Siemens FDOOT241-A9-Ex, OOH740-A9-Ex Technical Manual

Modernizing fire detection installations with multiple protocol detectors in areas at risk of explosion
Technical Manual
Building Technologies
2014-09-01 Control Products and Systems
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Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice. © 2014 Copyright by Siemens Switzerland Ltd
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Issued by: Siemens Switzerland Ltd. Infrastructure & Cities Sector Building Technologies Division International Headquarters Gubelstrasse 22 CH-6301 Zug Tel. +41 41 724-2424
Edition: 2014-09-01 Document ID: A6V10443621_a_en_--
Building Technologies A6V10443621_a_en_--
Fire Safety 2014-09-01
Table of contents
1 About this document ......................................................................................... 5
1.1 Technical terms .................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Applicable documents .......................................................................................... 8
1.3 Download center .................................................................................................. 8
1.4 History of changes ................................................................................................ 9
2 Principles and conditions of modernization ................................................. 10
2.1 Using multiple protocol detectors ....................................................................... 10
2.2 Characteristics of multiple protocol detectors .................................................... 10
2.3 Step-by-step modernization ............................................................................... 11
2.4 General limitations on modernization ................................................................. 12
2.5 Limitations on the collective Ex detector family .................................................. 13
3 Point detectors and base adapters ................................................................ 14
4 Undertaking modernization ............................................................................. 15
4.1 Step 1: Detector modernization .......................................................................... 15
4.1.1 Base replacement ............................................................................... 16
4.1.2 Configuration of detector type ............................................................. 17
4.1.3 Test the detectors ............................................................................... 18 Test methods ...................................................................................... 18 Testing detectors without detector exchanger and
tester/detector tester ........................................................................... 19 Setting the detector zones to 'Test' ..................................................... 19
4.1.4 Starting up from collective mode ........................................................ 19
4.2 Step 2: Replacing the control panel and changing over to
FDnet-Ex/C-NET-Ex protocol ............................................................................. 20
4.2.1 Replacing the control panel or installing a line card ........................... 20
4.2.2 Replacing the remaining peripheral devices ....................................... 20
4.2.3 Converting collective Ex detector lines ............................................... 22
4.2.4 Starting up for the first time under FDnet-Ex/C-NET-Ex ..................... 22
4.2.5 Configuration ....................................................................................... 23
Index ............................................................................................................................ 24
Building Technologies
Fire Safety 2014-09-01
Building Technologies A6V10443621_a_en_--
Fire Safety 2014-09-01
About this document
Technical terms
1 About this document
Goal and purpose
This document only contains information about modernizing existing collective Ex detector lines with the following multiple protocol detectors:
Neural fire detector FDOOT241-A9-Ex Neural fire detector OOH740-A9-Ex
This document does not cover the process of planning new detector lines in areas at risk of explosion. Please refer to document A6V10324618 for information on this.
You will find details on the individual multiple protocol detectors, such as technical data, in the following documents:
Multiple protocol detectors
Technical manual
FDOOT241-A9-Ex A6V10346580
OOH740-A9-Ex A6V10367521
See chapter 'Applicable documents [➙ 8]'. Following the instructions consistently will ensure that the product can be used
safely and without any problems.
Target groups
The information in this document is intended for the following target groups:
Target group
Product Manager Is responsible for information passing
between the manufacturer and regional company.
Coordinates the flow of information
between the individual groups of people involved in a project.
Has obtained suitable specialist training
for the function and for the products.
Has attended the training courses for
Product Managers.
Project Manager Coordinates the deployment of all
persons and resources involved in the project according to schedule.
Provides the information required to run
the project.
Has obtained suitable specialist training
for the function and for the products.
Has attended the training courses for
Project Managers.
Installation personnel Assembles and installs the product
components at the place of installation.
Carries out a performance check
following installation.
Has received specialist training in the
area of building installation technology or electrical installations.
Commissioning personnel Configure the product at the place of
installation according to customer­specific requirements.
Check the product operability and
release the product for use by the operator.
Searches for and corrects malfunctions.
