FC901 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................... 4
Power Supply ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) .......................................................................................................................... 5
Serial Interf ac e Cir c uit ................................................................................................................................... 5
Status Relays ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Programming Port ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Serial LCD Annunciators ............................................................................................................................... 6
FT Series LED Driver/Annunc iators ............................................................................................................... 6
Addressable Modules (Monitor and Control) .................................................................................................. 7
Manual Stati ons ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Sounder Base ............................................................................................................................................... 7
EVENT HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................... 9
GENERAL DESIGN FE ATURES .................................................................................................................. 10
Power Limiting ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Ground Fault Det ection ............................................................................................................................... 10
Security Features ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Primary Power Supply................................................................................................................................. 12
Secondary Power Supply ............................................................................................................................ 12
Auxiliary Power Outputs .............................................................................................................................. 12
Status Relays ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Serial Interf ac e Cir c uit ................................................................................................................................. 13
City Tie Circuits........................................................................................................................................... 13
Lamp Test .................................................................................................................................................. 18
History ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Power Supply Mounting .............................................................................................................................. 27
Optional City Ti e Mounting .......................................................................................................................... 30
Main Board Assembly Installation................................................................................................................ 31
SYSTEM WIRING ......................................................................................................................................... 32
AC Connection............................................................................................................................................ 32
Power Supply and Battery Wiring ................................................................................................................ 36
Status Relays ............................................................................................................................................. 37
Auxiliary Power Outputs Wiring ................................................................................................................... 37
Serial Interf ac e Cir c uit ................................................................................................................................. 39
Serial Remote Device Wiring Overview ....................................................................................................... 40
SLC Addressable Devi c e Cir c uit ................................................................................................................. 41
GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 46
QUICK TEST ................................................................................................................................................ 47
APPENDIX-A: REFERENCE DATA ............................................................................................................. 49
Global ASA ................................................................................................................................................. 54
A. General .................................................................................................................................................. 55
B. System Events ....................................................................................................................................... 55
APPENDIX-H: OUTPUT FEATURES ........................................................................................................... 63
Output Activation- and Deactivation- Delays ................................................................................................ 63
APPENDIX-I: PAS / PRE-SIGNAL ............................................................................................................... 64
PAS ............................................................................................................................................................ 64
APPENDIX-L: GLOSSAR Y .......................................................................................................................... 73
This product incorporates field-programmabl e software. In ord er for the prod uct t o comply with th e requ i rements in the
Program Feature or Option
Possible Settings
Settings Permitted in UL 864
Supervision/Trouble Resound
Not enabled
DACT Phone Line Settings
Disable 1 phone line
Enable both phone line connections
CO Events
Alarm or Supervisory
This control panel may not show an alarm condition without compatible initiating dev ices
(smoke detectors, etc.) and notification devices (horn, strobes, etc.) connected to it. Electrical
ratings of the initiation and notification appliances must be compatible with the electrical ratings
of the control panel and must be properly interconnected. The wiring used for interconnection
must be large enough to carry the total current for all appliances without excessive voltage
The control panel must be connected to a dedicated primary electrical source that has a high
degree of reliability and adequate capacity for this control panel. The only means of
disconnecting this power source shall be available only to authorized personnel and clearly
marked "Fire Alarm Circuit Control".
The control panel must also have connected to a battery set (24V) that has enough capacity to
properly operate the system for 24 hours standby and 5 minutes alarm per UL864 9th edition
(section 63.2.3 and 63.2.5) . These batteries do lose capacity with age. Batteries must be
replaced when they fail to provide the control panel with the required standby and alarm power
or after 4 years, whichever happens first. These batteries must be checked for performance at
least two (2) times a year or more often if local requirements dictate.
Even though this control panel was made to last for the expected life of the fire alarm system,
any part could fail at any time. Therefore a regular test program should be followed and
documented to make sure that each part of the system i s tested as in Chapter 7 of NFPA 72 or
more often if dictated by local code requirements. Malfunctioning units must be replaced or
repaired immediately by factory author ized service personne l.
