In this Basic Documentation, the following key terms are used:
Term Explanation
Heat converter Heat exchanger that, on the primary side, is con-
nected to the district heat network and that, on the
secondary side, delivers the hot water to a common flow. The flow then supplies the hot water to
several consumers that are controlled by zone
controllers, etc.
Heat exchanger Heat exchanger that delivers the heat directly to
the consumers (e.g. space heating, d.h.w. heating, etc.).
Term Explanation
Storage tank charging pump Pump that supplies tap water via the heat ex-
changer into the storage tank where it is made
available as d.h.w.
Intermediate circuit pump Pump that supplies water as a heat carrier. The
water transfers its heat via a coil or storage tank
to the d.h.w. without getting in direct contact with
Term Explanation
Coil type storage tank
2383S3 3
Instantaneous d.h.w. heating (via
heat exchanger)
2383S3 4
Stratification storage tank
2383S3 5
Storage tanks Common term used for coil type and stratification
• The RVD240 is a multifunctional heating controller for controlling the flow tempera-
ture of 2 heating circuits and for controlling d.h.w. heating
• The controller’s field of use covers exclusively plants with district heat connections. It
has been designed specifically for small to medium-size residential and nonresidential buildings with 2 heating circuits
• The RVD240 has 4 heating circuit types and 11 d.h.w. plant types preprogrammed.
By combining the different plants, it is possible to configure 14 plant types. The configuration activates all functions and settings required for the respective type of plant
• In terms of control, the RVD240 is designed as a flow temperature controller. Control
can be effected in one of 5 different ways:
− Only weather-compensated control of the heating circuit flow temperatures
− Weather- and room-compensated control of the heating circuit flow temperatures
− Only room-compensated control of the heating circuit flow temperatures
− Demand-dependent control of the common heating circuit flow temperature
• In terms of d.h.w. control, the RVD240 is designed for the following types of applica-
− D.h.w. heating with coil type storage tanks
− D.h.w. heating with stratification storage tanks
− Direct d.h.w. heating via heat exchanger
− Common or separate heat exchangers for the heating circuit and d.h.w. heating
− Two-stage separation of the d.h.w. from district heating
• The RVD240 is suited for the control of 2-port and 3-port valves and pumps, includ-
ing variable speed pumps
• For the direct adjustment of the nominal room temperature setpoint, there is a setting
knob available. All the other parameters are set digitally based on the operating line
• Key design features: Operating voltage AC 230 V, CE conformity, overall dimensions
to DIN 43700 (96 × 144 mm)
1.2 Type summary
The RVD240 is a compact controller and requires no accessories such as inserts, plugin modules, etc. The controller is supplied complete with base.
1.3 Equipment combinations
1.3.1 Suitable sensors
• For the flow temperatures:
Suitable are all types of temperature sensors that use a sensing element LGNi 1000. The following types are presently available:
− Strap-on temperature sensor QAD22
− Immersion temperature sensors QAE2...
For the control of the d.h.w. flow temperature (B3), it is also possible to use commercially available sensors with Pt 500 sensing elements
• For the return temperatures:
The following types of temperature sensors are presently available:
For the control of the primary return temperatures (B7, B71, B72), it is also possible to
use commercially available sensors with Pt 500 sensing elements.
• For the outside temperature:
− Outside sensor QAC22 (sensing element LG-Ni 1000)
− Outside sensor QAC32 (sensing element NTC 575)
• For the room temperature:
PPS-compatible sensors must be used. The following units are available:
− Room temperature sensor QAA10
• For the storage tank temperature:
− Cable temperature sensor QAP21.3
− Immersion temperature sensors QAE2...
1.3.2 Suitable room units
• Room units QAW50...
