SICK Lector62 Series Online Help Manual

Image-based code readers
SOPAS Parameter Overview



Table of contents
About this document ....................................................................... 12
SOPAS Parameter Overview............................................................ 13
1 1D Symbologies.................................................................................. 13
2 1D Increase Performance.................................................................. 13
3 2/5 Interleaved................................................................................... 13
8 Add-on length...................................................................................... 14
9 Address................................................................................................ 14
10 Addressing mode................................................................................ 14
11 Active................................................................................................... 15
12 Active................................................................................................... 15
13 Active Script......................................................................................... 15
15 Enable heartbeat................................................................................ 15
16 Activate teach-in mode....................................................................... 16
17 Store current counter values now...................................................... 16
19 Alpha.................................................................................................... 17
20 Alternate Score.................................................................................... 17
21 Change camera settings..................................................................... 17
29 Application Counters........................................................................... 18
31 Output Condition................................................................................. 18
33 Output Format 2.................................................................................. 19
35 Output Format..................................................................................... 20
37 Output Control..................................................................................... 20
41 Output / Result 2................................................................................ 21
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45 Auto...................................................................................................... 28
47 Automatic Tuning................................................................................. 28
50 Base COB-ID for ReadResult PDOs.................................................... 30
51 Baud rate............................................................................................. 30
52 Baud rate............................................................................................. 30
54 Condition for Good Read.................................................................... 31
55 Invert condition................................................................................... 31
59 User Name........................................................................................... 32
61 certain numb. of new labels............................................................... 33
63 Operation............................................................................................. 33
65 Operating mode.................................................................................. 33
67 Image output dominant over trigger.................................................. 34
69 Image selection................................................................................... 35
70 Image rotation 180°........................................................................... 35
71 Image settings..................................................................................... 35
72 Copy images........................................................................................ 35
74 Image filter........................................................................................... 36
78 Image sequence.................................................................................. 37
79 C32 conversion................................................................................... 38
80 CAN...................................................................................................... 38
83 CANopen Transmit PDOs 1 .. 4.......................................................... 39
84 Classifier.............................................................................................. 39
86 COB-ID RPDO user Dig. Input............................................................. 40
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87 COB-ID RPDO Dig. Input...................................................................... 40
89 COB-ID TPDO Dig. Output................................................................... 40
90 Codabar............................................................................................... 41
91 Code 128............................................................................................. 41
93 Code 39............................................................................................... 42
94 Code 93............................................................................................... 42
95 Code appearance................................................................................ 43
96 Code distance..................................................................................... 43
98 Code background................................................................................ 43
102 Code contrast...................................................................................... 45
103 Code length......................................................................................... 45
104 Code Quality........................................................................................ 46
105 Separate codes depending on position............................................. 46
106 Label timeout active........................................................................... 46
108 Code surrounded by text..................................................................... 47
109 DataBar 14.......................................................................................... 47
111 DataBar Limited.................................................................................. 48
112 Data Matrix.......................................................................................... 49
113 File Format........................................................................................... 49
115 File Path............................................................................................... 49
116 Data output mode............................................................................... 49
117 Data bits / parity................................................................................. 49
118 Collection of data................................................................................ 49
119 Data Source......................................................................................... 50
122 Date (YYYY-MM-DD)............................................................................. 50
124 Duration............................................................................................... 50
126 Default Gateway.................................................................................. 51
129 DHCP.................................................................................................... 51
131 Image Diagnosis Settings................................................................... 51
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132 Log File Diagnosis Settings................................................................ 52
133 Digital Outputs / Beeper..................................................................... 52
136 EAN 128.............................................................................................. 53
137 EAN...................................................................................................... 54
138 Setup.................................................................................................... 54
143 Debouncing......................................................................................... 55
144 EPS Source.......................................................................................... 55
145 Number of Lines Detected.................................................................. 55
146 Allowed code types............................................................................. 55
147 Allowed Characters / Scoring............................................................. 56
149 Calculated Speed................................................................................ 56
150 FNC1 Character Replacement........................................................... 56
151 Separator Character Replacement.................................................... 57
152 Expected Number of Characters 1..................................................... 57
153 Number of Lines Expected................................................................. 57
154 EtherNet/IP.......................................................................................... 57
158 Ethernet Aux........................................................................................ 57
159 Ethernet Aux Port................................................................................ 58
161 Ethernet Host Port.............................................................................. 58
162 Event Monitor...................................................................................... 59
164 EXTERNAL OUTPUT 2................................................................................... 61
165 External Input 1................................................................................... 63
166 External Input 2................................................................................... 64
167 FC1-Value on First Position................................................................ 64
169 Errors in L-pattern................................................................................ 65
172 Fixed size 1.......................................................................................... 65
