Siebe Climate Controls EWLP 120 User Manual

The EWLP 120 data recorder is an elec­tronic device designed to measure temper­ature, humidity or pressure from two different locations. Due to the use of a microprocessor it can store up to 1600 reading points, with user programmable storage intervals. Stored data can be printed with messages in sev­eral languages. The instrument can be connected to PTC or Pt100 probes; alternatively the current input port can be used for pressure or hu­midity. It is available in a 161x192 mm ABS plastic case, 94 mm deep.
(response to key pressure is delayed by approximately 0.5 seconds).
The pressure of this key starts recording related to sensor n. 1; the related led turns on and the display indicates the value read by probe 1. A further key pressure stops recording re­lated to sensor 1; the related led turns off and the display indicates the value read by the probe of sensor 2, when enabled, oth­erwise the OFF message is displayed.
The pressure of this key starts recording related to sensor n. 2; the related led turns on and the display indicates the value read by probe 2. A further key pressure stops recording re­lated to sensor 2; the related led turns off. When the two probes are set to STAND BY (disabled data recording) the display indi­cates the OFF message. When both probes are enabled (enabled data recording) the led on indicates the
zone whose value is displayed, the blinking reminds that the related zone is enabled for recording.
The key pressure after print clears from memory the recordings related to the re­port printed and enables the recording again.
When held pressed for 3 seconds in STAND BY (OFF message displayed) with no stored data it allows to enter or exit pa­rameters programming mode. In case stored data are present, the display shows the ErPr alarm code.
The key pressure in data recording allows to silence the alarm by disabling the relat­ed relay; the code on the display will con­tinue to show the alarm presence.
When pressed in programming mode it al­lows to skip to the following parameter or increase its value. In recording mode it se­lects to display the value related either to sensor 1 or sensor 2.
When pressed in programming mode it al­lows to skip to the following parameter or increase its value. In temperature recording mode it selects to display the current time.
When pressed in parameters programming mode it allows to switch from the parame­ter label display to its value, and vice-ver­sa.
The key pressure starts the printing of recorded data; while printing the display shows letter P (print), recording is sus­pended and all keys are disabled.
EWLP 120 is a data recorder capa­ble to measure temperature, humid­ity or pressure from two different locations. It is provided with a micro gate in­put and a relay for alarm signal con­trol.
EWLP 120
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temperature recorder
• Size: 161x192 mm, depth 94 mm
• Housing: ABS plastic
• Mount: wall mount through special fixing holes
• Protection grade: IP65
• Connections: screw terminal block
• Storage: on non-volatile memory ­capacity 1.600 readings
• Printer type: 24 columns with 7x5 matrix on thermal non-photo sen­sitive paper, paper width 57 mm
• Outputs: on relay (in exchange) for external alarm repetition
• Inputs: 2 PTC or PT100 tempera­ture probes; the second input can be matched with a humidity or pressure input. One input for micro gate and one for backup battery
• Resolution: 0.5 °C, 0.5 Bar and
0.5 %RH
• Accuracy: 0.5 °C, 0.5 Bar and
0.5 %RH
• Power supply: 230 Vac
At the end of print the display shows the messages OFF and “Prnt” (print) alterna­tively; a further key pressure repeats the print while the pressure of key CLEAR rubs all data from memory and restarts data recording.
The pressure of this key allows to move the paper forward.
Hold the “PRG” key pressed for 3 seconds in STAND BY mode (OFF message dis­played) and no data stored; the display shows the first parameter (Po1). The pres­sure of the “UP” (or “DOWN”) key while in programming mode allows to skip to the following (previous) parameter or increase (decrease) its value. The pressure of key “Label/Value” while in parameters pro­gramming mode allows to switch from pa­rameters label display to value display and vice-versa. Hold button “PRG” pressed for 3 seconds to exit programming mode. WARNING: new values are only stored when programming mode is exited. Check time indicated by parameters Po1 and Po2 to control the clock.
Po1: minutes setting (01…59). Po2: hours setting (00…23). Po3: weekday setting:
1 = Monday; 2 = Tuesday; 3 = Wednesday; 4 = Thursday; 5 = Friday; 6 = Saturday; 7 = Sunday.