This control panel is designed to show an alarm condition when the initiating devices
connected to it detect sp ecific conditions. These conditions may or may not represent a lifethreatening condit io n. Also , evacu at ion of a building or area unnecessaril y may sub ject
individuals to an unn ecessary hazard. Therefore, it is most import ant that the bui lding owne r ,
manager, or represen t at ive promulgate, distribute, and/o r po st instructions describing st eps
to be taken when the fire alarm cont rol panel signals an alarm condition. These instructions
should be developed in cooperation and conformance with representat ives of the local
authorit y ha v in g jurisdiction.
As a precautionary measure, it is strongly sugg ested that one of these steps should be to
notify the local fire dep art ment of an abnormal condition even where th e DACT option (or
similar device) is included in the system.
Standard for Cont rol Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm S ystems, U L 864, certain progr am mi ng featur es or op t ions must be
limited to specific values or not used at all as indicated below.
0-30 hours
1-24 hours
Along with the use of this instruction manual, the appropriate following standards and the
manufacturer's instructions for initiating and notification devices should be used to install and
maintain a functioning fire alarm signaling system.
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code
For other standards that may apply contact the authority having jurisdiction.
For NFPA publications, contact:
National Fire Protection Association
Batterymarch Park
Quincy, Massachusetts 02269
1. This equipment compli es with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by
the ACTA. On bottom of this equipment is a label that contains, among other i nformation, a
product identifier of [US:02XAL00BFCM901]. If requested, this number must be provided to
the telephone company.
2. If this equipment FC901 causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will
notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if
advance notice isn’t practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as
possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you
believe it is necessary.
3. The telephone company may make changes in this facilities, equipment, operations or
procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens the telephone
company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modification to
maintain uninterrupted service.
4. If you experience trouble with this equipment, you disconnect it from the network until the
problem has been corrected or until you are sure that the equipment is not malfunctioning.
5. Please follow instructions for repairing if any (e.g. battery replacement section); otherwise
do not alternate or repair any parts of device except specified.
6. Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility
commission public service commi ssion or corporation commission for information.
7. If the telephone company requests information on what equipment is connected to their
lines, inform them of:
a) The telephone number that this unit is connected to,
b) The ringer equivalence number [0.0B]
c) The USOC jack required [RJ11C], and
d) The FCC Registration Number [US:02XAL00BFCM901]
Items (b) and (d) are indicated on the label. The ringer equivalence number (REN) is used
to determine how many devices can be connected to your telephone line. In most areas,
the sum of the RENs of all devices on any one line should not exceed five (5.0). If too
many devices are attached, they may not ring properly.
Service Requirements
In the event of equipment malfunction, all repairs should be performed by our Company or an
authorized agent. It is the responsibility of users requiring service to report the need for service
to our Company or to one of our authorized agents. Service can be facilitated through our
office at:
The FC901 is a compact but powerful standalone fire alarm control panel. It features advanced
addressable fire detection, keypad and offline programming, notification circuits, a 160 by 64
dots LCD display and event history retention capability. It’s typical configuration includes a
power supply, a signaling addressable device circuit, two notification appliance circuits (NAC),
Digital Alarm Communication Transmi tter (DACT), four system status relays and a USB
programming port.
All the components of the FC901 control panel are mounted in an 18.1" x 16.5" enclosure. The
FC901 has only one electronic main board which integrates most functional parts together (the
CPU board is mounted to main board before delivery), including DACT, System Display,
signaling line circuit, NAC, serial interface circ uits, system sta t us relays, programming port and
battery charging circuit. The main board is mounted on the supporting frame, and it provides
the connections for external field wiring. An optional city tie module can be mounted on the
backside of the main board. The power supply is located under the main board and supporting
The FC901 supports English and Spanish operation menu for user selection. When the tool
language changes from English to Spanish, it is recommended, but not necessary, to create a
new Spanish configuration and upload it to the panel.
