Siemens SIMATIC NET CP 243-1 IT, CP 243-1 IT Technical Manual

CP 243-1 IT Communications Processor
for Industrial Ethernet and Information Technology
Foreword Product Information Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables
Features and Functions
Installation and Comissioning
Appendix A: Technical Data
Appendix B: Example
Technical Manual
Appendix C: Timeouts
03/2003 J31069-D0429-U001-A0-7618
Copyright © Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved
Passing on and reproduction of this document, or utilization and revelation of its contents is prohibited without express permission. Violators will be prosecuted. All rights reserved, particularly in case a patent is granted or a utiliy model is registered.
Siemens AG Automation & Drives Postfach 4848 D-90327 Nuernberg
Siemens-Aktiengesellschaft J31069-D0429-U001-A0-7618
Exclusion of liability
Although we have checked the contents of this publication for correspondence to the hardware and software described therein, we cannot guarantee total agreement. The information in this publication is reviewed at regular intervals and necessary corrections included in the next releases. Your suggestions are welcome.
Subject to change without prior notice
Classification of safety information
This document contains information which you must adhere to for your own per­sonal safety and to avoid property damage. This information is highlighted with a warning triangle and graded by degree of danger.
means that death or severe injury will occur if appropriate precautions are not taken.
means that death or severe injury may occur if appropriate precautions are not taken.
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without a warning triangle means that property damage may occur if appropriate precautions are not taken.
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SIMATIC, SIMATIC NET, SINEC and SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry® are registered brands of Siemens AG.
The other designations in this publication may be brands whose use by third par­ties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the owners.
Safety information on your product
Before you begin using the product described here, it is essential to read and ad­here to the following safety information.
Qualified personnel
Only qualified personnel may commission and operate this device. For the purpose of the safety notes in this manual, qualified personnel are those persons who are authorized to commission, ground and tag devices, systems and electrical circuits according to the standards of safety technology.
Intended use of hardware products
Adhere to the following information on the intended use of hardware products.
The device may only be used for the technical applications described in the cata­log and only with products of Siemens or recommended by Siemens or devices and components of other manufacturers which have been approved by Siemens.
Correct, safe operation of the product depends on correct transportation, correct storage, installation and mounting as well as careful operator control and mainte­nance.
Before you begin using the included sample program or your own programs, make sure that no injury or property damage to man or machine can occur on the run­ning systems.
EG note: Commissioning is prohibited until it can be determined that the machine in which these components is to be installed meets the specifications of guideline 89/392/EWG.
03/03 Foreword
Purpose of this manual
This manual will be helpful when you use your CP 243-1 IT communications proc­essor. It provides you with information on how to communicate with this communi­cations processor via Industrial Ethernet and how to use the Information Technol­ogy functions.
A knowledge of this manual as well as the manual on SIMATIC S7-200 program­mable controllers is required for understanding the functions of the CP 243-1 IT. In addition, you will need a basic knowledge of such topics as TCP/IP, FTP, E-Mail, HTML, Web Browser and Java.
Target group
This manual is written for engineers, programmers, commissioning personnel and maintenance personnel with a general knowledge of automation and communica­tion systems as well as user interface systems.
Sample program
This manual contains a sample program which gives you an example of how to program your CP 243-1 IT. This program was prepared with STEP 7-Micro/WIN 32 V3.2.3 and will run on an S7-200 CPU (type 224). If you want to run this sample program on another S7-200 CPU, you may have to adjust this CPU to the configu­ration expected by our program.
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Product Information 03/03
Product Information
Address label: MAC address
The CP 243-1 IT is delivered with a permanently set MAC address. This MAC ad­dress is shown on a label underneath the upper covering flap of the device.
