Siemens Desigo Touch Series, PXM40, PXM5 Installation And Commissioning Instructions

Desigo Touch and Web
Installation and commissioning instructions
CM111029en_04 2014-08-15
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Building Technologies Division International Headquarters Gubelstrasse 22 6301 Zug Switzerland Tel. +41 41-724 24 24
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Siemens Desigo Touch and Web CM111029en_04 Building Technologies 2014-08-15
© 2013-2014
Subject to change
0 About this document .............................................................................. 4
0.1 Revision history ......................................................................................... 4
0.2 Referenced documents ............................................................................. 4
0.3 Before you start ......................................................................................... 4
0.3.1 Trademarks ............................................................................................... 4
0.3.2 Copyright ................................................................................................... 4
0.3.3 Quality assurance ..................................................................................... 5
0.3.4 Document use/ request to the reader ....................................................... 5
0.3.5 Document validity ...................................................................................... 5
0.3.6 Target audience......................................................................................... 6
0.3.7 Structuring ................................................................................................. 6
0.3.8 Document conventions ............................................................................. 6
1 Commissioning ....................................................................................... 7
1.1 Topology .................................................................................................... 7
1.2 IT security .................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Prerequisites ............................................................................................. 8
1.4 Touch panel commissioning – Step-by-step ............................................. 9
1.4.1 About procedures ...................................................................................... 9
1.4.2 Procedure .................................................................................................. 9
2 Compatibility & limitations ................................................................... 13
2.1 Desigo touch panel and standard clients ................................................ 13
2.2 Desigo Touch and Web – Application examples .......................................... 13
2.3 Supported browsers ................................................................................ 14
2.4 System compatibility ............................................................................... 14
2.5 System limits ........................................................................................... 15
2.5.1 XWP project ............................................................................................ 15
2.5.2 PXG3.W100 ............................................................................................ 15 General ................................................................................................... 15 Customized views (CVs) ......................................................................... 15 Graphics pages ....................................................................................... 15 Connected web clients ............................................................................ 16
2.5.3 Supported graphics formats .................................................................... 17
2.5.4 Supported BACnet objects ...................................................................... 18
2.6 Touch panel wiring .................................................................................. 19
2.7 Firmware updates ................................................................................... 20
2.7.1 General ................................................................................................... 20
2.7.2 PXM 40 / PXM50 .............................................................. 20
2.7.3 Factory reset web interface PXG3.100 ................................................... 21
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Siemens Desigo Touch and Web CM111029en_04 Building Technologies Contents 2014-08-15

0 About this document


0.1 Revision history

Version Date Changes Section Pages
1 01.07.2012 New document — 2 2014-01-01 IT Security
FW update (panels) Factory settings

0.2 Referenced documents

Ref. Document title Document type Document no.
[1] PXM40 Data sheet CM1N9292 [2] PXM50 Data sheet CM1N9293 [3] PXG3.W100 Data sheet CM1N9294 [4] Desigo Touch and Web User's guide CM111028 [5] Desigo Xworks Plus Online help (chm) CM111006 [6] Workflow overview XWP V5 Engineering guide CM111000 [7] Desigo PX automation and control system, mount-
ing and installation guide
Mounting and installation manual
9 21-22 22

0.3 Before you start

0.3.1 Trademarks

The table below lists the third-party trademarks used in this document and their legal owners. The use of trademarks is subject to international and domestic provi­sions of the law.
Trademarks Legal owner
BACnet Microsoft … Microsoft Corporation siehe
Windows … Microsoft Corporation Windows XP Windows 7
All product names listed in the table are registered (®) or not registered (™) trade­marks of the owner listed in the table. We forgo the labeling (e.g. using the symbols ® and™) of trademarks for the purposes of legibility based on the reference in this section.