The FC901 features one LCD screen which is used to indicate the spec ific indicati ons for
system events while LEDs indicate general panel status.
FC901 supports surface mounting and semi-flush mounti ng. Semi-flush mounting kits are
available for the enclosure.
System status information is provided by a 160 by 64 dots (7 by 26 characters), back lit LCD
and by discrete LED indicators for major control panel functions.
The LCD is used to display event data, including alarms and troubles conditions, zone or
device custom identification of messages, and a log of the system event history. A back light is
included in the display to assure visibility in low light. To conserve power, the back light is only
activated during a reported event or on operation of a display control button.
Individual LEDs on the panel are provided to indicate ALARM, SUPERVISORY, TROUBLE,
push-button controls are provided for SILENCE, UNSILENCE, ACKNOWLEDGE, MENU, OK,
CANCEL, RESET and a four-way button for menu navigation.
Power Supply
A 26V (nominal) power supply provides all operating power to the control panel for both
standby and alarm conditions. Sufficient battery charging capability is available to charge 1218 AH sealed lead-acid batteries within code requirements for up to 24 hours of normal
standby operation plus 5 minutes of alarm operation. The battery will be automatically
disconnected at low battery voltage to prevent deep discharge and battery damage.
Signaling Line Circuit (SLC)
The FC901 fire alarm control panel provides a signaling line circuit with the capacity of 50
addressable devices.
Notificati on A ppliance Circuits
The FC901 control panel has two independent notification appliance circuit (NACs). It can be
configured as two Class B (Style Y) NACs or one Class A (Style Z) NAC. Each circuit can be
selected to give continuous output or one of five sounding patte rns. There is also a system
coder capable of zone operation. All of the NACs are power limited and support
synchronization of listed devices using the Siemens sync protocol.
Serial Inter face Circuit (UFP)
The FC901 control panel has a Serial Interface Circuit (UFP) that will drive up to 8 dev ices, eg.
remote LCD annunciators, remote LED driver/tabular annunciator or remote printer module.
Status Relays
Four relays with dry contacts are provided. Three relays are dedicated to alarm, supervisory,
and trouble conditions on the panel. The remaining relay is programmable. The relay contacts
are Form C and are rated for 2A@30VDC resistive.
Programmi ng P ort
A USB standard type B plug is provided for temporary connection to a computer for panel
programming and firmware download when using the FXS901-U3 System Configurat ion Tool.
The Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter (DACT) is integrated on the FC901 main board
and it will send control panel status information to a central or remote receiving station through
the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
City Tie Module (FCI2020-U1)
The city tie module provides local energy and polarity reversal connections. The polarity
reversal connections provide a trouble circuit and an alarm circuit with optional trouble output.
The city tie board mounts onto the main board.
Battery Sets
The FC901 control p anel is designed to use only rechargeable sealed lead-acid batteries for
back-up power. Maximum battery charging capacity for the FC901 is 18AH.
Remote Printer Module (FCA 2018-U1)
The Model FCA2018-U1 is a Universal Fire Protocol module that interfaces to a parallel
printer. It must be located where the re is access to the fire system serial interface circuit
network. Up to 2 FCA2018-U1 may be addressed by the communication circuit.
The Model FCA2018-U1 is required whenever a logging printer is needed. It translates the
serial interface circuit messages into a standard printer interface. When the PAL-1 is used with
the RPM (FCA2018-U1), the RPM supervises the printer for on/off line, power on, paper out,
paper jam, and wiring fault conditions, as required by Underwriters Laboratories for NFPA 72
proprietary systems.
Note: For printer connection, wiring between the RPM and printer must be in conduit
within 6 feet and in the same room as the panel.
