2016-04-20 Control Products and Systems
FT2040 / FC2020 / FC2030
FC2040 / FC2060
Fire terminal
Terminal d'exploitation incendie
Terminal de incendio
Terminale di com ando
Brandmeldezent rale
Fire control panel
Équipement de contrôle et signalisation
Unidad de control de detección de incendios
Centrale rivelazione incendio

Building Technologies 009197_h_--_--
Fire Safety 2016-04- 20
FT2040 FC2020 FC2020 / FC2040

Building Technologies 009197_h_--_-Fire Safety 2016-04- 20
Safety notes
Danger of damage to persons and
Please adhere to the following safety
l The installation is intended for stationary mounting
and dry rooms only.
l Work on electri cal installations must always be
performed by a qualified and authorized electrician
l All feed lines must be inserted from the top or
through the rear panel.
l The enclosed batteries may only be install ed in the
housing by an authorized service technician.
l If the station is mounted on a flammable wall, all
cut-out sections for the mounting holes must be
sealed using the supplied aluminum patch tabs.
Mounting notes
l Any unevenness of the mounti ng surface
exceeding 5 mm must be equalized.
l Wall mounting is done with screws Ø 6 mm
(enclosed in the delivery).
l Rectangular cable entries must be provided with
edge protecti on stri ps.
l At maximum 8 cables can be i nserted per round
cable entry (20 mm wit h rubber grommet).
l Only one cable may be inserted through each
screwed cable gland (not included in the scope of
The operating unit and components must
always be assembled by an authorized
service technician.
1. Break out the desired cable entries (2), (3) or (4) on
the housing.
2. Mark the drillings (1) for the dowel holes by means
of the enclosed template.
3. Dril
l the holes and place the dowels (encl osed i n the
4. Fix the housing wit h the screws (enclosed in the
5. Stick the supplied aluminum patch tabs over all cut-
out sections for the mounting holes.
Cables must always be inserted and
connected by a qualified service technician.
6. Protect the electronic parts with the package cover
or other suitable means.
Reference docu ments
Documentati on relating to further work sequences,
Document ID: 008851 Installation