Siemens FC361 Series, FC361-ZZ, FC361-ZA, FC361-YZ, FC361-YA Technical Manual

Building Technologies
Fire control panel
Technical Manual
2016-11-18 Control Products and Systems
Legal notice
Building Technologies
--_gFire safety
Legal notice
Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.
Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its contents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages. All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent are reserved.
Issued by: Siemens Switzerland Ltd. Building Technologies Division International Headquarters Gubelstrasse 22 CH-6301 Zug Tel. +41 41 724-2424
Edition: 2016-11-18 Document ID: A6V10421795_en--_g
© Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2015
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Building Technologies
--_gFire safety
Table of Contents
1 About this document ................................................................................... 7
1.1 Applicable documents ..................................................................................... 9
1.2 Download center ........................................................................................... 10
1.3 Abbreviations ................................................................................................. 10
1.4 History of changes......................................................................................... 11
2 Safety ....................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Intended use .................................................................................................. 13
2.2 Safety instructions ......................................................................................... 13
2.3 Safety regulations for the method of operation ............................................. 14
2.4 Release notes ............................................................................................... 16
2.5 Cyber security disclaimer .............................................................................. 17
3 System description ................................................................................... 18
3.1 System overview ........................................................................................... 18
3.2 Features ........................................................................................................ 19
3.3 Panel types .................................................................................................... 20
3.4 Technical data ............................................................................................... 21
3.4.1 General data .................................................................................. 21
3.4.2 Electrical data ................................................................................ 22
3.4.3 Mechanical data ............................................................................. 23
3.4.4 Environmental conditions ............................................................... 23
3.5 Structure ........................................................................................................ 24
4 Options with requirements ........................................................................ 25
5 Installation ................................................................................................ 26
5.1 Instruction ...................................................................................................... 26
5.2 Surface mounting .......................................................................................... 28
5.3 Power supply - mains voltage ....................................................................... 29
5.4 Battery ........................................................................................................... 30
5.5 Connection overview ..................................................................................... 31
5.6 C-NET detector line ....................................................................................... 32
5.6.1 Connectable C-NET devices ......................................................... 33
5.6.2 C-NET topology ............................................................................. 35
5.6.3 Wiring on C-NET devices .............................................................. 36
5.7 Sounder ......................................................................................................... 38
5.8 Inputs / outputs .............................................................................................. 39
5.9 Relay ............................................................................................................. 41
5.10 Terminals and switches ................................................................................. 42
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5.11 Accessories ................................................................................................... 44
5.11.1 Key switch (FCA3601-Z1) / Key switch (Nordic) (FCA3603-Z1) ... 44
5.11.2 Evacuation module (NL) (FTO3601-H1) ........................................ 45
5.11.3 LED indicator (16 zones) (FTO3602-Z1) ....................................... 46
5.11.4 Output card (4M) (FCA3602-Z1) .................................................... 47
5.11.5 RS232 module ............................................................................... 50
5.11.6 Event printer (Optional) .................................................................. 51
5.12 Spare Parts ................................................................................................... 52
5.12.1 Mainboard FCM3601-Z1 ................................................................ 52
5.12.2 Door incl. PMI FHD3601-Z1 .......................................................... 54
6 Function overview ...................................................................................... 55
6.1 Access levels ................................................................................................. 55
6.2 LED indicators ............................................................................................... 56
6.3 Keys ............................................................................................................... 57
6.4 LCD ............................................................................................................... 58
6.5 Operating menu overview ............................................................................. 59
6.6 Entry of numbers and letters ......................................................................... 61
6.7 Event views ................................................................................................... 62
6.7.1 Sample of Alarm view .................................................................... 62
6.7.2 Sample of Fault view...................................................................... 63
6.7.3 Sample of Isolation view ................................................................ 63
7 Operation .................................................................................................. 64
7.1 Alarm procedure in unmanned mode ............................................................ 64
7.2 Alarm procedure in manned mode ................................................................ 66
7.3 Procedure in case of fault.............................................................................. 67
7.4 Access level 1 ............................................................................................... 68
7.4.1 System status ................................................................................ 68
7.4.2 Login .............................................................................................. 69
7.4.3 Query alarm count ......................................................................... 70