• Room unit QAW70
1.3.3 Suitable valve actuators
All actuators from Siemens with the following features can be used:
• Electric or electrohydraulic actuators with a running time of 10...900 seconds
• 3-position control
• Operating voltage AC 24 V...AC 230 V
1.3.4 Communication
Communication with other devices, controllers, etc., is possible:
• Via LPB, e.g. assignment of d.h.w., reception of radio signal, master / slave assign-
ments for the time switch, reception of outside temperature signal
• Via M-bus, e.g. reading setpoints and actual values, or output control for space heat-
1.3.5 Documentation
Type of documentation Classification number
Data Sheet RVD240 N2384
Operating Instructions RVD240 B2384
Installation Instructions RVD240 G2384
Data Sheet QAW50... N1635
Data Sheet QAW70 N1637
Installation Instructions QAW70 G1637
Data Sheet QAA10 N1725
Data Sheet "LPB Basic System Data" N2030
Data Sheet "LPB Basic Engineering Data" N2032
Basic Documentation M-Bus P5361
Basically, the RVD240 is suited for the control of all types of heating plants in houses or
• that are connected to a district heat network
• that use 2 heating circuits
• in which the flow temperature of the heating circuits is controlled either weather- or
• in which the control of d.h.w. heating can be integrated as an option
2.2 Types of houses and buildings
Basically, the RVD240 is suited for use in all types of houses and buildings in which the
heating is controlled either weather- or room-compensated. It has been designed especially for:
• Single-family homes
• Multifamily houses
• Small to medium-size non-residential buildings
2.3 Types of heating systems
The RVD240 is suited for use with all standard heating systems, such as:
• Radiators
• Convectors
• Underfloor heating systems
• Ceiling heating systems
• Radiant panels
2.4 Heating circuit functions
The RVD240 is used if 1 or several of the following heating circuit functions is / are
• Weather- or room-compensated or weather- and room-compensated flow tempera-
ture control
• Separate flow temperature control of both heating circuits
• Flow temperature control through a modulating seat or slipper valve
• Common or separate heat exchangers for the heating circuits and for d.h.w. heating
• Optimum heating up and setback of the room temperature by learning the switch-on
and switch-off time
• Quick setback with and without room temperature sensor
• ECO function: Demand-dependent switching of the heating system as a function of
the outside temperature
• 7-day program for the heating periods with a maximum of 3 heating periods per day
and varying on times
• Frost protection for the plant and the house or building
• Yearly clock
• Holiday programs
• Independent time programs for space heating and d.h.w.
• Separate time programs for each heating circuit
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HVAC Products 2 Use 27.05.2004
• Maximum rate of flow temperature increase
• Minimum and maximum limitation of the flow temperature
• Maximum limitation of the room temperature
• Flow alarm
• Heat demand signal can be received
• Differential temperature limitation (DRT function)
• Maximum limitation of the primary return temperature, can be adjusted with 4 vari-
• Limitation of power or volumetric flow by pulses
• Suppression of hydraulic creep in the primary circuit
• Weather-compensated raising of the reduced room temperature setpoint
• Remote operation via room unit
2.5 D.h.w. functions
The RVD240 is used if one or several of the following d.h.w. functions is / are required:
• Common or separate heat exchangers for the heating circuit and for d.h.w. heating
• D.h.w. heating with a coil type storage tank, with charging pump
• Direct d.h.w. heating via heat exchanger
• D.h.w. heating with coil type or stratification storage tanks, with or without mixing
valve in the intermediate circuit
• Continuous d.h.w. heating with mixing valve
• Flow switch with an adjustable load limit, child-proofing and adaptation to the season
• Own time program for the release of d.h.w.
• Optional assignment of the circulating pump to the heating circuit or the d.h.w. circuit
time program
• Protection against cooling down with d.h.w. heating via heat exchanger
• Legionella protection
• Forced d.h.w. charging
• frost protection for d.h.w.
• Selectable priority for d.h.w. heating : Absolute, shifting or parallel
• Manual d.h.w. charging outside the time program
• Maximum limitation of the d.h.w. return temperature
• Flow alarm
2.6 Auxiliary functions
The RVD240 is used if one or several of the following functions is / are required:
• Pump kick, periodic pump run
• Demand-dependent control of the common flow
• Pump overrun
• Valve kick, periodic activation of all actuators on the secondary side
• PWM output, control of a variable speed pump
• Display of parameters, actual values, operating states and fault status signals
• Alarm input
• Analog input DC 0...10 V (display, external heat demand)
• Digital input (heat meter, external heat demand, etc.)
• Flow switch (including child-proofing and adaptation to the season)
• Communication via M-bus
• Communication via LPB (Local Process Bus)
• Service functions
• Pulse lock for actuators
• Sensor test
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HVAC Products 2 Use 27.05.2004
• Relay test
• Display of setpoint
• Display of all active limitations
• Locking of settings
• Connection of sensors for display only
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HVAC Products 2 Use 27.05.2004
3 Fundamentals
3.1 Key technical features
The RVD240 offers 2 key technical features:
• The controller has 14 different plant types preprogrammed.
