Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as
utilization of its contents and communication thereof to others without express
authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages.
All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent
are reserved.
Issued by:
Siemens Switzerland Ltd.
Building Technologies Division
International Headquarters
Gubelstrasse 22
CH-6301 Zug
Tel. +41 41 724-2424
A6V10393194 Technical manual Power supply kit A 70 W FP120-Z1
A6V10448753 Data sheet Remote test system for aspirating smoke detectors
1.2 Download center
You can download various types of documents, such as data sheets, installation
instructions, and license texts via the following Internet address:
Enter the document ID in the 'Find by keyword' input box.
applications (apps) for various systems on the home page.
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Fire Safety 2015-09-29
About this document
Technical terms
1.3 Technical terms
ABS Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (plastic)
ASD Aspirating smoke detector
FDnet/C-NET Addressed detector line
GPI General Purpose Input, connection for an external switch
MC link Maintenance and commissioning link
n.c. normally closed (standard state of connection is closed)
n.o. normally open (standard state of connection is open)
PC Personal computer
PC Polycarbonate (plastic)
SRC1 Optical detection channel in the FDnet/C-NET
SRC3 Channel for monitoring the airflow in the FDnet/C-NET
ower supply unit
Building Tec hnologies A6V10334410_h_en_--
Fire Safety 2015 -09-29
About this document
Revision history
1.4 Revision history
The first edition of a language version or a country variant may, for example, be
Modification index
Edition date
Brief description
New firmware version 3.10 taken into account
New chapters:
Amended chapters:
The language versions and country variants produced by a local company have
me modification index as the corresponding reference document. They are
The reference document's version applies to all languages into which the reference
document is translated.
version 'd' instead of 'a' if the reference document is already this version.
The table below shows this document's revision history:
h 2015-09-29
'Connection to input/output module'
'About this document' ('Intended use' section added); 'Applicable documents';
'Operation on addressed detector line' ('Selection of settings' > 'Smoke alarm
delay time'); 'Testing the airflow' ('Large deviations in the airflow'); 'Power supply';
'Normalization'; 'Table of faults'; ' 'Dust' relay output for dust value (FDA241 only)';
'Technical data FDA241, FDA221'
g 2015-03-03 Data sheet 'Remote test system for aspirating smoke detectors' added in
'Applicable documents' chapter. 'Technical data FDA241, FDA221' chapter
amended and supplemented. Power supply kit FP120-Z1 added. Battery FA2003A1 added. Detector can also be installed horizontally. Editorial changes
f 2014-06-25 Data sheet updated in 'Applicable documents' chapter.
Editorial changes
New chapter with reference to download center added
e 2013-07-02 Change of function when opening housing cover.
d 2012-11-02 Planning limits adapted. Additional references to license document and
commissioning on the detector line. Information added about commissioning and
maintenance. Change to date format in line with ISO 8601 specifications
(yyyy-mm-dd format).
c 2012-03 Document adapted to the following type designation: communication transponder
FDCC221S. Additional information on blowing-out unit. Technical data and
mounting notes added. Additional notes on test mode and about commissioning
on the detector line.
b 2011-12 Revised version
a 2011-10 First edition
the sa
not however included in the table below.
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Fire Safety 2015-09-29
About this document
Revision history
The table below shows the published language versions and country variants with
Modification index
the corresponding modification index:
f – X– – –
d XX– – –
c - X– – –
b - X– – –
a XX– – –
X = published
– = no publication with this modification index
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Fire Safety 2015 -09-29
Safety instructions
risks of injury
Signal word
Danger level
will result directly in death or
serious injury
may result in death or serious
slight to
moderately serious injury
2 Safety
2.1 Safety instructions
The safety notices must be observed in order to protect people and property.
The safety notices in this document contain the following elements:
Symbol for danger
Signal word
Nature and origin of the danger
Consequences if the danger occurs
Measures or prohibitions for danger avoidance
Symbol for danger
This is the symbol for danger. It warns of
Follow all measures identified by this symbol to avoid injury or death.
