Siemens ID Mouse V 3.1
User Guide
June 2000 Edition
Copyright © Siemens AG 2000

Hofmannstr. 31
81379 Munich

Siemens ID Mouse V3.1 User Guide
Installation and Startup June 2000 Edition
Table of Contents
1 Installation and Startup.....................................................................................................6
1.1 System Requirements .....................................................................................................6
1.2 Installation Instructions.....................................................................................................6
1.3 Startup..............................................................................................................................6
1.4 Uninstalling the Software..................................................................................................7
2 Working with the Application............................................................................................8
2.1 User Manager...................................................................................................................8
2.1.1 Selecting Users.........................................................................................................8 User Data...........................................................................................................8 Options ............................................................................................................10
2.1.2 Adding, Editing and Deleting Fingerprint Data........................................................12 User Data.........................................................................................................12 Finger Data......................................................................................................14
2.2 Logging on......................................................................................................................16
2.2.1 Logging on to the System .......................................................................................16 Logging on to the System with a Fingerprint...................................................16 Logging on to the System with a User ID and Password................................17
2.2.2 Logging on to the User Manager.............................................................................18 Logging on with a Fingerprint...........................................................................18 Logging on with a User ID and Password.......................................................18
2.2.3 Logging on to the Network .......................................................................................18
2.3 Screen Saver..................................................................................................................18
3 Administration...................................................................................................................19
3.1 Providing Additional Security for the Computer via BIOS Settings................................19
3.2 Securing the Computer via the User Manager...............................................................19
3.3 Changing the Hardware Configuration...........................................................................19
4 Technical Data and Constraints.....................................................................................20
5 Siemens ID Mouse FAQs and troubleshooting............................................................21
5.1 Where can I find information in the Web?......................................................................21
5.2 What is ID Mouse?.........................................................................................................21
5.3 Where do I get help if I have problems with the software or hardware?........................21
5.4 Under which operating systems does the ID Mouse run?.............................................22
5.5 How does FingerTIP
5.6 How can you bypass logon under Win 98 if, for example, the ID Mouse is defective?.22
5.7 The sensor does not work ..............................................................................................23
5.8 What do I do if the mouse cursor freezes after a successful and correct installation of
the ID Mouse?.......................................................................................................................23
5.9 The computer does not “wake up” with the Siemens ID Mouse....................................23
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User Guide Siemens ID Mouse V3.1
June 2000 Edition Installation and Startup
5.10 Where can I find out which version of ID Mouse I am using?....................................23
5.11 What can I use the ID Mouse scroll wheel for?..........................................................24
5.12 Frequently Asked Questions?....................................................................................24
6 Safety regulations:...........................................................................................................27
7 Care: ..................................................................................................................................28
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Siemens ID Mouse V3.1 User Guide
Installation and Startup June 2000 Edition
1 Installation and Startup
1.1 System Requirements
• It is assumed that the PC has Windows98 installed on it and is USB-capable.
The USB capability of the system can be tested by double-clicking the program
Tools\USBREADY.EXE supplied on the CD-ROM.
• The Siemens ID Mouse should not be connected before the installation.
• The Windows98 operating system CD is required for the installation.
• The screen resolution must be set to at least 800x600 pixels with more than 256 colors.
1.2 Installation Instructions
1. The Setup program is started automatically on placing the supplied CD-ROM in the drive.
If the Setup is not started automatically, see step 2.
2. Select “Run” from the “Start” menu and enter the following command:
where X is the drive letter for your CD-ROM drive.
3. The Setup program guides you through the installation process.
4. Note:
F After the installation, you will need to restart the computer, since no logon via the
Siemens ID Mouse has occurred as yet, and no users exist in the User Manager.
5. After the Siemens ID Mouse software has been installed from the CD-ROM, the Siemens
ID Mouse can be connected.
If you connected the Siemens ID Mouse before the installation, you can load the required
drivers from the Siemens ID Mouse installation CD.
1.3 Startup
After installing the Siemens ID Mouse, the following programs can be called via the
“ID Mouse” item on the Start menu:
User Manager management of users
Readme brief information
Screen Saver screen saver
Uninstall ID Mouse program to uninstall the Siemens ID Mouse
User Guide opens the User Guide
In order to enable a fingerprint logon after starting the computer, the appropriate users must
be added to the archive with the aid of the “User Manager” program.
The Siemens ID Mouse is activated on restarting the computer and requests the user to
provide a fingerprint identification.
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User Guide Siemens ID Mouse V3.1
June 2000 Edition Installation and Startup
Following the installation of the Siemens ID Mouse, the screen saver will be installed, but not
yet activated. You can set the screen saver via the Display icon in the Control Panel. Please
note that password protection must be disabled.
The user instructions are supplied as a PDF file on the CD. In order to read this file, you will
need the Acrobat Reader program, which can also be installed from the Siemens ID Mouse
CD. The installation program is available in the Acrobat folder in the desired language.
The Siemens ID Mouse can only be used with the Windows98 operating system. If you want
to use Windows NT4 or Windows2000, please refer to the corresponding manual.
The fingerprints captured with the User Manager are only valid for the product Siemens ID
1.4 Uninstalling the Software
The Siemens ID Mouse can be fully uninstalled by selecting the corresponding item via the
Start menu.
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Siemens ID Mouse V3.1 User Guide
Working with the Application June 2000 Edition
2 Working with the Application
2.1 User Manager
2.1.1 Selecting Users
In the “Select User” mask, you can choose whether user data or options are to be edited via
the corresponding tabs. On starting the User Manager, the “User Data” page is always
displayed, since this is most frequently used. User Data
Mask Description
This mask is used to select a user.
User List
This list displays the user data in three columns:
Last Name, First Name and User ID.
The displayed data can be sorted by any column in ascending order by clicking the title of that
column. If you click the same column title again, the data is sorted in descending order.
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User Guide Siemens ID Mouse V3.1
June 2000 Edition Working with the Application
The individual column widths can be increased or decreased as desired by simply pointing to
the line between the columns and changing the column width while pressing the mouse
“New ...” Button
Pressing this button opens the “New User Data” mask, which can be used to add a new user
to the archive.
“Edit ...” Button
This button is enabled only if a user has been selected in the user list.
If you have selected a user, the data for that user is read from the User Manager and
displayed in the “Edit User Data” mask.
“Delete” Button
This button is enabled only if a user has been selected in the user list.
If you have selected a user, a check is performed to determine whether the selected user is
the last administrator entered in the archive. If this is the case, you can delete the selected
user only after adding a new administrator.
The deletion of a user must always be confirmed.
“Exit” Button
Pressing this button exits the application.
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