel..........................................................................106
6.6 Programming the SIMOTION application.............................................................................110
6.6.1 Using tags............................................................................................................................110
6.6.2 Using MCC...........................................................................................................................113 Overview..............................................................................................................................113 Creating the MCC unit..........................................................................................................114 Creating an MCC chart........................................................................................................115 Using MCC command blocks...............................................................................................117 Backing up the MCC program..............................................................................................119
6.6.3 Using LAD/FBD....................................................................................................................120 Overview..............................................................................................................................120 Create LAD/FBD unit...........................................................................................................121 Create LAD/FBD program....................................................................................................122 Using the LAD/FBD toolbar..................................................................................................124 Backing up the LAD/FBD program.......................................................................................125
6.6.4 Using ST..............................................................................................................................125 Overview..............................................................................................................................125 Creating an ST source.........................................................................................................126 Backing up the ST program ................................................................................................127 Executing the ST program...................................................................................................128
6.7 Configure execution system.................................................................................................128
6.8 Project generator..................................................................................................................131
6.8.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................131
6.8.2 Integrating the ProjectGenerator..........................................................................................132
6.9 Configuring multilingual messages......................................................................................132
6.10 Know-how Protection...........................................................................................................133
6.11 Saving and restoring variables from the device...................................................................134
6.12 Online multiuser mode.........................................................................................................137
6.12.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................137
6.12.2 Working in online multiuser mode........................................................................................139
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6.13 Licensing runtime.................................................................................................................140
6.13.1 Licensing of the runtime components..................................................................................140 Overview for the licensing....................................................................................................140 Licenses and license key ....................................................................................................140 Determining licensing requirements.....................................................................................141 Displaying existing licenses of the SIMOTION device.........................................................142 Performing the licensing.......................................................................................................143
6.13.2 Changing the license key.....................................................................................................144
6.13.3 License key is protected from being deleted (as from Kernel V4.1).....................................144
6.13.4 Licensing during hardware replacement..............................................................................144
6.13.5 Underlicensing.....................................................................................................................144
6.14 Writing the boot sector.........................................................................................................145
7 Target system...........................................................................................................................................147
7.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................147
7.2 Going online/offline with SIMOTION SCOUT ......................................................................148
7.2.1 Online access points............................................................................................................148
7.2.2 Available nodes....................................................................................................................149
7.2.3 Setting the access point on the PG/PC................................................................................151
7.2.4 Select target devices............................................................................................................152
7.3 Controlling the operating mode with SIMOTION SCOUT....................................................154
7.4 Overall reset.........................................................................................................................160
7.5 Setting the time of day.........................................................................................................161
7.6 Loading data to the target system........................................................................................161
7.7 Archive project data to memory card...................................................................................162
7.8 Loading to the file system....................................................................................................162
8 Upgrading and project updates................................................................................................................163
8.1 General information..............................................................................................................163
8.2 Upgrading and changing platforms for a SIMOTION device................................................163
8.2.1 Changing a SIMOTION device and subsequent TP upgrade (within a platform).................163
8.2.2 Changing the SIMOTION platform.......................................................................................165
8.2.3 Upgrading technology packages.........................................................................................166
8.3 Upgrading devices and project updates using the device update tool ................................168
9 Diagnostics...............................................................................................................................................173
9.1 Overview of the possible diagnostic functions.....................................................................173
9.2 Using the diagnostics overview............................................................................................174
9.3 Device diagnostics...............................................................................................................174
9.3.1 Device diagnostics...............................................................................................................174
9.3.2 Device diagnostics: General................................................................................................175
9.3.3 Device diagnostics: Diagnostics buffer................................................................................176
9.3.4 Device diagnostics: Task Manager......................................................................................177
9.3.5 Device diagnostics: Checking memory utilization................................................................180
9.3.6 Device diagnostics: Checking the system utilization............................................................181
9.3.7 Device diagnostics: User log file..........................................................................................182
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9.3.8 Device diagnostics: Syslog file.............................................................................................183
9.3.9 Device diagnostics: Version overview..................................................................................183
9.3.10 Device diagnostics: Alarms..................................................................................................184
9.4 Diagnostic functions in the address list................................................................................185
9.5 Interconnection overview.....................................................................................................186
9.6 Service Overview.................................................................................................................187
9.7 Trace and measuring functions............................................................................................188
9.7.1 Trace, measuring function, and automatic controller setting................................................188
9.7.2 Task Trace...........................................................................................................................189
9.7.3 Technology object trace.......................................................................................................190
9.8 Accessible nodes.................................................................................................................192
9.9 Program testing and debugging...........................................................................................193
9.10 Project comparison..............................................................................................................193
9.11 Project overview...................................................................................................................196
9.12 Services and diagnostics without an Engineering System...................................................196
10 Service with SIMOTON SCOUT...............................................................................................................197
10.1 Selecting the right project with SCOUT................................................................................197
10.2 Project was created in Version V4.1 / V4.2 / V4.3 / V4.4.....................................................199
10.3 Project V4.1 / V4.2 / V4.3 / V4.4 has been edited with SCOUT V4.5..................................200
10.4 Introduction of versioning with standard library and software components..........................201
11 Siemens SIMOTION Diagnostics.............................................................................................................203
12 Configuring a further connection (such as HMI).......................................................................................205
12.1 Rules for arranging modules in the HW Config....................................................................205
12.2 Routing.................................................................................................................................206
12.3 HMI (Human Machine Interface) connection........................................................................206
12.4 Higher-level automation systems.........................................................................................208
12.5 TCP ports for access to SIMOTION/SINAMICS..................................................................208
13 Product combinations...............................................................................................................................211
13.1 Compatibility.........................................................................................................................211
13.1.1 General compatibility............................................................................................................211
13.1.2 Software compatibility..........................................................................................................211
13.2 Memory media of the SIMOTION devices...........................................................................212
13.3 STEP 7.................................................................................................................................213
13.3.1 SIMATIC Manager...............................................................................................................213
13.3.2 SIMATIC Logon....................................................................................................................213
13.3.3 SIMATIC Version Trail.........................................................................................................217
13.4 NetPro..................................................................................................................................218
13.5 HMI.......................................................................................................................................219
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13.6 Drive ES...............................................................................................................................220
13.7 Commissioning drives (STARTER)......................................................................................221
13.8 CamTool...............................................................................................................................222
13.9 DCC programming system...................................................................................................222
14 Technical specifications............................................................................................................................225
14.1 Quantity framework..............................................................................................................225
14.2 Memory requirement............................................................................................................225
A Appendix...................................................................................................................................................227
A.1 Scripts for SIMOTION..........................................................................................................227
A.2 Creating an example program for axis positioning in SIMOTION SCOUT...........................227
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1.1 Validity

