Siemens RVA63.242, RVA53.242 User Manual

Edition 1.3 Controller series B CE1P2373E
Siemens Building Technologies
Landis & Staefa Division
Basic Documentation
2/218 Siemens Building Technologies Basisdokumentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E
Landis & Staefa Division 26.03..2001
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Contents 26.03.2001
1 Summary .......................................................................................... 10
1.1 Brief description ................................................................................. 10
1.2 Features ........................................................................................... 10
1.3 Range of products.............................................................................. 12
1.4 Field of use....................................................................................... 13
1.5 Product liability .................................................................................. 13
2 Handling ........................................................................................... 14
2.1 Installation......................................................................................... 14
2.1.1 Regulations for installation .................................................................. 14
2.1.2 Mounting location............................................................................... 14
2.1.3 Mounting procedure............................................................................ 14
2.1.4 Required cut-out ................................................................................ 16
2.1.5 Orientation........................................................................................ 16
2.2 Electrical installation ........................................................................... 17
2.2.1 Regulations for installation .................................................................. 17
2.2.2 Wiring............................................................................................... 17
2.3 Commissioning.................................................................................. 19
2.3.1 Functional checks .............................................................................. 19
2.4 Parameter settings for the end-user ...................................................... 23
2.4.1 Overview of end-user parameters ......................................................... 24
2.5 Parameter settings for the heating engineer ........................................... 26
1.1.1 Overview of heating engineer parameters.............................................. 27
2.6 Parameter settings for the OEM ........................................................... 32
2.6.1 Overview of OEM parameters.............................................................. 33
2.7 Operation.......................................................................................... 35
2.7.1 Operating elements ............................................................................ 35
2.8 Operational faults............................................................................... 37
3 Description of end-user settings ........................................................... 39
User interface.................................................................................... 39
3.1 Operating modes of heating circuit ....................................................... 39
3.2 Operating mode of d.h.w. heating ......................................................... 41
3.3 Nominal room temperature setpoint...................................................... 42
3.3.1 Temperature adjustment via room unit .................................................. 43
3.4 Chimney sweep................................................................................. 44
3.5 Manual operation............................................................................... 45
Setting the clock ................................................................................ 46
3.6 Time of day ....................................................................................... 46
3.7 Weekday .......................................................................................... 46
3.8 Date (day, month) .............................................................................. 47
3.9 Year................................................................................................. 47
Time switch program 1........................................................................ 48
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3.10 Preselection of weekday for time switch program 1..................................48
3.11 Switching times of time switch program 1...............................................50
Time switch program 2........................................................................51
3.12 Preselection of weekday for time switch program 2..................................51
3.13 Switching times of time switch program 2...............................................52
Time switch program 3 (d.h.w.).............................................................53
3.14 Preselection of weekday for time switch program 3 (d.h.w.) ......................53
3.15 Switching times of time switch program 3 (d.h.w.)....................................54
D.h.w. values ......................................................................................55
3.16 Nominal setpoint of d.h.w. temperature (TBWw)......................................55
Heating circuits...................................................................................56
3.17 Reduced setpoint of room temperature (TRRw) .......................................56
3.18 Frost protection setpoint of room temperature (TRF)................................57
3.19 Summer / winter changeover temperature heating circuit 1 (THG1)............58
3.20 Heating curve slope heating circuit 1 (S1)...............................................59
3.21 Summer / winter changeover temperature of heating circuit 2 (THG2)........60
3.22 Heating curve slope heating circuit 2 (S2)...............................................61
Display of actual values .......................................................................62
3.23 Actual value of room temperature (TRx).................................................62
3.24 Actual value of outside temperature (TAx)..............................................62
Display of burner data.........................................................................63
3.25 Burner hours run stage 1 (tBR1) ...........................................................63
3.25.1 Counting the hours run........................................................................63
3.25.2 Average burner running time ................................................................63
3.26 Burner hours run stage 2 (tBR2) ...........................................................64
3.26.1 Counting the hours run........................................................................64
3.27 Number of burner starts stage 1............................................................64
3.28 Number of burner starts stage 2............................................................65
3.29 Standard times ...................................................................................66
3.30 Holiday period heating circuits 1 and 2...................................................68
3.31 Start and end of holiday period heating circuits 1 and 2............................68
3.32 Indication of BMU error code................................................................69
3.33 Indication of faults...............................................................................70
4 Description of heating engineer settings .................................................72
Service values ....................................................................................72
4.1 Output test.........................................................................................72
4.2 Input test ...........................................................................................73
4.3 Display of plant type ............................................................................74
Actual values ......................................................................................75
4.4 Actual value of flow temperature (B1) ....................................................75
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Contents 26.03.2001
4.5 Actual value of boiler temperature ........................................................ 75
4.6 Actual value of common flow temperature ............................................. 75
4.7 Actual value of return temperature (B7) ................................................. 76
4.8 Actual value 1 (top) of buffer storage tank temperature............................ 76
4.9 Actual value 2 (bottom) of buffer storage tank temperature ...................... 76
4.10 Actual value 1 of d.h.w. temperature (TBWx)......................................... 76
4.11 Actual value 2 of d.h.w. temperature ..................................................... 77
4.12 Display of maximum flue gas temperature (TGxmax).............................. 77
4.13 Actual value of collector temperature (B6) ............................................. 77
4.14 Attenuated outside temperature (TAged)............................................... 78
4.15 Composite outside temperature (TAgem) .............................................. 78
4.16 Outside temperature source................................................................ 78
