2Technical Description and Installation Instructions
3Standard Operation
4Extended Operation
5Replacing a Defective Slave / Automatic Address Programming
6Error Indicators / Dealing with Errors
7PROFIBUS DP Configuration When Using the
AAS-Interface Protocol Implementation
Conformance Statement (PICS)
C Abbreviations
C79000-G8976-C111Release 02
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We would further point out that, for reasons of clarity, these operating instructions cannot deal with every possible problem arising
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This device is electrically operated. In operation, certain parts of this device carry a dangerously high voltage.
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Only appropriately qualified personnel may operate this equipment or work in its vicinity. Personnel must be
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Correct and safe operation of this equipment requires proper transport, storage and assembly as well as
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Personnel qualification requirements
Qualified personnel as referred to in the operating instructions or in the warning notes are defined as persons who are familiar with
the installation, assembly, startup and operation of this product and who possess the relevant qualifications for their work, e.g.:
− Training in or authorization for connecting up, grounding or labeling circuits and devices or systems in accordance with current
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− Training in or authorization for the maintenance and use of suitable safety equipment in accordance with current standards in
safety technology;
− First Aid qualification.
1 Introduction1-1
1.1 General1-2
1.1.1 Overview of the Chapters1-2
1.1.2 General Information for the Reader1-3
1.1.3 Requirements for Understanding the Manual1-4
1.1.4 Sample Programs1-5
1.1.5 Further Support and Hotline1-5
2 Technical Description and Installation Guidelines2-1
2.1 Overview of the Module2-2
2.1.1 Introduction2-2
2.1.2 Technical Specifications of the Module2-3
2.1.3 Installing and Connecting the CP 142-22-4
2.1.4 Indicators and Operator Controls on the CP 142-22-6 Meaning of the Indicators and Operator Controls:2-6 Status Display of the CP 142-2 (all group LEDs off)2-7 Slave Display of the CP 142-2 (at least on group LED lit)2-8 Meaning of theSET/DISPLAY Button2-9 Slots Permitted for the CP 142-2 in the ET 200X Distributed I/O Station2-9 Configuring the AS-Interface with the SET/DISPLAY Button2-9 Types of Operation with the CP 142-22-11
3 Standard Operation of the CP 142-23-1
3.1 Addressing the CP 142-23-1
3.1.1 Addressing using the BM141/BM1423-1
3.1.2 Addressing when using the BM1473-1
3.2 How the User Program Addresses the AS-i Slaves3-2
3.2.1 Addressing AS-i User Data3-2
3.2.2 Accessing the AS-i User Data (BM141, BM142)3-4
3.2.3 Access to the AS-i User Data (BM147)3-5
3.3 Diagnostics and Reaction to Interrupts on the CP 142-23-6
3.3.1 Diagnostics and Reaction to Interrupts with the BM141/BM1423-6 Interrupt Events3-6 Structure of PROFIBUS DP Slave Diagnostics3-7
3.3.2 Diagnostics and Reaction to Interrupts with the BM1473-10 Overview3-10 Interrupt Events3-10 Sequence of Diagnostic Interrupt Servicing3-11 Response to Interrupts in Various CP States3-11 Local Data of the Diagnostic Organization Block (OB82)3-12 Reading the Diagnostic Data Record DS13-13 Programming Example3-14
4 CP 142-2 Extended Operation with FC “ASI_3422”4-1
4.1 Overview of the Functions4-1
4.1.1 Calling the Function4-1
4.2 Interface for AS-i commands4-7
4.2.1 The Commands Supported by the CP 142-24-7 Set_Permanent_Parameter4-8 Get_Permanent_Parameter4-8 Write_Parameter4-9 Read_Parameter4-9
B8976111/02Contents Store_Actual_Parameters4-10 Set_Permanent_Configuration4-10 Get_Permanent_Configuration4-11 Store_Actual_Parameters4-11 Read_Actual_Configuration4-12 Set_LPS4-12 Set_Offline_Mode4-13 Set_Auto_Address4-14 Set_Operation_Mode4-14 Change_Slave_Address4-15 Read Slave Status4-16 Read Lists and Flags (Get_LPS, Get_LAS, Get_LDS, Get_Flags)4-17 Read Total Configuration4-19 Configure Total System4-21 Write Parameter List4-24 Read Parameter Echo List4-25 Read Version ID4-26 Read and Reset Slave Status4-27 Read Slave ID4-28 Read Slave I/O4-28
5 Replacing a Defective Slave / Automatic Address Programming5-1
6 Error Indicators on the CP 142-2 / Dealing with Errors6-1
7 Configuring PROFIBUS DP When Using the BM141/BM1427-1
A AS-Interface Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
B References
C Abbreviations
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
1 Introduction
This manual describes the functions and the programming of the CP 142-2. To fully understand this
manual, you should be familiar with the manual ‘AS-Interface Introduction and Basic Information’.
