Siemens SIMATIC PCS 7 SMART Getting Started

Process Control System PCS 7 SMART PCS 7 SMART Getting Started ­Part 1 (V9.0 with APL)
Security information
Getting Started
Requirements for Getting Started
PCS 7 SMART overview
Initial work for the project
Creating CFCs
Creating SFCs
Compiling, downloading and testing the charts
Configuring the operator station
Working in runtime
Performing the additional task
Starting and adapting the color_gs project
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Siemens AG Division Process Industries and Drives Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG GERMANY
A5E42181435-AA Ⓟ 11/2017 Subject to change
Copyright © Siemens AG 2017. All rights reserved

Table of contents

1 Security information......................................................................................................................................9
2 Preface.......................................................................................................................................................11
3 Requirements for Getting Started...............................................................................................................17
3.1 Hardware requirements for Getting Started - Part 1..............................................................17
3.2 Software requirements for Getting Started - Part 1................................................................18
3.3 Required configuration for Getting Started - Part 1................................................................19
4 PCS 7 SMART overview............................................................................................................................21
4.1 PCS 7 SMART overview........................................................................................................21
4.2 PCS 7 SMART inclusions......................................................................................................22
4.3 Introduction to SIMATIC Manager..........................................................................................23
4.4 Basic Structure of SIMATIC Manager....................................................................................24
4.5 Different views of SIMATIC Manager.....................................................................................25
4.6 Procedure...............................................................................................................................26
4.6.1 Opening SIMATIC Manager...................................................................................................26
5 Initial work for the project............................................................................................................................27
5.1 Planning the project...............................................................................................................27
5.1.1 The "color_gs" project............................................................................................................27
5.1.2 Task list for Getting Started....................................................................................................28
5.1.3 System configuration for the 'color_gs' project.......................................................................30
5.1.4 Configuration tasks overview.................................................................................................31
5.2 Preparational settings for the network....................................................................................32
5.2.1 Network and Interface settings...............................................................................................32
5.2.2 Procedure...............................................................................................................................32 Configuration console settings...............................................................................................32
5.3 Creating the project................................................................................................................34
5.3.1 "New Project" Wizard usage..................................................................................................34
5.3.2 Background knowledge for the PCS 7 Wizard.......................................................................34
5.3.3 Procedure...............................................................................................................................36 Creating the color_gs Project.................................................................................................36 Opening and Closing the "color_gs" Project..........................................................................39 How to Work in the Various Views.........................................................................................39
5.4 Configuring the stations.........................................................................................................41
5.4.1 Configuration overview...........................................................................................................41
5.4.2 Procedure...............................................................................................................................42 AS configuration.....................................................................................................................42 Renaming the PC Station.......................................................................................................44 Configuring the PC station of the OS.....................................................................................45 NetPro settings.......................................................................................................................47
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Table of contents Configuring and downloading the PC station of the OS.........................................................49 Downloading the hardware configuration of the AS...............................................................50
5.5 Working in the plant hierarchy................................................................................................52
5.5.1 Introduction to plant hierarchy................................................................................................52
5.5.2 Plant hierarchy settings..........................................................................................................52
5.5.3 Plant view structure................................................................................................................54
5.5.4 Adapting default names.........................................................................................................54
5.5.5 Inserting additional hierarchy folders.....................................................................................57
5.5.6 Checking the assignment of AS/OS to the plant hierarchy....................................................58
5.6 Current status.........................................................................................................................59
5.6.1 Current state of your project...................................................................................................59
6 Creating CFCs............................................................................................................................................61
6.1 CFC Charts and the CFC Editor............................................................................................61
6.2 Working with libraries.............................................................................................................62
6.2.1 CFC Charts and the master data library................................................................................62
6.2.2 Storing objects in the master data library...............................................................................62
6.2.3 Working with the master data library......................................................................................63
6.2.4 Opening the libraries..............................................................................................................64
6.2.5 Storing blocks.........................................................................................................................65
6.2.6 Storing process tag types.......................................................................................................67
6.2.7 Showing and hiding libraries..................................................................................................68
6.2.8 Process to hide and show libraries........................................................................................69
6.3 Technological significance of the charts in the project...........................................................71
6.3.1 Charts in "color_gs" project....................................................................................................71
6.3.2 Process-Related meaning of the "CFC_SETP" CFC chart....................................................71
6.3.3 Process-Related meaning of the "CFC_FC111" CFC chart...................................................72