Setpoints .......................................................................................... 79
4.17 Display of boiler temperature setpoint ................................................... 79
4.18 Display of common flow temperature setpoint ........................................ 79
4.19 Display of d.h.w temperature setpoint ................................................... 80
4.20 Display of nominal room temperature setpoint HK1................................. 80
4.21 Display of nominal room temperature setpoint HK2................................. 81
4.22 Display of room temperature setpoint HK1 (TRw).................................... 81
4.23 Display of room temperature setpoint HK2 (TRw).................................... 81
4.24 Display of flow temperature setpoint HK1 (TRw)..................................... 82
4.25 Display of flow temperature setpoint HK2 (TVw)..................................... 82
4.26 Floor curing data HK1......................................................................... 82
Heat generating equipment ................................................................. 83
4.27 Type of heat source............................................................................ 83
4.28 Minimum limitation of the boiler temperature (TKmin) .............................. 86
4.29 Extra heating for the bathroom ............................................................. 87
Configuration of plant .......................................................................... 88
4.30 Pump function output K6..................................................................... 88
4.31 Pump function output K7..................................................................... 92
4.32 Solar application................................................................................ 95
4.33 Sensor input B8/B6............................................................................ 95
Heating circuit .................................................................................... 96
4.34 Parallel displacement of heating curve ................................................... 96
4.35 Room influence.................................................................................. 97
4.36 Switching differential of the room temperature (SDR).............................. 98
4.37 Operating mode of room unit ............................................................... 99
4.38 Room unit values ..............................................................................100
4.39 Minimum limitation of flow temperature setpoint HK1 (TVmin) .................102
4.40 Minimum limitation of flow temperature setpoint HK2 (TVmin) .................102
4.41 Maximum limitation of flow temperature setpoint HK1 (TVmax)................103
4.42 Maximum limitation of flow temperature setpoint (TVmax) HK2...............103
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4.43 Maximum forward shift of optimum start control..................................... 104
4.44 Maximum forward shift of optimum stop control..................................... 106
4.45 Type of building construction.............................................................. 107
4.46 Adaption of heating curve................................................................... 108
4.47 Locking signal gain ........................................................................... 109
4.48 Floor curing HK1............................................................................... 110
D.h.w. ............................................................................................. 112
4.49 Reduced setpoint of d.h.w. temperature (TBWR)................................... 112
4.50 D.h.w. heating program ..................................................................... 113
4.51 Switching program selection circulating pump .......................................115
4.52 Assignment of d.h.w. heating.............................................................. 116
4.53 D.h.w. charging ................................................................................ 117
4.54 Type of d.h.w. demand...................................................................... 118
4.55 Boost of the flow temperature setpoint for d.h.w. heating (UEBW)........... 119
4.56 D.h.w. priority ................................................................................... 120
4.57 Controlling element for d.h.w. ............................................................. 123
4.58 Separate d.h.w. circuit ....................................................................... 124
Cascade.......................................................................................... 125
4.59 Changeover of boiler sequence in a cascade 2 x single-stage ................125
4.60 Release integral for boiler sequence.................................................... 126
4.61 Reset integral of boiler sequence....................................................... 127
LPB / system.................................................................................... 128
4.62 LPB device address.......................................................................... 128
4.63 LPB segment address....................................................................... 129
4.64 LPB power supply............................................................................. 129
4.65 Display of LPB power supply .............................................................. 130
4.66 Range of action of central changeover .................................................130
4.67 Automatic summer / winter changeover................................................ 131
4.68 Central stand-by switch..................................................................... 132
4.69 Clock mode...................................................................................... 133
4.70 Winter- / summertime changeover....................................................... 134
4.71 Summer- / wintertime changeover ....................................................... 134
4.72 Display of PPS communication (A6) .................................................... 135
Solar / Puffer.................................................................................... 136
4.73 Temperature differential solar ON (TSdEin).......................................... 136
4.74 Temperature differential solar OFF (TSdAus)........................................ 136
4.75 Charging temperature level solar charging strategy ............................... 137
4.76 Maximum solar charging temperature.................................................. 138
4.77 Demand for heat with reduced d.h.w. setpoint .......................................139
Multi-functional inputs........................................................................ 140
4.78 Input H1........................................................................................... 140
4.79 Minimum flow temperature setpoint contact H (TVHw) ........................... 144
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4.80 Maximum value of heat demand signal (DC 0...10 V) H1 .......................145
4.81 Operating action contact H1 and H2 ....................................................145
4.82 Input B31 / H2 / B41..........................................................................146
5 Description of OEM settings ...............................................................148
Heat generating equipment ................................................................148
5.1 Minimum limitation of boiler temperature (TKmin
5.2 Maximum limitation of boiler temperature (TKmax)................................148
5.3 Switching differential of the boiler temperature......................................149
5.3.1 Single-stage burner...........................................................................150
5.3.2 2-stage burner..................................................................................150
5.4 Minimum limitation of the burner running time.......................................151
5.5 Release integral of burner stage 2.......................................................152
5.5.1 Temperature-time integral..................................................................152
5.6 Reset integral of burner stage 2..........................................................153
5.6.1 Temperature-time integral..................................................................153
5.7 Pump overrun time ............................................................................154
5.8 Operating mode of boiler ....................................................................155
5.8.1 Extended burner running time .............................................................155
5.9 Protective boiler start-up ....................................................................156
5.9.1 Impact on 2-position loads..................................................................156
5.9.2 Impact on modulating loads ................................................................157
5.9.3 Temperature-time integral..................................................................158
5.10 Control of boiler pump .......................................................................159
Modulating burner.............................................................................160
5.11 Running time of damper actuator.........................................................160
5.12 Proportional band (Xp).......................................................................161
5.13 Integral action time (Tn) .....................................................................161
5.14 Derivative action time (Tv) ..................................................................161