Subsection 3.1.2 shows the relevant plant diagrams.
• The settings are assigned to different setting levels each of which contains a number
of function blocks with the relevant settings
3.1.1 Function blocks
Setting levels Function block
Heating engineer
Locking functions
Space heating
Clock setting
End-user d.h.w. heating
Display of actual sensor values
Holiday settings
Indication of errors
Plant configuration
Space heating
Actuator heat exchanger
Actuator heating circuit
D.h.w. heating
D.h.w. actuator
Assignment of d.h.w.
Extra legionella functions
LPB parameter
Control functions
M-bus parameter
PPS parameter
Test and display
DRT and limitation of the return temperature
Various functions
Locking functions
For each function block, the required settings are available in the form of operating
lines. On the following pages, a description of the individual functions per block and
line is given.
3.1.2 Plant types
The RVD240 has 14 plant types preprogrammed; the functions required for each type
of plant are ready assigned. When commissioning the installation, the relevant plant
type must be selected.
Each plant type is comprised of 2 heating circuits and 1 d.h.w. circuit. When making
use of all possible or practical combinations, the above mentioned total of 14 plant
types are available.
With the number of preprogrammed plant types available, practically all types of heating plants with district heat connection and own d.h.w. heating can be handled and
In the event of a faulty sensor, the RVD240 always attempts to maintain the required
comfort level, if necessary at the expense of certain heat losses. But this will not cause
any damage.
In the case of severe faults, which do not allow the RVD240 to perform its control functions, an error message will be generated. The controller displays this as Er (Error).
4.2 Flow temperature heating circuit
4.2.1 Types of sensors
Suitable are all types of temperature sensors that use a sensing element LG-Ni 1000.
The following types are presently available:
• Strap-on temperature sensor QAD22
• Immersion temperature sensors QAE2...
4.2.2 Handling faults
A flow temperature sensor with a short-circuit or open-circuit always triggers an error
message, irrespective of the type of plant. If that occurs, the heating circuit pump will be
activated and the primary mixing valve driven to the fully closed position in the case of
a mixing circuit, and the heating circuit pump will be deactivated in the case of a pump
In all cases, a fault status signal will be generated. This means:
• The controller’s LCD displays Er
• When querying the flow temperature on the QAW70 room unit (if present), its display
shows --- if there is a short-circuit or open-circuit
4.3 Outside temperature (B9)
4.3.1 Types of sensors
The following types of sensors can be used:
• Outside sensor QAC22 with a sensing element LG-Ni 1000
• Outside sensor QAC32 with a sensing element NTC 575, for connection to terminal
The controller automatically identifies the type of sensor used.
The range of use is –50...+50 °C.
The outside temperature can also be acquired via LPB (refer to subsection 20.2.4).
4.3.2 Handling faults
If there is a short-circuit or open-circuit in the measuring circuit of outside sensor
QAC22 or QAC32, the controller will respond as follows:
• Plants with a room temperature sensor:
The controller switches over to room-compensated control
• Plants without a room temperature sensor:
The controller operates with a fixed outside temperature of 0 °C
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HVAC Products 4 Acquisition of measured values 27.05.2004
An error message will be generated only when there is no actual room temperature
value available. This is the case when no room unit is used or when the room temperature measuring circuit is faulty.
The error message means:
• The controller’s LCD displays Er
• When querying the outside temperature on the QAW70 room unit (if present), its
display shows --- if there is a short-circuit or open-circuit
4.4 Room temperature (A6)
4.4.1 Types of sensors
The room temperature is acquired via PPS (point-to-point interface); only a unit with an
appropriate output signal can be connected to it. The following types of units can be
• Room unit QAW50...
• Room unit QAW70
• Room temperature sensor QAA10
Its sensing range is 0...32 °C
If a room unit or room sensor is used in both heating circuits, one of the 2 devices must
be addressable. This means:
• The first room unit can be a QAA10, QAW50, QAW50.03 or QAW70
• The second room unit must then be a QAW50.03 or QAW70, addressed with 2
4.4.2 Handling faults
A short-circuit in the measuring circuit leads to an error message.
An open-circuit in the measuring circuit does not lead to an error message since it is
not possible to have a room unit connected.
If the room unit detects a fault in the room temperature measurement (short-circuit or
open-circuit), an appropriate signal will be passed to the RVD240.