This document is part of the Engineering System Handling documentation package.
This manual is valid for SIMOTION SCOUT in conjunction with the SIMOTION CamTool optional package for product version V4.5.

1.2 Sections in this manual

The following is a list of sections included in this manual along with a description of the information presented in each section.
● Introduction This chapter contains an overview of the SIMOTION SCOUT Engineering System.
● Installation This chapter contains the system requirements for SIMOTION SCOUT, describes the procedure for installing and uninstalling it, and provides important information on the communications link to the SIMOTION device.
● User interface This chapter contains an overview of the SIMOTION SCOUT Workbench. It also provides notes concerning the language setting and the use of online help.
● Configuring/parameterizing This chapter describes the basic steps for operating SIMOTION SCOUT.
● Target system This chapter contains information on controlling the target system. You also learn how you can control the operating state with SIMOTION SCOUT and how you can upload data to the target system.
● Diagnostics This chapter contains information about which diagnostic functions are available and how these are operated.
● Service with SIMOTION SCOUT This chapter contains information about the service.
● Siemens SIMOTION Diagnostics This chapter contains information on how you can use the Siemens Simotion Diagnostics diagnostic tool for troubleshooting.
● Configuring a further connection (such as HMI) This chapter contains information on how to configure the HMI connection among other things.
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1.4 Hotline and Internet addresses

● Product combinations This chapter describes topics such as compatibility and storage media as well as STEP 7, NetPro, Drive ES, HMI, and other interfaces.
● Technical specifications This chapter contains information about the quantity structure and the storage capacity requirement.
● Appendix The appendix contains the scripts for SIOMTION and a sample program for an axis configuration in SIOMOTION SCOUT.
● Index