MLFB number, scope of delivery
Product Name MLFB Scope of Delivery
CP 243-1 IT 6GK7 243-1GX00-0XE0 CP, documentation on CD-ROM
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03/03 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................................................................... 5
Product Information .........................................................................................6
List of Figures................................................................................................. 10
List of Tables .................................................................................................. 11
1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 13
2 Features and Functions......................................................................... 15
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................15
2.2 S7 Communication via Industrial Ethernet......................................................... 17
2.2.1 Preliminary Comments ....................................................................................... 17
2.2.2 Types of Communication ...................................................................................18
2.2.3 Communication Partners ................................................................................... 18
2.3 IT Communication .............................................................................................. 23
2.3.1 Preliminary Remarks.......................................................................................... 23
2.3.2 Types of Communication ...................................................................................24
2.3.3 E-Mail ................................................................................................................. 25
2.3.4 FTP Server......................................................................................................... 27
2.3.5 FTP Client ..........................................................................................................29
2.3.6 HTTP Server ......................................................................................................33
2.4 File System ........................................................................................................ 37
2.5 User Administration............................................................................................ 39
2.6 Security ..............................................................................................................41
2.6.1 Configuration...................................................................................................... 41
2.6.2 Data Security...................................................................................................... 42
2.6.3 Communication Security .................................................................................... 42
2.7 Connections .......................................................................................................43
2.8 Indicators: Front LEDs ....................................................................................... 44
3 Installation and Commissioning ........................................................... 47
3.1 Dimensions for Installation in a Control Panel ...................................................50
3.2 Dimensions for Installation on a DIN Rail .......................................................... 50
3.3 Installation in a Control Panel ............................................................................51
3.4 Installation on a Standard DIN Rail.................................................................... 52
3.5 Replacement Parts............................................................................................. 53
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Table of Contents 03/03
3.6 Demounting the CP 243-1 IT .............................................................................54
4 Configuration.......................................................................................... 55
4.1 Possible Configurations .....................................................................................55
4.2 Value Ranges of the Configuration Data ........................................................... 57
4.2.1 IP Addresses...................................................................................................... 57
4.2.2 Subnet Mask ...................................................................................................... 57
4.2.3 TSAPs ................................................................................................................ 57
4.2.4 Ports................................................................................................................... 58
4.2.5 E-Mail Tags ........................................................................................................ 58
4.3 Configuration of a CP 243-1 IT with STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32 ............................. 60
4.3.1 Basic Configurations ..........................................................................................61
4.3.2 Configuration of User Administration ................................................................. 65
4.3.3 Configuration of the E-Mail Functions................................................................ 65
4.3.4 Configuration of the FTP Functions ................................................................... 66
4.3.5 Conclusion of Configuration ............................................................................... 67
4.4 Additional Ways to Configure a CP 243-1 IT ..................................................... 67
4.4.1 Assigned System Marker Area (SM Area) ......................................................... 69
4.4.2 Structure of Configuration Data Block (CDB) ....................................................70
4.4.3 Structure of the Network Parameter Block (NPB).............................................. 74
4.4.4 Structure of the Network Data Block (NDB)....................................................... 74
4.4.5 Structure of the Internet Data Block (IDB) .........................................................76
4.4.6 Structure of the Configuration File for User Administration (.udb File) ............. 79
4.4.7 Structure of the Configuration File for the E-Mail Client (.edb File) .................. 82
4.4.8 Structure of the Configuration File for the FTP Client (.fdb File) ....................... 85
4.5 Configuration of a Communication Partner with STEP 7................................... 89
4.6 Reaction of the CP 243-1 IT to Configuration Errors ......................................... 93
5 Programming.......................................................................................... 95
5.1 ETHx_CTRL....................................................................................................... 96
5.2 ETHx_CFG......................................................................................................... 98
5.3 ETHx_XFR ......................................................................................................... 99
5.4 ETHx_EMAIL ................................................................................................... 101
5.5 ETHx_FTPC..................................................................................................... 103
6 Diagnosis .............................................................................................. 107
6.1 Diagnostic Capabilities ..................................................................................... 107
6.2 Error Messages of the CP 243-1 IT .................................................................111
6.2.1 Error Messages in Byte Format ....................................................................... 112
6.2.2 Error Messages in Word Format...................................................................... 116
6.3 Error Messages of the Test Routine for E-Mails .............................................. 119
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03/03 Table of Contents
Appendix A Technical Data ...................................................................... 121
Appendix B Example ................................................................................. 123
Appendix C Timeouts................................................................................ 131
Abbreviations................................................................................................ 133