Serial LCD Annunciators
The FSD901 Serial L CD Annunciator consists of a backlit 160 by 64 dot (7 by 26 characters)
LCD display, acknowledge, silence, unsilence, and reset buttons, a four-way button for event
navigation, seven system status LED indicators and a security key switch. To prevent
unauthorized system operation, the control buttons are only enabled when the key switch is
activated. The display and controls of the FSD901 are the same as those on the front of the
control panel. The backlight activates only upon active button press or when events are
present in the system to conserve power.
FT Series LED D river/Annunci ators
The FT Series LED driver/annunciator includes three options. The FT2007-U1 is an LED
driver for use in graphic annunciators. The FT2008-U1/R1 is a 16-zone LED annunciator with
seven system status LED’s. The FT2008-U1/R1 also includes buttons for Acknowledge,
Signal Silence/Unsilence, Reset, and Lamp Test. Key switch lockout is provided for additional
security. The FT2009-U1/R1 includes an additional 16 zones for a total of 32 individual ly
programmable zones.
Up to 8 annunciators may be addressed by the communication circuit. Each annunciator
requires connection to the Serial Interface circuit on the mainboard, and 24VDC power.
Smoke Detector
The control panel processor sends the sensitivity settings to the detectors and polls the
detectors for their status. The detector determines normal, trouble and alarm conditions and
communicates the conditions to the control panel.
Variable Thresholds - The detectors can be set to operate in various pre-programmed profiles,
depending on the environment where the detectors are used.
Operator Alerts - The control panel can indicate a trouble event automatically on the
occurrence of a number of conditions of the detector. The supported conditions include:
Channel Active
Unconfigured Device
Device Type Mismatch
Device Communication Trouble
Address Invalid
Address Unspecified
Multiple Device Response
Parameter Error
Device Type Unknown
Fatal Fault
General Trouble
Heat Detectors
Addressable heat sensing detectors may be intermixed on the circuit for locations where heat
sensing may be the most effective detection method. The heat detectors may be programmed
for rate of rise operation or fixed temperature.
Addressabl e Modules (Moni tor and Control)
In addition to detectors, the circuit can communicate with addressable monitor and control
modules. Monitor modules allow remote contact closure initiating devices to generate event
conditions on the system. Control modules provide the system remote relay outputs or
notification appliance circuits
Manual Stati ons
Addressable manual stations may be intermixed on the circuit with proper response
programmed into the control panel.
Sounder Base
The ABHW-4B and ABHW-4S are the intelligent supervised audible based which provides 6
selectable tone patterns, 2 volume levels and 2 different power types for alarm.
The 6 tone patterns supported by the ABHW-4B and ABHW-4S are: Steady, Temporal 3,
Temporal 4, Temporal 4 low power, March time 120 and Canadian March time 30.
When the audible base ABHW-4B and ABHW-4S i s used with Global ASA/FD182UL detectors,
it can be programmed to 2 output channels, and up to 6 tone patterns can be selected using
the system configuration tool. When users need to disable the audible base , they will need to
select the “disable audible base” option.
When the audible base ABHW-4B and ABHW-4S is used with H/8700 series detectors, it can
be programmed to 1 output channel, and only 2 tone patterns (steady, temporal 3) can be
selected using the system configuration tool. When users need to disable the audible base,
they will need to select the “disable outputs” option.
Note: When users need to dis ab le the ABHW-4B and ABHW-4S audible bases connected to
the entire loop consisting of H/8700 series and Global ASA/FD182 detectors, they will need to
select both the “dis ab le outputs” and “d isable audib le base” options.
There are two methods for powering the audible base during alarm. They are “Loop powered”
and “External powered” which can be configured by the system configuration tool. The ABHW4B can be powered by loop power and exter nal power, the ABHW-4S can only be powered by
external power.
For additional information please refer to installation manual of ABHW-4B (A6V10405587) and
ABHW-4S (A6V10405588).