We recommend the following procedure when...
...You want a general overview of the
Read the manual ‘AS-Interface
Introduction and Basic Information'.
This manual contains general
information about the
generally referred to as
in this
...You want to install and start up the CP
...You want to know how to program the
CP 142-2.
...you want to create a PLC program for
standard applications.
...you require additional information about
extended operation.
Chapter 2 Section 2.1 ‘Overview of the
Module’ and Chapter 3 ‘Standard
Operation of the CP 142-2’ contain the
information you require.
Read Chapters 3 and 4.
Chapter 3 contains all the information
you require about standard operation.
You will find the required information in
Chapter 4.
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
1.1 General
1.1.1 Overview of the Chapters
Chapter 1 Introduction
This chapter explains how to make the best use of the manual.
Chapter 2 Technical Description and Installation Guidelinesn
Chapter 2 provides you with an overview of the modes, installation and startup and the indicators and
operator controls of the CP 142-2.
Chapter 3 Standard Operation of the CP 142-2
Chapter 3 describes how to operate the CP 142-2 in the ET 200X distributed I/O system in standard
Chapter 4CP 142-2 Extended Operation with FC “ASI_3422”
Chapter 4 describes the extended operation of the CP 142-2, that requires the
FC “ASI_3422” in the control program. In this type of operation, the AS-i slaves can be assigned
parameters or the slave addresses can be modified by the S7 program.
This mode is only possible with the BM147.
Chapter 5Replacing a Defective Slave / Automatic Address Programming
Chapter 5 explains how to replace a failed AS-i slave quickly and simply.
Chapter 6Error Indicators on the CP 142-2 / Dealing with Errors
This chapter explains the possible error indications on the CP 142-2 and explains how to deal with
Chapter 7PROFIBUS DP Configuration When Using the BM141/BM142
Chapter 7 contains additional information about DP configuration of the BM141/BM142.
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
1.1.2 General Information for the Reader
General symbols in the text:
This symbol indicates an action for you to perform.
This symbol highlights special features and dangers.
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
1.1.3 Requirements for Understanding the Manual
To fully understand the manual, you should already be familiar with the following:
The manual ‘AS-Interface Introduction and Basic Information’.
The manual 'ET 200X Distributed I/O System’
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
1.1.4 Sample Programs
The diskette shipped with this manual contains sample programs which will help you to program the
CP 142-2 when this is installed in a distributed ET 200X I/O system with preprocessing (for example
1.1.5 Further Support and Hotline
Who to Contact
Frequently Asked
If you have technical questions about using the product described
here, please contact your local Siemens representative.
The addresses are listed:
in our catalog IK 10
on the Internet (http://www.ad.siemens.de)
Our customer support on the Internet provides useful information and
answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ). Under FAQ, you will find
information about our entire range of products.
The address of the A&D home page in the World Wide Web of the
Internet is as follows:
Our hotline is also available to deal with problems:
2 Technical Description and Installation Guidelines
This chapter outlines the performance of the CP 142-2, explains how to install the module and
introduces you to its basic functions.
You will learn the following:
How to install the CP 142-2.
Which modes are supported by the CP 142-2.
When handling and installing the module, please keep to the general guidelines for
handling electrostatically sensitive devices and follow the instructions in the ‘ET 200X
Distributed I/O System’ manual /4/.
Insert or remove modules only when the power is turned off.
Noise immunity/grounding
To ensure the noise immunity of the CP 142-2, the ET 200X distributed I/O system and
the AS-i power supply unit must be correctly grounded.