173 Fixed size 2.......................................................................................... 65
174 Fixed size 3.......................................................................................... 66
175 Fixed size 4.......................................................................................... 66
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177 Fixed size 5.......................................................................................... 66
181 Filter/Sorter for Output....................................................................... 68
182 Full ASCII.............................................................................................. 68
185 Function buttons................................................................................. 71
187 Device ID.............................................................................................. 71
188 Device Information.............................................................................. 71
189 Device Name....................................................................................... 72
191 Speed................................................................................................... 72
192 Stored Images..................................................................................... 73
193 Stored Log Files................................................................................... 73
194 Good Read / No Read file prefix........................................................ 73
195 Good Reads......................................................................................... 73
196 Green feedback spot.......................................................................... 74
198 GS1 DataBar....................................................................................... 75
200 GTIN 13 / EAN 13............................................................................... 75
202 Hardware............................................................................................. 76
204 Brightness............................................................................................ 76
206 Brightness Tuning............................................................................... 77
208 Background......................................................................................... 77
211 Inhibit Time.......................................................................................... 78
213 Increment Configuration..................................................................... 78
215 Length of Input-Data........................................................................... 79
218 Internal memory (temporary)............................................................. 80
220 IP-Address............................................................................................ 80
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222 ISO15415 (Data Matrix)..................................................................... 81
225 Camera and Illumination.................................................................... 82
226 Communication Mode........................................................................ 82
227 Communication Mode........................................................................ 83
228 Fixed speed......................................................................................... 83
230 Coordinates......................................................................................... 84
231 Italic Text.............................................................................................. 84
233 Length.................................................................................................. 84
236 Teach in code content......................................................................... 85
237 Teach in code length........................................................................... 85
238 Reading distance................................................................................ 85
240 Read Rate............................................................................................ 87
241 Reading gate on.................................................................................. 87
242 Reading Gates..................................................................................... 87
243 Reading gate length............................................................................ 87
246 MAC address....................................................................................... 88
247 Mask for Dig. Input.............................................................................. 88
249 Match code.......................................................................................... 89
250 Match-code teach-in 1........................................................................ 89
254 Max. allowed Error Correction............................................................ 90
258 Measuring Region............................................................................... 90
259 MicroSD card....................................................................................... 91
263 Minimum.............................................................................................. 92
266 Module width....................................................................................... 93
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268 Mode.................................................................................................... 93
269 Multiplexer / Server............................................................................ 94
270 Multiplexer Output.............................................................................. 94
274 Network / Interface / IOs................................................................... 95
275 Network Options.................................................................................. 95
276 Restart interval on sending................................................................ 95
277 No Reads............................................................................................. 95
278 Usage PLC-Input Bit0.......................................................................... 95
280 Usage PLC-Output Bit0....................................................................... 96
281 Usage PLC-Output Bit1....................................................................... 96
283 OCR...................................................................................................... 97
287 Online Image....................................................................................... 98
290 Parameter............................................................................................ 99
291 Parameterization is password-protected........................................... 99
292 Password............................................................................................. 99
294 PDF 417............................................................................................... 100
295 Increase Performance........................................................................ 100
296 Pharmacode........................................................................................ 100
297 Port....................................................................................................... 101
298 Port....................................................................................................... 101
299 Port....................................................................................................... 101
300 Position................................................................................................ 101
301 PROFIBUS/DeviceNet/Profinet Gateway CMF400/CDM425.......... 101
302 PROFIBUS DP-Gateway....................................................................... 101
303 Profibus Proxy CDF600....................................................................... 102
304 Profinet IO Gateway CDM425-PN....................................................... 102
305 Protocol / Output Format.................................................................... 102
306 Check digit test.................................................................................... 103
307 Pulse.................................................................................................... 103
308 Noise reduction................................................................................... 104
309 RDT ID.................................................................................................. 104
310 Allow rectangular data fields.............................................................. 105
311 Reduction of decoding time............................................................... 105
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312 Reverse................................................................................................ 105
313 Rx Header............................................................................................ 105
314 Rx Terminator...................................................................................... 105
315 Text....................................................................................................... 105
316 Text Color............................................................................................. 106
317 Display Score Values in the Image..................................................... 106
318 Check SD card..................................................................................... 106
319 Sensor / Input 1.................................................................................. 106
320 Sensor / Input 2.................................................................................. 106
321 Serial.................................................................................................... 107
322 Serial Aux............................................................................................. 107
323 External Input Data............................................................................. 108
324 Serial AUX Interface............................................................................ 109
325 Serial host interface............................................................................ 109
326 Serial Host........................................................................................... 109