1.3 SIMOTION Documentation

An overview of the SIMOTION documentation can be found in the SIMOTION Documentation Overview document.
This documentation is included as electronic documentation in the scope of delivery of SIMOTION SCOUT. It comprises ten documentation packages.
The following documentation packages are available for SIMOTION V4.5:
● SIMOTION Engineering System Handling
● SIMOTION System and Function Descriptions
● SIMOTION Service and Diagnostics
● SIMOTION Programming
● SIMOTION Programming - References
● SIMOTION Supplementary Documentation
1.4 Hotline and Internet addresses
SIMOTION at a glance
We have compiled an overview page from our range of information about SIMOTION with the most important information on frequently asked topics - which can be opened with only one click.
Whether beginner or experienced SIMOTION user – the most important downloads, manuals, tutorials, FAQs, application examples, etc. can be found at
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Additional information
Click the following link to find information on the following topics:
● Documentation overview
● Additional links to download documents
● Using documentation online (find and search manuals/information)
My Documentation Manager
Click the following link for information on how to compile documentation individually on the basis of Siemens content and how to adapt it for the purpose of your own machine documentation:
Click the following link for information on SITRAIN - Siemens training courses for automation products, systems and solutions:
1.4 Hotline and Internet addresses
Technical support
Frequently Asked Questions can be found in SIMOTION Utilities & Applications, which are included in the scope of delivery of SIMOTION SCOUT, and in the Service&Support pages in Product Support:
Country-specific telephone numbers for technical support are provided on the Internet under Contact:
SIMOTION SCOUT Configuration Manual, 11/2016 11
1.4 Hotline and Internet addresses
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Fundamental safety instructions

2.1 General safety instructions

Danger to life if the safety instructions and residual risks are not observed
The non-observance of the safety instructions and residual risks stated in the associated hardware documentation can result in accidents with severe injuries or death.
● Observe the safety instructions given in the hardware documentation.
● Consider the residual risks for the risk evaluation.
Danger to life caused by machine malfunctions caused by incorrect or changed parameterization
Incorrect or changed parameterization can cause malfunctions on machines that can result in injuries or death.
● Protect the parameterization (parameter assignments) against unauthorized access.
● Respond to possible malfunctions by applying suitable measures (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP or EMERGENCY OFF).
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Fundamental safety instructions

2.2 Industrial security

2.2 Industrial security
Note Industrial security
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions only form one element of such a concept.
Customer is responsible to prevent unauthorized access to its plants, systems, machines and networks. Systems, machines and components should only be connected to the enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent necessary and with appropriate security measures (e.g. use of firewalls and network segmentation) in place.
Additionally, Siemens’ guidance on appropriate security measures should be taken into account. For more information about industrial security, please visit industrialsecurity.
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure. Siemens strongly recommends to apply product updates as soon as available and to always use the latest product versions. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and failure to apply latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS Feed under
Danger as a result of unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation
Software manipulation (e.g. by viruses, Trojan horses, malware, worms) can cause unsafe operating states to develop in your installation which can lead to death, severe injuries and/ or material damage.
● Keep the software up to date. Information and newsletters can be found at:
● Incorporate the automation and drive components into a state-of-the-art, integrated industrial security concept for the installation or machine. For more detailed information, go to:
● Make sure that you include all installed products into the integrated industrial security concept.
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Fundamental safety instructions

2.3 Danger to life due to software manipulation when using removable storage media

2.3 Danger to life due to software manipulation when using removable storage media
Danger to life due to software manipulation when using removable storage media
The storage of files on removable storage media involves a high risk of infection, e.g. via viruses or malware. Incorrect parameter assignment can cause machines to malfunction, which can lead to injuries or death.
● Protect the files on removable storage media against harmful software through appropriate protective measures, e.g. virus scanners.
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Fundamental safety instructions
2.3 Danger to life due to software manipulation when using removable storage media
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3.1 Content of the configuring manual

The SIMOTION SCOUT Configuration Manual is a general description of the software. Not all available software functions are described in this document. All detailed, subject-specific information can be found in the context-sensitive online help and the corresponding documentation.
Important notes and information on the SIMOTION Motion Control system are contained in the following catalog:
● SIMOTION, SINAMICS S120 and Motors for Production Machines, PM 21 Catalog