The CP 142-2 cannot be operated with all variants of the basic modules of the ET 200X
distributed I/O system. Please read the accompanying Product Information.
The AS-i power supply unit used must provide a low voltage, safely isolated from the
network. This safe isolation can be implemented according to the following
VDE 0100 Part 410 = HD 384-4-4 = IEC 364-4-41
(as functional extra-low voltage with safe isolation) or
VDE 0805 = EN 60950 = IEC 950
(as safety extra-low voltage - SELV) or
VDE 0106 Part 101
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
2.1 Overview of the Module
2.1.1 Introduction
The CP 142-2 module can be operated in the ET 200X distributed I/O system. It allows the
connection of an AS-i chain to the I/O device. The special feature of the ET 200X distributed I/O
system is its rugged construction complying with safety classes IP 65, IP 66 and IP 67.
AS-i power
supply unit
Passive AS-i application module
(without slave ASIC)
AS-i cable
(4 x slaves)
Binary sensors and actuators
w ith slave ASIC
A ctive or pass i v e
AS -Interface application modu le
CP 142-2
ET 200X
Round cable
AS-i appl. mod ule
(with slave ASIC)
Binary sensors and actuators
without slave ASIC
Actuator or sensor
= Slave ASIC
Figure 2-1 Use of the Master Module CP 142-2 in the ET 200X
AS-i cable
with direct connection
Components Supplied
The product CP 142-2 consists of the following:
1. CP 142-2 module
2. Product Information bulletin
The STEP 7 block FC “ASI_3422” required for extended operation of the CP 142-2 is shipped with
this manual.
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
2.1.2 Technical Specifications of the Module
The CP 142-2 module has the following characteristics:
Bus cycle time5 ms with 31 slaves
Configuration of the AS-Interfacewith buttons on the front panel
Supported AS-i master profilesM0 for operation with the bus modules
M0/M1 when using the bus module BM147
and FC “ASI_3422”
Connection of the AS-i cableM12 male connector (integrated on the CP
Address range16 input bytes and 16 output bytes
Power supply for the CP 142-2 (via
electronics/ sensor power supply of the ET
Current consumption from electronics/
sensor power supply
Load voltage of the ET 200Xnot required for the CP 142-2
Power supply from the AS-i cable
Current consumption from the AS-i cable
Type of protectionIP65, IP66, IP67
Ambient conditions
DC 24 V
max. 60 mA
according to the AS-i specification
max. 100 mA
(with the cover of the button in place)
Operating temperature
Transportation and storage temperature
Relative humidity
Module format
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm
Table 2-1 Technical Specifications
0 to 55°C
-40°C to +70°C
max. 95% at +25°C
ET 200X-compatible
87 x 110 x 63
approx. 310 g
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
2.1.3 Installing and Connecting the CP 142-2
The assembly of the module and connection to the ET 200X distributed I/O system is the same as for
other expansion modules. For more detailed information, please refer to the “ET 200X Distributed I/O
System” manual /4/.
There are several ways of attaching to the AS-i bus and two possible methods are described here.
Direct attachment to the AS-i cable using the AS-Interface adapter M12
You attach an AS-Interface adapter M12 to the AS-i cable to change from the flat cable to the
M12 connection and screw this directly to the connector on the CP 142-2 . Follow the
instructions in the installation guide shipped with the adapter. Remember the following point:
The AS-Interface adapter M12 is often the end of an AS-i chain. In this case, insert the rubber
stopper in the open end of the adapter as explained in the installation guide.
Before you screw the AS-Interface adapter M12 in place, make sure that after it is screwed to
the connector of the CP 142-2, the AS-i cable exits downwards and not towards the neighboring
module. If the cable does exit towards the neighboring module, rotate the connection in the
adapter through 90° as explained in the installation guide.
Figure 2-2 Direct Attachment of the AS-i Cable to the CP 142-2
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
Attaching to the AS-i cable at a distance from the AS-Interface adapter
The AS-Interface adapter M12 is first connected to the AS-i shaped cable. A round (sensor)
cable with an M12 male and female connector is used to attach the CP 142-2.