7.4.4 About .............................................................................................. 70
7.5 Access level 2 ............................................................................................... 71
7.5.1 Isolation .......................................................................................... 71
7.5.2 Test ................................................................................................ 73
7.5.3 Event memory ................................................................................ 76
7.5.4 Logout ............................................................................................ 79
7.6 Access level 3 ............................................................................................... 80
7.6.1 Test log .......................................................................................... 80
8 Engineering ............................................................................................... 81
8.1 Set date & time .............................................................................................. 81
8.2 Edit zone and section name .......................................................................... 82
8.3 Change password ......................................................................................... 83
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8.4 Detector line .................................................................................................. 84
8.4.1 Restart ........................................................................................... 84
8.4.2 Power off ........................................................................................ 84
8.4.3 Read in ........................................................................................... 85
8.4.4 Maintenance .................................................................................. 86
8.4.5 Auto configuration .......................................................................... 89
8.4.6 View / Locate ................................................................................. 90
8.4.7 Reset detection module ................................................................. 92
8.5 Calibrate output card (4M) ............................................................................ 93
8.6 Reset alarm counter ...................................................................................... 94
8.7 Restore factory settings ................................................................................ 94
8.8 Configuration tools ........................................................................................ 95
8.8.1 Connect PC to panel ...................................................................... 95
9 Commissioning ......................................................................................... 96
9.1 Install and check the detector line ................................................................. 96
9.2 Install panel ................................................................................................... 97
9.3 Startup panel ................................................................................................. 97
9.4 General commissioning steps ....................................................................... 97
9.4.1 Auto configure detector line ........................................................... 97
9.4.2 Configure the system manually ..................................................... 98
9.4.3 Function test ................................................................................ 100
9.4.4 Completing work .......................................................................... 100
9.5 Set Windows firewall ................................................................................... 101
9.6 Update firmware .......................................................................................... 103
9.7 Backup configuration to PC ......................................................................... 104
9.8 Restore configuration to panel .................................................................... 104
9.9 Backup event log to PC ............................................................................... 104
9.10 Backup test report to PC ............................................................................. 105
9.11 Factory reset ............................................................................................... 105
9.12 Add output card (4M) .................................................................................. 105
10 Maintenance ............................................................................................ 106
10.1 General ........................................................................................................ 106
10.2 Preparatory work ......................................................................................... 106
10.3 Function test ................................................................................................ 107
10.4 Device test ................................................................................................... 108
10.5 Completion of work...................................................................................... 108
11 Trouble shooting ...................................................................................... 109
11.1 Fault message indication ............................................................................ 109
11.2 Panel ........................................................................................................... 109
11.3 Accessories ................................................................................................. 110
11.4 Recover short fault of detector line ............................................................. 110
12 Components and spare parts ................................................................... 111
13 Environmental protection and disposal ..................................................... 112
14 Appendix A: Alarm Verification Concept (AVC) ........................................ 113
15 Appendix B: Zone type list ....................................................................... 115
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16 Appendix C: Flash file behaviors .............................................................. 116
17 Appendix D: Default setting for panel/devices .......................................... 117
18 Appendix E: Switch mains to AC 115 V .................................................... 121
Index ................................................................................................................ 122
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About this document
Applicable documents
--_gFire safety
1 About this document
Specialist electrical engineering knowledge is required for installation.
Only an expert is permitted to carry out installation work.
Incorrect installation can take safety devices out of operation unbeknown to a layperson.
Goal and purpose
The information provided in this manual is a summary of the key procedures and functions required to assemble, install, operate, commission and maintain the system.
It is intended to provide experienced and qualified personnel a guide on the required processes.
The technical manual applies to the Cerberus FIT fire control panel FC361-xx series.
Target groups
The information in this document is intended for the following target groups:
Target group Activity Qualification
Installation personnel Assembles and installs the product
components at the place of installation.
Carries out a performance check following installation.
Commissioning personnel Configure the product at the place of
installation according to customer­specific requirements.
Check the product operability and release the product for use by the operator.
Searches for and corrects malfunctions.