327 Server / Client..................................................................................... 109
328 Server Address.................................................................................... 109
329 Service Information............................................................................. 110
330 SICK Visualization Platform................................................................ 110
331 Scripts.................................................................................................. 110
332 Script List............................................................................................. 110
333 Slave Address...................................................................................... 110
334 SOPAS (PC).......................................................................................... 110
335 Save permanent.................................................................................. 110
336 Save Destination................................................................................. 111
337 Stacked Symbologies Active............................................................... 111
338 Standard gateway............................................................................... 111
339 Stacked Symbologies.......................................................................... 111
340 Transmit start/stop............................................................................. 112
341 Start/Stop of Object Trigger............................................................... 112
342 Start/Stop identical............................................................................ 112
343 Start by................................................................................................ 113
344 Start teach-in....................................................................................... 114
345 Start delay........................................................................................... 114
346 Station Name...................................................................................... 114
347 Increase of decoding robustness....................................................... 114
348 Control system..................................................................................... 115
349 Stop bits............................................................................................... 115
350 Stop by................................................................................................. 116
351 Stop delay............................................................................................ 117
352 Hour..................................................................................................... 117
353 Subnet mask....................................................................................... 117
354 Subnet mask....................................................................................... 117
355 Beeper................................................................................................. 118
356 SVP....................................................................................................... 118
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357 Symbol size.......................................................................................... 119
358 Symbologies........................................................................................ 119
359 System Information............................................................................. 119
360 System increment resolution............................................................. 119
361 System status...................................................................................... 119
362 Teach-in stop by................................................................................... 120
363 Teach-in Condition.............................................................................. 120
364 EDS Text Element in Output Format / Assign Element EDS of Out‐
put Format........................................................................................... 120
365 Timeout................................................................................................ 120
366 Timeout Diag. Output.......................................................................... 120
367 Condition Timeout............................................................................... 121
368 Label Timeout...................................................................................... 121
369 Timeout Command Response............................................................ 121
370 Timeout ReadResult........................................................................... 121
371 Transmision Type................................................................................. 122
372 Trigger echo on.................................................................................... 122
373 Trigger Distribution.............................................................................. 122
374 Trigger delay........................................................................................ 122
375 Tx Header............................................................................................. 123
376 Tx Terminator....................................................................................... 123
377 Monitored Devices.............................................................................. 123
378 Monitoring........................................................................................... 123
379 UCC/GS1-128 Emulation................................................................... 124
380 Subfolder Good Read / No Read....................................................... 124
381 UPC / GTIN / EAN................................................................................ 124
382 UPC....................................................................................................... 124
383 UPC A................................................................................................... 124
384 UPC E................................................................................................... 125
385 UPC E extended................................................................................... 125
386 Varying Text Size.................................................................................. 125
387 Connection timeout............................................................................ 125
388 Comparison with Ideal Character....................................................... 125
389 Activate ISO15415 verification.......................................................... 126
390 Distribute on........................................................................................ 126
391 Use Device-ID as DeviceNet-Address................................................ 126
392 Use Device-ID as Node-ID................................................................... 126
393 Use Device-ID as Profibus-Address.................................................... 126
394 Delay.................................................................................................... 127
395 from...................................................................................................... 127
396 Apply Standard Parameters............................................................... 127
397 Warning Score 1.................................................................................. 127
398 Web Server.......................................................................................... 127
399 Enable webserver at boot-up of device............................................. 127
400 Angle.................................................................................................... 127
401 X-Coordinate........................................................................................ 128
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402 Y-Coordinate........................................................................................ 128
403 Counter................................................................................................ 128
404 Reset counter values.......................................................................... 128
405 Store value permanent....................................................................... 128
406 Line / Character Recognition............................................................. 128
407 Time (hh:mm:ss)................................................................................. 128
408 Time server IP address....................................................................... 128
409 Add Time Stamp.................................................................................. 129
410 Time Shift to GMT............................................................................... 129
411 Aiming laser......................................................................................... 129
412 Select Directory................................................................................... 129
413 Destination Interface.......................................................................... 130
414 Z-Coordinate........................................................................................ 130
415 Reset.................................................................................................... 130
416 Code summarization........................................................................... 130
417 Use Additional Error Correction.......................................................... 130
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About this document
This document contains the online help for the sensor parameters that can be set in SOPAS ET. The information can be displayed in the SOPAS ET configuration software when setting the parameters. They are also listed alphabetically in this document.
This document does not replace the operating instructions. The operating instructions must have been read and understood prior to the commencement of any work.
You can obtain the operating instructions and further documentation online.
See: Select your country and language. Enter the sensor's type designation or order number into the search field. Select the required sensor. All documentation and other downloadable content relating to the sensor can be found under Downloads. The SOPAS configuration software can be downloaded under Software.
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SOPAS Parameter Overview