When laying the AS-i cable, make sure that there is adequate strain relief particularly at the end
connected to the CP 142-2.
The product information bulletin contains ordering data for the AS-Interface adapter M12.
e 2-3 Connecting the CP 142-2 to the AS-i Cable via a Round Cable
Make sure that you do not cross-thread the socket when you screw it on to the module,
otherwise the thread of the connector on the module can be damaged.
Figure 2-4 AS-i Connector on the CP 142-2
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
2.1.4 Indicators and Operator Controls on the CP 142-2
Figure 2.5 shows the front panel of the CP 142-2 with its indicators and operator controls.The front
connector for attaching the AS-i cable is at the lower right of the front panel.
To the left of the connector is the SET/DISPLAY button under a screw-on cover.
Figure 2-5 Front View of the CP 142-2 Meaning of the Indicators and Operator Controls:
On the front panel of the CP 142-2, there is a line of 8 LEDs. The upper three LEDs are the group
display. The meaning of the lower five LEDs depends on the status of the group display, as follows:
If no LED is lit in the group display, the lower five 5 LEDs indicate the status of the CP 142-2
(status display of the CP 142-2). The label to left of the LEDs then applies. The default display is
the status display.
If one or more of the LEDs in the group display are it, the lower five LEDs indicate the slaves
detected or active on the AS-Interface (slave display of the CP 142-2); the label to right of the
LEDs then applies.
You can toggle the display with the SET/DISPLAY button. The SET/DISPLAY button is also required
to configure the CP 142-2. If the button is not pressed for approximately 10 minutes, the CP 142-2
automatically switches to the status display.
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2 Status Display of the CP 142-2 (all group LEDs off)
SF (red)System error. The LED is lit when:
the CP 142-2 is in the protected mode and an AS-i configuration error
has occurred (for example slave failed)
the CP 142-2 detects an internal fault (for example EEPROM defective)
The CP 142-2 cannot change to the mode requested with a control
button (for example a slave exists with address 0).
Briefly when changing to the protected mode
When the CP is in the protected mode in the offline phase
APF(red)AS-i Power Fail. This indicates that the voltage supplied to the AS-i cable by
the AS-i power supply unit is too low or there is a complete power outage.
CER(yellow)Configuration Error. The LED is lit when the slave configuration detected on
the AS-i cable deviates from the desired configuration set on the CP 142-2
The CER indicator is lit in the following situations:
when a configured AS-i slave does not exist on the AS-i cable (for
example slave failed)
when a slave exists on the AS-i cable but it has not been configured
when a connected slave has configuration data (I/O configuration, ID
code) that are different from those of the slave configured on the
CP 142-2
briefly when changing to the protected mode
When the CP is in the offline phase.
AUP (green)Autoprog available. In the protected mode of the CP 142-2, this indicates
that automatic address programming of a slave is possible. Automatic
address programming makes it easier to replace a defective slave on the
AS-i cable (for more detailed information, see Chapter 5).
CM(yellow)Configuration Mode. This LED indicates the mode.
The configuration mode is only required when installing and starting up the CP 142-2. In the
configuration mode, the CP 142-2 activates all connected slaves and exchanges data with them. For
more detailed information about the configuration mode / protected mode, refer to Section
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
play Slave Display of the CP 142-2 (at least on group LED lit)
The display of the detected or active slaves is in groups of five. The upper three group LEDs indicate
which group of five is displayed. The lower five LEDs indicate the slaves within the group. You
change to the slave display mode by pressing the SET/DISPLAY button. By pressing the
SET/DISPLAY button again, you move from group to group.
If the CP 142-2 is in the configuration mode, it indicates all detected slaves.
If the CP 142-2 is in the protected mode, it indicates all active slaves. Failed or existing but
unconfigured slaves are indicated by the corresponding LED flashing.
The module returns to the status display in the following situations:
After you have displayed the last group (slave 30, 31) and pressed the SET/DISPLAY button.
If the SET/DISPLAY button is not pressed for a longer period (approximately 10 minutes).
Example 1:
showing that slaves with
addresses 5, 6 and 9 are active.
Figure 2-6 Display of the Active AS-i Slaves on the CP Front Panel
The SET/DISPLAY button is used to change to the next display and to switch between the
configuration mode and the protected mode.