Operating personnel Carries out procedures to correctly
operate the product.
Maintenance personnel Carries out all maintenance work.
Checks that the products are in perfect working order.
Searches for and corrects malfunctions.
Has received specialist training in the area of building installation technology or electrical installations.
Has obtained suitable specialist training for the function and for the products.
Has attended the training courses for commissioning personnel.
No particular basic training is needed.
Has been instructed by the commissioning personnel.
Has obtained suitable specialist training for the function and for the products.
Building Technologies
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About this document
Applicable documents
Building Technologies
--_gFire safety
Document identification
The document ID is structured as follows: A6Vxxxxxxxx_aaAA_vv A6Vxxxxxxxx_--AA_vv A6Vxxxxxxxx_aa--_vv A6Vxxxxxxxx_----_vv
ID coding
A6VxxxxxxxxSTEP-ID generated by the STEP system
_ Separator
aa Language abbreviation in accordance with ISO 639-1
AA Country abbreviation in accordance with ISO-3166-1
-- Multilingual or international
vv Document version, single or double digit: a, b, …z; aa, ab, …az;
ba, bb, …bz; etc.
Some documents have different ID that are generated by an earlier system. There are also documents with up-to date ID codes along with additional features in the designation.
ID code Examples
-- = multilingual or international
A6V10215123_deDE_a A6V10215123_en--_a A6V10315123_----_a
Date format
The date format in the document corresponds to the recommendation of international standard ISO 8601 (format YYYY-MM-DD).
Reference document and source language
The source language of this document is English (en).
The reference version of this document is the international version in English.
The international version is not localized. The reference document has the following designation: ID_en--_x x = version, en = English, -- = international
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About this document
Applicable documents
--_gFire safety
Conventions for text marking
The 'i' symbol
identifies supplementary information and tips for an easier way of
Markups Special markups are shown in this document as follows:
Requirement for a behavior instruction
Version, option, or detailed information for a behavior instruction
Intermediate result of a behavior instruction
End result of a behavior instruction
Numbered lists and behavior instructions with an operation
[➙ X] Reference to a page number
'Text' Quotation, reproduced identically
<Key> Identification of keys
> In addition to mathematical operator, for identification between
Supplementary information and tips
Behavior instruction with at least two operation sequences
steps in a sequence, e.g., 'Menu bar' > 'Help' > 'Help topics'
1.1 Applicable documents
The list below is used as a reference for the FC361-xx fire control panel and as a supplement to this document.
Number Name
008250 Operation manual FDUL221 line tester
A6V10210416 FS720 Fire Detection System, Commissioning,
Maintenance, Troubleshooting
A6V10419665 Datasheet FC361-xx fire control panel
A6V10421792 Installation FC361-xx fire control panel
A6V10421797 Operation manual FC361-xx fire control panel (short)
A6V10431009 Installation FTO3601-H1 evacuation module (NL)
A6V10431011 Installation FTO3602-Z1 LED indicator (16 zones)
A6V10431013 Installation FCA3601-Z1 / FCA3603-Z1 key switch
A6V10431015 Installation FCA3602-Z1 output card (4M)
A6V10450591 Installation FHD3601-Z1 door incl. PMI
A6V10450593 Installation FCM3601-Z1 mainboard
Building Technologies
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About this document
Download center
Building Technologies
--_gFire safety
You will also find information about search variants and links to mobile
Number Name
A6V10450595 Operation manual ‘FC360 Panel Configurator‘
A6V10882301 List of compatibility for FC361-xx fire control panel
A6V10893024 Installation FHA3602-Z1 semi flush mount bezel
1.2 Download center
You can download various types of documents, such as data sheets, installation instructions, and license texts via the following Internet address:
l Enter the document ID in the 'Find by keyword' input box.
applications (apps) for various systems on the home page.
1.3 Abbreviations
Abbreviations Explication
AVC Alarm Verification Concept
EOL End of Line
MCP Manual Call Point
PSU Power Supply Unit
PMI Person Machine Interface
EVAC Evacuation
GUI Graphical User Interface
EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility
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About this document
History of changes
--_gFire safety
1.4 History of changes
The first edition of a language version or a country variant may, for example, be
The reference document's version applies to all languages into which the reference document is translated.
version 'd' instead of 'a' if the reference document is already this version.