Note: * When using external power source, the power supply unit must be UL Listed for fire
use only, Power Limited and rated 19-28 VDC.
* Audible signals are synchronized on zone basis.
Programming SLC Devices
SLC devices can be assigned the ir electronic address and be tested by using the DPU Device
Programmer/Loop Tester.
The control panel includes a non-volatile memory recording 1000 system events. Identified
alarm, trouble, supervisory,status and other significant events will be recorded along with the
date and time of occurrence. The history event log can be viewed at the main system display
by operating menu controls from the panel. The history event log can also be transferred from
the panel to a computer using the FXS901-U3 system configuration tool.
Events recorded in the history are:
Alarm, trouble, supervisory and status conditions
Alarm silence/unsilence (Manual)
System reset
User level login/logout
Start and stop of quick test
Expiration of quick test Timer
Trouble/supervisory reminder
Trouble/supervisory restored to normal
The FC901 panels and subassemblies are suitable for use in a dry, indoor or protected
Power Limiting
The AC power connection, battery wiring and four system status relays are not power limited.
All other circuits leaving the control panel meet the requirements for power limited circuits
when installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code and local requirements.
Ground Fault Detection
The control panel provides system ground fault detection. Main board ground fault event is
annunciated as a trouble condition on the system. In addition, the addressable circuit and
serial interface circuit have their own ground detection circuitry and indicator.
The notification appliance circuits are controlled by the system microprocessor in accordance
with the site specific system configuration.
The notification appliance circuits can operate audible and visual notification appliances. Each
NAC can provide any of five software-generated codes or continuous operation to audible
notification appliances. Also, each NAC supports synchronization of visual notification
Sil ence Inhibit - The control panel may be programmed to inhibit silence for up to four minutes
from the first alarm.
All of the NACs are power limited.
Security Fea t ures
Multi-level password protection of programming functions prevents unauthorized configuration
Device type supervision: If the device type identifier reported by an addressable detector or
module does not agree with the configuration, the system reports a trouble condition.
Device address supervision: The system checks that all configured devices on the addressable
device circuit respond to an address poll. The system reports a trouble condition if the
following conditions are detected:
Configured device is missing.
Unconfigured device is instal led.
Two devices are programmed with the same address.
Signaling line circuit experiences a wire-to-wire short.
Signaling line circuit experiences an earth ground condition.
The FC901 control panel meets the requirements of industry and government regulatory
agencies as noted.
Underwrite r s Laboratories
The FC901 control panel is listed under UL Standard 864 for compliance to NFPA Standard 72
for fire service.
Federal Comm unications C om m ission
The DACT meets the Class A requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR 47), Part
15 for electromagnetic field emissions. The DACT also meets the requirements of the Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR 47), Part 68, for connection of equipment to the public switched
telephone network.
Operating specifications for the FC901 are as follows:
Operating temperature - 32 - 120°F (0 - 49°C)
Relative humidity - Up to 93% @ 90°F (32°C)
To be installed in a indoor dry protected environment only
Primary Power Supply
Input: 120VAC, 60Hz or 240VAC, 50Hz
@ 2.0A Max.
Output: 26VDC @ 6.5A Max.
Max current: 6.5A (2 hours Max.)