6.3.4 Process-Related meaning of the "CFC_LI111" CFC chart.....................................................72
6.3.5 Process-Related meaning of the "CFC_NP111" CFC chart...................................................72
6.3.6 Process-Related meaning of the "CFC_NK11x" CFC chart...................................................73
6.4 CFCs in the Plant Hierarchy...................................................................................................74
6.4.1 Working with CFC charts.......................................................................................................74
6.4.2 Procedure...............................................................................................................................74 Renaming CFC charts in the Plant Hierarchy........................................................................74 Inserting new CFC charts in the Plant Hierarchy...................................................................75 Inserting the "Motor_Lean" process tag type.........................................................................76
6.5 The current status..................................................................................................................77
6.5.1 Current status of your project.................................................................................................77
6.6 Working with the CFC Editor..................................................................................................78
6.6.1 Introduction to the CFC Editor................................................................................................78
6.6.2 CFC Chart in the CFC Editor.................................................................................................78
6.6.3 Catalog in the CFC Editor......................................................................................................79
6.6.4 Configuration steps for CFC charts overview.........................................................................80
6.6.5 Opening the "CFC_SETP" CFC chart....................................................................................80
6.6.6 Assignment of block parameters in CFC charts.....................................................................81
6.6.7 Inserting the blocks into the "CFC_SETP".............................................................................81
6.6.8 Assigning parameters for the blocks in "CFC_SETP"............................................................82
6.6.9 Inserting the blocks into the "CFC_FC111"............................................................................84
6.6.10 Assigning parameters for the blocks in the "CFC_FC111".....................................................85
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Table of contents
6.6.11 Inserting the blocks in the "CFC_LI111".................................................................................88
6.6.12 Assigning parameters for the blocks in the "CFC_LI111"......................................................89
6.6.13 Assigning Parameters for blocks in the "CFC_NP111"..........................................................91
6.6.14 Interconnection of blocks in the CFC charts..........................................................................92
6.6.15 Interconnecting blocks in the "CFC_NP111"..........................................................................93
6.6.16 Interconnecting blocks in the "CFC_FC111"..........................................................................94
6.6.17 Interconnecting blocks in the "CFC_LI111"............................................................................95
6.6.18 Assigning parameters for the blocks in "Valve_Lean"............................................................96
6.6.19 Interconnecting the blocks in "Valve_Lean"...........................................................................97
6.7 CFCs in the process object view............................................................................................98
6.7.1 Use of the Process Object View for valve control..................................................................98
6.7.2 Procedure...............................................................................................................................98 Defining Inputs/Outputs for the Process Object View............................................................98 Inserting the "Valve_Lean" process tag type........................................................................100 Adapting the parameters for "CFC_NK11x".........................................................................101 Deleting Interconnections to addresses...............................................................................103 Selecting block icons............................................................................................................104
6.8 The current status................................................................................................................105
6.8.1 Current status of your project...............................................................................................105
7 Creating SFCs..........................................................................................................................................107
7.1 Overview of Sequential Function Charts (SFCs).................................................................107
7.2 Working with the SFC Editor................................................................................................108
7.2.1 Introduction to the SFC Editor..............................................................................................108
7.2.2 Important functions in the SFC Editor..................................................................................108
7.2.3 Properties of steps and transitions.......................................................................................109
7.2.4 Overview of the configuration steps for SFC charts.............................................................110
7.2.5 Moving an SFC chart...........................................................................................................110
7.2.6 Renaming the SFC chart......................................................................................................111
7.2.7 Opening the "SFC_RMT1" SFC Chart.................................................................................112
7.2.8 Technological structure of the sequential control system....................................................112
7.2.9 Creating the sequential control system in the SFC chart.....................................................113
7.2.10 Renaming steps...................................................................................................................115
7.2.11 Renaming transitions...........................................................................................................117
7.3 Setting parameters...............................................................................................................119
7.3.1 Assigning parameters to the steps of the SFC chart............................................................119
7.3.2 Parameters for the steps......................................................................................................122
7.3.3 Assigning parameters to the transitions of the SFC chart....................................................124
7.3.4 Parameters for the transitions..............................................................................................125
7.3.5 Optimizing the run sequence...............................................................................................127
7.4 The current status................................................................................................................128
7.4.1 Current status of your project...............................................................................................128
8 Compiling, downloading and testing the charts........................................................................................129
8.1 Overview of compiling, downloading, and testing................................................................129
8.2 Procedure.............................................................................................................................130
8.2.1 Compiling and Downloading CFC and SFC charts..............................................................130
8.2.2 Testing the program.............................................................................................................133
8.2.3 Testing the program in the SFC Editor.................................................................................134
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Table of contents
8.2.4 Testing the program in the CFC Editor................................................................................135
8.3 The current status................................................................................................................137
8.3.1 Current status of your project...............................................................................................137