The table below shows this document’s history of changes:
Version Edition date Brief description
g 2016-11-18 Add information of mainboard FCM3601-Z1 and
door incl. PMI FHD3601-Z1 in chapter 5.12 and chapter 12.
Change default setting of relay 3 in chapter 5.9 and 5.5.
Add ‘Intended use’ sub-chapter in chapter 2.1. Some minor editorial changes.
f 2016-08-23 Add technical information on output card (4M)
concerning creeping open / creeping short when the output is configured as RT fault in chapter
e 2016-08-18 Add technical information on output card (4M)
concerning creeping open / creeping short in chapter 3.4.2 and 5.11.4.
d 2016-07-22 Completely update the document.
c 2016-04-08 Add RS485 / RS232 communication parameters
in chapter 5.11.5. Change name of ‘FC360 Tool’ to ‘FC360 Panel
Configurator’. Change name of ‘FC360 Editor’ to ‘FC360
Desktop Editor’. Change password of access level 3.1 in chapter
6.1. Add information of updating firmware of FT2010
/ FT2011 / FDUL221 in chapter 9.7.
b 2016-02-23 Add sticker information in chapter 5.2.
Add description to quit replace mode in chapter Add how to adjust brightness in chapter 11.2. Update information in chapter 3.4.2 and chapter
5.8 about the total output current of configurable IOs and Aux power output is max. 0.2 A.
Add access level 3.1 in chapter 6.1. Add action of P2 line overload in chapter 11.2. Add ‘Shielded cable is required.’ for RS485
application in chapter 5.11.5.
a 2015-06-08 First version
Building Technologies
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About this document
History of changes
Building Technologies
--_gFire safety
The table below shows the published language versions and country variants with the corresponding modification index:
Modification index en_-- de_-- fr_-- it_-- es_--
g X - X X X
f X - - X -
e X - - - -
d X - - X -
c X - - - -
b X - - - -
a X - - - -
X = published
- = no publication with this modification index
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Intended use
--_gFire safety
2 Safety
2.1 Intended use
The panel is intended to be mounted in a building to detect, evaluate and alarm in the event of fire, together with C-NET detector line.
2.2 Safety instructions
The safety notices must be observed in order to protect people and property. The safety notices in this document contain the following elements:
Symbol for danger
Signal word
Nature and origin of the danger
Consequences if the danger occurs
Measures or prohibitions for danger avoidance
Symbol for danger
This is the symbol for danger. It warns of risks of injury. Follow all measures identified by this symbol to avoid injury or death.
Additional danger symbols These symbols indicate general dangers, the type of danger or possible
consequences, measures and prohibitions, examples of which are shown in the following table:
General danger Explosive atmosphere
Voltage/electric shock Laser light
Battery Heat
Signal word
The signal word classifies the danger as defined in the following table:
Signal word Danger level
DANGER DANGER identifies a dangerous situation, which will result
directly in death or serious injury if you do not avoid this situation.
Building Technologies
WARNING WARNING identifies a dangerous situation, which may
result in death or serious injury if you do not avoid this situation.
CAUTION CAUTION identifies a dangerous situation, which could
result in slight to moderately serious injury if you do not avoid this situation.
result from non-observance.
identifies possible damage to property that may
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Safety regulations for the method of operation
Building Technologies
--_gFire safety
Nature and
origin of the danger
Measures / prohibitions for danger avoidance
Nature and origin of the
Measures / prohibitions for danger avoidance
Electrical voltage
How risk of injury is presented
Information about the risk of injury is shown as follows:
Consequences if the danger occurs
How possible damage to property is presented
Information about possible damage to property is shown as follows:
Consequences if the danger occurs
2.3 Safety regulations for the method of operation
National standards, regulations and legislation
Siemens products are developed and produced in compliance with the relevant European and international safety standards. Should additional national or local safety standards or legislation concerning the planning, assembly, installation, operation or disposal of the product apply at the place of operation, then these must also be taken into account together with the safety regulations in the product documentation.