5.15 Switching differential of damper actuator..............................................162
Maintained boiler return temperature ...................................................163
5.16 Maintained boiler return temperature with mixing valve ...........................163
5.17 Maintained boiler return temperature with consumer influence.................163
5.18 Minimum limitation of the boiler return temperature ................................164
5.19 Switching differential of bypass pump ..................................................164
5.20 Control of the bypass pump ................................................................165
5.20.1 Parallel with the burner Setting 0........................................................165
5.20.2 According to the boiler return temperature Setting 1..............................166
5.20.3 Temperature-time integral..................................................................168
Heating circuit ...................................................................................169
5.21 Boost of the flow temperature setpoint mixing valve (UEM).....................169
5.22 Gain factor of room influence (KORR) ..................................................170
5.23 Constant for quick setback and optimum start control (KON)...................170
5.23.1 Quick setback without room influence ..................................................171
5.23.2 Optimum start control without influence................................................171
5.24 Boost of room temperature setpoint (DTRSA).......................................172
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5.24.1 Boost heating................................................................................... 172
5.25 Frost protection for the plant (HK1 and HK2) ........................................ 173
5.25.1 Frost protection for the plant ............................................................... 173
5.26 Control mode of actuator.................................................................... 174
5.27 Switching differential of actuator.......................................................... 175
5.27.1 Control of mixing valve actuator.......................................................... 175
5.28 Overtemperature protection for the pump heating circuit .........................176
5.29 Heat gains (Tf) ..................................................................................177
5.30 Adaption sensitivity 1 (ZAF1).............................................................. 177
5.31 Adaption sensitivity 2 (ZAF2).............................................................. 178
5.32 P-band of mixing valve (Xp)................................................................ 179
5.33 Integral action time of mixing valve Y1 (Tn) ...........................................179
5.34 Actuator running time mixing valve Y1................................................. 179
D.h.w. ............................................................................................. 180
5.35 Maximum nominal setpoint of d.h.w. temperature (TBWmax).................. 180
5.36 Switching differential of d.h.w. temperature (SDBW) ..............................181
5.36.1 D.h.w. temperature control................................................................. 181
5.36.2 D.h.w. temperature control with 2 sensors............................................ 182
5.37 Legionella function ............................................................................183
5.38 Setpoint of legionella function............................................................. 184
5.39 Discharge protection during d.h.w. heating........................................... 184
Service............................................................................................ 185
5.40 Continuous display............................................................................ 185
5.41 Software version............................................................................... 185
5.42 Device operating hours ...................................................................... 185
6 General control processes ................................................................. 186
6.1 Generation of the boiler temperature setpoint ....................................... 186
6.2 Maintained boiler return temperature................................................... 187
6.3 Modulating burner control .................................................................. 188
6.3.1 Setting rules for Xp , Tn and Tv............................................................188
6.3.2 Checking the control function.............................................................. 188
6.3.3 Control action too slow ...................................................................... 188
1.1.2 Control action too fast........................................................................ 189
6.4 Automatic 24-hour heating limit........................................................... 190
1.1.3 Without room influence...................................................................... 190
6.4.1 With room influence.......................................................................... 190
6.5 Quick setback with room sensor.......................................................... 192
6.6 Overtemperature protection mixing heating circuit................................. 192
6.7 Attenuated outside temperature.......................................................... 193
6.8 Composite outside temperature .......................................................... 194
6.9 D.h.w. push...................................................................................... 195
6.10 Pump and valve kick ......................................................................... 196
6.11 Protection against discharging after d.h.w. heating................................ 196
6.12 Buffer storage tank operation.............................................................. 197
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Contents 26.03.2001
6.13 Overview of pump operation...............................................................198
6.14 Frost protection.................................................................................199
6.14.1 For the boiler....................................................................................199
6.14.2 For the d.h.w. ...................................................................................199
6.14.3 For the heating circuit........................................................................200
7 Application examples .........................................................................201
7.1 Structure of plant diagrams .................................................................201
7.2 Heat source variants..........................................................................202
7.2.1 PPS-BMU ........................................................................................202
7.2.2 Multi-stage burner .............................................................................203
7.2.3 Modulating burner.............................................................................203
7.2.4 Cascade 2 x 1..................................................................................204
7.2.5 Cascade slave ..................................................................................204
7.3 Plant types.......................................................................................205
7.3.1 Without system pump........................................................................205
7.3.2 System pump before d.h.w. ................................................................206
7.3.3 System pump after d.h.w. ...................................................................207
7.3.4 System pump with external heat demand .............................................208
7.3.5 D.h.w. diverting valve .........................................................................209
7.3.6 Cascade 2 x 1..................................................................................210
7.4 Supplementary information on the plant types listed...............................210
7.5 Legend to plant types ........................................................................211
7.6 Electrical connections........................................................................212
8 Dimensions ......................................................................................213
8.1.1 Panel cut-out....................................................................................213
8.1.2 Combination of controllers ..................................................................213
9 Technical data ..................................................................................214
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1 Summary
1.1 Brief description
The ALBATROS controllers described in this documentation are designed for integration in mass-produced heat generating equipment and offer the following control choices:
Single- or 2-stage burner, modulating burner, one BMU
D.h.w. charging pump or diverting valve
3-position mixing valve and circulating pump
Various applications via multi-functional outputs
The range of products comprises several units that are complementary in terms of application and scope of functions. The controllers have communication capability and can be combined to form extensive heating systems. For more detailed information about the generation of LPB systems, refer to “Local Process Bus (LPB), Basic Documentation, System Engineering“, document no. CE1P2370E.