1 1D Symbologies

The 1D Symbologies group contains all of the parameters for configuring the 1D sym‐ bologies (bar codes).

2 1D Increase Performance

It is possible to optimize the decoding process for 1D codes via the parameters in the
1D Increase Performance group. The parameters can be used to eliminate interference,
thereby increasing device performance.
Adapting the settings to suit the application reduces the decoding time and increases both reading reliability and the readability of low-contrast, 1D codes.

3 2/5 Interleaved

If the 2/5 Interleaved parameter is activated, decoding is activated for the correspond‐ ing code type. The configuration tab for the corresponding code type can be seen and opened in SOPAS ET.
As only activated code types are processed, you can increase the processing speed by deactivating the code types that are not being used.
Code name: 2/5 Interleaved or ITF (2-value)
Character set: Numeric characters
Structure: 5 code elements per character, 2 of which wide and 3 narrow (charac‐
ters at odd positions are represented by bars. Characters at even positions are represented by gaps.) Intrinsic safety: Low
Spatial requirements: Low (up to 18 characters)
Standard: ISO/IEC 16390
Areas of application: Parcel and postal service

2D Symbologies

The 2D Symbologies group contains all of the parameters for configuring the 2D code.
The fewer code types are activated in parallel, the faster the decoding process.
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5 2D Components

If the GS1 DataBar parameter is activated, decoding is activated for the DataBar 14,
DataBar Expanded, and DataBar Limited activated code types. (This requires the GS1 DataBar code type to be deactivated.)
As only activated code types are processed, you can increase the processing speed by deactivating the code types that are not being used.

6 2D Increase Performance

It is possible to optimize the decoding process for 2D codes via the parameters in the
2D Increase Performance group. The parameters can be used to eliminate interference,
thereby increasing device performance.
Adapting the settings to suit the application reduces the decoding time and increases both reading reliability and the readability of low-contrast, 2D codes.

