Induction Motors/
Storage Recommendations
ANIM-03114 (03/02)
(Supersedes all previous issues)
©2002 Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
Safety Procedures……………………………………………… 2
Introduction……………………………………………………… 3
Indoor Storage (Up to 5 Years)
Wholly Controlled Atmosphere………………………………... 4
Partially Controlled Atmosphere………………………………. 4
Outdoor Storage (Up to 5 Years)
Inland Dry Climate……………………………………………….. 5
Inland Humid Climate……………………………………………. 6
Salty and Industrial Atmosphere……………………………… 7
Preparation For Storage…………………………………………… 8
Maintenance During Storage……………………………………… 10
Preparation For Service…………………………………………… 12
Note - These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every
possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further
information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the user’s
purposes, the matter should be referred to the local Siemens Sales Office. The contents of this instruction
manual shall not become part of or modify any prior or existing agreement, commitment or relationship. The
sales contract contains the entire obligation of Siemens. The warranty contained in the contract between the
parties is the sole warranty of Siemens. Any statements contained herein do not create new warranties or modify
the existing warranty.
Siemens machines are built in accordance with the latest applicable revision of the National Electric Code,
Underwriters Laboratories Standards and Procedures, and NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association)
Standards. These publications and this instruction manual should be thoroughly read and understood prior to
beginning any work on this equipment.
The information contained within is intended to assist operating personnel by providing information on the general
characteristics of the purchased equipment. It does not relieve the user of the responsibility of using accepted
engineering practices in the installation, operation and maintenance of this equipment.
Should a conflict arise between the general information in this manual and the contents of the drawings and
supplementary material, the latter shall take precedence.
- 1 -

Safety Procedures
This equipment contains hazardous voltages. Death,
serious personal injury or property damage can result
if safety instructions are not followed.
The successful and safe operation of motors and
generators is dependent upon proper handling,
installation, operation and maintenance, as well as
upon proper design and manufacture. Failure to
follow certain fundamental installation and
maintenance requirements may lead to personal injury
and the failure and loss of the motor as well as
damage to other property.
Only qualified personnel should work on or around
this equipment after becoming thoroughly familiar with
all warnings, safety notices and maintenance
procedures contained herein. Only qualified
personnel should be involved in the inspection,
maintenance and repair procedure and all plant safety
procedures must be observed.
Qualified Person: For the purpose of this manual
and product labels, a Qualified person is one who is
familiar with the installation, construction and
operation of the equipment, and the hazards involved.
In addition, he or she has the following qualifications:
a. Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize,
clear, ground and tag circuits and equipment in
accordance with established safety practices.
b. Is trained in the proper care and use of protective
equipment, such as rubber gloves, hard hat,
safety glasses, face shields, flash clothing, etc., in
accordance with established safety practices.
c. Is trained in rendering first aid.
Danger: For the purpose of this manual and product
labels, Danger indicates an imminently hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.
Warning: For the purpose of this manual and product
labels, Warning indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury.
Caution: For the purpose of this manual and product
labels, Caution indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury. It is also used to alert against unsafe
Motors should be installed and grounded per local and
national codes.
Do not operate this equipment in excess of the values
given on nameplate or contrary to the instructions
contained in this manual. The equipment (or a
prototype) has been factory tested and found
satisfactory for the condition for which it was sold.
Operating in excess of these conditions can cause
stresses and strains beyond design limitations.
Failure to heed this warning may result in equipment
damage and possible personal injury.
Hazardous voltage.
Will cause death, serious injury,
electrocution or property damage.
Disconnect all power before working on
this equipment.
Squirrel cage induction machines can be driven by
various types of prime movers. These will act as induction
generators. This instruction manual applies to both motors
and induction generators. However, for clarity reasons,
the machine will be referred to as a “motor”.
- 2 -

The purpose of this booklet is to offer some short, easy
to follow recommendations to our customers, users
and distributors for the care of electric motors in
For practical purposes, such equipment is considered
to be in storage not only when it is in the storeroom but
also when;
1. It has been delivered to the jobsite and is awaiting
installation, or
2. It has been installed but regular operation is
delayed pending completion of plant construction,
3. There are long idle periods between operating
cycles, or
4. The plant or department is shut down.
Squirrel cage induction machines can be driven by
various types of prime movers. These will act as induction
generators. This instruction manual applies to both motors
and induction generators. However, for clarity reasons,
the machine will be referred to as a “motor”.
Recommended brand products have shown good
performance. Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
however, cannot assume responsibility or be liable for
products other than those it warrants.
Manufacturers or distributors of products are:
Tectyl 502-C and 506 Valvoline Oil Co.
Div. of Ashland Oil and Refining Co.
150 Fourth Avenue
Freedom, PA 15042
P.D. George
Insulation Manufacturers Corp. 1231 Superior Avenue,
N.E. Cleveland OH 44114
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Indoor Storage (Up to 5 Years)
Rodents and other animals in search of warm
surroundings or food, like to house inside motors. Some
of them attack the insulation materials. Their access to the
motor should be prevented.
Wholly Controlled Atmosphere
Uniform temperature between 40°F (4.5°C) and 140°F (60°C) throughout the room maintained at least 10°F
(5.5°C) above the dew point. Relative humidity of 50% or less. Dust accumulation should be minimal with no
harmful fumes and no ambient vibration.
Partially Controlled Atmosphere
The room selected should be as clean and dry as possible with no ambient vibration.
If the ambient temperature exceeds 140 °F (60°C), the space or structure should be enclosed but ventilated. If the
ambient temperature is below 40 °F (4.5 °C), the space heaters, if the motor is so equipped, should be energized.
The enclosing structure should be designed to protect the motor from flying debris or other damage from high
If the motor can be moved, it is suggested that the entire motor be encased in a strong, transparent plastic bag.
Before sealing the bag, a moisture indicator should be attached to the side of the motor and several bags of silica
gel desiccant placed inside the bag around the motor. When the moisture indicator shows that the desiccant has
lost its effectiveness, as by a change in color, the bag should be opened and the desiccant replaced with fresh
material. Take care in placing the bags of desiccant so that none is in contact with the heater element.
When a motor cannot be sealed for effective use of a desiccant, and the relative humidity is greater than 50% or
where there are large daily swings in temperature, proper storage requires that the space heaters (anticondensation heaters) be energized. Heaters supplied in the motor are sized to raise the windings temperature
10°F to 15°F (5.5°C to 8°C). This prevents moisture from condensing on the windings. If the motors are not
equipped with space heaters, consult the factory for proper size of external heaters to be used.
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