3.2 SIMOTION SCOUT engineering system

While the Motion Control system SIMOTION provides a wide variety of preprogrammed functions, it is also parameterizable and programmable for individual requirements. High­performance tools, which provide optimum support and ease of use for the necessary engineering steps, are required for this.
The SIMOTION SCOUT Engineering System is the environment for the uniform automation of production machines with SIMOTION and integrates into the SIMATIC environment in accordance with TIA (Totally Integrated Automation).
SIMOTION SCOUT provides a uniform, function-oriented view for your automation task, and at the same time it is very easy to use.
The possible SIMOTION applications range from simple, parameterizable, speed-controlled single axes through to complex, mechatronically-coupled and programmable multi-axis machines. Therefore, SIMOTION SCOUT provides views adapted to the task and can be expanded with additional tools (e.g. tool for the graphic creation of cams).
SIMOTION SCOUT is the engineering system for SIMOTION. It is integrated into STEP 7 and provides all the required tools for the following functionalities:
● Configuration
● Parameter assignment
● Programming
● Test
● Diagnostics
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3.3 SIMOTION hardware platforms

The following tasks are graphically supported with operator guidance:
● Creation of the hardware and network configuration
● Creation, configuration and parameter assignment of technology objects such as axes, output cams and cams.
Figure 3-1 SIMOTION system overview
The automation topology is defined in the first engineering steps. The hardware and network configuration is created by parameterizing the required components and networks.
3.3 SIMOTION hardware platforms
To meet the complex requirements of machine construction, SIMOTION offers three hardware variants with different performance, packaging formats and expandability options. The basic system characteristics, like the engineering, are identical.
SIMOTION D (Drive-based)
SIMOTION D is a compact, drive-based version of SIMOTION based on the SINAMICS S120 drives family. For SIMOTION D, the SIMOTION runtime environment and the SINAMICS drive software run concurrently on the controller hardware in the SINAMICS S120 packaging format.
SIMOTION P is a PC-based, open motion control system from SIMOTION. Control, motion control, and HMI functions are executed together with standard PC applications on the SIMOTION P hardware platform.
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SIMOTION P combines the openness of the Windows operating system with the real-time capability of SIMOTION P Runtime.
SIMOTION C (Controller-based)
SIMOTION C is the modular controller variant in the tried and trusted packaging system of the SIMATIC S7-300 with its very varied expandability options on the I/O bus. SIMOTION C240 high-performance motion controllers are available for control functions and motion control tasks. The integrated interface for four analog coupled drives makes the SIMOTION C particularly suitable for compact applications with the control of analog electrical drives and the operation of hydraulic axes. SIMOTION C also supports operation of four stepper motors at these interfaces. SIMOTION C240 PN offers a PROFINET interface instead of the encoder and drive interfaces.
3.4 Programming languages

3.4 Programming languages

3.4.1 Programming languages in SIMOTION SCOUT

SIMOTION provides different programming languages for the solution of Motion Control tasks, control logic, arithmetic calculations, etc. During runtime, the selected programming language has no effect – except in the different displays when debugging. You can create user applications in different programming languages and use them jointly in a project.
The following programming languages are available in SIMOTION SCOUT:
● Motion Control Chart (MCC)
Graphical programming as a flow chart. In particular, for sequential tasks with a high level of motion control functionality.
● Ladder Logic / Function Block Diagram (LAD/ FBD)
Graphical Programming as Ladder Logic / Function Block Diagram, supplemented by Motion Control Functions via PLCopen Function Blocks. In particular, for cyclic tasks with a high logic proportion.
● Structured Text (ST)
textual programming in a high-level language. As the base language of the SIMOTION system, ST supports all system features and functions of the technology packages and is thus suitable for all tasks.
● Drive Control Chart (DCC)
In many applications, the control of the drive system requires a linking logic which combines multiple statuses (e.g. entry control, system status) into one control signal (e.g. ON command). As well as logical links, drive systems are increasingly calling for arithmetic operations and/ or saving elements. This kind of functionality is available on drive objects of the SINAMICS drive system and the SIMOTION control system in the form of a Drive Control Chart (DCC). With the Drive Control Chart Editor (DCC Editor) based on CFC, SIMOTION controllers and SINAMICS drives can be configured graphically. For further information, see Section DCC programming system (Page 222).
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3.4 Programming languages
Sources (units)
Programs are created in program containers, the so-called sources (units). They are compiled in the engineering system. Any errors or warnings that occur during compilation are output in the diagnostics window. Sources compiled without error can then be loaded into the associated controller.
A source contains any number of programs, functions, function blocks and classes. Each executable part of a source (program, function, function block, class) is called a POU (Program Organization Unit).
A source is divided into an interface and an implementation section.
Interface section
All parts exported by the source are defined in the interface section. Other sources and external components (e.g. HMI systems) can access these parts. These include user-defined data types, data (variables and constants) as well as names of programs, functions, and function blocks.
Implementation section
The data types and data defined in the implementation section are global throughout the source and can be used by all POUs. The implementation section also contains the program code of the POUs. Any POUs not specified in the interface section can only be used within the source.
Note Source concept
The source concept with encapsulation of code and data allows you to structure applications. For example, the functionality of an entire machine module with a defined external interface can be implemented in a single source.
Programs are processed in tasks. A task is a job which is executed in a certain chronological sequence. The advantage of the task system (execution system) is that processes appended to the appropriate task levels can run simultaneously.
The SIMOTION Motion Control system uses high-performance CPUs on which a real-time operating system - suitable for fast control processes - is implemented. Each task is allocated a slice of the computing time. The organization of the task executions is performed by the operating system. A differentiation is made between user and system tasks that are independent of one another.
Additional references
For detailed information on the programming languages and the execution system, refer to the SIMOTION SCOUT online help and the appropriate programming and operating manuals.
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3.4.2 Motion Control Chart (MCC)

