centerpiece of the PV eBoP solution
The MV-Inverter Station:
PV electrical Balance of Plant
Smart grid connection
Use of renewable energy sources is growing at a tremendous pace. A once static
power generation landscape of large, central power plants is transitioning into a
flexible, intelligent, and increasingly distributed system comprising many different
actors. The intermittent, fluctuating nature of electricity feed-in from distributed
generating sources, however, poses major challenges for power grids, and significantly affects the stability of medium-voltage and low-voltage networks.
What’s needed are comprehensive approaches and customized products and systems
serving a broad range of intelligent infrastructure and energy storage solutions,
en suring sustainable, reliable, and stable grids – for today and the future.
When it comes to state-of-the-art power grids, Siemens offers innovative solutions
and comprehensive experience across the entire range of electrotechnical equipment for photovoltaic systems, including optimum interconnection of energy storage
systems and even complete microgrids. The new electrical Balance of Plant (eBoP)
solution for photovoltaic installations enables solar power to be intelligently
integrated into the grid.
The portfolio includes all electrotechnical equipment needed. Siemens offers
complete end-to-end planning, engineering, and financing, all the way to commissioning and service.
A reliable partner for the entire lifecycle
Analysis Development Planning Project management
and engineering
Construction and
Installation and

Combiner Box
MV-Inverter Station
Monitoring & Control
Solar Tracking
Smart power distribution:
PV power distribution in perfect balance
With fluctuating power generation and everchanging demand, innovative ideas are
needed for PV installations to ensure consistently stable and reliable grid operation.
The PV eBoP solution from Siemens provides
the right answer: a complete package of
proven components, modern systems, and
comprehensive service offerings.
This total package comprises an end-to-end
power distribution solution – from the
combiner box right through to the mediumor high-voltage grid connection.
Bundled power:
the Combiner Box
The combiner box combines the output of
multiple PV modules, protects the electrical
components, and forwards important data
and measured values. It’s also extraordinarily
robust and is suitable for use in the most
demanding climatic environments.
A MV-Inverter Station makes it all
possible: skid or container
A highlight of this chain is the MV-Inverter
Station, which comprises the switchgear,
transformer, and inverter. With its broad
portfolio of switchgear, Siemens offers the
right solution for any application – reliable
and maintenance-free, for any climate. Their
outdoor housing allows these switchgear to
be installed in PV systems with no additional
station enclosure. The state-of-the-art
inverters can be operated at DC input voltages
of up to 1,500 volts. The transformer, specially optimized for operation with PV inverters, ensures reliable and efficient connection
to the medium-voltage grid.
Hydrogen generation with SILYZER
Siemens generates „green“ hydrogen from
renewable energy using Proton Exchange
Membrane (PEM) electrolysis, and this is
making an important contribution to the
global energy transition. The SILYZER product
line helps integrating fluctuating energy
sources like sun and wind in your process.
Efficient power supply solution: E-House
Siemens’ prefabricated and factory-tested
grid connection stations can be easily connected on-site and immediately put into
operation. And this solution packs a punch:
Every E-House contains the complete range
of medium- and low-voltage switchgear
needed, along with busbar trunking systems
for power distribution.