Pressing the SET/DISPLAY button briefly (less than 5 seconds) changes the display.
Pressing the SET/DISPLAY button for longer than 5 seconds changes the module from the
configuration mode to the protected mode and vice-versa (see
The SET/DISPLAY button is to the left of the AS-i connector and is protected by a screw-on cover.
Access to the button is only possible when the cover is removed. After using the button, make sure
that you replace the cover again, otherwise the degree of protection is not guaranteed. The button is
in a recess to prevent it being pressed accidentally. It can be pressed using a ball-point pen or a
similar thin blunt instrument. Slots Permitted for the CP 142-2 in the ET 200X Distributed I/O Station
The CP 142-2 can be operated in any slot in the ET 200X distributed I/O station.
The number of CP 142-2 modules that can be operated at the same time in the ET 200X distributed
I/O station depends on the basic module being used:
With the BM141 and BM142 basic modules, you can operate a maximum of six CP 142-2
modules at the same time.
With the basic module BM147, you can operate a maximum of seven CP 142-2 modules at the
same time. Configuring the AS-Interface with the SET/DISPLAY Button
Recognizing the display state
The CP 142-2 distinguishes between two operating modes on the AS-Interface:
Configuration mode (“CM” LED lit)
Protected mode (“CM” LED not lit)
If you press the SET/DISPLAY button for more than 5 seconds, you trigger a mode change. After
approximately 5 seconds, the three LEDs of the group display start to flash. The mode changes when
you release the button.
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
Configuration mode
The configuration mode is used to install and start up an AS-i installation.
In the configuration mode, the CP 142-2 can exchange data with every slave attached to the AS-i
cable (with the exception of a slave with address “0”). Any AS-i slaves that are added later are
activated immediately and included in the cyclic data exchange.
After the system has been installed and tested, the CP 142-2 can be switched to the protected mode
by pressing the SET/DISPLAY button for longer than 5 seconds. At the same time, active AS-i slaves
are configured. The following data are then stored permanently on the CP 142-2:
The addresses of the AS-i slaves
The ID codes
The I/O configuration
The current slave parameters
Protected mode
In the protected mode, the CP 142-2 exchanges data with the configured AS-i slaves. “Configured”
means that the slave addresses stored on the CP 142-2 and the configuration data stored on the CP
142-2 match the values of the existing AS-i slaves.
Steps in configuration
1. Change the CP 142-2 to the “Status Display” mode with the SET/DISPLAY (press the
SET/DISPLAY briefly, all group LEDs go off).
2. Check that the CP 142-2 is in the “Configuration Mode” state (“CM” LED lit). If the CP
142-2 is not in the configuration mode, press the SET/DISPLAY button for longer than 5
seconds until the LEDs of the group display flash.
3. Switch to the slave display by pressing the SET/DISPLAY button briefly to check whether
all the slaves connected to the AS-Interface are indicated.
4. Configure the CP 142-2 by pressing the SET/DISPLAY button for more than 5 seconds
(the LEDs of the group display flash). At the same time, the CP 142-2 is switched to the
protected mode. The “CM” LED goes off.
The “CER” LED also goes off since following configuration, the “expected configuration”
stored on the CP 142-2 matches the stored “actual configuration” on the AS-Interface.
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
Configuring the CP 142-2 during an AS-i Power Fail (for example when the AS-i power
supply unit is turned off or when the CP 142-2 is not connected to the AS-Interface)
resets the configuration of the CP 142-2. This means the following:
No AS-i slaves are configured
All AS-i slave parameters are set
Automatic address programming is activated
Changing from the configuration mode to the protected mode is only possible when
there is no slave with address “0” connected to the AS-Interface. If a slave “0” is
connected, the “SF” LED lights up when you press the SET/DISPLAY button. Types of Operation with the CP 142-2
With the CP 142-2 module, two types of operation are possible:
Standard operation
• •
Extended operation (with FC “ASI_3422”)
The difference between the two types of operation is as follows:
Standard operation
In this type of operation, the CP 142-2 behaves like a conventional analog input/output module. Four
input and four output bits are reserved in the controller for each slave on the AS-i cable.