Po4: month day setting (01…31). Po5: month setting (01…12). Po6: year setting. Po7: setting of the instrument recognition
code (4 digits maximum); this code ap­pears as heading on every report. Po8: data storage interval setting; values from 1…240 minutes (default 30 minutes). Po9: maximum alarm value setting for sen­sor n. 1; when the threshold is exceeded after the delay time set through parameter Po14, the alarm relay is triggered and the alarm value related to letter P is printed if the print is enabled through parameter Po13. Po10: minimum alarm value setting for sensor n. 1; when the threshold is exceed­ed after the delay time set through para­meter Po14, the alarm relay is triggered and the alarm value related to letter N is printed if the print is enabled through para­meter Po13. The value of this parameter shall be lower than or equal to P9; other­wise the negative set will be set to P9 when programming mode is exited. Po11: maximum alarm value setting for sensor n. 2; when the threshold is exceed­ed after the delay time set through para­meter Po14, the alarm relay is triggered and the alarm value related to letter P is
printed if the print is enabled through para­meter Po13. Po12: minimum alarm value setting for sensor n. 2; when the threshold is exceed­ed after the delay time set through para­meter Po14, the alarm relay is triggered and the alarm value related to a symbol is printed if the print is enabled through para­meter Po13. The value of this parameter shall be lower than or equal to P11; otherwise the nega­tive set will be set to P11 when program­ming mode is exited. Po13: print enabled in case of alarm (de­fault 0) where: 0 = alarm print disabled; 1 = print enabled for maximum alarms only (Po9 - Po11); 2 = print enabled for minimum alarms only(Po10 - Po12); 3 = print enabled for minimum and maxi­mum alarms (Po9 - Po10 - Po11 - Po12). Po14: alarm delay time and open door set­ting; values from 1…60 minutes (default 30 minutes). Po15: allows to change the value read by probe n. 1; values from –5…5 (default 0). Po16: allows to change the value read by probe n. 2; values from –5…5 (default 0). Po17: language selection for printed mes­sages (default 1): 1 = Italian; 2 = English; 3 = French; 4 = German; 5 = Spanish. NOTE: the measurement unit related to probe n. 2 is automatically selected (°F or %RH or Bar) according to the configuration of dip switch KD1.
EE01: memory error - possible loss of all set data, alarm relay triggered and data recording stopped. After this alarm print the recorded data - that could be wrong ­and at the end of the report the message “LOST RECORDS - CHECK PARAME­TERS” will be printed. Device check procedure: enter program­ming mode and check the set parameters; if they correspond to those previously set, change one parameter; in case the alarm is still present when exiting programming mode, contact an authorised servicing centre otherwise re-enter programming mode and correct previously changed data. FULL: full memory. The alarm relay is trig­gered. The recorded data need to be print­ed. 100 more recordings are available in the device since the alarm appears. When the memory is full recording continue over­writing the first recorded data. At the end of print the message “PARTIAL RECORD­INGS DUE TO FULL MEMORY” will be printed. EndP: paper missing: slightly open the side pads, extract the paper support. To in­sert a new paper roll fit the support be-
tween the two pads with a light pressure. Then insert the paper into the upper slot and load it using the FEED button. If this alarm occurred while printing, press the PRINT key to restart the report, that will begin from day on which it was interrupted. ALP1: alarm related to probe n. 1 and alarm relay triggering. On the report the alarm occurrence will be indicated by the following symbols: Z (zone 1 or 2), SET, * to indicate the alarm, NEG (negative) and POS (positive). When the measured temperature exceeds the range defined through parameters Po9 and Po10 for more than the time set through parameter Po14, the alarm code is displayed. Such code is automatically re­called as the temperature returns within the range. ALP2: alarm related to probe n. 2 and alarm relay triggering. On the report the alarm occurrence will be indicated by the following symbols: Z (zone 1 or 2), SET, * to indicate the alarm, NEG (negative) and POS (positive). When the measured temperature exceeds the range defined through parameters Po11 and Po12 for more than the time set through parameter Po14, the alarm code is displayed. Such code is automatically re­called as the temperature returns within the range. ErP1: probe n. 1 faulty and alarm relay trig­gering; replace the faulty probe; instead of the value message “--.-” will be printed, while the display will show message ErP1 and “--.-” alternatively. ErP2: probe n. 2 faulty and alarm relay trig­gering; replace the faulty probe; instead of the value message “--.-” will be printed, while the display will show message ErP2 and “--.-” alternatively. ErCL: clock module faulty, alarm relay trig­gering, the instrument is automatically set to OFF and recordings interrupted; the dis­play shows alarm information ErCL and OFF alternatively; if the key is pressed to display the current time the display indi­cates “- -”. After this alarm print the record­ed data; at the end of the report the message “CHECK PARAMETERS FOR CLOCK ERROR” will be printed. Device check procedure: enter programming mode and check the parameters set by Po1 to Po6; if they correspond to those previously set, change one parameter; in case the alarm is still present when exiting programming mode, contact an authorised servicing centre otherwise re-enter pro­gramming mode and correct previously changed data. Erdr: door open for a time exceeding pa­rameter Po14; alarm relay triggering. The alarm stops automatically as the door is closed. ErPr: alarm code informing that no new value can be set for parameters as data are already stored in memory. The following process shall be performed to change pa­rameters: put the instrument in place and
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