9 Configuring the operator station...............................................................................................................139
9.1 Introduction to the OS project editor....................................................................................139
9.2 Operator station in process mode........................................................................................140
9.3 Configuration of the operator station....................................................................................141
9.4 Working in the SIMATIC Manager.......................................................................................142
9.4.1 Preparations in SIMATIC Manager......................................................................................142
9.4.2 Procedure.............................................................................................................................143 Editing picture properties.....................................................................................................143 Deleting unnecessary pictures.............................................................................................144 Creating block icons.............................................................................................................145 Compiling the OS.................................................................................................................147 Starting the PCS7 SMART OS.............................................................................................150
9.5 Working on the OS...............................................................................................................151
9.5.1 Structure of the OS - WinCC Explorer.................................................................................151
9.5.2 Function of process pictures................................................................................................151
9.5.3 Setting the OS activation for the ES.....................................................................................151
9.6 Working in general with the Graphics Designer...................................................................153
9.6.1 Introduction to the Graphics Designer..................................................................................153
9.6.2 Opening a Process Picture..................................................................................................153
9.6.3 Opening various toolbars.....................................................................................................154
9.6.4 Objects in the Graphics Designer........................................................................................155
9.6.5 Static objects........................................................................................................................156
9.6.6 Text fields.............................................................................................................................156
9.6.7 Working with tag interconnection.........................................................................................156
9.7 Creating the process picture................................................................................................157
9.7.1 Inserting pipes and a tank into the process picture..............................................................157
9.7.2 Labeling the parts of the plant..............................................................................................160
9.7.3 Step 1 - Inserting a text field................................................................................................160
9.7.4 Step 2 - Setting the text field................................................................................................160
9.7.5 Step3 - Duplicating the text field..........................................................................................161
9.7.6 Current status of the process picture...................................................................................163
9.7.7 Adapting process pictures....................................................................................................163
9.7.8 Connecting the raw material tank with the process value....................................................164
9.7.9 Step 3 - Adding explanatory text..........................................................................................167
9.7.10 Step 4 - Configuring the setpoint default..............................................................................168
9.7.11 Completing the work............................................................................................................169
9.8 The current status................................................................................................................170
9.8.1 Current status of your project...............................................................................................170
10 Working in runtime....................................................................................................................................171
10.1 Planning the user interface..................................................................................................171
10.1.1 Operator station in process mode........................................................................................171
10.1.2 User interface in process mode...........................................................................................171
10.2 Operator control and monitoring in process mode...............................................................173
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Table of contents
10.2.1 WinCC language settings.....................................................................................................173
10.2.2 Activating process mode......................................................................................................173
10.2.3 Starting the process.............................................................................................................174
10.2.4 Stopping the process...........................................................................................................177
10.2.5 Controlling the process by means of the process picture....................................................177
10.2.6 Specifying the reactor..........................................................................................................177
10.2.7 Opening the faceplates........................................................................................................178
10.2.8 Changing the setpoint..........................................................................................................178
10.2.9 Working with messages.......................................................................................................182
10.2.10 Process mode exit................................................................................................................184
11 Performing the additional task..................................................................................................................185
11.1 Introduction to the additional task........................................................................................185
11.2 Copying the existing 'RMT1' part of the plant.......................................................................186
11.3 Process mode preparation...................................................................................................188
11.4 Compile and download the changes....................................................................................189
11.5 Adapting the OS configuration.............................................................................................194
11.6 Starting process mode.........................................................................................................195
12 Starting and adapting the color_gs project...............................................................................................197
12.1 color_gs project....................................................................................................................197
12.2 Procedure.............................................................................................................................198
12.2.1 Opening the color_gs project...............................................................................................198
12.2.2 Adapting the hardware for the color_gs project....................................................................198
12.2.3 Adapting the blocks for the color_gs project........................................................................199
12.2.4 Adapting the project data for the color_gs project................................................................200
12.2.5 Compiling and downloading the color_gs project.................................................................201
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Table of contents
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Security information

Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, systems, machines, and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems, machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected to an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network segmentation) are in place.
For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please visit:
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure. Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are available and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS Feed under
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Security information
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About this document
PCS 7 SMART Getting Started - Part 1 (V9.0 with APL)
SMART process control system, enabling you to create a simple project. You can configure the project on an existing SIMATIC PC station.
PCS 7 SMART is suitable for companies that need cost efficient automation for small plant configurations.
This Getting Started document is aimed at beginners who work on the following areas:
● Configuration
● Commissioning and service
In the rest of the document, we address the document as
You must have knowledge in the following areas:
● The following Microsoft operating systems:
– Windows 7 Ultimate / Enterprise SP1 (64-Bit)
– Windows 7 Professional SP1 (64-Bit, English version only)
– Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (64-Bit)
● Basic knowledge in the field of process automation
● Functions and configuration of SIMATIC S7 (S7-410, STEP 7)
gives you an overview of the PCS 7
Getting Started - Part 1.
● Functions and configuration of SIMATIC NET (network components, transmission media)
● SIMATIC PCS 7 SMART is based on PCS 7 Asia. PCS 7 SMART is specifically designed for smaller projects with up to 2400 Process Objects (PO) within the Chinese and Indian markets. With PCS 7 SMART portfolio, we offer a custom-fit product for projects with up to eight PCS 7 SMART OS Single Stations. Specifically, the combination of SMART software and SMART hardware increases functionality and, therefore, makes PCS 7 SMART a suitable software for such projects in China and India.
● PCS 7 SMART does not come with a trial version. A USB hardlock must be plugged in permanently for configuration and runtime.
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Accessing PCS 7 SMART documentation
You can find the PCS 7 SMART documentation at the following locations:
● On the
● On the computer, in the installation folder
● On the Internet:
– Region India (
– Region China (
In this entry, you can also find the manual on PCS 7 SMART, which shows the differences between PCS 7 SMART and PCS 7.
Process Control System; SIMATIC PCS 7 SMART
Information about PCS 7 basic system on the Internet
All product and order information regarding PCS 7:
● Internet link (
Overview of the most important technical information and solutions for PCS 7 in the Industry Online Support:
● Internet link (
All information on Support and Service in the Industry Online Support:
● Internet link (
We recommend you to subscribe to the newsletter, which keeps you constantly updated with current information about our products.
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Contents of the PCS 7 Readme files
The PCS 7 V9.0 SMART Readme file is available in various versions:
1. PCS 7 SMART Readme (offline) It is installed during the PCS 7 setup and it contains general notes and links to documents on the internet.
2. PCS 7 SMART Readme (online) This document contains specific information on the installation and use of PCS 7 SMART. It is only available on the internet so that we can keep it up to date. You can download the current version of the document under the entry ID 109744321 in the Industry Online Support:
– Region India (
– Region China (
3. PCS 7 Readme (online) This document contains general information on the installation and use of PCS 7. You can download the current version of the document under the entry ID 109744312 in the Industry Online Support:
– Internet link (
It is vital that you use the information from the most recent version of the SMART and PCS 7 Readme (online) before you begin the installation or use of PCS 7 V9.0 SMART version.
The information in the PCS 7 SMART Readme (online) supersedes the information in the PCS 7 Readme (online).
Each of the products comes with product-specific information in the form of readme files.
The information contained in these readme files also applies to using products in PCS 7 SMART.
Electronic manuals and help system for the basic system PCS 7
Pre-installed manuals Once you have installed PCS 7 on your computer, the following PCS 7 documentation is
immediately available.
● You can find this documentation in the section SIEMENS Automation > SIMATIC > Documentation or the product information in the "Start" menu of Windows:
– PCS 7 - Catalog Overview (PDF)
– PCS 7 - Operating Instructions - OS Process Control (PDF)
