Siemens joint Resource Optimization and Scheduler User Manual

joint Resource Optimization and Scheduler
All forecasting and planning applications in one component.
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joint Resource Optimization and Scheduler ‒ jROS | Brochure
joint Resource Optimization and Scheduler – jROS
The progressive liberalisation of the energy markets does not only yield new possibilities and chances but it also raises new risks. The long-term planning of business activi­ties is impacted by the high volatility of electricity markets as well as of the fuel market. On top of that, with the increasing share of renewable energy production, such as the generation from water, wind and solar resources, the uncertainty in the total production raises continuously. Risk Evaluation for a given portfolio under the uncertainties of the future development is therefore increasingly essen­tial.
Spectrum Power™ jROS is a comprehensive collection of state-of-the-art applications that will support you in your tasks of Forecasting and Optimization.
Platform independent Design
jROS is based on standard products like Oracle, JBoss Appli­cation Server and Enterprise Java Beans. It provides client access by a Java-application.
jROS is designed as a shared component of Spectrum
Power or integrated in a SCADA/EMS System.
jROS is platform independent and can be delivered on Windows, UNIX and LINUX platform. It may run on a single machine (e.g. a common laptop) or may be distributed on several servers for high performance requirements.
. It may be used as a stand-alone planning system
Portfolio Management
The tasks of the Portfolio Management in a power genera­tion company can be supported by statistical algorithms and mathematical optimization resulting in clear profit benefits for the company.
These tasks are:
• Long- and Medium term planning of the next few years optimizing trading opportunities, maintenance periods, etc.
• Managing the physical risk by use of Monte Carlo Simu­lation or Stochastic Optimization.
• Short term scheduling for day ahead and intraday market decisions including the creation of the final schedules for up to 4 weeks.
• Short term load forecasting of area loads and/or loads of big consumers.
• Renewable energy source forecast for determination of expected generation of wind and solar power.
Spectrum Power™ jROS is a component that combines these tools on one common platform. This minimizes the administration effort of the tools as all planning activities are performed with one system so that the planner / dis­patcher may concentrate on his core business. Therefore, it combines the advantages of all forecast and planning­tools.
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Brochure | joint Resource Optimization and Scheduler ‒ jROS
Ready to use
jROS supports multi-user activities, e.g. locking data sets that are edited by one user and updating the user interface of all users after data modification.
jROS includes a model editor to add and modify the plants, units and other objects of the production system as well as the contracts for fuel and electrical energy. The users can model their power system in more or less complex models as desired for the specific task.
Manual data input is checked immediately during entering and logged automatically. Mass data input is supported by an Excel-import feature, which is also subject to data checks during import. This reduces the probability of infea­sible problems in the optimization runs. Further checks are performed by the algorithms, giving clear text messages to the user guiding to the source of the problem.
An advanced variants management allows studying and comparing different data sets efficiently. Each variant is completely independent and may differ in the parameters or in the data model itself.
The user interface is ready to use, i.e. it adapts automati­cally to the content of the specific variant. It consists of predefined overview displays and analysis displays with full details of specific objects. Additionally, the user may define specific overview displays collecting results optimal for his workflow. All displays provide tabular and chart views and allow importing and exporting from and to Excel or CSV.
Variant Management
The Variant Management allows the variant administration of several data sets to be examined. It contains the follow­ing features:
• stores the variants into external files
• produces new variants from external files or as a copy of an existing variant
• compares the results of several variants
Calculations may be started for a list of variants. jROS creates then a queue performing the calculations sequen­tially or in parallel depending on the available system environment (CPUs and solver licenses).
Each variant is completely independent and can be differ­ent in the parameters or in the model (e.g. different phas­es/expansion variants). Different variants can include data of different companies. Defined user rights offer protection against unauthorized access.
Several variants can be associated to a workspace. Limiting the user permission on those workspaces allows to separate the system completely, e.g. for serving different depart­ments or even companies by one system. jROS is therefore “client competent”.
Each Workspace contains an Archive (common for all appli­cations). Each variant of each application (within one workspace) has access to the data of this Archive.
Audit Trail
All manual changes are logged automatically and are visible in the Variant Logs display. All changes are stored for each variant separately. Following information is included in Variant Logs display:
• Date and time of the change
• Type and name of the object
• Which user made the change
• Old value / new value (for short-term applications only)
• Activation of an application-engine
• Activation of interfaces
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