Additional danger symbols
These symbols indicate general dangers, the type of danger or possible
consequences, measures and prohibitions, examples of which are shown in the
following table:
General danger
Explosive atmosphere
Voltage/electric shock
Laser light
Signal word
The signal word classifies the danger as defined in the following table:
DANGER identifies a dangerous situation, which
if you do not avoid this situation.
WARNING identifies a dangerous situation, which
if you do not avoid this situation.
CAUTION identifies a dangerous situation, which could result in
if you do not avoid this situation.
identifies possible damage to property that may result from non-
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Safety regulations for the method of operation
How risk of injury is presented
Nature and origin of the danger
● Measures / prohibitions for danger avoidance
Nature and origin of the danger
● Measures / prohibitions for danger avoidance
Electrical voltage
Information about the risk of injury is shown as follows:
Consequences if the danger occurs
How possible damage to property is presented
Information about possible damage to property is shown as follows:
Consequences if the danger occurs
2.2 Safety regulations for the method of operation
National standards, regulations and legislation
Siemens products are developed and produced in compliance with the relevant
European and international safety standards. Should additional national or local
safety standards or legislation concerning the planning, mounting, installation,
operation or disposal of the product apply at the place of operation, then these
must also be taken into account together with the safety regulations in the product
Electrical installations
Electric shock
● Work on electrical installations may only be carried out by qualified
electricians or by instructed persons working under the guidance and
supervision of a qualified electrician, in accordance with the electrotechnical
Wherever possible disconnect products from the power supply when carrying
out commissioning, maintenance or repair work on them.
Lock volt-free areas to prevent them being switched back on again by mistake.
Label the connection terminals with external external voltage using a
'DANGER External voltage' sign.
Route mains connections to products separately and fuse them with their own,
clearly marked fuse.
Fit an easily accessible disconnecting device in accordance with IEC 60950-1
outside the installation.
Produce earthing as stated in local safety regulations.
Building Tec hnologies A6V10334410_h_en_--
Fire Safety 2015 -09-29
Safety regulations for the method of operation
Mounting, installation, commissioning and maintenance
If you require tools such as a ladder, these must be safe and must be intended
for the work in hand.
When starting the fire control panel ensure that unstable conditions cannot
Ensure that all points listed in the 'Testing the product operability' section below
are observed.
You may only set controls to normal function when the product operability has
been completely tested and the system has been handed over to the customer.
Testing the product operability
Prevent the remote transmission from triggering erroneously.
If testing building installations or activating devices from third-party companies,
you must collaborate with the people appointed.
The activation of fire control installations for test purposes must not cause
injury to anyone or damage to the building installations. The following
instructions must be observed:
– Use the correct potential for activation; this is generally the potential of the
building installation.
– Only check controls up to the interface (relay with blocking option).
– Make sure that only the controls to be tested are activated.
Inform people before testing the alarm devices and allow for possible panic
Inform people about any noise or mist which may be produced.
Before testing the remote transmission, inform the corresponding alarm and
fault signal receiving stations.
Modifications to the system design and the products
Modifications to the system and to individual products may lead to faults,
malfunctioning and safety risks. Written confirmation must be obtained from
Siemens and the corresponding safety bodies for modifications or additions.
Modules and spare parts
Components and spare parts must comply with the technical specifications
defined by Siemens. Only use products specified or recommended by
Only use fuses with the specified fuse characteristics.
Wrong battery types and improper battery changing lead to a risk of explosion.
Only use the same battery type or an equivalent battery type recommended by
Batteries must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Observe
national guidelines and regulations.