Electrical installations
Electric shock
Work on electrical installations may only be carried out by qualified electricians or by instructed persons working under the guidance and supervision of a qualified electrician, in accordance with the electrotechnical
Wherever possible disconnect products from the power supply when carrying out commissioning, maintenance or repair work on them.
Lock volt-free areas to prevent them being switched back on again by mistake.
Label the connection terminals with external voltage using a
'DANGER External voltage' sign.
Route mains connections to products separately and fuse them with their own, clearly marked fuse.
Fit an easily accessible disconnecting device in accordance with IEC 60950-1 outside the installation.
Produce earthing as stated in local safety regulations.
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Safety regulations for the method of operation
--_gFire safety
Noncompliance with the following safety regulations
Compliance with the following regulations is required.
Risk of injury to persons and damage to property
Specialist electrical engineering knowledge is required for installation.
Only an expert is permitted to carry out installation work.
Incorrect installation can take safety devices out of operation unbeknown to a layperson.
Mounting, installation, commissioning and maintenance
If you require tools such as a ladder, these must be safe and must be intended for the work in hand.
When starting the fire control panel ensure that unstable conditions cannot arise.
Ensure that all points listed in the 'Testing the product operability' section below are observed.
You may only set controls to normal function when the product operability has been completely tested and the system has been handed over to the customer.
Testing the product operability
Prevent the remote transmission from triggering erroneously.
If testing building installations or activating devices from third-party companies,
you must collaborate with the people appointed.
The activation of fire control installations for test purposes must not cause injury to anyone or damage to the building installations. The following instructions must be observed:
Use the correct potential for activation; this is generally the potential of the
building installation. – Only check controls up to the interface (relay with blocking option). – Make sure that only the controls to be tested are activated.
Inform people before testing the alarm devices and allow for possible panic responses.
Inform people about any noise or mist which may be produced.
Before testing the remote transmission, inform the corresponding alarm and
fault signal receiving stations.
Modifications to the system design and the products
Modifications to the system and to individual products may lead to faults, malfunctioning and safety risks. Written confirmation must be obtained from Siemens and the corresponding safety bodies for modifications or additions.
Modules and spare parts
Components and spare parts must comply with the technical specifications defined by Siemens. Only use products specified or recommended by Siemens.
Only use fuses with the specified fuse characteristics.
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Release notes
Building Technologies
--_gFire safety
Limited or non
existent fire detection
detection installation.
Incorrect planning and/or configuration
detection installation.
Wrong battery types and improper battery changing lead to a risk of explosion. Only use the same battery type or an equivalent battery type recommended by Siemens.
Batteries must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Observe national guidelines and regulations.
Disregard of the safety regulations
Before they are delivered, Siemens products are tested to ensure they function correctly when used properly. Siemens disclaims all liability for damage or injuries caused by the incorrect application of the instructions or the disregard of danger warnings contained in the documentation. This applies in particular to the following damage:
Personal injuries or damage to property caused by improper use and incorrect application
Personal injuries or damage to property caused by disregarding safety instructions in the documentation or on the product
Personal injury or damage to property caused by poor maintenance or lack of maintenance
2.4 Release notes
Limitations to the configuration or use of devices in a fire detection installation with a particular firmware version are possible.
Personal injury and damage to property in the event of a fire.
Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection installation.
Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire
Important standards and specifications are not satisfied. Fire detection installation is not accepted for commissioning. Additional expense resulting from necessary new planning and/or configuration.
Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection installation.
Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire
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Cyber security disclaimer
--_gFire safety
2.5 Cyber security disclaimer
Products, solutions and services from Siemens include security functions to ensure the secure operation of building automation and control, fire safety, security management, and physical security systems. The security functions on these products, solutions and services are important components of a comprehensive security concept. Drafting, implementing and managing a comprehensive and up­to-date security concept, customized to individual needs, is nevertheless necessary, and may result in additional plant- or site-specific preventive measures to ensure secure operation of your site regarding building automation and control, fire safety, security management, and physical security. These measures may include, for example, separating networks, physically protecting system components, user training, multi-level defensive measures, etc. For additional information on security as part of building technology and our product, solution and service offerings, please contact your Siemens sales representative or project department. We strongly recommend to always comply with our security advisories on the latest security threats, patches and other related measures.