Filtered and Regulated
Non-resettable power output
Power limited
Alarm status: 0.75A
Normal stand by: 0.05A
Voltage: 19 to 28VDC
Ripple: 0.1VAC
Special Application
Resettable power output
Power limited
Alarm status: 0.75A
Normal stand by: 0.05A
Voltage: 19 to 28VDC
Ripple: 0.1VAC
Special Application
Status Relays
Non-power limited
One programmable relay
Three non-programmable relays: Trouble, Supervisory, Alarm
Contact rating: 2A, 30VDC maximum
For m C contact
Notificati on A ppliance Circuits
Power limited
Current Draw Maximum Line Resistance
2.5A 3.2Ω
2.0A 4.0Ω
1.5A 5.3Ω
1.0A 8.0Ω
0.5A 16.0Ω
Alarm voltage: 16 to 32VDC
Maximum ripple: 0.1VAC
Used for special application only
Two Style Y/Class B or one Style Z/Class A
Total Max. Current: 2.5A
Serial Inter face Circuit (UFP)
Power limited
Maximum wire loop resistance: 50Ω total
Physical layer: RS485
SLC Addressable Devi ce C ircuits
32 VDC Max
Power limited
Max. current: 0.07A(RMS)
Maximum wire loop resistance: 50Ω
Two Style 4 Class B or one Style 6 Class A circuit
Max. 50 addressable devices
City Tie Circuits
Supply Input:
Voltage: 26VDC
Device Module
18 – 28VDC for battery
Current: Max. 0.4A
City Tie-Output 1
Normal output voltage: 19-28VDC (open circuit condition)
Supervisory current: 1mA
Maximum trip current: 400mA
Maximum coil plus wire resistance: 22.5Ω
Leased line-Output 1
Normal output voltage: 19-28VDC (open circuit condition)
Trouble output voltage: 0V
Alarm output voltage: -(19-28)VDC (open circuit condition)
Maxi mu m wi re resistance: 2-5KΩ
Maximum short circuit current: 25mA
Leased line-Output 2
Normal output voltage: 19-28VDC (open circuit condition)
Supervisory output voltage: -(19-28)VDC (open circuit condition)
Maxi mu m wi re resistance: 2-5KΩ
Maximum short circuit current: 25mA
DACT Circuits
Power limited
Supervised for short or open circuit conditions
Compliance to FCC part 68
Support RJ31X connection
Compatible Digital Alarm Communication Receiver (DACR) list,
– To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger telecommuni cation line cord.
Only to a loop start telephone circuit and not to a ground start telephone circuit.
To verify the integrity of the call forwarding feature every 24 hours.
Standby Condition
In normal standby oper ation, the green AC POWER ON LED should be illuminated and no
other indicator operating. The display will show the system label and the current time.
Alarm Condi tions
When the system detects an alarm condition, the alarm LED activates (ON – flashing) and the
local panel buzzer activates in a specific pattern to indicate an alarm condition. Programmed
system outputs, including audible and visual notification appliances, relays activate, and the
LCD display indicates the zone or point initiating the alarm.
Upon receipt of an alarm, building occupants should proceed in accordance with the
established emergency response plan. System responders should assure that all personnel
are accounted for, and notify the Fire Department.
Operating the ACKNOWLEDGE button will silence the local panel buzzer and change the LED
alarm indicator from flashing to steady. The LCD display will indicate that the active events
have been acknowledged.
To silence the audible and/or visual notification appliances (where permitted by the codes and
control panel programming), press ALARM SILENCE. The notification appliances will be deactivated, and the alarm silence LED will be off.
POSITIVE Alarm Sequence (PAS)
Activation of an initiating device in an input group programmed for PAS activates the Alarm
LED, LCD display, and the local panel buzzer. System and user-programmed outputs do not
activate imm ediately.
Operation of the ACKNOWLEDGE button within 15 seconds of the activation of the initiating
devices will delay activation of system and user-programmed outputs between 60 and 180
seconds(selected during system configuration) for the purpose of investigating the alarm. If the
ACKNOWLEDGE button is not operated within 15 seconds, the system and user-programmed
outputs activate at the expiration of the 15 second delay.
If the initiating device and the panel are reset before the programmed delay expires, the alarm
sequence is aborted.
During the investigation period, an alarm condition on a detector programmed for direct alarm
response (such as the key switch on a manual station) will override the programmed delay and
activate the additional user-programmed outputs immediately. User can configure Manned
status of FACP to enable/disable PAS feature. FACP will not perform PAS feature in
Unmanned status. After logged in as L2/L3 user, user can select Unmanned item in operate
menu to enter Unmanned status and bypass all on-going PAS alarms.