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List of Figures 09/02
List of Figures
Fig. 1 System overview .....................................................................................................19
Fig. 2 Overview of the IT functions.................................................................................... 23
Fig. 3 Connections ............................................................................................................ 43
Fig. 4 Front with the LEDs................................................................................................. 44
Fig. 5 Space requirements during installation ................................................................... 49
Fig. 6 Dimensions for installation in a control panel.......................................................... 50
Fig. 7 Dimensions for installation on a DIN rail .................................................................50
Fig. 8 Screen "Properties – S7 connection" ...................................................................... 90
Fig. 9 Calling the subprogram ETHx_CTRL...................................................................... 96
Fig. 10 Call of the subprogram ETHx_CFG ........................................................................ 98
Fig. 11 Call of the subprogram ETHx_XFR....................................................................... 100
Fig. 12 Call of the subprogram ETHx_EMAIL ................................................................... 102
Fig. 13 Call of the subprogram ETHx_FTPC ....................................................................104
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03/03 List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1 Predefined HTML pages ......................................................................................... 36
Table 2 Directory structure of the CP 243-1 IT ...................................................................38
Table 3 Length of the user names and passwords .............................................................. 40
Table 4 Function of the individual LEDs............................................................................... 45
Table 5 Examples of formatting instructions for placeholders in e-mails............................. 59
Table 6 System marker area ................................................................................................ 69
Table 7 Structure of the CDB ............................................................................................... 73
Table 8 Structure of the NPB ............................................................................................... 74
Table 9 Structure of the NDB ............................................................................................... 76
Table 10 Configuration of the read/write jobs ........................................................................ 76
Table 11 Structure of the IDB................................................................................................. 78
Table 12 Structure of the configuration file for user administration........................................ 79
Table 13 Structure of the parameter record of a user............................................................ 80
Table 14 Structure of the configuration file for the e-mail client............................................. 83
Table 15 Structure of the configuration file for the FTP client ................................................ 85
Table 16 Structure of the parameter record for an FTP job ................................................... 87
Table 17 Input parameters (ETHx_CTRL) ............................................................................. 96
Table 18 Return parameters (ETHx_CTRL) .......................................................................... 97
Table 19 Input parameters (ETHx_CFG) ............................................................................... 98
Table 20 Return parameters (ETHx_CFG) ............................................................................ 99
Table 21 Input parameters (ETHx_XFR) ............................................................................. 100
Table 22 Return parameters (ETHx_XFR)........................................................................... 101
Table 23 Input parameters (ETHx_EMAIL).......................................................................... 102
Table 24 Return parameters (ETHx_EMAIL) ....................................................................... 102
Table 25 Input parameters (ETHx_FTPC) ........................................................................... 104
Table 26 Return parameters (ETHx_FTPC) ........................................................................ 105
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List of Tables 03/03
Table 27 Addressing of global errors and module information ............................................ 108
Table 28 Layout of the NPB memory area........................................................................... 109
Table 29 Error messages in byte format .............................................................................. 115
Table 30 Error messages in word format ............................................................................. 118
Table 31 Error messages for test routine for e-mails ........................................................... 119
Table 32 Technical data ....................................................................................................... 122
Table 33 Timeouts on Ethernet ............................................................................................ 131
Table 34 Timeouts on the backplane bus ............................................................................ 132
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03/03 Introduction
1 Introduction
Definition and application
The CP 243-1 IT is a communications processor designed for use in an S7-200 programmable controller. It permits an S7-200 system to be connected to Industrial Ethernet (IE). This makes communication via Ethernet possible even in the lower performance class of the S7 product family. Using STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32, an S7­200 can be configured, programmed and diagnosed via Ethernet even at a geo­graphical distance. Using a CP 243-1 IT, an S7-200 can communicate via Ethernet with another S7-200, S7-300 or S7-400 controller. Communication with an OPC server is also possible.
The IT functions of the CP 243-1 IT form the basis for monitoring and, if necessary, also manipulating automation systems with a Web browser from a networked PC. In addition, diagnostic messages can be e-mailed from a system. Using the IT functions, it is very easy to exchange entire files with other computer and controller systems.
Industrial Ethernet is the network for the process control level and the cell level of the SIMATIC NET open communication system. Physically, Industrial Ethernet is an electrical network based on shielded, coaxial lines, twisted pair cabling and an optical network of fiber optic conductors. Industrial Ethernet is defined by the in­ternational standard IEEE 802.3.
Continuous communication in the industrial area - worldwide
Industrial Ethernet is embedded in the SIMATIC NET concept which permits con­tinuous networking of process control level, cell level and field level with PROFIBUS and AS Interface. The IT functions, characterized by their worldwide uniform standards and protocols, serve as the bridges between the world of indus­trial controllers and the typical PCs used by the office world of today.
The CP 243-1 IT (6GK7 243-1GX00-0XE0) described here can be used for S7 communication. The CP 243-1 IT can be connected to various types of S7-200 CPUs (222, 224, 226 and 226XM).
CPU 222 rel. 1.10 or higher
CPU 224 rel. 1.10 or higher
CPU 226 rel. 1.00 or higher
CPU 226XM rel. 1.10 or higher
A maximum of 2 expansion modules can be installed on the CPU 222. In contrast, up to 7 expansion modules can be connected to CPUs 224, 226 and 226XM.
The CP 243-1 IT is fully compatible with the CP 243-1. This means that user pro­grams which were written for the CP 243-1 can also be run on a CP 243-1 IT.
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Introduction 03/03
Only one CP 243-1 or one CP 243-1 IT may be connected per S7-200 CPU. If ad­ditional CP 243-1 or CP 243-1 IT processors are connected, the S7-200 system may no longer function correctly.
The software of the CP 243-1 IT is compatible with the following standards.