1.2 Features
Heating controller for mixing and / or pump heating circuits with:
weather-compensated flow temperature control
weather-compensated flow temperature control with room influence
2 separately controlled heating circuits (one mixing and / or one pump heating circuit
or 2 pump heating circuits)
Quick setback and boost heating
Automatic 24-hour heating limit
Automatic summer / winter changeover
Remote operation via digital room unit
The building's thermal dynamics are taken into consideration
Automatic adjustment of the heating curve to the type of building construction and
the heat demand (provided a room unit is connected)
Adjustable flow temperature boost with mixing heating circuit
Floor curing function
Single- or 2-stage burner
Modulating burner
BMU (Boiler Management Unit)
Maintained boiler return temperature with bypass pump and mixing valve
Buffer storage tank charging with heat source
Buffer storage tank charging with solar heat
System pump in different applications
Integration in cascade as cascade slave
Heat generation lock with contact H
Protective boiler start-up
Protection against boiler overtemperatures (pump overrun)
Adjustable minimum and maximum limitation of boiler temperature (boiler flow
Burner cycling protection by observing a minimum burner running time
Heating circuits
Heat generation
Protection for the plant
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Summary 26.03.2001
Frost protection for the house or building, the plant, d.h.w., the heating circuit, and the boiler
Protection for the pump and the mixing valve through periodic control (pump and valve kick)
Adjustable minimum and maximum limitation of flow temperature
Protection against overtemperatures in the pump heating circuit
Two 7-day heating programs
7-day heating program no. 1 for heating circuit 1
7-day heating program no. 2, selectable for heating circuit 2, or the d.h.w.
circulating pump
Separate 7-day heating program for d.h.w. heating
Temperature adjustment with the setpoint knob
Automatic button for efficient operation throughout the year
Chimney sweep function at the touch of a button
Manual operation at the touch of a button
Straightforward selection of operating mode via buttons
Change of operating mode with H-contact
Output and input tests to assist commissioning and a functional test
Service connection facility for local parameter settings and data logging
D.h.w. heating with a charging pump or diverting valve
D.h.w. heating with one or 2 sensors
Reduced setpoint of d.h.w. temperature
Selectable d.h.w. program
Integrated legionella function
Selectable priority for d.h.w. heating
Adjustable boost of the d.h.w. charging temperature
Automatic d.h.w. push
D.h.w. demand with a sensor or thermostat
Protection against discharging
D.h.w. heating: with solar heat
D.h.w. circulating pump
Electrical immersion heater
Communicating via Local Process Bus (LPB)
Communicating via point-to-point interface (PPS)
Integrity of system architecture with all RVA... controllers
Can be extended to include up to 40 heating circuits (with central bus power supply)
Optional remote supervision
Fault status signals and indications (locally, LPB and PPS)
Controllers of other manufacture can deliver their heat demand signal via potential­free H-contact
Controllers of other manufacture can deliver their heat demand via DC 0…10 signal
Analysis with service tool
Logging the number of burner hours run of stages 1 and 2
Logging the number of burner starts of stages 1 and 2
Logging the flue gas temperature
Display of plant diagram no.
Not with RVA53.242
Use in extensive systems
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1.3 Range of products
The following units and accessories are designed for use with the ALBATROS range:
RVA63.242 Boiler and heating circuit controller RVA53.242 Boiler and heating circuit controller
QAA10 Digital room sensor QAA50 Digital room unit QAA70 Digital, multi-functional room unit
QAC31 Outside sensor (NTC 600) QAC21 Outside sensor (Ni 1000) QAZ21 Immersion sensor with cable QAD21 Clamp-on temperature sensor Pt1000 Flue gas sensor (third party product)
Collector sensor
AGP2S.02M LPB (2 poles) Violet
AGP2S.02G Room unit (2 poles) blue AGP2S.06A Sensor (6 poles) white AGP2S.04G Sensor (4 poles) grey AGP2S.04C Sensor (4 poles) yellow AGP3S.02D Mains (2 poles) black AGP3S.05D Burner (5 poles) red AGP3S.03B Pumps (3 poles) brown AGP3S.03K Actuator (3-poles) green AGP3S.04F Pumps (4 poles) orange
Not for RVA53.242
Room units
Screw type terminal strips (Rast 5)
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Summary 26.03.2001
1.4 Field of use
Manufacturers of combi and heating boilers
Residential and non-residential buildings with own zone heating and d.h.w. heating
Residential and non-residential buildings with central heating plant
Standard heating systems, such as:
radiator, convector, underfloor and ceiling heating systems, and radiant panels
Suited for
heating plants with 2 heating circuits
different types of heating systems (creation of extensive systems)
several heating zones (creation of extensive systems)
With or without d.h.w. heating
Heating boilers with 1- or 2-stage oil or gas burners
Heating boilers for modulating oil- or gas-fired boilers
Gas boilers with BMU (Boiler Management Unit)
Solar collectors
1.5 Product liability
The products may only be used in building services plant and applications as described above
When using the products, all requirements specified in "Technical data" and "Handling" must be satisfied
When using the products in a system, all requirements contained in the documentation “Local Process Bus (LPB), Basic Documentation, System Engineering“ (document no. CE1P2370E) must be satisfied
The local regulations (for installation, etc.) must be complied with
Target market
Types of buildings
Types of heating systems
Types of heat sources
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2 Handling
2.1 Installation
2.1.1 Regulations for installation
Air circulation around the controller must be ensured, allowing the unit to emit the heat produced by it. A clearance of at least 10 mm must be provided for the controller's cooling slots which are situated a the top and bottom of the housing. The space should not be accessible and no objects should be placed there. If the controller is enclosed in another closed (insulating) casing, a clearance up to 100 mm must be observed on all sides
The controller is designed conforming to the directives for safety class II mounted in compliance with these regulations
Power to the controller may be supplied only after it is completely fitted in the cut-out. If this is not observed, there is a risk of electric shock hazard near the terminals and through the cooling slots
The controller may not be exposed to dripping water
Permissible ambient temperature when mounted and when ready to
operate: 0...50 °C
2.1.2 Mounting location
In the boiler front
In the control panel front
2.1.3 Mounting procedure
Turn off power supply
Pull the prefabricated cables through
the cut-out
Plug the connectors into the respective sockets at the rear of the controller
è Note:
The connectors are coded to make certain they cannot be mixed up.
