40004 / 40005 : NAME
Field of 2 read/write registers (4 bytes or 4 ASCII characters) available for the user, it can contain the name of the device or an abbreviation that
identifies its function inside the plant. Each one of the 4 bytes could be written by values from 0 to 255, ASCII characters included.
The default value of this field contains the identifier of the device expressed in ASCII characters.
- Default value: “8014” (ASCII).
40002 / 40003 : FIRMWARE
Field of 2 read only registers ; contains the firmware identifier provided by the manufactured.
- Default value: 8300 (hex)
Contains the enable bits and system events of the device. The following parameters are configurable:
Watchdog Event Enable: this bit allows to enable the Watchdog Event (0 = W atchdog disabled, 1 = Watchdog enabled). If this bit is active and the
device doesn't receive commands for the time specified in the register 40013 “Watchdog timer”, the PWR green led blinks.
If this function is required must be implemented at the power-on of the device; the bit must be reset manually when the Watchdog event is occurred.
Watchdog Event: if this bit is set as 1 indicates that the Watchdog condition has happened (0 = Normal condition; 1 = alarm condition)
PowerUp Event: this bit is forced to 1 at each power on and indicates that the device has been switched off or reset. With the setting of this bit as 0
and checking its state, it is possible to know if a reset of the device has occurred (0 = reset not occurred; 1 = reset occurred).
This bit must be reset manually.
Contains the value of the WatchDog timer, expressed in step of 1 second. If the WatchDog is enabled and the device doesn't receive commands in
a time lower or equal to the value of the one expressed in this register the W atchDog will be activated (see description register ”System Flags”).
- Default value: 10 (10 sec.)
40031: INPUT TYPE Ch 0
This register shows the input type that is configured in relation to the type of sensor connected. The
table beside shows the types of sensors that can be connected to the input with the corresponding
value to write on the low part of register for the configuration of the input type.
- Default: Pt100 (0D Hex)
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Input type #0
40032: INPUT TYPE Ch 1
This register shows the input type that is configured in relation to the type of sensor connected. The
table beside shows the types of sensors that can be connected to the input with the corresponding
value to write on the low part of register for the configuration of the input type.
- Default: Pt100 (0D Hex)
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Input type #1
40033: INPUT TYPE Ch 2
This register shows the input type that is configured in relation to the type of sensor connected. The
table beside shows the types of sensors that can be connected to the input with the corresponding value
to write on the low part of register for the configuration of the input type.
- Default: Pt100 (0D Hex)
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Input type #2
40034: INPUT TYPE Ch 3
This register shows the input type that is configured in relation to the type of sensor connected. The table beside shows
the types of sensors that can be connected to the input with the corresponding value to write on the low part of register
for the configuration of the input type.
- Default: Pt100 (0D Hex)
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Input type #3
Value Type
00h Disabled
12h Res 0÷2000 Ohm
0Ch Res 0÷500 Ohm
0Dh Pt100
0Fh Ni100
0Eh Pt1000
10h Ni1000
11h Pot.< 500Ohm
Value Type
00h Disabled
12h Res 0÷2000 Ohm
0Ch Res 0÷500 Ohm
0Dh Pt100
0Fh Ni100
0Eh Pt1000
10h Ni1000
11h Pot.< 500Ohm
Value Type
00h Disabled
12h Res 0÷2000 Ohm
0Ch Res 0÷500 Ohm
0Dh Pt100
0Fh Ni100
0Eh Pt1000
10h Ni1000
11h Pot.< 500Ohm
Value Type
00h Disabled
12h Res 0÷2000 Ohm
0Ch Res 0÷500 Ohm
0Dh Pt100
0Fh Ni100
0Eh Pt1000
10h Ni1000
11h Pot.< 500Ohm
pag 2/4
Watchdog Event enabling
Watchdog Event
Power-up Event
40007 : NODE ID
Contains the MODBUS address of the device; the values allowed are from 1 to 245 decimal.
This data is necessary for the correct addressing of the device into the Modbus net and must follow the IP address.
- Default value: Dec: 1, Hex: 01 INIT: Dec 245, Hex : F5.