4.4.3 Room model
The RVD240 uses a room model for each heating circuit that is ready integrated in the
controller. It simulates the room temperature based on the progression of the outside
temperature and the type of building construction, using a defined attenuation. In plants
with no room temperature measurement, the room model ensures optimum start control.
4.5 D.h.w. temperature (B3)
4.5.1 Measured variable
With all types of d.h.w. plants, the temperature of the d.h.w. flow is acquired at input
4.5.2 Types of sensors
The following types of sensors can be used:
• All types of sensors from HVAC Products with a sensing element LG-Ni 1000. Suited
for d.h.w. applications is the immersion temperature sensor QAE2... . Its range of
use is 0...130 °C
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HVAC Products 4 Acquisition of measured values 27.05.2004
• Commercially available sensors using a sensing element Pt 500. Its range of use is
0...180 °C
The controller automatically identifies the type of sensor used.
4.5.3 Handling faults
If there is a malfunction (short-circuit or open-circuit), an error message will be delivered.
In the event of fault, the plant responds as follows, depending on the type of d.h.w.
actuating device used:
• The d.h.w. intermediate circuit pump will be deactivated
• The mixing valve will be fully closed
• If pump charging is in progress, it will be stopped by deactivating the storage tank
charging pump
When querying the d.h.w. temperature on the QAW70 room unit (if present), its display
shows --- in both cases, if there is a short-circuit or open-circuit.
4.6 D.h.w. storage tank temperature (B31)
4.6.1 Measured variable
The storage tank temperature is always acquired at input B31. Depending on the type
of plant, it is possible to use a second storage tank sensor (B32).
4.6.2 Types of sensors
The type of sensor is the QAE22... immersion sensor with a sensing element LGNi 1000.
Thermostats cannot be used.
4.6.3 Handling faults
In the event of a short-circuit or open-circuit, the controller first attempts to use the second sensor. If no second sensor is available, an error message will be delivered
4.7 D.h.w. storage tank or return temperature
4.7.1 Measured variable
Depending on the type of plant, input B32 is used for acquiring the
• secondary return temperature in the d.h.w. circuit (plant types x–4)
• storage tank temperature (other plant types)
4.7.2 Types of sensors
The type of sensor is the QAE22... immersion sensor with a sensing element LGNi 1000.
Thermostats cannot be used.
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HVAC Products 4 Acquisition of measured values 27.05.2004
4.7.3 Handling faults
• When used as a storage tank temperature sensor:
In the event of a short-circuit or open-circuit, the controller first attempts to use the
second sensor. If no second sensor is available, an error message will be delivered
• When used as a secondary return temperature sensor:
If there is a short-circuit in the measuring circuit, an appropriate error message will
be delivered
4.8 Return temperature (B7, B71 and B72)
4.8.1 Measurement
Depending on the type of plant, the return temperature (both primary and secondary) is
fed to input B7, B71 or B72.
With plant types no. 2–x and 3–x, the primary return temperature at input B7 is passed
on via LPB; with plant types no. 0–x, it is input B72.
4.8.2 Types of sensors
The following types of sensors can be used:
• All types of sensors from HVAC Products with a sensing element LG-Ni 1000. Suited
for d.h.w. applications is the immersion temperature sensor QAE2... . Its sensing
range is 0...130 °C
• Commercially available immersion temperature sensors with a sensing element
Pt 500
The sensing range of all types is 0...180 °C.
The controller automatically identifies the type of sensor used.
Primary return temperature sensor
Secondary return temperature sensor
4.8.3 Handling faults
In the event of a faulty primary return temperature sensor (short-circuit or open-circuit),
an error message will be delivered when the maximum limitation of the primary return
temperature or the differential temperature limitation function has been activated.
• In that case, the controller’s LCD shows Er
• If maximum limitation of the secondary return temperature is activated (by making an
entry on operating line 177; lowering to the primary limit value), no error message
will be delivered on purpose
In the event of a faulty secondary return temperature sensor (short-circuit or opencircuit), an error message will be delivered when the maximum limitation of the primary
and secondary return temperature or the differential temperature limitation function has
been activated.
In that case, the controller’s LCD shows Er.
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HVAC Products 4 Acquisition of measured values 27.05.2004
5 Function block Space heating
This function block contains settings and readouts that are intended for the end-user.
5.1 Operating lines
The buttons for selecting the operating lines and for changing settings are described in
section 31.1 "Operation ".