1. Making the connections
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Handling 26.03.2001
Check to ensure the fixing levers are turned inward
Check to make certain there is sufficient space between the front panel and the fixing levers
Slide the controller into the panel cut­out without applying any force
è Note:
Do not use any tools when inserting the unit into the cut-out. If it does not fit, check the size of the cut-out and the position of the fixing levers.
Tighten the 2 screws on the front of the controller
è Note:
Tighten the screws only slightly, applying a torque of maximum 20 Ncm. When tightening the screws, the fixing levers automatically assume their correct positions.
2. Check
3. Fitting
4. Fixing
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2.1.4 Required cut-out
The controller's mounting dimensions are 91 x 137 mm Due to the dimensions of the front, however, the standard spacing is 144 mm The controller can be fitted in front panels of different thicknesses
The mechanical mounting facility makes it possible to arrange several controllers in a row in one cut-out. In that case, it is merely necessary to have a wider panel cutout. Also refer to "Dimensions" in Index.
2.1.5 Orientation
To avoid overtemperatures inside the controller, the inclination may be no more than 30° and there must be a clearance of at least 10 mm above and below the cooling slots. This allows the controller to emit the heat generated during operation.
Dimensions of cut-out
Combination of controllers
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Handling 26.03.2001
2.2 Electrical installation
2.2.1 Regulations for installation
Prior to installing the controller, the power supply must be turned off
The connections for mains and low voltage are separated
The wiring must be made in compliance with the requirements of safety class II. This
means that sensor and mains cables may not be run in the same duct
2.2.2 Wiring
When using prefabricated cables with connectors, the electrical installation is very straightforward, owing to coding. Rear of controller
Connection terminals of RVA63.242
6 5 4 M 2 1 M M
23F234 LF2F45F23
3 M 1 4 3 M 1
Connection terminals of RVA53.242
6 5 4 M 2 1 M M
23F234 LF2F45F23
3 M 1 4 3 M 1
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Terminal Terminals Connector Color
Not used – – Not used B4 Buffer storage tank sensor 1 AGP2S.04C yellow – Not used M Ground sensors B8/B6 Flue gas temperature sensor / collector
temperature sensor
B31/H2 D.h.w. temperature sensor 2 / input H2 /
buffer storage tank temperature sensor 2
AGP2S.04G grey
B1 Flow temperature sensor mixing valve M Ground sensors B7 Return temperature sensor H1 Signal input H1 AGP2S.06A white B2 Boiler temperature sensor 1 B3 D.h.w. temperature sensor / thermostat M Ground sensors – Not used B9 Outside sensor MD Ground PPS (room unit, BMU) AGP2S.02G blue A6 PPS (room unit, BMU) MB Ground bus (LPB) AGP2S.02M violet DB Data bus (LPB)
Terminal Terminals Connector Color
Not used – – Not used – Not used – Not used AGP3S.04F orange K7 Multi-functional output Q2 Circulating pump mixing heating circuit F6 Phases Q2 and K7 Y2 Mixing valve CLOSED AGP3S.03K green Y1 Mixing valve OPEN F2 Phases Y1 and Y2 Q3/Y3 D.h.w. charging pump / d.h.w. diverting
AGP3S.03B brown
K6 Multi-functional output F1 Phases K6 and Q3/Y3 E1 Hours run burner stage 1 AGP3S.05D red K5 Burner stage 2 F5 Phase burner stage 2 K4 Burner stage 1 F4 Phase burner stage 1 L Live AC 230 V (mains connection) AGP3S.02D black N Neutral (mains connection)
Low voltage side
Mains voltage side
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Handling 26.03.2001
2.3 Commissioning
To commission the controller:
Make certain that mounting and electrical installation are in compliance with the relevant requirements
Make all plant-specific settings as described in section "Parameter settings"
Reset the attenuated outside temperature
Make the functional checks
2.3.1 Functional checks
To facilitate commissioning and fault tracing, the controller allows output and input tests to be made. With these tests, the controller’s inputs and outputs can be checked.
Buttons Explanation Line
1 Press one of the line selection buttons.
This will take you to the programming mode.
2 Press both line selection buttons for at least 3
seconds. This will take you to the programming mode “Heating engineer” and, at the same time, to the output test.
3 Press the + or - button repeatedly, which will take you
one test step further:
Test step 0 All outputs are switched according to normal
control operation
Test step 1 All outputs are deactivated
Test step 2 Burner stage 1 (K4) is activated
Test step 3 Burner stages 1 and 2 (K4 + K5) are activated
Test step 4 D.h.w. charging pump / diverting valve (Q3 / Y3) is
Test step 5 Mixing heating circuit / boiler pump (Q2) is
Test step 6 Mixing valve OPEN (Y1) is activated
Test step 7 Mixing valve CLOSED (Y2) is activated
Test step 8 Multi-functional output (K6) is activated
Test step 9 Multi-functional output (K7) is activated
4 By pressing any of the operating mode or line
selection buttons, you leave the programming mode and thus the output test.