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System description
System overview
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--_gFire safety
3 System description
3.1 System overview
The panel is a compact panel with an integrated operating unit for processing signals from FD720 devices. See list of compatibility A6V10882301 in chapter 'Applicable documents [ 9]'.
The panel is operated as standalone control panel. The panel supports operation of the C-NET detector line in a loop or stub.
Automatic fire detectors (e.g. smoke and heat detectors), manual call points, I/O modules and other C-NET devices are connected to the C-NET detector line.
The picture below shows the FC360 system overview.
Figure 1: Overview of FC360 system
1 Fire control panel FC361-xx
2 C-NET detector line
3 Sounders, RT fire, RT fault, Fire controls, configurable IOs
4 FC360 configuration tools (i.e.,'FC360 Panel Configurator', 'FC360 Desktop
Editor') for configuration via PC
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System description
--_gFire safety
3.2 Features
Monitors detector and sounder lines
Up to 126 addresses per loop
LCD with 7 lines, max. 21 characters per line
Up to 2000 events can be stored in history log with date and time stamp
Alarm counter for up to 999 alarms
Integrated configuration tool 'FC360 Panel Configurator'
Automatic summer / winter time change
Country specific settings
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System description
Panel types
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--_gFire safety
3.3 Panel types
Overview of panels and options
FC361-ZZ FC361-ZA
batteries max. 2x 12 Ah
without LED indicator
FC361-YZ FC361-YA
batteries max. 2x 12 Ah
with LED indicator (16 zones)
batteries max. 2x 25 Ah
without LED indicator
batteries max. 2x 25 Ah
with LED indicator (16 zones)
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More options
Output card (4M)
Evacuation module (NL)
LED indicator (16 zones)
Key switch
Key switch (Nordic)
RS232 module
Ext. printer DL3750+
Output module FCA1209-Z1
Semi flush mounting bezel
System description
Technical data
--_gFire safety
3.4 Technical data
Information on approvals, CE marking, and the relevant EU directives for this device (these devices) is available in the following document(s); see chapter 'Applicable documents':
Document A6V10419665
3.4.1 General data
Detector line
Number of detector lines 1 loop or 2 stubs
Number of addresses Max. 126
Inputs / outputs
Number of sounder circuits 2
Number of relay outputs 3
Number of configurable inputs / outputs 4
RS232 module Max. 1
Ext. printer DL3750+ Max. 1
LED indicator (16 zones) Max. 1
Evacuation module (NL) Max. 1
Key switch / Key switch (Nordic) Max. 1
Output card (4M) Max. 1
Alarm counter Max. 999 alarms
Event memory Max. 2000 events
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System description
Technical data
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--_gFire safety
3.4.2 Electrical data
Rating detector line
Operating voltage DC 12…33 V
Operating current Max. 0.5 A
Line resistance / capacitance Max. 240 Ω / Max. 500 nF
Monitored for earth fault Yes
Monitored for open / short circuit Yes
Sounders on mainboard
Voltage / current DC 24 V / 0.5 A
EOL element Resistor 2.2 kΩ / 1 W / 0.5 %
AUX. power output (max.) DC 24 V / 0.2 A
Configurable IOs on mainboard
Voltage / current DC 24 V / 0.1 A
Outputs on output card (4M) FCA3602-Z1
Voltage / current DC 26 V / 1.0 A
EOL element Resistor 2.2 kΩ / 1 W / 0.5 %
Additionally for outputs on output card (4M) FCA3602-Z1 with the functionality ‘creeping open / creeping short’
Line resistance Max. 74.3 Ω
Sounder voltage Min. DC 16 V
Relay outputs on mainboard DC 60 V / 2.0 A
Power supply
Mains voltage AC 97…127 V
AC 196…253 V
Mains fuse AC 250 V / 2.5 AT
Power consumption 70 W
Max. nominal output current with battery charging, I
max a
Max. nominal output current without battery charging, I
max b
0.9 A
2.5 A
Min. output current 0.05 A
System supply voltage DC 20.5…28.6 V
Mains failure delay 1 min., 5 min., 10 min., 29 min.
