SICK Lector 632 Quick Start Manual

Assemble the optical kit on the Lector63x. For details see section C at the end of this quickstart.
SOPAS ET main window
The SOPAS ET main window is split into two panes, the project view to the left and a list of connected de­vices to the right. To add the Lector63x to the project, drag the device to the left project pane.
Additional expandable panels are available to the left of and below the image area.
Use only Lector63x optics to ensure optimal image quality and to avoid damage to the device.
Mount the device at a suitable working distance from the object, for example using a mounting bracket
(angled bracket part no. 2076735, cooling bracket 2078970, or bracket kit 2076735). For information
about suitable working distances, see section E.
1. Filmstrip
2. Information area
Double-click the product icon to open the device
window and start the conguration.
If there are IP address connection issues, click the
Fig. 1: Mounting
Mount the Lector63x with a 10 to 20 degree tilt to avoid reections.
To connect the Lector63x:
Product information
The Lector63x is an industrial image-based code reader family for all common 1D (bar codes / stacked codes) and 2D (matrix) codes. The result is sent to the control system via digital output or its host interfaces: Serial, CAN or Ethernet.
The Lector63x Flex variants feature exchangeable S-
or C-mount optics, internal lighting and lter options
to meet a wide range of application requirements.
About this document
This quickstart contains instructions that support the set up and operation of the Lector63x Flex. Make
sure that the installation is performed by a qualied
This quickstart as well as the Lector63x operating instructions, containing additional information, are available in English and German online. To download: > type a document number in the
number eld: quickstart EN/DE, 8018061/8018060,
operating instructions EN/DE, 8018071/8018070.
8018061/2015-04-13• Subject to change without notice • SICK AG • Waldkirch • Germany • 1Lector®632 | SIcK
1. Connect the Gigabit Ethernet to a network or directly to a PC.
2. Connect the power I/O to a 24 V power source.
Ensure that the ground potential is the same at all grounding points. Incorrect grounding or connection
can damage the device and cause re.
Ensure that any loose cable ends are isolated. Do not connect external I/O signals to the Lector63x while it is powered.
Congure with PC
The SOPAS Engineering Tool (ET) software for PC is
used to connect and congure the Lector63x and
other SICK devices.
To install SOPAS ET:
1. Download SOPAS ET (version 3.0.1 or newer) from www.mysick,com/en/SOPAS_ET.
2. Run the downloaded installation le.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
text next to the warning symbol in the project pane to make adjustments.
If the device driver is missing, click the text next to the warning symbol in the project pane and follow the
instructions. The device will be in ofine mode after
installing the driver. Put the device in online mode by clicking the
Offline button next to the product icon.
SOPAS ET device window
The Lector63x is congured in the SOPAS ET device
window. The code in the image below can be used to test your device.
1. SOPAS functions
2. Image handling controls
3. Device controls
4. Parameter pane with workow
5. Image area
Device controls
The device controls are used to change between image acquisition modes and to activate related functions.
Button Mode Description
Stop Stops image acquisition.Exter-
Live Activates live image acquisi-
Operation Activates image acquisition
Button Function Description
Manual trigger
Start trigger Start image series
Stop trigger Stop image series
Record Records images to a folder on
Settings Recording settings.
nal interfaces including inputs are disabled. The device does not receive triggers.
tion. External interfaces are disabled.
as congured in the triggering
settings. External interfaces are enabled.
Trigger a single image (single image mode).
(image series mode).
(image series mode).
the PC.
Image handling controls
The image handling controls are used to change how images are viewed.
Button Function Description
Select Click and drag to change region
Move Click and drag to move the image.
Zoom Click and drag upwards to zoom in
Home Click to t image area to view.
size and position.
and downwards to zoom out.
The expandable lmstrip area shows the image his­tory as thumbnails. When the image acquisition is stopped it is possible to click a thumbnail to see it enlarged.
Information area
The expandable information area contains the Device
infO, lOgs and system status tabs.
Device infO tab displays device-related information
The such as IP address and serial number.
lOgs tab contains controls to retrieve logged
The images.
system status tab shows system warnings and
The errors.
Follow the workow in the parameter panel to cong­ure the Lector63x. While the steps are arranged in the
typical conguration order, it is possible to navigate
freely between the steps.
1. Image
The image workow step controls how and when im- ages are acquired.
lens & fOcus section controls lens type selection
The and displays focus feedback.
brightness section controls the visual quality of
The acquired images. Use the autO gain button to automati­cally adjust the gain.
illuminatiOn section controls the internal and exter-
The nal lighting behavior. The internal lighting is enabled by default.
For Lector632x Flex, the focusing of the image is done mechanically on the device (S-mount) or on the lens (C-mount). To protect the device (S-mount) from focus manipulation attach the supplied round label to the hole in the device lid.
triggering section controls the acquisition mode
and triggering method:
Acquisition mode
Single image • Acquires one image and outputs one
Image series Acquires a series of images and typically
Image series is enabled by default.
result per trigger signal.
Used when there is only one acquisition and analysis per object.
Used when the code is precisely positioned on the object in high speed applications.
outputs one combined result per trigger signal.
Used when the object is larger than the eld of view and the exact code position
is unknown.
Used to increase read rate by acquiring each code multiple times.
2. Task
The task workow step contains the code reading parameters.
cODe reaDer settings section determines which
The code types to read. Advanced settings are available for performance optimization.
cODe reaDer results section contains unformatted
The results for the current image, such as the read result and code print quality.
The results are presented in a table where each row represents one code.
3. Results
The results workow step contains settings for result timing, post-processing and formatting.
OutPut cOntrOl section determines when the result
The shall be output, either:
Directly when processing is ready
• At a xed response time
cOunters section contains counters which for
example can be used to set conditional outputs.
The cOnDitiOns section allows creation of custom condi­tions for device control and result logic. The gOODreaD
condition is pre-dened as an example:
The Digital OutPuts section species which results are published on the available outputs.
OutPut fOrmat section, the decoding result
In the can be formatted to a string in a visual editor. The example below shows how the GoodRead condition is used to output the content of all read codes.
The beePer, functiOn leD and feeDback sPOtlight sec-
tions contain settings to dene custom outputs for
monitoring results without a screen.
4. Interfaces
The interfaces workow step contains settings for con- nections to external interfaces.
i/O DefinitiOns section denes the physical behav-
The ior of the digital inputs and outputs.
ethernet section sets up Ethernet communica-
The tions with peripheral equipment.
serial section sets up serial communications with
The peripheral equipment.
lOgging section controls logging of data from the
The device to internal and external destinations: Device RAM, MicroSD card and external FTP server.
encODer section sets up one of the digital inputs
The to receive encoder signals. For example, increment­controlled acquisition and result output make the system independent of conveyor speed.
master/slave section sets up camera-to-camera
communication in a SICK CAN network.
functiOn buttOns On Device section denes the
The behavior of the device buttons.
Device time section species how to set the device
The time manually or to synchronize with an external time server.
License text
SICK uses open source software in its Lector63x sen­sors. This software is licensed by the rights holders using the following licenses among others: the free licenses GNU General Public License (GLP Version2, GPL Version3) and GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), the MIT license, zLib license, and the licenses derived from the BSD license.
This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
the implied warranty for merchantability or tness
for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
View the complete license texts here: licencetexts. A printed copy of the license texts is also available on request.
8018061/2015-04-13• Subject to change without notice • SICK AG • Waldkirch • Germany • 2Lector®632 | SIcK
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