sidhil Artemis Quick User Manual

Leaflet Code: LL279
Need Assistance? Call 01422 233 136 (8:30am - 5pm)
or 0800 037 0234 (out of oce hours)
A. Therapy
Once the pat ient is on the m attress , the mattress will default to alternating therapy.
Select t he therapy re quired by pressing the t herapy button.
Therapy Options
• Alternating
• Constan t Low Pressure
• Pulsation
• Max Inflate – A utomatic ally return s to alternat ing after 20 mins.
Once you have cho sen the Ther apy by using the up/down ar rows you can pr ess the retur n button to confirm your selection and return to the home screen.
If using th e CLP and Puls ation ther apies to retur n to alternat ing you will ne ed to selec t Alternat ing from the Therapy menu.
The therap y chosen will b e displayed o n the home screen.
B. Comfort Control
The Feature f unction e nables the carer to make slight changes to the firmness of the mattress.
The pump def aults to med ium and allows the carer to incre ase or decrea se the pressu res in the mattresses by selecting firm or soft, dependent on the patients’ requirements.
C. Control Unit Loc k / Unlock Funct ion
The pump wil l automati cally lock i f inacti ve after 2 minutes. Pr essing the l ock butto n will unloc k the pump.
D. Mute Funct ion
Silences the audible alarm. The audible alarm will resume a fter 20 minu tes if cause of f ailure is unresolved.
The audibl e alarm also so unds when th e power is switched o  – press alarm m ute to silence.
E. Home Button
Returns you to t he home scree n.
F. Low Patient Weight
Significa ntly reduce s pressure for low weight ie. patient s <40kg. Press for 5 second s to activate.
G. Mute alarm button
Mutes audi ble alarm for 20 m inutes.
LED Screen Display
The screen displays information to the carer:
• Weight indicatio n of the patie nt – should be u sed as a guideline only.
• Chosen Therapy: F owler position – if bac k rest has been rai sed to 30º or S EAT CUSHION if t he seat cushion is connected.
• Internal cell pres sures
• Cycle time
Egress Alert
To activate the E gress Aler t press ‘Comfort Co ntrol’ followed by ‘Lock’ and ‘Down arrow’ simultaneously. Choose option 5 and select on/o accordingly.
The Artemis mattress is a 2 cell alternating Dynamic Replacement with a patient weight limit of 39st (248Kg). It is suitable for patients up to and including category 4 pressure ulcer with frequent monitoring and repositioning.
Contraindications: Appropriate advice should be taken for patients with unstable spinal injuries. Do not use the bed if the patient and accessories exceed patient weight limit (MUW).
1. Place mattr ess direct ly onto the mattress p latform
ensuring u mbilical co rd is at foot end a nd ‘feet ’ symbol is f acing up.
2. Attac h straps to mo ving par ts of bed fra me
making sure t hey are not twisted.
3. Positio n control uni t on foot board o f bed using
the integr al brackets o r on a firm sur face.
4. Attach u mbilical cord to control u nit by aligni ng
with the po rts on control box and p ushing into place.
5. Ensure the CP R dial is rotated to a closed p osition.
6. Attach pum p power lead to m ains power ou tlet,
running power lead along the cable tidy.
7. Switch o n.
8. The display will indicate the mattress is inflating,
which will complete after approximately 20 mins
9. When the sy stem is ready to use there i s an
audible signal (beep) and the panel will display ‘System is re ady to use’
Quick Glance User Guide
Pump Control Unit:
Transport Mode
You can achieve up to 10 h ours trans port ti me by releasing t he umbilical cord from th e pump unit.
To achieve this pres s down on the rel ease button and remove the c onnector.
The air is seal ed in the mat tress.
Turn the pump o.
The visible and audible alarm function has clear identifi cation of th e fault, wh ich is displ ayed on the LED screen to avo id confusio n. The alarm c an be muted for 20 min utes but wil l re alarm to indi cate the fault hasn’ t been resol ved.
Low Pressure
Pressure is no t reaching id entified le vels – check tube set is con nected, C PR has been at tached, air cells not inflating.
High Pressure
Check umbilical cord isn’t trapped.
Power Fail
Check the ma ins cable is p lugged in to t he power supply an d turned on. Ch eck that the re is no damage to the mains cable.
System Fault
Check that pump hasn’t been disconnected during inflation.
Once the fau lt has been res olved plea se turn the pump o and on to r eset it.
No Patient De tected:
(only if Egress Al ert has been a ctivated )
If the pati ent gets o t he bed the pu mp will alarm and indica te on the disp lay that no pat ient weight i s detected . You can press any but ton to disable the alarm. If t he mattre ss is not requi red i.e. patie nt is sat out, it i s advisable to disconn ect the tu be set and turn the pum p o. The matt ress will rem ain inflated .
Rapid deflat ion of the mattress may b e required fo r emergency treatment or system deflation. The CPR dial is loca ted at the foot e nd of the mat tress.
Rotate the CP R dial to the op en positio n, once done the entire s ystem will rapidly d eflate.
To re-inflate tur n the CPR dial to the closed p osition.
Wait for the mat tress system to reach o ptimal pressure pr ior to a return to n ormal use.
Leaflet Code: LL279
Need Assistance? Call 01422 233 136 (8:30am - 5pm)
or 0800 037 0234 (out of oce hours)
Quick Glance User Guide
Cable Management
To reduce risk of trip h azards ensure the mains ca ble is secured w ith the cab le manageme nt along the side of the ma ttress.
Always ens ure cable is unplugge d from mains po wer before movi ng the bed. I t is advise d not to wrap the cable tig htly but to le ave some slack .
Press rele ase button to remove connector
Thread cable through top end Secure do wn the length of
the mattress