MCC (Motion Control Chart) is a "flow diagram language" that graphically formulates the process sequences in production machines in a simple manner. The result is one or more flow diagrams, comprising MCC blocks that describe the chronological sequence of the individual machine actions. Due to its special means of expression, an MCC is ideally suited to programming sequential processes.
Motion Control Chart supports the simple description of the motion sequences of machines using powerful motion control commands, such as reference axis, position axis, synchronize or desynchronize cam, and many more.
To control the machine sequence, commands are available for awaiting conditions and for formulating computations, as well as for programming various control structures, such as polling (IF), case determination (CASE) and loops (FOR, WHILE, UNTIL). Several MCC programs may be created to describe different process situations. For example, you can create one MCC program to bring the machine to a defined initial state when it is switched on, a second MCC program for the normal production sequence, and a third MCC program to specify what the machine has to do in the event of a fault.
All MCC blocks – a selection of the most important SIMOTION functions – are available in tool bars. They are grouped according to function and are automatically inserted in the flow diagram at the marked point by means of a click. A click on the individual elements opens specific dialogs for parameterization. Obviously, you can also add your own comments for the further documentation of the process sequence. Functions from the SIMOTION command library that are not individually offered as MCC blocks can be used in an MCC program by means of a special command.
3.4 Programming languages
Performance features:
● Easy-to-use due to graphical illustration in the form of flow diagrams
● Hierarchical command library for motion control, PLC, and technology functions
● Control structures (IF, WHILE, CASE, etc.)
● Zooming for LAD, FBD and ST
● Subroutine calls (FB/FC, programs, methods (OOP))
● Structuring based on command module generation, i.e. combination of command
sequences to form a module command
● User-friendly debug functions for online test and diagnosis, for example, single-step,
program status or breakpoints for easier troubleshooting (debugging)
● Monitor, trace
Note Implicit conversion to ST
When being compiled, programs written in MCC are implicitly converted to ST programs and then compiled.
You can export the intermediate result as an ST and use it as a basis for your own ST programs.
SIMOTION SCOUT Configuration Manual, 11/2016 21
3.4 Programming languages
Additional references
Detailed information can be found in the SIMOTION SCOUT online help and in the SIMOTION MCC (Motion Control Chart) Programming and Operating Manual.

3.4.3 Ladder Logic / Function Block Diagram (LAD/FBD)

LAD/FBD is a graphical programming language and is available for Ladder Logic / Function Block Diagram. The statement syntax corresponds to a circuit diagram (LAD) or a function block diagram (FBD). LAD/FBD enable simple tracking of the signal flow between power rails via inputs, outputs, and operations. LAD and FBD programs are usually suitable for application in cyclic tasks (in particular, BackgroundTask).
LAD/FBD programs consist of elements and boxes that are graphically connected to networks. Their operations work mostly according to the rules of Boolean logic or simple arithmetic expressions and equations. Therefore, they are suitable only for control-relevant programs or also for motion control tasks by using the PLCopen blocks.
Functions, function blocks and programs can be programmed in LAD/FBD. A source can contain several LAD and FBD blocks. Only one POU can be implemented in an LAD or FBD block.
LAD/FBD also include commands for SIMOTION system control using standard logic functions. These commands are added from the command library. Motion Control tasks are preferably programmed with PLCopen blocks. Blocks which have been programmed in other SIMOTION languages can be called. User-friendly functions such as "on the fly" variable declarations or automatic syntax checks are available when programming in LAD or FBD. It is possible to switch over between LAD and FBD in the editor at any time. A program can therefore be viewed and processed in either LAD or FBD.
The following user-friendly debug functions are available for online testing and diagnostics:
● Program status
● Breakpoints
Direct editing of motion commands is not recommended. Instead, it is better to use the PLCopen blocks. These blocks are designed for integration in logic-oriented programs.
Additional references
Detailed information can be found in the SIMOTION SCOUT online help and in the SIMOTION LAD/FBD Programming and Operating Manual.
22 Configuration Manual, 11/2016