S7-200 I/O bus specification
HTTP 1.0 in acc. w. RFC1945
FTP in acc. w. RFC959
SMTP in acc. w. RFC2821/2822 (only functions for sending e-mails)
The CP 243-1 IT is configured with STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32 starting with version
3.2.3. The standard CP 243-1 IT is delivered with a fixed MAC address. IP ad­dress and subnet mask must be configured or obtained from a BOOTP server.
Use the Internet wizard of STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32 to program communication in the user program (see chapters 4 and 5).
The firmware of the CP 243-1 IT is programmed on flash memory during produc­tion and is stored there permanently. System states or dynamic variables which occur during operation of the CP 243-1 IT are not stored permanently.
Configuration of the CP 243-1 IT is divided into Industrial Ethernet and IT services.
The Ethernet configuration is retentively stored in the DB of the S7-200 CPU. Dur­ing startup, the CP 243-1 IT reads the configuration from the CPU and initializes it­self accordingly.
The configuration of the IT services is stored in the file system of the CP 243-1 IT in the form of one configuration each for user administration, FTP client and e-mail service. These configuration files are continuously evaluated during running opera­tion.
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03/03 Features and Functions
2 Features and Functions
2.1 Overview
The CP 243-1 IT offers the following functions.
S7 communication
Performance data communication via Industrial Ethernet. Communication
is based on standard TCP/IP.
Ethernet access via RJ45 socket
Easy connection to an S7-200 system via the S7-200 backplane bus
Permits flexible and distributed automation structure
Basis for simple further processing and archivation of process data
Permits simultaneous communication with up to eight S7 controllers
Offers a link to S7-OPC
Simple network administration
S7 communication services "XPUT/XGET" as client and server
S7 communication services "READ/WRITE" as server
For Keep Alive connection checks, a time can be configured for all TCP
transport connections with active and passive partners.
IT communication
File system for permanent storage of Web and configuration files on the
CP 243-1 IT
SMTP client for sending e-mails. In addition to pure text information, em­bedded variables can also be transmitted. The current value of such a variable is not determined until the e-mail is sent.
Configuration of up to 32 e-mails with up to 1024 characters each
FTP server for access to the file system of the CP 243-1 IT
FTP client for exchanging data with an FTP server
Configuration of up to 32 FTP client operations
The FTP client function supports the commands READ, WRITE and DE-
Access of the FTP client to the FTP server of the CP 243-1 IT
HTTP server for the read and write access to process and status data of
the S7-200 system via up to four Web browsers at one time
Prepared HTML pages for diagnosis of the S7-200 system and for access to process variables
Sending a test e-mail via a prepared HTML page
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Features and Functions 03/03
Storage of own HTML pages and Java Applets in the file system of the CP 243-1 IT
Provision of Java Applets and Beans for development of own HTML pages and Java Applets
User administration for up to 8 users with user-specific granting of rights for access to files, status information and process variables.
Programming, configuring and diagnosing an S7-200 system from a geo-
graphical distance (e.g., program upload and download or status indica­tions) via Industrial Ethernet and STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32
Exchanging modules possible without having to program/configure the Ethernet functions again (Plug & Play). Since the configuration of the IT functions is stored on the CP 243-1 IT, this must be loaded again to the module when the CP 243-1 IT is replaced.
Watchdog timer
The CP 243-1 IT is equipped with a watchdog circuit. The watchdog starts each time the CP 243-1 IT boots. The watchdog monitoring time is usually 5 seconds. Tolerances due to components may increase this time to 7 seconds. If watch­dog monitoring triggers, the CP 243-1 IT is automatically reset. This restarts the CP 243-1 IT. During this time, the CP 243-1 IT reports the "Parity Error" to the S7-200 CPU. Handling such an error is described in the documentation of STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32.
Ability of preset MAC addresses (48-bit value) to be addressed
The MAC address is assigned to each CP 243-1 IT at the plant. The MAC ad­dress is located on an adhesive plate under the upper front flap. An IP address can be assigned to the CP 243-1 IT via the preset MAC address using BOOTP.
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03/03 Features and Functions
2.2 S7 Communication via Industrial Ethernet
2.2.1 Preliminary Comments
S7 communication via Industrial Ethernet permits program-controlled communica­tion via communication SFBs/FBs and configured S7 connections. The CP 243-1 IT supports S7 communication via Industrial Ethernet with the XPUT/XGET and READ/WRITE services. Up to 212 bytes of user data can generally be transmitted per job. If the CP 243-1 IT is run as server, up to 222 bytes of user data can even be transferred in read jobs.
The CP 243-1 IT supports a maximum of eight S7 communication channels to cli­ents or servers on one or more geographically removed communication partners. The CP 243-1 IT works on the client/serve principle for each channel. Only one job at a time per channel is accepted, processed and answered with a positive or negative response. Not until a response has been sent does the CP 243-1 IT ac­cept a new job.