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Battery low discharge cut off DC 20.5…21 V
Temperature compensation Yes
System description
Technical data
--_gFire safety
Operating time Up to 72 h
Battery capacity 2x 12 V, 7 Ah / 12 Ah / 25 Ah,
sealed lead acid
Voltage DC 20.5…28.6 V
Charging current Max. 1.6 A
Load resistance R
Each sounder has an output current of max. 0.5 A. The total output current of
both sounder lines is max. 0.5 A.
Each configurable IO on the mainboard has an output current of max. 0.1 A. The total output current of configurable IOs and aux. power output is max. 0.2 A.
Each output on the output card (4M) has an output current of max. 1.0 A. The total output current of output card (4M) is max. 2.0 A.
3.4.3 Mechanical data
Terminals 0.2…2.5 mm
Dimensions (W x H x D) 402 x 372 x 132 mm 402 x 372 x 211 mm
Weight (without batteries) 5.24 kg 6.44 kg
- Housing, Cover RAL Design 000 50 00
Max. 1 Ω
FC361-ZZ / FC361-YZ FC361-ZA / FC361-YA
Building Technologies
3.4.4 Environmental conditions
Operating temperature -5…+40 °C
Storage temperature -20…+60 °C
Air humidity (no condensation permitted) 95 % rel.
Protection category (IEC 60529) IP30
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ystem description
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--_gFire safety
3.5 Structure
The figure below shows the structure of the panel with open front cover.
Figure 2: Structure of FC360 panel
1 Power supply
2 Batteries
3 Mainboard
4 Optional output card (4M)
5 RS232 module
6 PMI board
7 Space for options (e.g. Evacuation module (NL), LED indicator (16 zones),
key switch)
8 Mains fuse holder
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Options with requirements
--_gFire safety
4 Options with requirements
RT device confirmation signal;
The following options with requirements as defined in EN 54-2/A1 are available. The table below explains how to realize these options in the panel. The relevant sections according to EN 54-2/A1 are specified in the left column of
the table.
EN 54-2 Options with requirements
7.8 Output C to fire alarm devices according to EN 54-1
Function in FC361-xx
Installation Configuration 1 / Operation Chapter
Monitored output
Sounder control 5 Sounder lines C-NET devices
7.9.1 Output E to fire alarm routing equipment
Monitored output card (4M)
RT fire 5.11.4
according to EN 54-1
7.9.2 Alarm confirmation input from fire alarm routing equipment
LED fire brigade activated via input
7.10.1 Outputs G to fire protection equipment according to EN 54-1
Monitored output card (4M)
Fire output 5.11.4
7.11 Delays to outputs - Alarm Verification Concept;
'Manned' / 'Unmanned'
7.12.1 Dependencies on more than one alarm signal, type A dependency
- Type A inhibit time 30…60 sec.
Reset of the first alarm after 90 sec.
7.13 Alarm counter - Alarm counter -
6 7
8.3 Fault signals from points - RT fault 5.11.4
8.8 Output to fault warning routing
Relay 2 RT fault 5.5
8.9 Output J to fault warning routing equipment
Monitored output card (4M)
RT fault 5.11.4
according to EN 54-1
9.5 Disablement of addressable points - Disable -
10 Test condition - Test -
You will find more information about configuration in document A6V10450595.
Building Technologies
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--_gFire safety
system is de
5 Installation
5.1 Instruction
Electric shock
Installation work may only be undertaken by qualified staff and when the
Damage to electronics
Suitable protective measures must be taken when working with electronics
Specialist electrical engineering knowledge is required for installation.
Only an expert is permitted to carry out installation work.
Incorrect installation can take safety devices out of operation unbeknown to a layperson.
The installation must comply with all applicable national and local regulations.
The panel must be installed in a dry, clean and well vented room.
The panel and its components must be protected against dampness and
interfering external influences such as dust, great temperature fluctuations and mechanical stress.
The panel must be installed in a place freely accessible to authorized staff and the emergency services.
The panel must be fitted to a level, non-vibrating wall surface with load bearing capacity using suitable mounting materials (e.g. screws and plugs).