Note: If no button is pressed for about 8 minutes, the controller will automatically return to the operating mode selected last.
Output test
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a) The pointer below the symbol indicates the output activated b) The number indicates the current test step c) The number indicates the selected setting line
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Handling 26.03.2001
Buttons Explanation Line
1 Press one of the line selection buttons.
This will take you to the programming mode.
2 Press both line selection buttons for at least 3
seconds. This will take you to the programming mode "Heating engineer”.
3 Press line selection button UP until you reach line 52.
This will take you to the input test.
4 Press the + or - button repeatedly, which will take you
one test step further:
Test step 0 Display of boiler temperature acquired with sensor
Test step 1 Display of d.h.w. temperature acquired with sensor
Test step 2 Display of input B31/H2/B41
according to the function selected on line 174 [°C or 000 or ---]
Test step 3 Display of flow temperature acquired with sensor
HK1 B1
Test step 4 Display of the outside temperature acquired with
sensor B9
Test step 5 Display of room temperature acquired with sensor
Test step 6 Display of the return temperature acquired with
sensor B7
Test step 7 Display of flue gas /
collector temperature acquired with sensor B8/B6
Test step 8 Buffer temperature 1 acquired with sensor B4
Test step 9 Display of input H1 according to the function
selected on operating line 170 [°C, 000, - - -]
Test step 10 Display of switching status input E1
5 By pressing any of the operating mode buttons, you
leave the programming mode and thus the input test.
If no button is pressed for about 8 minutes, the controller will automatically return to the operating mode selected last.
Continuous display
The selected sensor values are updated within a maximum of 5 seconds. An open-circuit is displayed as – – –. A short-circuit is displayed as o o o.
Input test
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a) The number indicates the current test step b) Displayed value of the temperature measured c) The number indicates the selected setting line
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Handling 26.03.2001
2.4 Parameter settings for the end-user
The following settings can be made to meet the individual needs of the end-user.
Buttons Explanation Line
Press one of the line selection buttons UP/DOWN.
This will take you directly to the programming mode "End-user”.
Press the line selection buttons to select the required line.
The parameter list on the next 2 pages contains all available lines.
• • •
Press the + or - button to set the required value. The setting will be stored as soon as you leave the programming mode or change to another line.
The parameter list on the next 2 pages contains all settings that can be made.
By pressing any of the operating mode buttons, you leave the programming mode "End-user”.
If no button is pressed for about 8 minutes, the controller will automatically return to the operating mode selected last.
Continuous display
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2.4.1 Overview of end-user parameters
Setting the clock
1 1 Time of day 0...23:59 h / min 1 min 00:00 2 2 Weekday 1...7 Day 1 day 1 3 3 Date (day, month) 01.01...31.12 tt.MM 1 ­4 4 Year 1999...2099 jjjj 1 -
Time switch program 1
5 5 Pre-selection of weekday
1-7 7-day block
1...7 Individual days
1-7 / 1...7 Day 1 day -
6 6 Switch-on time 1st period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min 06:00 7 7 Switch-off time 1st period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min 22:00 8 8 Switch-on time 2nd period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min - -:- ­9 9 Switch-off time 2nd period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min - -:- ­10 10 Switch-on time 3rd period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min - -:- ­11 11 Switch-off time 3rd period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min - -:- -
Time switch program 2
12 12 Pre-selection of weekday
1-7 7-day block
1...7 Individual days
1-7 / 1...7 Day 1 day -
13 13 Switch-on time 1st period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min 06:00 14 14 Switch-off time 1st period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min 22:00 15 15 Switch-on time 2nd period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min - -:- ­16 16 Switch-off time 2nd period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min - -:- ­17 17 Switch-on time 3rd period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min - -:- ­18 18 Switch-off time 3rd period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min - -:- -
Time switch program 3 (d.h.w.)
19 19 Pre-selection of weekday
1-7 7-day block
1...7 Individual days
1-7 / 1...7 Day 1 day -
20 20 Switch-on time 1st period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min 06:00 21 21 Switch-off time 1st period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min 22:00 22 22 Switch-on time 2nd period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min - -:- ­23 23 Switch-off time 2nd period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min - -:- ­24 24 Switch-on time 3rd period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min - -:- ­25 25 Switch-off time 3rd period - -:- -...24:00 h / min 10 min - -:- -
26 26 Nominal setpoint of d.h.w. temperature (TBWw)
TBWRw Line 120 TBWmax Line 50 (OEM)
TBWR...TBWmax °C 1 55
Heating circuit
27 27 Reduced room temperature setpoint (TRRw)
heating circuits 1 and 2
TRF Frost protection setpoint of the room temperature,
line 28
TRN Setpoint knob heating circuit
TRF...TRN °C 0.5 16
28 28 Room temperature frost protection setpoint (TRFw)
heating circuits 1 and 2
TRRw Line 27
4...TRRw °C 0.5 10
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Handling 26.03.2001
29 29 Summer / winter changeover temperature heating
circuit 1 (THG1)
8...30 °C 0.5 17
30 30 Heating curve slope HK1 (S1)
- : - - Inactive
2.5...40 Active
- : - - / 2.5...40 - 0.5 15
31 31 Summer / winter changeover temperature heating
circuit 2 (THG2)
8 ... 30 °C 0.5 17
32 32 Heating curve slope HK2 (S2)
-:- - Inactive
2.5...40 Active
-:- - / 2.5...40 - 0.5 15
33 33 Actual value of room temperature (TRx) 0...50 °C 0.5 ­34 34 Actual value of outside temperature (TAx)
To reset the attenuated outside temperature to TAx, press the + and - buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds.