If the CP 243-1 IT receives several jobs on a channel configured as server, only the first job is processed. The subsequent jobs are ignored until the end of the transaction (i.e., until a response is sent). The CP 243-1 IT has no channel-specific job administration and does not buffer jobs.
Prerequisites for communication with a PC/PG
As before, a PG/PC can access the S7-200 CPU via the PPI interface. In addition, this access may take place via the CP 243-1 IT via Ethernet. The following prereq­uisites must be fulfilled for this.
An Ethernet card is installed and configured on the PG/PC and an Ethernet or TCP/IP connection to the CP 243-1 IT exists (via routers, firewalls, and so on).
STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32 (starting with version 3.2.3) is installed on the PG/PC.
The CP 243-1 IT has a valid address. This address may be permanently speci-
fied in the configuration or obtained from a BOOTP server.
At this time, only one STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32 can communicate via a CP 243-1 IT with the S7-200 CPU. Use of the Ethernet interface is mandatory for configuration of the IT services.
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Features and Functions 03/03
2.2.2 Types of Communication
The CP 243-1 IT has three types of S7 communication relationships which can be used individually and in combination.
1. Coupling with STEP 7-Micro/WIN 32
2. Coupling with other, geographically remote components of the SIMATIC S7 family
3. Coupling with OPC-based applications on a PC/PG
2.2.3 Communication Partners
S7-200 CPU with CP 243-1 or CP 243-1 IT
S7-300 CPU with CP 343-1 or CP 343-1 IT
S7-400 CPU with CP 443-1 or CP 443-1 IT
PG/PC with OPC server
PG/PC with STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32
The STEP 7 HW-Config program shows you the types of S7-300 CPUs and S7­400 CPUs which support the S7 protocol XPUT/XGET (i.e., can communicate with the CP 243-1 IT). When you select an S7-300 or S7-400 CPU in the catalog box there, this CPU must support the function "S7 communication."
With systems from the S7-300 family, an XPUT/XGET client can only be used with a related communications processor starting with version 1.1. You will find the ver­sion of your communications processor in the MLFB number, among others. If you are using a CP 343-1, the MLFB number must contain the character string "EX11" or higher.
Always remember that the CP 243-1 IT does not support pure ISO connections. Since the CP 443-1 ISO has neither TCP/IP nor RFC 1006, it is not able to com­municate with a CP 243-1 IT.
Only one CP 243-1 or one CP 243-1 IT may be connected to an S7-200 CPU. If additional SP 243-1 or CP 243-1 IT processors are connected, the S7-200 system may not function correctly.
Concerning communication with an OPC server, remember that the CP 243-1 IT does not support automatic querying of the objects (e.g., DBxx, and so on) on the S7-200.
A CP 243-1 IT can only communicate with an OPC server when this server sup­ports the two S7 services READ and WRITE.
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03/03 Features and Functions
max. 8 x
xput / xget read / write
CPU 22x
CP 243-1/IT
S7-200 S7-300 S7-400
CPU 22x
CPU 3xx
CP 243-1 IT
CP 343-1/IT
1 x
CPU 4xx
CP 443-1/IT
Fig. 1 System overview
A CPU 22x with CP 243-1 IT can communicate both with other S7-200, S7-300 and S7-400 systems and with an OPC server. A maximum of 8 connections (see Fig. 1) are possible in addition to a STEP 7 Micro/WIN connection.
Configuring and programming connections for S7 stations
To configure communication between an S7-200 and an S7-300, S7-400 or an OPC server, you will need both STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32 (starting with version 3.2.3) and STEP 7 (starting with version 5.1 with service pack 3 or higher, with NCM for Industrial Ethernet).
The S7-200 station is configured and programmed with STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32. You will need STEP 7 with NCM for Industrial Ethernet to configure and program the S7-300 or S7-400 or the OPC server.
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Features and Functions 03/03
Data communication via Industrial Ethernet
Data communication via the CP 243-1 IT is based on Ethernet and is thus not de­terministic (i.e., specific response times are not guaranteed). 10 and 100-Mbit net­works are supported in full and half-duplex.
In addition, the CP 243-1 IT supports the auto-negotiation function for automatically negotiating the operating mode and the transmission speed to be used. The mode and the transmission speed can also be permanently specified by the user when configuring the CP 243-1 IT. If the CP 243-1 IT doesn't have a valid configuration, it always uses "auto-negotiation" mode.
Auto-negotiation mode only works when all connected network components sup­port this mode.