3.4.4 Structured Text (ST)

Structured Text
ST is a high-level, PASCAL-based programming language. ST is based on the IEC 61131-3 standard. This standard harmonizes programming languages for programmable logic controllers (PLC).
The basic command scope is sufficient for the implementation of everything related to data management, arithmetic functions, control structures and I/O access. The addition of technology packages for Motion Control expands the scope of commands by other comprehensive, extremely flexible Motion Control commands.
In addition, applications can be subdivided into any number of sections. Such a section might be a program allocated to a runtime level, an instantiatable function block with its own memory, or a function without its own memory. In this case, the function blocks and functions are not allocated to a runtime level, but are instead called in programs.
As of SIMOTION SCOUT V4.5, ST also supports object-oriented programming. Further information can be found in the SIMOTION SCOUT online help and in the SIMOTION ST (Structured Text) Programming and Operating Manual.
3.4 Programming languages
Performance features:
● Motion Control, PLC and technology functions in a single language
● Well-structured programs with comment capability
● Powerful editor functions, such as:
● Convenient debug functions for online testing and diagnostics, e.g. display of up-to-date
Additional references
– Syntax coloring
– Automatic indenting
– Automatic completion
– Bookmarks
– Fold (show and hide blocks)
– Displaying sets of parentheses
– Select text, e.g. by column
– Using the command library
variable content of the code sequence selected in the editor (program status) and breakpoints
Detailed information can be found in the SIMOTION SCOUT online help and in the SIMOTION ST (Structured Text) Programming and Operating Manual.
SIMOTION SCOUT Configuration Manual, 11/2016 23

3.6 CamTool options package

3.5 CamEdit cam editor

CamEdit can be used to describe curves by means of either interpolation points or segments. A combination is not possible. If the curve is to be created from segments using polynomials, SIMOTION SCOUT provides the VDI wizard to assist in creation of the curve. Cam geometries are created in offline mode.
Information on the graphical creation of cams can be found in the CamTool section.
3.6 CamTool options package
SIMOTION CamTool is a powerful, graphical editor for creating and optimizing cams.
SIMOTION CamTool can be used as an expansion package for SIMOTION SCOUT and is completely integrated in the SIMOTION SCOUT user interface.
Basic functions
SIMOTION CamTool provides the following basic functions:
● Insert and edit cams.
● Customize display of the cam in CamTool.
● Convert cams from SIMOTION CamTool to SIMOTION CamEdit.
● Export cams to a text file.
● Load cams into a SIMOTION device.
Additional references
Detailed information can be found in the SIMOTION SCOUT online help and in the SIMOTION CamTool Configuration Manual.
See also
CamEdit cam editor (Page 24)
Cams can be inserted in a SIMOTION SCOUT project using the SIMOTION CamTool. You can also edit a cam created with CamEdit using CamTool: Cams can also be imported from a text file or read from a SIMOTION device.
In SIMOTION CamTool, you can show and hide diagrams, change display parameters of the axes and diagrams and adjust the lines and fonts. You can also display auxiliary lines in the diagram.
To edit a cam that is edited in SIMOTION CamTool using SIMOTION CamEdit, the cam needs to be converted.
24 Configuration Manual, 11/2016