– PCS 7 - Installation Manual - PC Configuration (PDF)
– PCS 7 - Configuration Manual - Engineering System (PDF)
– PCS 7 - Configuration Manual - Operator Station (PDF)
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Complete documentation for PCS 7 on the internet and document updates The complete PCS 7 documentation is available in multiple languages at the following Internet
● Internet link (
You also have the option of updating the installed PCS 7 help system and post-installing the PCS 7 system documentation. The "PCS 7 Documentation Portal Setup" required for this is available for download under the entry ID 109744320 in the Industry Online Support:
● Download link (
Note Timeliness of online documents
Documents available online may be up-to-date than the version of documents installed with PCS 7 Setup. The statements in documents available online should therefore be given priority over installed documents.
Information on modified documents
In order to keep yourself informed about changes to the PCS 7 readme and the other PCS 7 documentation, we recommend that you activate the relevant notification in the Industry Online Support:
● Internet link (
Getting Started - Part 1
You will find important information required to understand the steps in this Getting Started as well as detailed instructions on how to work through them.
Getting Started - Part 2
you will configure a unit for the color project and become familiar with the functions of rational engineering.
You can download the completed PCS 7 SMART project color_gs and the documentation
Getting Started - Part 1 and Getting Started - Part 2
● Getting Started - Part 1 (
● Getting Started - Part 2 (
● To download the project, click the icon:
Open the projects on the Engineering Station (ES) to view the configuration data and compare the data with your own configuration data. Activate the project on an Operator Station (OS) in order to operate and monitor the process.
explains the individual steps required to create the color_gs project.
is a continuation of
Getting Started - Part 1
from the internet:
. In this Getting Started,
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● To test the color_gs project in process mode, the hardware configuration of the project must correspond to your actual hardware configuration. If necessary, replace the hardware components of the color_gs project with the actual hardware components present.
● You will find additional information about opening and adapting the color_gs project in the "Starting and adapting the color gs project" chapter.
In this document, all the instructions are given using their full menu commands. You can also access virtually all of the functions through the shortcut menu or by double-clicking.
In this documentation, the versions of profiles, libraries and modules are always displayed as Vxx.
Ensure that you use an appropriate version for your hardware or software.
● Profile: PCS7_Vxx
● PCS 7 AP Library Vxx
● IE General: SW Vxx
The names of elements in the software interface are specified in the language of this documentation. If you have installed a multi-language package for the operating system, some of the designations will be displayed in the base language of the operating system after a language switch and will, therefore, differ from the designations used in the documentation.
In PCS 7 SMART, you can use standard Windows functions in many situations:
● Multiple selection using the "Ctrl" and "Shift" keys
● Column sorting in tables by clicking on the column header
● Use of "drag and drop" instead of "copy and paste"
The individual tutorials in this document build on each other to create a complete PCS 7 SMART project step-by-step by working through all the modules in the specified sequence. For this reason, please work through all the tutorials in the given sequence.
PCS 7 SMART glossary
The PCS 7 SMART glossary containing the definitions of important technical terms used in the documentation are available within the PCS 7 SMART software through the Help menu in the SIMATIC Manager ( Help>Contents).
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Additional information
You can find detailed background information and general context in the following documentation, which you can use for reference purposes:
● Configuration manual
● Configuration manual;
This documentation is available as an online help and in the PDF format.
● Online help
– In the PCS 7 software in SIMATIC Manager, select Help > Topics.
● PDF file
– In the "Start" menu, under the SIEMENS Automation > SIMATIC > Documentation
folder, in the preferred language.
– In the _Manuals folder of the
If you wish to familiarize yourself with specific topics, refer to the appropriate manuals. For example: SFC and CFC.
; Process Control System PCS 7; Engineering System
Process Control System PCS 7; Operator Station
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Requirements for Getting Started