0.3.2 Copyright

American National Standard (ANSI/ASHRAE 135-1995)
Microsoft Corporation
This document may be duplicated and distributed only with the express permission of Siemens, and may be passed on only to authorized persons or companies with the required technical knowledge.
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Siemens Desigo Touch and Web CM111029en_04 Building Technologies About this document – Revision history 2014-08-15

0.3.3 Quality assurance

These documents were prepared with great care.
· The contents of all documents are checked at regular intervals.
· All necessary corrections are included in subsequent versions.
· Documents are automatically amended as a consequence of modifications and
corrections to the products described.
Please make sure that you are aware of the latest document revision date. If you find any lack of clarity while using this document, or if you have any criticisms or suggestions, please contact your local POC at the nearest branch office. Ad­dresses for Siemens RCs are available at

0.3.4 Document use/ request to the reader

Before using our products, it is important that you read the documents supplied with or ordered at the same time as the products (equipment, applications, tools etc.) carefully and in full.
We recommend using the E-learning E01DETP prior to using Desigo Touch and Web.
We assume that persons using our products and documents are authorized and properly trained and have the requisite technical knowledge to use our products as intended. Additional information on products and applications is available:
· On the intranet (for Siemens employees only) at
· At your next Siemens branch office or at your system suppliers.
· From the support team at headquarters if no local POC is available.
Siemens assumes no liability to the extent allowed under the law for any losses resulting from a failure to comply with the aforementioned points or for the improp­er compliance of the same.

0.3.5 Document validity

This document applies to Desigo systems satisfying operation as listed in Section
2.3 – Supported browsers. It discusses the following topics in addition to adminis-
trative information:
· Brief introduction (availability of web interface, customization of views and
· The topology as a context of the touch panels.
· Prerequisites of commissioning.
· Commissioning of the touch panels.
· Setting options for brightness, language, time format, date format, keypad, au-
to logout, change location, change network/server settings.
· System (compatibility, standard clients, browser compatibility, system limits,
and further technical issues.
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Siemens Desigo Touch and Web CM111029en_04 Building Technologies About this document – Before you start 2014-08-15
Desigo Touch and Web
About this document
Other documents describe:
Engineering of
(PXM40, PXM50) including download of engineering data,
online help
This document is intended for commissioning personnel and serv
commissioning Siemens touch panels as well as establishing and configuring a
connection via web browser and PC.
The operating instructions
We require that you be familiar with using a web
nology to be able to install and configure the Siemens PXM40 and PXM5
This document contains all practical information up front (first part).
The second part provides useful explanations and som
Web interface
Touch panel
Illustration excerpt are
Illustrations generally are
If an action (e.g. loading a page) takes longer, the animated "Busy Indic
tor" (wait symbol) is displayed in the middle of the working pane.
Tapping an element on the touch panel is referred to as "tap". An
read: "Tap "Logout".
Illustrates tapping a button or function element.
Desigo touch panels
[4] tell you how to work with Siemens touch panels.
browser as well as network tec
e theory on individual fun
PXM40 and PXM50
web interface (PXG3.W100) and
CM111006 – XWP

Target audience

ice technicians
0 touch



Document conventions

PXG3.W100 Desigo touch panel,
Tap, click
Tapping hand
not labeled accordingly.
not titled or subtitled.
instruction may
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Siemens Building Technologies
– Before you start
Desigo Touch and Web
The touch panel requires only a few steps to be fully functional. You may need to
carry out the following tasks, however, depending on p
If the associated
this must be carried out first. The touch panel cannot be commissioned wit
out working
These actions must be carried
the related
help either from within Xworks Plus or via file CM111006en.chm.
These actions must also be carried out exclusively in Desigo Xworks Plus on
the related
Touch Panels, together with a
automation stations using web communication.
They allow for:
Displaying system texts, plant overviews, plant diagrams, simple alarm lists,
schedules, and trends.
Saving Favorites.
revious actions:
has not been set up prior to commissioning,
(no control over functionality)).
exclusively in Desigo Xworks Plus
. To this end, consult the Desigo Xworks Plus online
, help monitor and operate Desigo PX


web interface
of views and/or functions.


cal or remote plant operation.
Context of the descriptions in this manual.
Siemens Building Technologies
– Topology
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+ 15 hidden pages