3.7 Technology packages and technology objects

3.7 Technology packages and technology objects
Technology packages in SIMOTION SCOUT
Technology packages combine software functions which are required for automation in mechanical engineering in various sectors. They are loaded into the controller during configuration and expand the basic functionality through additional system functions. The functions of the technology packages can be accessed easily during engineering in the SIMOTION SCOUT command library. Access to the technology package functions is provided by additional language commands and system variables. Programming of motional sequences is therefore simple and integrated.
The following standard technology packages are available for SIMOTION SCOUT:
CAM technology package The SIMOTION CAM technology package contains the basic Motion Control technologies,
such as drive axis, position axis, following axis, synchronous object, cam, output cam, cam track, and measuring input.
PATH technology package The SIMOTION PATH technology package contains additionally the path interpolation
technology. Path interpolation generates the traversing profile for the path, calculates the path interpolation points in the interpolation cycle, and uses the kinematic transformation to derive the axis setpoints for the interpolation cycle points.
CAM_EXT technology package The CAM_EXT technology package also contains objects for preparing technological data at
the system level, e.g. addition object, formula object.
TControl technology package The SIMOTION technology package for temperature control (TControl) provides temperature
channels with extensive functions. These functions are also accessed via additional language commands and system variables.
DCBlib The SIMOTION DCBlib technology package contains interconnectable DCC (Drive Control
Chart) blocks for drive-related control functions.
More sector-specific technology packages are also available as separate products.
The loadable technology packages support the creation of technology objects (e.g. positioning and synchronous axis, cam tracks, external encoders) which can be accessed over system functions and system variables for use in every SIMOTION programming language.
SIMOTION SCOUT Configuration Manual, 11/2016 25

3.8 CLib Studio option package

Technology objects in SIMOTION SCOUT
SIMOTION SCOUT uses technology objects (TOs) to represent the functionality of axes, cams, output cams, etc. After creating a technology object (e.g. axis) and configuring it (e.g. as positioning axis), you can access it when programming with system functions.
Note Missing licenses
All TOs outside the basic functionality (Motion Control Basic) must be licensed. Missing licenses are indicated by a flashing group error LED. The number and type of missing licenses is stated by the online diagnostics. They are also displayed during downloading.
Additional references
Detailed information is provided in the SIMOTION SCOUT online help and in the following documents:
● Function Manual: SIMOTION Basic Functions
● Function Manual: SIMOTION Motion Control, TO Axis, Electric/Hydraulic, TO External Encoder
● Function Manual: SIMOTION Motion Control, Synchronous Operation TO, TO Cam
● Function Manual: SIMOTION Motion Control, Supplementary Technology Objects
● Function Manual: SIMOTION Motion Control Output Cams and Measuring Inputs
● Function Manual: SIMOTION Motion Control, TO Path Object
● Function Manual: SIMOTION Motion Control, Basic Functions for Modular Machines
See also
Licensing of the runtime components (Page 140)
3.8 CLib Studio option package
If required, further functions and function blocks can be created in user libraries (SIMOTION CLib Studio) by means of C/C++ programming in the Windows environment.
They can be used in all SIMOTION languages (MCC, LAD, FBD, ST).
That allows the creation of application-specific and high-performance function extensions as well as adaptations including know-how protection.
26 Configuration Manual, 11/2016


4.1 SCOUT and SCOUT Standalone system requirements

Minimum requirements of the system
The readme file on the SIMOTION SCOUT DVD contains information on SIMOTION SCOUT system requirements; alternatively, you can access this information after installation at Start ­> All Programs -> Siemens Automation -> Documentation -> Readmes -> [English].
Simultaneous operation of SIMOTION SCOUT, Starter and SIMATIC S7-Technology on one PC is not intended and is not possible.
SIMATIC S7-Technology is integrated as of SIMOTION SCOUT V4.0.

4.2 Installing SIMOTION SCOUT


4.2.1 Installing SIMOTION SCOUT

SIMOTION SCOUT is available as software packages with full license and upgrade license.
● SIMATIC STEP 7 is installed.
● You are logged on to the operating system with administrator rights.
Read the readme file and the important information on the SIMOTION SCOUT Add-Ons DVD contained in the SIMOTION SCOUT software packages.
1. Insert the DVD 1 with SIMOTION SCOUT into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Start Windows Explorer and select the CD-ROM drive.
3. Open the root directory on the DVD.
4. Double-click Setup.exe.
SIMOTION SCOUT Configuration Manual, 11/2016 27
4.2 Installing SIMOTION SCOUT
5. Now follow the instructions in the installation program. The installation program prompts you to insert or connect the supplied data medium that contains the authorization. You can install the authorization during this setup. Or install the authorization with the Automation License Manager after installing SIMOTION SCOUT. For information.
6. If a restart of the PC is required during the installation, carry this out. After restart of the operating system, log on at least as main user.
7. After the installation: Restart the PC and log on at least as main user.
All users who are logged on as main user are now able to start and operate SIMOTION SCOUT.