Industrial Ethernet and TCP/IP do not allow time-deterministic data flow. There is no way to know when a geographically remote CPU will execute the requested jobs. The responses of the geographically removed CPU are asynchronous to the CPU cycle of the local S7-200 CPU. This is why TCP/IP-based communication is only partly suitable for use in widespread applications with time requirements (e.g., control circuits, cyclic precisely timed scanning).
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03/03 Features and Functions
S7 communication
The XPUT and XGET S7 services are used to communicate data between two controllers. The CP 243-1 IT can be used both as client and as server.
Communication between a CP 243-1 IT and an OPC server running on a PC/PG uses the READ and WRITE S7 services. The CP 243-1 IT is always the server here. Other S7 services (e.g., the service for automatic scanning of objects on an S7-200 - DBs, and so on) are not supported.
The following data types or data areas are supported by the CP 243-1 IT.
CP 243-1 IT as client
Read and write accesses
Data type is always BYTE.
Only variables can be accessed on the local system.
Accessible memory areas on the partner system are inputs, outputs, markers
and variables with an S7-200 as partner.
Accessible memory areas on the partner system are inputs, outputs, markers and data areas with an S7-300 or an S7-400 as partner.
CP 243-1 IT a server
Write accesses
Data type is BOOL, BYTE, WORD or DWORD.
Use of data types CHAR, INT, DINT and REAL depends on the firmware status
of the S7-200 CPU being used.
Accessible memory areas on the local system are inputs, outputs, variables, markers and status bits.
Read accesses
Data type is BOOL, BYTE, WORD or DWORD.
Use of data types CHAR, INT, DINT and REAL depends on the firmware status
of the S7-200 CPU being used.
Accessible memory areas on the local system are inputs, outputs, variables, markers, system area and status bits.
When an S7-300 or S7-400 is the server on a client running on an S7-200 system, the CP 243-1 IT expects this server to always behave passively. This means that, in such cases, the S7-300 or S7-400 system is not allowed to send S7 jobs to the S7-200 system.
Communication with STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32
With communication between a CP 243-1 IT and STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32, the CP 243-1 IT is always the server. STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32 is always the client here.
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Backplane bus communication
All accesses to all data areas of the S7-200 CPU are always possible. The read and write accesses are not dependent on whether the CPU is in RUN, TERM or STOP status.
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03/03 Features and Functions
2.3 IT Communication
2.3.1 Preliminary Remarks
In addition to S7 communication via Industrial Ethernet, the CP 243-1 IT also sup­ports the services XPUT/XGET and READ/WRITE parallel to a variety of IT func­tions. These include data communication via FTP, sending e-mails, and the capa­bility of permitting up to four Web browsers to access data and status information on the S7-200 system at the same time. See Fig. 2.
Sending an e-mail or active file access via FTP are initiated by the S7-200 user program. Only one job at a time can be active for each of these two functions. Not until the CP 243-1 IT has positively or negatively acknowledged the job can the user program start another job.
PC Handy
CPU 2xx
PC S7-200 S7-300 S7-400
CP 243-1 IT
Fig. 2 Overview of the IT functions
PC S7-200 S7-300 S7-400
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2.3.2 Types of Communication
In addition to the S7 communication relationships described in chapter 2.2.2, the CP 243-1 IT offers four types of IT communication relationships which can be used individually or in combination.
1. Communication with an e-mail server
2. Communication with an FTP client located in a geographically remote system
3. Communication with an FTP server. Such a server is usually located in a geo­graphically remote system. However, a coupling to the FTP server running on the CP 243-1 IT of the local S7-200 system is also possible.
4. Communication with up to four Web browsers running on geographically remote systems
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03/03 Features and Functions
2.3.3 E-Mail
How it works
The SMTP protocol controls the transmission of e-mails. An e-mail consists of one or two address fields, a subject field and a field for the actual text message.
The text message consists of ASCII characters. The text may contain placeholders for variables which reference a data value of the local S7-200 system. When the e­mail is sent, the CP 243-1 IT reads each such value from the local S7-200 CPU and inserts it in the desired format at the specified location in the message. The CP 243-1 IT makes it possible to send e-mails preconfigured by a user program to an e-mail server already specified via IP address and an port during the configuration phase. The e-mail server then sends the e-mail to the e-mail recipient specified in the address field of the e-mail.
The e-mail server specified in the configuration by an IP address and a port num­ber must be located in the subnetwork of the CP 243-1 IT or be able to be ac­cessed via a gateway. If this e-mail server cannot be accessed, the e-mail is sent to a substitute e-mail server which is also specified when the CP 243-1 IT is con­figured. If this substitute e-mail server is also not accessible, an appropriate error message is generated.