Disregard of the safety regulations
Before they are delivered, Siemens products are tested to ensure they function
correctly when used properly. Siemens disclaims all liability for damage or injuries
caused by the incorrect application of the instructions or the disregard of danger
warnings contained in the documentation. This applies in particular to the following
Personal injuries or damage to property caused by improper use and incorrect
Personal injuries or damage to property caused by disregarding safety
instructions in the documentation or on the product
Personal injury or damage to property caused by poor maintenance or lack of
Building Tec hnologies A6V10334410_h_en_ --
Fire Safety 2015-09-29
Standards and directives complied with
2.3 Standards and directives complied with
Limited or non-existent fire detection
detection installation.
Incorrect planning and/or configuration
Additional expense resulting from necessary new planning and/or configuration.
detection installation.
A list of the standards and directives complied with is available from your Siemens
2.4 Release Notes
Limitations to the configuration or use of devices in a fire detection installation with
a particular firmware version are possible.
Personal injury and damage to property in the event of a fire.
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire
Important standards and specifications are not satisfied.
Fire detection installation is not accepted for commissioning.
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire
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Fire Safety 2015 -09-29
Structure and function
3 Structure and function
3.1 Overview
Aspirating smoke detectors are used for early detection of smoke-generating fires
in rooms and equipment. They are especially suited to applications in which point
detectors are pushed to their limits, cannot be used or can only be used with
The aspirating smoke detector continually takes air from the monitored room using
a connected pipe system with defined aspirating holes. The air is supplied to the
detection chamber and is analyzed for smoke particles using the detector installed
there. The sensitivity of the detector can be adjusted.
The position and size of the aspirating holes are calculated with the 'FXS2055 ASD
Asyst Tool' software. The calculation ensures that the air passes from the
aspirating hole to the detector in the time specified and with the required calculated
Examples of application
Cavities such as false ceilings or false floors
Rooms with polluted air, in which the pollution has impaired the performance of
optical point detectors
Clean rooms
Rooms the height of which is greater than that permitted for point detectors
Rooms with electromagnetic fields which influence the function of point
Large rooms up to 800 m²
Separate monitoring of control cabinets and electronics cabinets
Data centers
Telecommunication centers
Mounting lines
Cable tunnels
Conveyor belts
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Fire Safety 2015-09-29
Structure and function
The aspirating smoke detector can be operated on an FDnet/C-NET detector line.
When the aspirating smoke detector is operated on a FDnet/C-NET detector line,
For this purpose, communication transponder FDCC221S is also required:
Aspirating smoke detector on addressed detector line
Aspirating smoke detector with
communication transponder FDCC221S
2 External power unit with batte ry 6 Fire control panel FC20xx /FC72x
3 Blowin g-out unit (optional) 7 FDnet/C-NET detector line
4 Pipe system 8 FDnet/C-NET peripheral device
the relay outputs are inactive.
5 Return line (optional)
Building Tec hnologies A6V10334410_h_en_--
Fire Safety 2015 -09-29
Structure and function
Alternatively, various external devices can be connected to the aspirating smoke
detector in standalone operation [➙ 37]:
Aspirating smoke detector in standalone operation
1 Aspirating s moke det ector 6
2 External power unit with batte ry 7 External control/indicator (optional)
3 Blow ing-out un it (optional)
4 Pipe system
5 Return line (optional)
PC with 'FXS2051 ASD Configuration
Tool' software
8 External button (optional)
External acoust ic signa l equipment
External optical signa l equipment
Building Tec hnologies A6V10334410_h_en_ --
Fire Safety 2015-09-29
Structure and function
Order no.
Patented technology
Can be used with Siemens FDnet/C-NET loop (with optional FDCC221S
Extended optical detection thanks to dual wavelengths (blue and infrared)
Configuration via USB or FDCC221S (option)
'Out-of-the-box' installation and commissioning
Early detection of a wider spectrum of particle sizes in the air
Software 'FXS2055 ASD Asyst Tool' and pipe configuration supported
Programmable alarm thresholds
Unique dust-resistant detection chamber
Intuitive front indicator for airflow and smoke value
Normalization of the smoke value
Normalization of the airflow
Access to service functions
Different event protocols
Offline/online configuration supported
FDA241, monitoring area of up to 800 m²
FDA221, monitoring area of up to 500 m²
4…20 mA output
Cleaning function (with FDA241 only)
Firmware can be updated locally
Depending on the product and various approvals, the product labels may differ in
The product version ES provides the technical status of a device in terms of
software and hardware. The product version is provided as a two-digit number.