7 Add-on

The Add-on parameter allows you to adjust how the extended code structure is handled (additional information generally found on magazines).

8 Add-on length

The Add-on length parameter is used to define the length of the extended code struc‐ ture.
NONE: There is no extended code structure available within the code. ACTIVE: There is an extended code structure available within the code. REQUIRED: Only codes with an extended code structure are read.

9 Address

The address of the image server to which the images for the SICK Visualization Platform are to be sent is specified under the Address parameter.

10 Addressing mode

The Addressing mode parameter is used to specify whether the IP address of the sen‐ sor should be defined manually (STATICALLY) or assigned by a server (DHCP).
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11 Active

12 Active

The data output of the SICK Visualization Platform can be activated via the Active parameter.
The device time must be set to operate the SVP.
The event that activates the digital output is selected via the Active parameter.
SOPAS COMMAND: The output can be activated via a command. This allows defined
statuses to be displayed by a connected indicator lamp when a corresponding command is issued by the control (PLC).
DEVICE READY: The output is activated as soon as the sensor is ready for use.
GOOD READ: The output is activated if the read operation was successful.
NO READ: The output is activated if the read operation was unsuccessful.
TEACH-IN 1 OK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 1 has been success‐
fully taught in.
TEACH-IN 1 NOK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 1 could not be suc‐
cessfully taught in.
TEACH-IN 2 OK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 2 has been success‐
fully taught in.
TEACH-IN 2 NOK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 2 could not be suc‐
cessfully taught in.
MATCH 1 CONDITION: The output is activated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the MATCH 1 CONDITION match code.
MULTICODES1 CONDITION: The output is activated if the number of codes that have
been read corresponds to the number specified by the MULTICODES1 CONDITION.
TEACH-IN1 CONDITION: The output is activated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN1 CONDITION match code.
TEACH-IN2 CONDITION: The output is activated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN2 CONDITION match code.

Active Script

Scripts can be activated in the Active Script group.

14 Enable user I/O PDOs

If the Enable user I/O PDOs parameter is activated, user-defined process data objects (PDOs) can be sent and received by a script program.
The user-defined PDOs are entries in the object directory that are reserved for scripts and configured in the object directory. The reserved PDOs allow the script to receive status changes from the CAN input modules and control CAN output modules by send‐ ing a PDO. This is how the communication bandwidth of the device is extended in terms of its software. The reading device can use the extended communication bandwidth for control tasks within its surrounding area, even if the required number of switching inputs and outputs for the control process is not available.
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Enable heartbeat

If the Enable heartbeat parameter is activated, a signal is output via the interface at regular intervals (Heartbeat interval). In this way, the availability of the sensor can be checked via the interface.

16 Activate teach-in mode

Depending on how the Start teach-in parameter has been configured, the Activate
teach-in mode parameter is used to define the signal for preparing or starting the
teach-in process for the match code.
The signal can, for example, originate from a key switch at one of the digital inputs or be triggered via a command.
NOT DEFINED: The match code is not taught in.
SENSOR 1: The match-code teach-in process is prepared and started via a signal at
digital input 1 (e.g., a key switch).
SENSOR 2: The match-code teach-in process is prepared and started via a signal at
digital input 2.
EXTERNAL INPUT 1 (see note): The match-code teach-in process is prepared and
started via a signal at digital external input 1.
EXTERNAL INPUT 2 (see note): The match code teach-in process is prepared and
started via a signal on the digital external input 2.
SOPAS COMMAND: The match-code read-in process is prepared and started via a cor‐
responding command.
The number of available digital inputs can be expanded by using the CDB620/CDM420 connection module in conjunction with the CMC600 parameter memory module. The purpose of the CMC parameter memory module is to act as an input expansion module and convert a digital signal into a command. External digital inputs generally respond more slowly than the internal digital inputs of the sensor.
Teach-in stop by
Depending on how the Start teach-in parameter has been configured, the Teach-in stop
by parameter is used to define which signal or condition should terminate the match-
code teach-in process.
TEACH-IN TRIGGER SOURCE: The teach-in process is terminated by a signal (e.g., a key
switch) at one of the sensor's digital inputs.
OBJECT TRIGGER: The teach-in process is terminated as soon as the reading gate
VALID CODE TAUGHT IN: The teach-in process is terminated as soon as a match code
has been successfully read.
Teach-in Condition
The Teach-in Condition parameter defines the condition that must apply when the newly taught-in match code content is stored. The selected condition is used as a basis when the target/actual comparison is activated. Each code that is read is compared to the code content that was read in for the target condition.
The Teach-in Condition parameter is used to assign the items of code content that are to be compared to a condition. The taught-in match codes can be retrieved and acti‐ vated at a later time, subject to the condition being met.