The installation surface and selected wall must be suitable for the weight of the panel including the batteries used.
Installation is not permitted in rooms with high levels of electromagnetic interference, e.g. in control rooms or right next to power cables and inductive loads.
Mounting options
There are two options for mounting the panel:
Surface mounting [➙ 28]
Semi flush mounting, refer to document A6V10893024, see chapter 'Applicable
documents [ 9]'
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--_gFire safety
Figure 3: Mounting the panel
1 Recommended display height approx. 1.6 to 1.7 m
2 Panel width: 402 mm
3 Distance from door of at least one door leaf in width
4 Panel height: 372 mm
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Building Technologies
Surface mounting
--_gFire safety
5.2 Surface mounting
1. Define the mounting location.
2. Open the door of the panel using a screw driver.
3. Break out the required cable entries (A).
Screw cable glands (B) for all open entries. The cable glands are not
The mains cable must be fed into housing on the right from above. Signal
and control cables can be fed into housing through the remaining entries.
4. Mark position of mounting holes (D) on the wall.
5. Drill the holes and insert rawl plugs (not included).
6. Attach and fasten the panel using screws (Ø 5 mm, not included).
7. Stick the supplied aluminum stickers over all holes for wall mounting.
8. Optional: Mounting accessories (C). See 'Accessories [ 44]'.
9. Switch off the mains supply AC 230 V and connect the mains cable. See 'Power supply - mains voltage [ 29]'.
10. Connect signal and control cable (detector lines, sounder lines, inputs/outputs and relays). See 'C-NET detector line [ 32]', 'Sounder [ 38]', 'Inputs /outputs [ 39]', 'Relay [ 41]'.
11. Switch on mains supply AC 230 V.
12. Connect batteries. See 'Battery [ 30]'.
a The panel is ready for commissioning. See 'Commissioning [ 96]'.
13. Test the functionality of the panel.
14. Close the door of the panel.
a Handover the system to the customer.
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Figure 4: Details of mounting
A Cable entries
Cable glands
C Accessories
D Mounting holes
Power supply
mains voltage
--_gFire safety
5.3 Power supply - mains voltage
Electrical voltage!
Electric shock Before connecting the mains voltage ensure that power is not switched on and is
locked to prevent it from being switched on.
1. Insert the mains cable (1) into the housing from the top right side. Use mains cable with cross section of 3*1.5 mm2 up to 3*2.5 mm2.
2. Insulate the mains cable (1) as needed and connect to the mains fuse holder (4).
3. Secure the cable with a cable tie.
Figure 5: Connection of power supply
1 Mains cable
2 Boundary of mains zone
3 Safety zone (no 230 V power permitted)
4 Mains fuse holder
5 Ground terminal
Building Technologies
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--_gFire safety
Error during configuration detection
discharged batteries may be unable to correctly recharge. Replace batteries
The fire control panel is approved with the batteries listed above, use only
5.4 Battery
When the AC mains voltage fails, the emergency power supply will be provided by the connected batteries with no interruption. The emergency power bridging time is based on the control panels quiescent and alarm current as well as battery capacity.
Additional effort for troubleshooting
Only connect the battery connection cables (1) once all installation work is
Figure 6: Connection of batteries
Emergency power bridging time
National and local regulations may require a bridging time of up to 72 hours for the emergency power supply. Use the 'FX3610 Cerberus FIT Quantities tool' to calculate the required battery capacity.
that have been fully discharged.
Determining battery type
Determine the battery type based on the calculated battery capacity (see table).
Designation Type Capacity Order number
Battery (12 V, 7 Ah, VdS) FA2003-A1 7 Ah A5Q00019353
Battery (12 V, 12 Ah, VdS) FA2004-A1 12 Ah A5Q00019354
Battery (12 V, 25 Ah, VdS) BAT12-25 25 Ah S54302-Z102-A1
Two batteries must be connected in series to achieve the system voltage of 24 V.
Batteries are not supplied with the panels and must be ordered separately.
Battery capacity determines charging current. The charging current must be
taken into account when calculating the power supply.
Battery dimensions determines the housing type.
Siemens provided batteries.
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