You will find the details of your device's product version:
On the packaging label
On the product label or the type plate
Product version on the packaging label
Details of the product version can be found directly on the packaging label in the
Example of a packaging label with details of the product version
Product version on the product label and the type plate
Details of the product version can be found after the device order number:
Example of a product label with details of the product version
terms of the information type and layout.
Look for your device's order number on the product label.
You will find the product version after the order number.
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Fire Safety 2015-09-29
Structure and function
3.2 Setup
1 Housing cover -
2 Front indicator Operating indicators and fault indicators,
connected to the interface card by a cable
3 Opening Cable entry
4 Back box Wall mounting with screws
5 Interface card Connections to external devices and signal
equipment. Depending on the version of the
aspirating smoke detector, not all connections are
available. If the aspirating smoke detector is
operated on a FDnet/C-NET detector line, certain
outputs are not active. See the chapter 'Function
[➙ 34]'.
6 Air inlet Pipe system connection
7 Detection chamber Smoke sensor with flow monitoring
10 Type plate Relevant identification and detector data
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Fire Safety 2015 -09-29
Structure and function
11 Mini USB connection for
Interface for configuring the aspirating smoke
detector using the 'FXS2051 ASD Configuration
Tool' software
12 Air outlet Air outlet in the room or return line connection
13 Cables Connection to the front indicator
14 Contact pins Connection for communication transponder
15 Buzzer Signal tone output
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Fire Safety 2015-09-29
Structure and function
3.2.1 Front indicator
The front indicator can be rotated 180° in the housing cover if necessary. See
The front indicator on the housing cover provides a quick overview of the aspirating
smoke detector's current status using LED indicators. The buzzer can be switched
off and a function test for LEDs and buzzers activated using a button.
Front indicator FDA241
Front indicator FDA221
'Adapting the front indicator to the installation position [➙ 58]'.
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Fire Safety 2015 -09-29
Structure and function
Operating indication The green LED lights up permanently:
When the power supply is con nected
Blowin g-out indicator
The yellow LED lights up permanently:
When the blowing-out process is activated
The yellow LED flashes:
Once the blowing-out process has been act ivated until the normal operating status
is achieved (lasts up to 2 minutes)
Indication of faults The yellow LED flashes:
When there is a technical fa ult
Airflow indicator The current airf low is indicated by an LED in the airflow indicator (b ar graph ind icator).
When the housing cover is opened
a) LED yellow
b) LED green
If a yellow LED lights up, the airflow has increased.
As the deviation increases, the light moves upwards.
If the topmost LED flashes, the airf low has exceeded the upper limit an d the a larm de lay
time has expired.
Example: There may be a leak in the pipe system.
One of the green LEDs lights up.
The airflow is normal.
c) LED yellow
If a yellow LED lights up, the airflow is too low.
As the deviation increases, the indicator moves downwards.
If the bottommost LED flashes, the airflow has fallen below the lower limit and the alarm
delay time has expired.
Example: Some of the as pirating holes in the pipe sy stem may be blocked.
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Fire Safety 2015-09-29
Structure and function
Alarming indicator
Number of LEDs lighting up and their meaning
The aspirating smoke detector's current alarm status is ind icated by LEDs in the s moke indicator
(bar grap h indicator).
Yellow LED
Green LED
Smoke indicator
Alarm level
Alarm level
1…5 'Smoke low'
6…9 ' Inspect'
10…12 'Prealarm'
13…14 'Fire 1'
15 'Fire 2'
The green LED lights up if the level of smoke is minimal.
At the same time, the bottommost 1 to 5 yellow LEDs may indicate minor dev iations.
The red LED lights up at the 'I nspect' alarm lev e l.