Store current counter values now

Pressing the Store current counter values now button saves all values to the device's flash memory. This means the values remain available without a permanent supply volt‐ age, i.e., the values are still saved after the device is restarted.
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18 General Match-code teach-in settings

The General Match-code teach-in settings group contains the parameters for teaching in the match codes.
The two match codes are stored in the Match-code teach-in 1 and Match-code teach-in
2 (Additional) groups and can be subsequently customized.

19 Alpha

The device's Alpha angle in relation to the code and trigger position is defined under the Alpha parameter.
Example: Angle set to 90° or 270°. The reading is taken perpendicular to the convey‐ ing direction.

20 Alternate Score

If the Alternate Score parameter is activated, the calculation of the score value is opti‐ mized.
This parameter is used to increase the score values of the Alternate Classifier.
The optimization option is only available for the Alternate Classifier.

21 Change camera settings

If the Change camera settings parameter is activated, the brightness and contrast are adjusted via the AUTO-SETUP function. This function is accessed by pressing the pushbut‐ tons on the sensor.

22 Change code settings

If the Change code settings parameter is activated, the code settings for the DATA MATRIX code type are adjusted via the AUTO-SETUP function. This function is accessed by pressing the pushbuttons on the sensor.

23 Change reading distance

If the Change reading distance parameter is activated, the reading distance is adjusted via the AUTO-SETUP function. This function is accessed by pressing the pushbuttons on the sensor.

24 Number of Images

The Number of Images parameter is used to set the number of images that are cap‐ tured in INDIVIDUAL IMAGES capturing mode. The number of images captured depends on the reading gate length.

25 Number of mapped RPDO bytes

The Number of mapped RPDO bytes parameter defines the scope of the receive proc‐ ess data objects (RPDOs) that can be received by the script program.
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26 Number of PDOs

The Number of PDOs parameter is used to determine the number of process data objects (PDOs) that transmit the reading result.
When reading results are transmitted via PDOs, the reading result data is distributed across several PDOs. The PDOs are transmitted in sequence. The configured reading result is restricted to 50 characters for this type of transmission.

27 Number of Attempts

Enter the maximum number of read attempts that are to be made with an activated parameter set in the event of an automatic parameter switchover under the Number of
Attempts parameter.

28 Application Identifier Marking

If the Application Identifier Marking parameter is activated, the APPLICATION IDENTIFIERS appear in parentheses in the output format.
On the basis of the APPLICATION IDENTIFIERS, the subsequent values of the code content are assigned to a defined property. This means that the data contained within a code (e.g., use-by date, batch number, date of manufacture, etc.) can be represented in a standar‐ dized format.

29 Application Counters

Events such as successful (GOOD READ) and unsuccessful (NO READ) read operations can be counted and saved on the Application Counters tab.
Depending on the setting, the device stores the data temporarily in the RAM or perma‐ nently in the flash memory.
Quantitative conditions are defined using counters and can be used for output format‐ ting, for example. Counting functions can be used to control processes, e.g., object bun‐ dling is initiated when a defined counter value is reached.