The CP 243-1 IT only monitors whether an e-mail could be delivered to the config­ured e-mail server. It is unable to tell whether this e-mail was forwarded to and read by the specified recipient.
Since memory areas of the S7-200 CPU must be read out in accordance with the configuration when an e-mail is sent, a reset in between or power failure of the S7­200 CPU may cause the e-mail transmission to be terminated altogether before it can even be sent.
This means that a message that an S7-200 CPU reset has occurred cannot be sent via e-mail.
The CP 243-1 IT does not support the receipt of e-mails. The e-mails and the ad­dress parameters of the e-mail server are configured by STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32.
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Before e-mails can be sent from the CP 243-1 IT, you must make sure that a func­tioning e-mail server can be accessed from there.
General accessibility of an e-mail server can be tested with the HTML page "sendmail.htm," among others, which is included with the CP 243-1 IT (see chapter
Configuration of the e-mails and the address parameters of the e-mail server is performed with the Internet wizard of STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32. The configuration data entered here are stored permanently in a file with the ending .edb in the file system of the CP 243.1 IT. Transmission of these data from the system on which the con­figuration was prepared with STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32 to the CP 243-1 IT is handled via FTP.
Up to 32 e-mails can be configured. Each e-mail text may consist of up to 1024 characters.
The structure of each e-mail is shown below.
E-mail number
This number can be used to reference a configured e-mail by the S7-200 user program.
Receiver address
The e-mail address of the receiver. This address must always be specified.
Additional receiver address
The address of a recipient who is to receive a copy of the e-mail. This ad­dress does not have to be specified.
A short description of the e-mail. The subject must always be specified.
E-mail text including placeholders and formatting characters. The actual in-
formation to be transferred is located here.
Each address field may only contain one receiver address. When an e-mail is to be sent to several recipients, a distribution list must be set up on the e-mail server and this list must be specified as the e-mail receiver.
In addition to the control characters for the placeholders of data values, the follow­ing format characters are supported in the e-mail text.
\n Line feed
\t Tabulator
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The maximum length of the e-mail text of 1024 characters refers to the actual mes­sage text including all embedded placeholders and all format characters ("\n" and "\t").
If the maximum permissible length of 1024 characters is exceeded by resolution of the placeholders when an e-mail is sent, the e-mail text is truncated after 1024 characters and an appropriate error message is returned. The truncated e-mail is then transferred, however.
Conversion procedures such as MIME or UUENCODE are not supported. In addi­tion, files cannot be appended to e-mails.
The e-mail function of the CP 243-1 IT can always be activated or deactivated with the configuration.
Communication partners
In addition to conventional PCs, all terminals with e-mail capability are in principle possible e-mail recipients (e.g., cell phones or FAX machines).
Performance/general conditions
Sending of e-mails is subordinate to S7 communication.
Reaction times when sending an e-mail depend on the configuration and cannot be specified in general. The greater the number of simultaneous S7 connections and the larger the amount of data to be transmitted over these connections, the longer it takes to process and send e-mails.
The placeholders embedded in the e-mail text are read out individually from the S7-200 CPU. Only one such value can be transferred per S7 cycle from the S7­200 CPU to the CP 243-1 IT. This means that the time needed to set up an e-mail depends on the amount of data to be included, the cycle time of the S7-200 CPU and the load of the backplane bus.
2.3.4 FTP Server
How it works
The FTP server of the CP 243-1 IT can be used, among others, to transfer Web files and configuration files from a geographically remote FTP client via Ethernet to the file system of the CP 243-1 IT and to read them there.
In this case, the FTP client always initiates the data transfer. The FTP server of the CP 243-1 IT never initiates FTP transmissions itself.
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All types of files can be transferred to the file system of the CP 243-1 IT. Rele­vance of these files to operation of the CP 243-1 IT is not checked.
BINARY-type transmission should be used to transfer files between the FTP server of the CP 243-1 IT and a geographically remote FTP client. The transmission type must be set on the FTP client side.
Since the CP 243-1 IT does not provide the time, the files stored on or read from the CP 243-1 IT via FTP all have the date 01.01.1980 and the time 00:00.
Access protection
FTP is a protocol for which the user must authenticate himself before gaining ac­cess to the FTP server. This requires a user name and a password which is valid on the server. After a connection between the FTP client and the FTP server of the CP 243-1 IT is established, the user name and related password must be entered. After successful authentication, the user can then access the file system of the CP 243-1 IT. He can move through the directory tree, transmit files and manage direc­tories.
Up to 8 users as well as an administrator can be configured for the CP 243-1 IT. The administrator is distinguished from the up to 8 users with special rights and the location at which the fixed user name and the related password are stored.