-50...+50 °C 0.5 -
Heat source
35 35 Burner hours run stage 1 or BMU (tBR1) 0 ... 65535 h 1 0 36 36 Burner hours run stage 2 (tBR2)
Output K5
0 ... 65535 h 1 0
37 37 Number of burner starts stage 1 0 ... 65535 - 1 0 38 38 Number of burner starts stage 2 0 ... 65535 - 1 0
Standard values
39 39 Standard times for switching programs 1, 2, 3
(lines 6...11, 13...18 and 20...25)
To activate, press the + and - buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds
- - - -
40 40 Holiday period HK1+HK2 1...8 - 1 1 41 41 Holiday period HK1+HK2
- -.- - No holiday period programmed Month, day
To reset the holiday period, press the + and - buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds.
- - . - -
tt.MM 1 -
42 42 End of holiday period HK1+HK2
- -.- - No holiday period programmed Month, day
To reset the selected holiday period, press the + and - buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds.
- - . - -
tt.MM 1 -
49 49 Indication of BMU error code
0...255 Error code
0...255 - 1 -
50 50 Indication of faults 0...255 - 1 -
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2.5 Parameter settings for the heating engineer
Configuration and parameter settings to be made by the heating engineer.
Buttons Explanation Line
Press one of the line selection buttons UP/DOWN.
This will take you directly to the programming mode "End-user”.
Press both line selection buttons for at least 3 seconds.
This will take you directly to the programming mode "Heating engineer”.
Press the line selection buttons to select the required line.
The parameter list on the next 2 pages contains all available lines.
• • •
Press the + or - button to set the required value. The setting will be stored as soon as you leave the
programming mode or change to another line.
The parameter list on the next 2 pages contains all settings that can be made.
By pressing any of the operating mode buttons you leave the programming mode "Heating engineer”.
è Note:
If no button is pressed for about 8 minutes, the controller will automatically return to the operating mode selected last.
Continuous display
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Handling 26.03.2001
1.1.1 Overview of heating engineer parameters
Service values
51 51 Output test
0 Control mode according to the operating state 1 All outputs OFF 2 Burner stage 1 ON K4 3 Burner stages 1 and 2 ON K4 / K5 4 D.h.w. charging pump ON Q3/Y3
D.h.w. diverting valve OPEN Q3 / Y3
5 Heating circuit pump 1 Q2
Boiler pump ON Q2 6 Mixing valve 1 open Y1 7 Mixing valve 2 close Y2 8 Multi-functional output ON K6 9 Mult-functional output ON K7
0...9 - 1 0
52 52 Input test
0 Boiler sensor B2 1 D.h.w. sensor 1 B3 2 D.h.w. sensor 2 B31/H2
Buffer storage tank sensor 2 B31/H2
H2 B31/H2
Flow temperature sensor HK1
4 Outside sensor B9 5 Room sensor A6 6 Return sensor B7 7 Flue gas sensor B8/B6
Collector sensor B8/B6 8 Buffer storage tank sensor 1 B4 9 Display of input H1 H1 10 Display switching status input E1. E1
0...10 - 1 0
53 53 Display of plant type 1...150 - 1 -
Actual values
55 55 Actual value of flow temperature (TVx)
Input B1
0...140 °C 1 -
56 56 Actual value of boiler temperature (TKx)
Input B2/B4
0...140 °C 1 -
57 - Actual value of common flow temperature 0...140 °C 1 ­58 58 Actual value of cascade return temperature 0 ...140 °C 1 ­59 59 Actual value 1 of buffer storage tank temperature 0 ...140 °C 1 ­60 - Actual value 2 of buffer storage tank temperature 0...140 °C 1 ­61 61 Actual value 1 of d.h.w. temperature (TBWx)
(Higher temperature)
0...140 °C 1 -
62 62 Actual value 2 of d.h.w. temperature (TBWx)
(Lower temperature)
0...140 °C 1 -
63 63 Display of max. flue gas temperature (TGxmax)
To make a reset to the current value, press the + and – buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds
0...350 °C 1 -
64 - Actual value of collector temperature (B6) 0...350 (Pt1000)
0...230 (Ni1000)
°C 1 -
65 65 Attenuated outside temperature (TAxged) -50...+50 °C 0.5 ­66 66 Composite outside temperature (Taxgem) -50...+50 °C 0.5 ­67 - Outside temperature source
- - . - - No signal
00.01...14.16 Address
- -:- / 00.01...14.16
- 1 -
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68 68 Display of boiler temperature setpoint 0...140 °C 1 ­69 - Display of flow temperature setpoint 0...140 °C 1 ­70 70 Display of d.h.w temperature setpoint 0...140 °C 1 ­71 71 Display of nominal room temperature setpoint
Nominal setpoint incl. room unit readjustment
0...35 °C 0.5 -
72 72 Display of nominal room temperature setpoint
Nominal setpoint incl. room unit readjustment
0...35 °C 0.5 -
73 73 Display of setpoint of room temperature HK1
0...35 °C 0.5 -
74 74 Display of setpoint of room temperature HK1
0...35 °C 0.5 -
75 75 Display of setpoint of room temperature HK1
0...140 °C 1 -
76 76 Display of flow temperature setpoint HK2 (TVw) 0...140 °C 1 ­77 - Floor curing dates HK1
Day Flow temperature setpoint
1 -
Heat source
80 80 Type of heat source