3.1 Hardware requirements for Getting Started - Part 1

Hardware components
The list below shows the hardware components you need for Getting Started. For some hardware components, you must use a specific version because it is not possible to work on Getting Started with an older version.
Hardware Component Version Used in Getting Started Other Version Possible PG or PC with a standard
network card Rack UR2 Yes Power supply PS 407 4A Yes CPU CPU 410 SMART Firmware V8.2 Yes Crossover cable No USB hardlock PCS 7 SMART V9.0 No (Hardlocks are version
Intel® PRO/1000 Yes
Use of other hardware components
If you are using other hardware components, you must place them in the relevant places. For example, in HW Config, we recommend the usage of same components that are used in Getting Started.
If you have different hardware, you can find additional information in the "
ES Configuration
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Requirements for Getting Started

3.2 Software requirements for Getting Started - Part 1

3.2 Software requirements for Getting Started - Part 1
Software requirements
● Information about installation and operation of the PCS 7 SMART software is available in the
Process Control System PCS 7; PCS 7 Readme
● You will find information on the installation of the PCS 7 SMART software in these documents:
Note Engineering system
PC stations with a pre-installed Engineering System contain all the necessary software components. However, you must transfer the license keys to PC stations.
Process Control System PCS 7; PCS 7 PC Configuration
file (see "Preface (Page 11)").
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Requirements for Getting Started

3.3 Required configuration for Getting Started - Part 1

3.3 Required configuration for Getting Started - Part 1
If you have not purchased a bundle PC with the Getting Started, note the PC settings to be performed for PCS 7 SMART.
For more information, refer to
Process Control System; PCS 7 PC Configuration
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Requirements for Getting Started
3.3 Required configuration for Getting Started - Part 1
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PCS 7 SMART overview

4.1 PCS 7 SMART overview

PCS 7 SMART is a powerful process control system with many automatic functions to assist you during configuration of a plant. It enables you to create a project quickly and conveniently. You will get to know about the automatic functions in this Getting Started document. PCS 7 SMART also provides many options for creating individual, project-specific solutions customized to your requirements. These individual solutions are not part of this Getting Started document. For more information, refer to the configuration manuals.
A PCS 7 SMART project includes the following objects:
● Hardware configuration
● Blocks
● CFC charts and SFC charts
These objects are always included regardless of the number of operator stations, modules, and networks.
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PCS 7 SMART overview

4.2 PCS 7 SMART inclusions

4.2 PCS 7 SMART inclusions
PCS 7 SMART applications
You create a smart project on an Engineering Station (ES), which provides various applications. All applications have simplified user interface to ease your operations and display your configuration data. When you work through Getting Started project, you will use the following applications:
● SIMATIC Manager - the central application and gateway to all other applications that you use to create a PCS 7 SMART project. SIMATIC Manager is the starting point for creating your entire project.
● HW Config - used to configure entire hardware of a system, for example, CPUs, power supply, and communications processors.
● Continuous Function Chart (CFC) and Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editors - used to create CFCs and SFCs.
● Operator Station (OS) - used to configure the OS.
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4.3 Introduction to SIMATIC Manager
SIMATIC Manager is the central application within the PCS 7 SMART system and is used to access all the other applications to configure your PCS 7 SMART project.
SIMATIC Manager and all other applications are linked. For example, all the blocks you have inserted into a CFC chart using the CFC editor.
This linking provides convenient access to all the data created in SIMATIC Manager and its applications. For example, you can visualize a process tag from a CFC chart quickly and easily when configuring the OS.
Due to the central function of SIMATIC Manager within PCS 7 SMART, it is worth taking time to become familiar with its structure and functions.
PCS 7 SMART overview

4.3 Introduction to SIMATIC Manager

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PCS 7 SMART overview

4.4 Basic Structure of SIMATIC Manager

4.4 Basic Structure of SIMATIC Manager
Structure of SIMATIC Manager
SIMATIC Manager has a split window similar to Windows Explorer:
● In the left pane, a tree view is displayed with different content depending on the View (Page 25) selected.
● In the right pane, the detail window, you can view details of the object you have selected in the tree view.
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4.5 Different views of SIMATIC Manager
Different views of SIMATIC manager
SIMATIC Manager provides you with three views. An important feature of these views is that the objects they contain exist only once in reality but can be displayed and edited in the various views.
The structural principle of the views is the same. The left pane displays the tree view and the right pane displays the detail view. Each view has advantages for performing certain tasks:
● Component view : Displays the physical memory location of the individual objects. For
example, charts and blocks. In this view, you can view the mapping of blocks and charts to the relevant AS.
● Plant view: Displays the exact hierarchical structure of your plant. You can divide the plant
into units and see which charts and which process pictures belong to which unit.
● Process object view : Displays the details of individual objects from the plant view. This is
applicable when you want to assign the same parameter value to a large number of objects or if you want to add the same comments or make the same interconnections for these objects.
PCS 7 SMART overview

4.5 Different views of SIMATIC Manager

The Getting Started step by step instructions guide you in selecting the SIMATIC Manager views. PCS 7 SMART automatically saves all the work that you perform.
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PCS 7 SMART overview