Line Function, parameter Unit Factory setting Range
1 Current room temperature setpoint Display function
2 Reduced room temperature setpoint °C 14 variable
3 Setpoint for frost protection / holiday mode °C 8 8...variable
5 Heating curve slope 15 2.5...40
6 Weekday for entering the heating program Current weekday 1…7, 1-7
7 Start of heating period 1 hh:min 06:00 --:-- / 00:00…24:00
8 End of heating period 1 hh:min 22:00 --:-- / 00:00…24:00
9 Start of heating period 2 hh:min --:-- --:-- / 00:00…24:00
10 End of heating period 2 hh:min --:-- --:-- / 00:00…24:00
11 Start of heating period 3 hh:min --:-- --:-- / 00:00…24:00
12 End of heating period 3 hh:min --:-- --:-- / 00:00…24:00
Notes on settings and explanations on every function block are given in the descriptions of the individual functions.
5.2 Settings and displays
• The nominal room temperature setpoint is adjusted with the setpoint knob. Its scale
is calibrated in °C room temperature. The room temperature will be maintained at the
adjusted setpoint:
− In automatic operation during the heating periods
− In continuous operation always
• On operating line 1, the LCD shows the current room temperature setpoint of each
heating circuit Depending on the operating mode and the operating state, the room
temperature setpoint can be:
Operating mode and operating state
Heating to the nominal setpoint
Heating to the reduced setpoint
Continuous operation Adjustment made with the setpoint knob
Quick setback Reduced setpoint (setting operating line 2)
Frost protection Setpoint for frost protection (setting operating line 3)
OFF by ECO • During heating periods: adjustment made with
• The reduced room temperature setpoint of each heating circuit is to be set sepa-
rately on operating line 2; at the top, the setting range is limited by the nominal set-
point; at the bottom, by the setpoint for frost protection. This is the setpoint main-
tained outside the heating periods
• The setpoint for frost protection of each heating circuit is to be set separately on
operating line 3; the setting range is from 8 °C (fixed value) to the adjusted reduced
setpoint. Hence, this frost protection acts as frost protection for the house or building.
At the same time, this setting represents the setpoint for the holiday mode. A holiday
program can be entered either on the controller or on the QAW70 room unit. For
Displayed setpoint
Adjustment made with the setting knob (incl. the
readjustment made on the room unit)
Reduced setpoint (setting operating line 2)
the setting knob (incl. the readjustment made on
the room unit)
• Outside heating periods: Reduced setpoint
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HVAC Products 5 Function block Space heating 27.05.2004
more information, refer to chapter 9 (operating lines 31...33) and section 29.3
"Combination with room unit QAW70"
• The d.h.w. setpoint is to be set on operating line 4. Its setting range depends on the
type of plant (for detailed information, refer to chapter 15 "Function block D.h.w.
• The slope of the heating curve of each heating circuit to be set separately on operat-
ing line 5. The setting range is 2.5...40; the effective slope is 10 times smaller
For more detailed information, refer to section 12.3 "Heating curve "
The setpoints of the nominal temperature and of the reduced temperature as well as
that for frost protection operation are to be entered directly in °C room temperature.
They are independent of whether or not the control uses a room sensor. When using no
room temperature sensor, the heating curve or the room model will be considered.
5.3 Heating program
The heating program of the RVD240 provides a maximum of 3 heating periods per day;
also, every weekday can have different heating periods. Every heating period is defined
by a start and an end time.
Using "1-7" on operating line 6, it is possible to enter a heating program that applies to
all days of the week. This simplifies the settings: If the weekend times are different, first
enter the times for the entire week, then change days 6 and 7 as required.
The settings are sorted and overlapping heating periods combined.
By setting --:-- at the start or at the end, the heating period will be canceled.
With the QAW70 room unit, the heating program can be changed from a remote location.
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6 Function block Clock settings
6.1 Operating lines
Line Function, parameter Unit Factory setting Range
13 Time of day hh:mm Undefined 00:00...23:59
14 Weekday d 1 1...7
15 Date dd.MM 01.01 01.01. ... 31.12.
16 Year yyyy 1995 1995...2094
6.2 Entries
The RVD240 has a yearly clock with the time of day, the weekday and the date.
The changeover from summer- to wintertime, and vice versa, takes place automatically.
Should the respective regulations change, the changeover dates can be adjusted (refer
to operating lines 144 and 145).
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HVAC Products 6 Function block Clock settings 27.05.2004
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