4.2.2 Installing SIMOTION SCOUT Standalone

● No SIMATIC STEP 7 may be installed or
● No previous version of SIMOTION SCOUT Standalone must be installed.
● You are logged on to the operating system with administrator rights.
Read the readme file and important information on the Add-On CD supplied with SCOUT.
To install SIMOTION SCOUT Standalone
Insert DVD 1 with SIMOTION SCOUT Standalone into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Start Windows Explorer and select the CD-ROM drive.
3. Open the root directory on the DVD.
4. Double-click Setup.exe.
5. Now follow the instructions in the installation program. The installation program prompts you to insert or connect the supplied data medium that contains the authorization. You can install the authorization during this setup. Or install the authorization with the Automation License Manager after installing SIMOTION SCOUT. Information on this can be found in the section titled "To install the authorization".
6. A restart of the PC is required during the installation, carry this out. You are requested to insert the CD"/". After the restart of the operating system, log on at least as main user.
7. After the installation: Restart the PC and log on at least as main user.
All users who are logged on as main user are now able to start and operate SIMOTION SCOUT.
28 Configuration Manual, 11/2016

4.2.3 SINAMICS Support Package (SSP)

You can use a SINAMICS Support Package (SSP) to upgrade the version of the drive units on a STARTER integrated into SIMOTION SCOUT.
This permits the use of new functions which only become available with new drive unit FW versions.
SSPs are available when installing SCOUT or can be installed at a later time.
In this regard, the following SSPs are relevant for SIMOTION SCOUT:
● "SINAMICS" SSP for upgrading single drive units (e.g. CU3xx)
● "SIMOTION SINAMICS Integrated" SSP for upgrading the SINAMICS drives integrated into
The readme files for the relevant SSP contain detailed information regarding installation.
4.3 Uninstalling SIMOTION SCOUT

4.3 Uninstalling SIMOTION SCOUT

You are logged on to the operating system with administrator rights.
Note that the SIMATIC STEP 7 software must be uninstalled separately.
To uninstall SIMOTION SCOUT from the hard disk
1. Open the Windows Control Panel. Go to the Programs and Functions page (Windows 7).
2. Select SIMOTION SCOUT Vx.x.x.x and click Uninstall/change (Windows 7). Follow the
3. After the uninstall has completed, restart the PC.
Uninstalling SIMOTION SCOUT Standalone
Uninstall SIMOTION SCOUT Standalone as described in the "How to uninstall SIMOTION SCOUT from the hard disk" section.
SIMOTION SCOUT Configuration Manual, 11/2016 29

4.4 Licenses

4.4 Licenses

4.4.1 To install the authorization

Installing the authorization for SIMOTION SCOUT
A data medium containing the authorization is supplied along with the product CD so that you can use SIMOTION SCOUT. This contains the license key for the SIMOTION SCOUT Engineering System.
The authorization for SIMOTION SCOUT and SIMOTION SCOUT Standalone can be installed as follows:
1. Connect or insert the data medium containing the authorization and the license key.
2. Start the Automation License Manager:
– In the start menu, Start > All programs > Siemens Automation
> Automation License Manager or
– Double-click the Automation License Manager icon
3. In the navigation area (left-hand window), select the drive where the data medium containing the authorization is located. The license key is displayed in the right-hand window.
4. Mark the license key and drag this with drag-and-drop to the target drive.
5. Exit the Automation License Manager.
6. Remove the data medium containing the authorization.
Information on operating the Automation License Manager and transferring the license key can be found in the online help for the Automation License Manager.
The authorization for SIMOTION SCOUT and SIMOTION SCOUT Standalone can be upgraded as follows:
As of Version 4.0, the authorization for SIMOTION SCOUT has been upgraded from authorization ( Automation License Manager program manages the licenses.
1. Connect or insert the data medium containing the authorization and the upgrade license key.
single license
) to the licensing procedure involving a
floating license
. The
2. Start the Automation License Manager:
– In the start menu, Start > All programs > Siemens Automation
> Automation License Manager or
– Double-click the Automation License Manager
icon. A new window opens.
30 Configuration Manual, 11/2016
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