At the same time, the bottommost 6 to 9 yellow LEDs light up.
Alarm level
Alarm level
Fire 1
Ala rm le vel
Fire 2
The red LED lights up at the 'Prealarm' alarm level.
At the same time, the bottommost 10 to 12 yellow LEDs light up.
The red LED lights up at the ' Fire 1' a lar m level.
At the same time, the bottommost 13 to 14 yellow LEDs light up.
The red LED lights up at the ' Fire 2' a lar m leve l.
At the same time, the 15 yellow LEDs light up.
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Fire Safety 2015 -09-29
Structure and function
Actio n
LED status
Press the button br ief ly The buzzer sw itches off
Press and hold the button
A signal test/fault analysis is activated.
(approx. 5 s)
When the housing cover is open , the button takes on the function of the reset button and the alarm
outputs are deactivated. See t he chapter 'Int ernal indicato r [➙ 28]'.
Press the button briefly The buzzer sw itche s off.
The relay outputs are deactivated.
The 4…20 mA analog out put re mains on fault.
Dust indicato r 1 Flashing becomes more frequent as the dust d ensity increases.
Off Normal operation
Slow flashing Low dust v alue
Fast flashing Medium dust va lue
Permanently on High dust value
FDA241 only
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Fire Safety 2015-09-29
Structure and function
3.2.2 Internal indicator
The 'Normalize Flow' and 'Normalize Smoke' buttons can only be actuated using
When the housing cover [➙ 46] is open, the internal indicator is accessible. The
internal indicator performs the following functions:
Status display for airflow, smoke value, and alarm using 3 LEDs
Activate or stop normalization of the airflow using a button
Activate or stop normalization of the smoke value using a button
Reset self-retaining status displays and relay outputs using a button
Internal indicator
Flow ok The green LED flashes when the airflow is normal.
Smoke ok The green LED flashes when the smoke value is low.
Alarm The red LED flashes during an alarm.
Normalize Flow Button for activating or stopping normalization of the
Normalize Smoke Button for activating or stopping normalization of the
smoke value.
Reset Button for resetting the self-retaining status displays
and relay outputs. The current detector status is
a suitable, thin tool, e.g. a pen or a paper clip.
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Fire Safety 2015 -09-29
Structure and function
3.2.3 Interface card
The interface card in the back box is accessible once the housing cover has been
You can do the following on the interface card:
Establish the cable connection to the front display in the housing cover
Connect the external power supply for the aspirating smoke detector
Control various external functions via relays
Install communication transponder FDCC221S (accessory)
Establish a connection to a PC using the mini USB interface
The graphic below provides an overview of the connections together with the
associated symbols and labels.
Building Tec hnologies A6V10334410_h_en_ --
Fire Safety 2015-09-29
Structure and function
The connection terminals are combined in functional units.
'Smoke 4…20 mA'
'Fire 1'
'Fire 2'
Power supply
You will find details on page [➙ 64].
analog output. You will find details on p age [➙ 66].
You will find details on page [➙ 68].
relay output f or blowing out (with FDA24 1 only)
You will find details on page [➙ 68].
' relay output for dust value (with FDA24 1 only). You w ill find details on page [➙ 69].
relay output for error messages. You will find details on page [➙ 69].
relay output for Ins pect (with FDA241 only)
You will find details on page [➙ 69].
You will find details on page [➙ 70].
relay output for Fire 1
You will find details on page [➙ 70].
relay output for Fire 2
You will find details on page [➙ 70].
' relay connection w ith FDCC 221S (optional)
You will find details on page [➙ 66].
Mini USB port for connecting to a PC
You will find details on page [➙ 94].
relay output f or Prealarm
Building Tec hnologies A6V10334410_h_en_--
Fire Safety 2015 -09-29
See also
Communication transponder FDCC221S [➙ 37]
External power unit and batteries [➙ 31]
Removing and installing the housing cover when the power
supply is switched on [➙ 51]
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