In standard operation, no commands or special parameters can be transferred to the slaves on the
AS-i cable. This type of operation corresponds to the profile M0 of the AS-i master specification.
Extended operation (with FC “ASI_3422”)
With this type of operation, the entire range of functions in the AS-i system are available to the PLC
programmer. In particular, the AS-i master calls (for example to assign parameters to slaves) are
available. This type of operation corresponds to profile M1 of the AS-i master specification.
For extended operation, the “ASI_3422” FC is also required in addition to the CP 142-2. This FC is
shipped with this manual.
Please note that extended operation is currently only possible with the BM147.
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
3 Standard Operation of the CP 142-2
Standard operation with the CP 142-2 in the ET 200X distributed I/O station is the most common and
simplest application of the CP 142-2. It allows access to the input and output data of the AS-i slaves.
This type of operation corresponds to the M0 profile of the AS-i master specification and is available
immediately after plugging in the module. No extra FC is required.
3.1 Addressing the CP 142-2
From the point of view of the user program, how the CP 142-2 is addressed depends mainly on the
basic module you are using.
3.1.1 Addressing using the BM141/BM142
From the point of view of the PROFIBUS DP master, the CP 142-2 occupies 16 input bytes and 16
output bytes. How these bytes are addressed depends on the PROFIBUS-DP master you are using
and the configuration tool.
For more detailed information, refer to /4/ and the manuals for your PROFIBUS-DP master.
3.1.2 Addressing when using the BM147
The CP 142-2 occupies 16 input bytes and 16 output bytes in the area of the analog I/Os of the
The start address of this address area is decided by the slot of the CP 142-2.
3.2 How the User Program Addresses the AS-i Slaves
3.2.1 Addressing AS-i User Data
Each slave on the AS-i cable is assigned four bits (a nibble) of input data and four bits of output data
by the CP 142-2. This nibble can be written (slave output data) and read (slave input data). This
allows bi-directional slaves to be accessed.
In total, the maximum of 31 AS-i slaves occupy 16 bytes of input data and 16 bytes of output data
(see table below).
When using the CP with the BM141/BM142, the start addresses m and n of the input or output
data depend on the configuration of the PROFIBUS DP master.
When using the CP with the BM147, the start addresses depend on the slot of the CP (see
Section 3.1.2). The values m and n are then always the same.
The first four input bits (first ni bble) are reserved for using FC “ASI_3422”. If no FC is
used, these bits change approximately every 2.5 seconds between the values 8
The first four output bits (first nibble) have no effect on the CP 142-2.
and EH.
B8976111/02AS-i Master Module CP 142-2
Figure 3-1 shows an example of how a slave is addressed by a user program with start addresses m
= 256 for the input data and n = 256 for the output data. The bits relevant for the user program are
shown on a gray background. The bits on a white background are irrelevant for the user program.
b yte
Bit 3
Bit 3
Slave 2
Slave 4
Slave 30
Slave 1
Slave 3
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2
Slave 5
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3
Slave 31
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3
Slave 2
Bit 2Bit 3
Slave 30
Bit 2Bit 3
Bit 1
Slave 4
Bit 1
Bit 0
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3
Bit 0
Slave 1
Slave 5
Slave 31
Slave 3
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3
Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3
AS-i slaves
Slave No. 2Slave No. 3Slave No. 4
4I module
2I/2O module
4O module
Slave No.31
4I/4O module
Figure 3-1 Mapping the Slave Addresses on the I/O Addresses
In the diagram above, the 2I/2O module (two inputs and two outputs) occupies bits 0 and 1 in input
byte 257 and bits 2 and 3 in output byte 257. The assignment of the AS-i connections of the bus
modules to the data bits of the input/output bytes is shown below taking slave no. 3 as an example:
10Bit no.
Input byte 257
Connector 1 on the AS-i bus
Connector 2 on the AS-i bus module
32Bit no.
Output byte 257
Connector 3 on the AS-i bus module
Connector 4 on the AS-i bus module
3.2.2 Accessing the AS-i User Data (BM141, BM142)
Access to the AS-i user data depends on the PROFIBUS master you are using. For further
information, refer to /4/.
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