4.6 Procedure

4.6 Procedure

4.6.1 Opening SIMATIC Manager

You can start SIMATIC Manager in two ways:
● Double-click the STEP 7 icon Or
● On the "Start" menu, select Siemens Automation > SIMATIC > SIMATIC Manager.
When you start SIMATIC Manager, the previously opened project automatically appears.
on your desktop.
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Initial work for the project

5.1 Planning the project

5.1.1 The "color_gs" project

After a brief overview of PCS 7 SMART (Page 21), you can start creating the color_gs project. Additional theoretical knowledge is required to understand these instructions. Hence, each topic is provided with some background information.
Plant description
Only a small part of the entire plant will be configured for automatic dye production since configuring the entire plant will be out of scope for this Getting Started project. This minimal plant configuration will be integrated with the entire plant to understand the overall context in a better way.
The individual phases of the production process are:
Phase I - Raw Materials
The liquid raw materials for the product are stored in two raw material tanks and are pumped from these tanks to the reactors.
The solid raw materials are stored in three silos. Screw conveyors are used to measure out the solid raw materials from the silos to a weigh hopper for weighing. Another screw conveyor and a blower are used to blow the raw materials into one of the two mixing tanks in the correct mixing ratio.
Phase II – Production
The required quantities of liquid material are fed from the two raw material tanks to Reactor 1 or Reactor 2 by means of valves. The solid materials from the mixing containers are transported via screw conveyors to the reactors where they are blended using an agitator. The product is produced in the reactors by agitating, heating and cooling the raw materials together with the additives. Valves and actuators control the temperature in the reactors. If required, water from a filtration plant can be introduced into the reactors using a flow controller.
Phase III - Holding Phase
The product is pumped to a holding tank for post processing. Here, it is stirred slowly and kept at a constant temperature.
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Initial work for the project
5.1 Planning the project
Phase IV – Filling
After the holding phase, the product is temporarily stored in a filling tank. From there, it is filled into bulk tank trucks or small packing drums.
Phase V – Cleaning
The reactors, piping, valves, actuators, holding tank, and filling tank can be cleaned by a cleaning-in-place (CIP) system. The resulting wastewater is collected in a separate effluent tank and disposed.

5.1.2 Task list for Getting Started

Specific Configuration Task
You will now configure part of Phase I – Raw Materials:
Specifically, you will configure the storage of the liquid raw materials in two raw material tanks and the pump control used to pump these raw materials to the two reactors.
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Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
The piping and instrumentation diagram illustrates the precise sequence of the configuration task and displays all the associated relevant process tags:
Initial work for the project
5.1 Planning the project
Explanation of the piping and instrumentation flow diagram
The terms used have the following meanings:
● LI111 (level indicator): measurement of the current fill level of the raw material tank.
● NK111 and NK112 (customer-specific identifier for valves): shut-off valves which must
always be opened for dosing raw materials.
● NP111 (customer-specific identifier for motors): pump that transports the raw material to
the reactors.
● NK113 or NK114 (customer-specific identifier for valves): valves, of which only one may
be open at a given time, in order to transport the raw material to either reactor 1 or reactor
● FC111 (flow control) : actuator which regulates quantities for the raw material.
The states of the valves NK111 to NK114 can be displayed and monitored in the operator station. You also have the possibility to influence the dosing via FC111.
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Initial work for the project
5.1 Planning the project

5.1.3 System configuration for the 'color_gs' project

The color_gs project will be implemented on a minimum system consisting of a single automation system with a combined engineering station and operator station. The operator station is designed as a single station system. The following figure illustrates the system configuration.
In Getting Started, you will build a control system which contains the following components:
● Automation system (AS): The individual components are described in the section "Requirements for performing the Getting Started".
● Program, which controls the "color_gs" plant: You create this program in the ES and download it to the CPU. The CPU executes the loaded program and displays the process values.
● Operator station (OS): The plant operator controls and monitors the plant during runtime. You can create the process picture seen by the plant operator on the OS.
Plant configuration and hardware settings that result from it need to be especially adapted to the requirements of this Getting Started.
When you configure a real project, you will use more automation systems and also operate the engineering station and operator station(s) on several computers. In this case, the hardware settings will be more complex. This will no longer correspond to the Getting Started descriptions.
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