The user names and passwords are configured with STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32. The configuration file created by the Internet wizard to be used here is transferred with FTP to the CP 243-1 IT and stored permanently in the file system there in a file with the ending .udb. The user name and the password of the administrator are re­quired before the user configuration can be transferred to the CP 243-1 IT.
The CP 243-1 IT does not support an FTP access without specification of a user name or password.
Auto logout
Simultaneous access of several FTP clients to the FTP server of the CP 243-1 IT is not supported.
The FTP server is equipped with an auto logout routine to prevent it from being blocked by an undefined connection termination of an FTP client.
If the FTP server located on the CP 243-1 IT is connected with an FTP client and a second FTP client wants to establish a connection to the FTP server, the server checks to determine whether there was FTP-based communication between it and the first FTP client during the last 60 seconds. If not, the connection to the fist FTP client is disconnected and the second FTP client's request to establish a connec­tion is accepted. Otherwise, the connection to the first FTP client is continued and the second FTP client's request for a connection is rejected.
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Supported FTP commands
After the HELP command is entered in the console box of the FTP client, a list of the FTP commands supported by this client usually appears. While these com­mands are being executed, they can then be converted internally by the FTP client into subcommands and sent to the FTP server.
Some FTP clients on the market offer additional commands which are not included in the RFC959 standard or whose specification is not generally binding. You can­not be sure whether the FTP server on the CP 243-1 IT supports each of these commands.
Communication partners
All FTP clients which communicate via Ethernet and which comply with RFC959 standards are always considered possible communication partners of the FTP server located on the CP 243-1 IT. This means communication is not only possible with PC-based FTP clients but also with S7-200, S7-300 or S7-400-supported FTP clients, for instance.
Performance/general conditions
FTP communication is subordinate to S7 communication. This means that the re­action times of FTP communication depend on the particular configuration and cannot be generally specified in advance.
Only one FTP client may access the FTP server at a time. When the FTP server of the CP 243-1 IT is accessed by the S7 user program via the FTP client function, a geographically remote FTP client cannot be accessed. The reverse also applies.
2.3.5 FTP Client
How it works
The FTP client of the CP 243-1 IT can be used to transfer parts of the DB in an S7­200 system to the file system of an FTP server, or the contents of a file can be cop­ied there to the DB of the local S7-200 system.
A distinction can be made as to whether a file is to be completely or only partially transferred. The number of bytes to be transmitted can be specified in a read or write job.
When 0 is specified as the number of bytes to be transferred in a write job, an empty file with the name specified in the write job is set up in the file system of the addressed FTP server. A length of 0 in a read job means that the specified file is completely transmitted to the DB of the local S7-200 system if this does not exceed its storage space. If the number of bytes to be read is specified for a read job, this must match the length of the file to be read. If not, the CP 243-1 IT reports an error when the read job is executed.
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With the help of the FTP client, it is possible to delete files in the file system of an FTP server from the local S7-200 system.
During the transmission with FTP, the files to be exchanged are not changed and the data therein are not converted. All data to be transferred are treated as if they were in byte format. The data to be written are stored by byte in the specified file.
The FTP client of the CP 243-1 IT always initiates the file transfer, triggered by the S7-200 user program. An FTP server itself does not generate FTP requests.
The CP 243-1 IT only accepts one FTP client request from the S7-200 user pro­gram at a time. As soon as this is completely processed, the CP 243-1 IT prepares a positive or negative acknowledgment. Not until this happens can the S7-200 user program issue a new FTP client job.
The FTP servers specified in the configuration with their IP address must be lo­cated in the subnetwork of the CP 243-1 IT or must be accessible via a gateway.
The data transferred from or to the memory of the S7-200 CPU via FTP are trans­mitted in binary mode. There is no conversion or formatting of these data. The data to be transferred are not stored permanently on the CP 243-1 IT.
The FTP jobs are configured with the Internet wizard of STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32. The configuration data entered here are permanently stored in the file system of the CP 243-1 IT in a file with the ending .fdb. Transmission of these data from the system on which the configuration was prepared with STEP 7 Micro/WIN 32 to the CP 243­1 IT is handled via FTP.
Up to 32 FTP jobs can be predefined with one file transaction each. Each of these jobs is described with the following parameter record.
FTP job number
Every configured FTP job can be referenced from the S7-200 user program with this number.
IP address on the FTP server
IP address of the system whose file system is to be accessed
User name on the FTP server
The login on the FTP server takes place under this name. This means that the name specified here must have access rights for the addressed FTP server.
Password for on the FTP server
The encrypted password specified here is used to log in on the FTP server.
Path name of the applicable file
The file name including the complete path must be specified here.
Job type to be executed. Possible job types are:
Write to file system of the FTP server
Read from file system of the FTP server
Delete files from file system of the FTP server
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