Activation of an initiating device in an input group programmed for PRE-SIGNAL, activates the
Alarm LED, LCD display, and the local panel buzzer. System and user-programmed outputs
activate imm ediately except NAC.
The delay of activation of user-programmed outputs can be programmed from 60 to 180
seconds. If the system is not reset during this period, the NAC outputs will activate.
During the delay period, an alarm condition on a detector programmed for direct alarm
response (such as the key switch on a manual station) will override the programmed delay and
activate the user-programmed NACs immediately.
Do not reset the system until the alarm condition has been cleared. Th e LCD displ ay will
indicate the area in which the alarm w as detect ed. The detector or module associated with the
device initiating the alarm will display a light indicating activation (if applicable).
When the alarm condition has been corrected, return the system to standby operation by
pressing the RESET button.
Trouble Conditions
When the system detects a trouble condition, the trouble LED will be flashing, the LCD
displays trouble events and the local panel buzzer activates in specific pattern that
distinguishes the event from an alarm event. Refer to the applicable section of the system
manual to determine the probable cause of the trouble and the action to be taken.
Operating the ACKNOWLEDGE button will silence the local panel buzzer and change the LED
trouble indicator from flashing to steady. The LCD display will indicate that the active events
have been acknowledged.
If the panel is configured for Supervisory/Trouble Resound Reminder, and the trouble condition
is not corrected the local panel buzzer will re-activate when the reminder timer has relapsed to
remind users of the trouble condition.
If the FC901 is configured as “Trouble self restoring”, the system shall return to the “system
normal” status if the trouble condition is restored, unless there are additional events on the
system. If the FC901 is not configured as “Trouble self restoring”, the system reverts to
standby condition only after the RESET button is pressed.
Supervisor y Conditions
When the system detects a supervisory condition, the supervisory LED will be flashing, the
LCD display supervisory events, and the local panel buzzer activates in a specific pattern that
distinguishes it from an alarm event.
Operating the ACKNOWLEDGE button will silence the local panel buzzer and change the LED
supervisory indicator from flashing to steady. The LCD display will indicate that the active
events have been acknowledged.
If the panel is configured for Supervisory/Trouble Resound Reminder, and the supervisory
condition is not corrected, the local panel buzzer will re-activate when the reminder timer has
relapsed to remind users of the supervisory condition.
If the FC901 is configured as “Supervisory self restoring”, the system shall return to the
“System Normal” status if the supervisory condition is restored unless there are additional
events on the system. If the FC901 is not configured as “Supervisory self restoring”, the
system reverts to standby condition only after the RESET button is pressed.
In addition to the basic fire alarm instructions above, several features are included to facilitate
maintenance and increase the versatility of the system. The following are pr ocedures used to
initiate these functions.
Lamp Test
When selected, Lamp Test activates LCD, the buzzer and turns on all the LEDs on the user
interface, then back to its previous state.
To initiate a Lamp Test, pr oceed as follows:
Press "MENU".
On the MENU display, select "Oper".
Select “Lamp Test “to run.
Note that lamp test operates the indicators only on the units being operated and no record is
reported to system history.
The lamp test lasts 10 seconds.From 0 to 4 seconds LCD test; From 4 to 7 seconds LEDs
test; From 7 to 10 seconds buzzers test.Operator doesn't need to turn it off manually. Lamp
test will automatically quit when it completes.
The last 1000 system events are time-tagged and recorded for review in the user level event
history. This history and all user-level functions are available to users with the door key.
Operation of history:
New events overwrite old when filled.
For more information see the Event History section.
Access to history:
To recall past events, proceed as follows:
• Press “MENU” button.
• On the “MENU” display, select “View”.
• Select “History”.
Operate up button adjacent to the LCD for previous event display.
Operate down button adjacent to the LCD for next event display.
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