0 No heat generation or PPS-BMU 1 Single-stage burner 2 2-stage burner 2 Modulating burner, 3-position air damper actuator
Modulating burner, 2-position air damper actuator
5 Cascade (2 single-stage burners)
0...5 - 1 2
81 81 Min. limitation of boiler temperature (TKmin)
Line 1 OEM
Tkmax Line 2 OEM
...TKmax °C 1 40
82 82 Extra heating for the bathroom
(output K6 or K7 as heating circuit pump 2) 0 Inactive 1 Active
0 / 1 - 1 0
Configuration of plant
95 95 Pump function output (K6)
0 No function 1 Heating circuit pump 2 System pump after d.h.w. 3 System pump before d.h.w. 4 System pump with external demand 5 D.h.w. circulating pump 6 Electric immersion heater for d.h.w. 7 Solar pump
8 Pump H1 9 Boiler pump 10 Boiler bypass pump 11 Alarm output
0...11 - 1 1
96 96 Pump function output (K7)
0 No function 1 Heating circuit pump 2 D.h.w. circulating pump 3 Electric immersion heater for d.h.w. 4 Solar pump
5 Pump H2 6 Boiler bypass pump 7 Alarm output
0...7 - 1 0
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVA63.242, RVA53.242 CE1P2373E Landis & Staefa Division Handling 26.03.2001
98 - Solar application
0 No solar 1 Solar in d.h.w. storage tank 2 Solar in buffer storage tank
0...2 - 1 0
99 - Sensor input B8/B6
0 Flue gas Pt 1000 1 Collector Ni 1000 2 Collector Pt 1000
0...2 - 1 0
Heating circuit
100 100 Parallel displacement of
heating circuits 1 and 2
-4.5...+4.5 °C (K) 0.5 0.0
101 101 Room influence
0 Inactive 1 Active
0 / 1 - 1 1
102 102 Switching differential of room temperature (SDR)
heating circuits 1 and 2
- - . - Inactive
0.5...4.0 Active
- -:-...4.0 °C (K) 0.5 - -:-
103 103 Operating mode of room unit
0 Acting on heating circuit 1 1 Acting on heating circuit 2 2 Acting on heating circuits 1 and 2
0...2 - 1 0
104 104 Room unit values
0 Acting on heating circuit 1 1 Acting on heating circuit 2 2 Acting on heating circuits 1 and 2
0...2 - 1 0
105 105 Min. limitation of flow temperature setpoint
(TVmin) heating circuit 1
TVmax Line 107
8...TVmax °C 1 8
106 106 Min. limitation of flow temperature setpoint
(TVmin) heating circuit 2
TVmax Line 108
8...TVmax °C 1 8
107 107 Max. limitation of flow temperature setpoint
(TVmax) heating circuit 1
Tvmin Line 105
TVmin...95 °C 1 80
108 108 Max. limitation of flow temperature setpoint
(TVmax) heating circuit 2
Tvmin Line 106
TVmin...95 °C 1 80
109 109 Max. forward shift of optimum start control
0 No forward shift
00:00...06:00 hh:mm 10 min 00:00
110 110 Max. forward shift of optimum start control
0 No forward shift
00:00...06:00 hh:mm 10 min 00:00
113 113 Type of building construction
0 Heavy 1 Light
0 / 1 - 1 1
114 114 Adaption of heating curve HK1+HK2
0 Inactive 1 Active
0 / 1 - 1 1
115 115 Gain of locking signal 0...200 % 1 100 116 - Floor curing HK1
0 Off 1 Functional heating 2 Floor curing heating 3 Functional and floor curing heating
0...3 - 1 0
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120 120 Reduced setpoint of d.h.w. temperature (TBWR)
TBWw Line 26
8...TBWw °C 1 40
121 121 D.h.w. program
0 24 h/day 1 System heating program with forward shift 2 Time switch program 3
0...2 - 1 1
122 122 Switching program selection circulating pump
0 According to time switch program 2 1 According to the d.h.w. program (line 121)
0 / 1 - 1 1
123 - Assignment of d.h.w. heating
0 Local heating circuit 1 All heating circuits in the system 2 All heating circuits in the system
0...2 - 1 2
124 124 D.h.w. charging
0 Once per day with a forward shift of 2.5 hours 1 Several times per day with a 1 h forward shift
0 / 1 - 1 1
125 125 Type of d.h.w. demand
0 Sensor 1 Control thermostat
0 / 1 - 1 0
126 126 Boost of flow temperature setpoint for d.h.w.
heating (UEBW)
0...30 °C (K) 1 16
127 127 D.h.w. priority
0 Absolute (mixing and pump heating circuit) 1 Shifting (mixing and pump heating circuit) 2 None (parallel) 3 Mixing heating circuit (shifted), pump heating
circuit absolute
0...3 - 1 1
128 128 Controlling element for d.h.w.
0 Charging pump 1 Diverting valve
0 / 1 - 1 0
129 - Separate d.h.w. circuit
0 Off 1 ON
0 / 1 - 1 0
130 130 Changeover of boiler sequence in a cascade 2 x
- - - No automatic changeover (fixed boiler sequence)
Changeover according to the selected number of
- - - / 10...990 - / hours 10 500
131 131 Release integral for boiler sequence 0...500 K*min 1 200 132 132 Reset integral for sequence 0...500 K*min 1 50
LPB / system
140 - LPB device address
0 Standalone
1...16 Device address (system)
0...16 - 1 0
141 - LPB segment address
0 Heat source segment
1...14 Heat consumption segments
0...14 - 1 0
142 - LPB power supply
0 Off (central bus power supply) 1 Auto (bus power supply via controller)
0 / 1 - 1 1
143 - Display of LPB power supply On / OFF - ­145 - Range of action of central changeover
0 In the segment 1 In the system (if segment address = 0)
0 / 1 - 1 1
146 - Automatic summer / winter changeover
0 Local change 1 Central changeover of all heating circuits
0 / 1 - 1 0
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