Has obtained suitable specialist training
for the function and for the products.
Has attended the training courses for
commissioning personnel.
Maintenance personnel Carries out all maintenance work.
Checks that the products are in perfect
working order.
Searches for and corrects malfunctions.
Has obtained suitable specialist training
for the function and for the products.
Building Technologies
Fire Safety 2014-09-01
About this document
Technical terms
Reference document and source language
The source language of this document is German (de). The reference version of this document is the international version in English.
The international version is not localized. The reference document has the following designation: ID_x_en_-­x = version, en = English, -- = international
Document identification
The document ID is structured as follows:
ID code
-- = multilingual or international
A6V10215123_a_de_DE A6V10215123_a_en_-­A6V10315123_a_--_--
Date format
The date format in the document corresponds to the recommendation of international standard ISO 8601 (format YYYY-MM-DD).
Conventions for text marking
Markups Special markups are shown in this document as follows:
Requirement for a behavior instruction
Behavior instruction with at least two operation sequences
Version, option, or detailed information for a behavior instruction
Intermediate result of a behavior instruction
End result of a behavior instruction
Numbered lists and behavior instructions with an operation
[➙ X] Reference to a page number
'Text' Quotation, reproduced identically
<Key> Identification of keys
Supplementary information and tips
The 'i' symbol identifies supplementary information and tips for an easier way of
Building Technologies A6V10443621_a_en_--
Fire Safety 2014-09-01
About this document
Technical terms
1.1 Technical terms
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EOL End-of-Line
ES Product version
Intrinsically safe Circuit in which the electrical values are limited to such an
extent that there can be no source of ignition which could lead to an explosion. The conditions for intrinsic safety are defined in EN 60079-
FDnet/C-NET Addressed detector line
Addressed, intrinsically safe detector line in the area at risk
of explosion
GMT Limit value detection technology
Collective detector line Unaddressed detector line
Collective Ex detector line Non-addressed, intrinsically safe detector line in the area
at risk of explosion
Building Technologies
Fire Safety 2014-09-01
About this document
Applicable documents
1.2 Applicable documents
Document ID
001204 Principles, applications, installation, maintenance Fire alarm
signal in areas at risk of explosion
001508 Guidelines Connection factors, line resistances and
capacitances for fire detection systems collective, AnalogPLUS, interactive, FDnet
007227 Technical manual Detector exchanger and tester FDUD292
007228 Data Sheet Test equipment and accessories FDUD291,
FDUD292, FDUD293, RE6, RE7T, RE8ST, RE8STCO, RE10, FDUM291, FDUM292, FDUL221, Sinteso-Test, FDUD29x-E
008250 Technical Manual Line tester FDUL221
008331 List of compatibility (for 'Sinteso™' product line)
008726 AlgoRex CS1140 Fire detection system Commissioning
hardware EP7F
008843 FS20 Fire detection system - Planning
009078 FS20 Fire detection system - Configuration
009718 Technical Manual Intelligent detector tester FDUD293
A6V10208546 Installation Detector base FDB20x/FDB201-AA,
FDB22x/FDB221-AA, Base attachment FDB291, Detector designation plate FDBZ291, Dummy detector FDX291
A6V10210362 FS720 Fire detection system - Planning
A6V10210424 FS720 Fire detection system - Configuration
A6V10229261 List of compatibility (for 'Cerberus™ PRO' product line)
Planning, Mounting/Installation, Commissioning, Maintenance of
fire detection installations with addressed detector lines in potentially explosive atmospheres
A6V10346580 Technical Manual Automatic fire detector FDOOT241-A9-Ex
A6V10367521 Technical Manual Automatic fire detector OOH740-A9-Ex
Please also observe the documentation for your fire detection system.
1.3 Download center
You can download various types of documents, such as data sheets, installation instructions, and license texts via the following Internet address:
Enter the document ID in the 'Find by keyword' input box.
You will also find information about search variants and links to mobile
applications (apps) for various systems on the home page.
Building Technologies A6V10443621_a_en_--
Fire Safety 2014-09-01
+ 18 hidden pages