30 APS/EPS 1

Camera and illumination settings that are used cyclically in the event of automatic or event-controlled parameter switchover can be made in the APS/EPS 1 to APS/EPS 4 groups.
Pressing the APPLY STANDARD PARAMETERS button applies the parameter settings saved under the CAMERA AND ILLUMINATION tab.

31 Output Condition

If the Data transmission point parameter is set to the value AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, the Out‐
put Condition parameter can be used to select the data output condition.
GOOD READ: The reading results are output if the read operation was successful.
MATCH1 CONDITION: The reading results are output if the code that has been read cor‐
responds to the MATCH1 CONDITION match code.
MULTICODES1 CONDITION: The reading results are output if the number of codes that
have been read corresponds to the number specified by the MULTICODES1 CONDITION.
TEACH-IN1 CONDITION: The reading results are output if the code that has been read
corresponds to the TEACH-IN1 CONDITION match code.
TEACH-IN2 CONDITION: The reading results are output if the code that has been read
corresponds to the TEACH-IN2 CONDITION match code.
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32 Output Format 1

The format of the data string for outputting the reading results is defined on the graphi‐ cal interface of the Output Format 1 group. A total of two different formats (Output For‐
mat 1 and Output Format 2) can be defined. During configuration of the interfaces,
either of the two output formats can be assigned.
The output format is graphically displayed and can contain conditions, special charac‐ ters (orange), variables (blue), or free text. To customize the output format, select the required insertion position with the mouse. Use the keyboard or special buttons to make your entries:
You can use the tions, special characters (e.g., start and stop), or variables, for example, for the reading results.
You can use the tion, you can define which data should be output if the condition is met. You can also define data in case the condition is not met. Conditions can be interleaved.
To check the output format, you can display the reading results on the terminal. To do
this, open the terminal using the relevant button in the toolbar and establish a con‐ nection with the device (CONNECTION menu on the terminal). For each trigger (reading gate), a data string is transferred and displayed on the terminal.

Output Format 2

The format of the data string for outputting the reading results is defined on the graphi‐ cal interface of the Output Format 2 group. A total of two different formats (Output For‐
mat 1 and Output Format 2) can be defined. During configuration of the interfaces,
either of the two output formats can be assigned.
The output format is graphically displayed and can contain conditions, special charac‐ ters (orange), variables (blue), or free text. To customize the output format, select the required insertion position with the mouse. Use the keyboard or special buttons to make your entries:
button or the context menu (right mouse button) to insert condi‐
button to modify the properties of a condition. For each condi‐
You can use the
button or the context menu (right mouse button) to insert condi‐ tions, special characters (e.g., start and stop), or variables, for example, for the reading results.
You can use the
button to modify the properties of a condition. For each condi‐ tion, you can define which data should be output if the condition is met. You can also define data in case the condition is not met. Conditions can be interleaved.
To check the output format, you can display the reading results on the terminal. To do
this, open the terminal using the relevant button in the toolbar and establish a con‐ nection with the device (CONNECTION menu on the terminal). For each trigger (reading gate), a data string is transferred and displayed on the terminal.
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34 Output Format

An output format is assigned to the interface via the Output Format parameter.
Output formats are defined under Data processing.
Enable heartbeat
If the Enable heartbeat parameter is activated, what happens at regular intervals (Heartbeat-Intervall) is that a signal is output via the interface. In this way, the availabil‐ ity of the reading device can be checked via the interface.
Heartbeat interval
The Heartbeat interval parameter is used to define the time between the heartbeat sig‐ nals in seconds.
Restart interval on sending
If the Restart interval on sending parameter is activated, the time between the heart‐ beat signals starts again after the reading results have been output.

35 Output Format

The output format for the interface is selected via the Output Format parameter.

Output Hex-ASCII

If the Output Hex-ASCII parameter is activated, every code character is output as a hex‐ adecimal value. If hexadecimal output has been deactivated via the parameter, the code content is output directly as ASCII characters. If an ASCII code is output containing control characters, these are replaced by the @ character to avoid conflicts with the pro‐ tocol framework.
Converting the code content into hexadecimal values enables all characters – including control characters – to be output.

Output Control

The Output Control group contains the parameters used to determine the timings for outputting the Output Format 1 and Output Format 2 data.
NO OUTPUT: No data is output via this interface. OUTPUT FORMAT 1: Data that is output via this interface is formatted in line with the
configuration in the Output Format 1 group.
OUTPUT FORMAT 2: Data that is output via this interface is formatted in line with the
configuration in the Output Format 2 group.
CUSTOMER OUTPUT FORMAT: Via this interface, data is output in a customer-specific for‐
mat. The formatting is defined using the with number parameter.
Control system
Distance-controlled: If a distance-controlled delay is set, the reading gate only opens once the object has continued traveling for a predefined distance after the trigger signal is issued.
Time-controlled: If a time-controlled delay is set, the reading gate only opens once a predefined time has elapsed after the trigger signal is issued.
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38 Output delay

The Output delay parameter allows you to choose between a configuration based on length units and a configuration based on time units for the Delay, Label Timeout, Con‐
dition Timeout, and Timeout parameters.
DISTANCE-CONTROLLED: The parameter values are entered in mm.
TIME-CONTROLLED: The parameter values are entered in ms.

39 Data transmission point

You can use the Data transmission point parameter to define when the reading results are to be output.
END OF READ CYCLE: The reading results of all codes are output as soon as the reading
gate is closed. As a result, the data is output at a definable point in time.
AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: The reading results of a code are output as soon as the code
has been identified (even if the reading gate is still open). This means that data can undergo further processing immediately.
NEW CODE: The reading results of a code are output as soon as a code has been
identified. However, before the same code can be output again, another code must first be identified. As a result, you can prevent a code from being identified multiple times and the data being output again (e.g., during manual reading).
END OF LABEL: The reading results of a code are output as soon as a code leaves the
reading area of the sensor.
In operating mode, image transmission and diagnosis are only available for the END OF
READ CYCLE setting.

40 Output / Result 1

The Output / Result 1 group contains the parameters for adjusting digital output 1.

41 Output / Result 2

The Output / Result 2 group contains the parameters for adjusting digital output 2.
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The Active parameter is used to select the event that activates the digital output.
SOPAS COMMAND: The output can be activated via a command. This allows defined
statuses to be displayed by a connected indicator lamp when a corresponding command is issued by the control (PLC).
DEVICE READY: The output is activated as soon as the sensor is ready for use.
GOOD READ: The output is activated if the read operation was successful.
NO READ: The output is activated if the read operation was unsuccessful.
TEACH-IN 1 OK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 1 has been success‐
fully taught in.
TEACH-IN 1 NOK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 1 could not be suc‐
cessfully taught in.
TEACH-IN 2 OK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 2 has been success‐
fully taught in.
TEACH-IN 2 NOK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 2 could not be suc‐
cessfully taught in.
EXTERNAL ILLUMINATION: External lighting is connected to the output and can be
switched on and off by the device.
MATCH 1 CONDITION: The output is activated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the MATCH 1 CONDITION match code.
MULTICODES1 CONDITION: The output is activated if the number of codes that have
been read corresponds to the number specified by the MULTICODES1 CONDITION.
TEACH-IN1 CONDITION: The output is activated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN1 CONDITION match code.
TEACH-IN2 CONDITION: The output is activated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN2 CONDITION match code.
The behavior of the external illumination and the switch type are set under Illumination.
The Inactive parameter is used to select the event that leads to the digital output being deactivated.
TIMER/TRACKING: The output is deactivated on expiry of a specific period (Length).
NEXT OBJECT TRIGGER: The output is deactivated as soon as the next reading gate
SOPAS COMMAND: The output can be deactivated via a command. This allows defined
statuses to be displayed by a connected indicator lamp when a corresponding command is issued by the control (PLC).
GOOD READ: The output is deactivated if the read operation was successful.
NO READ: The output is deactivated if the read operation was unsuccessful.
TEACH-IN 1START: The output is deactivated as soon as the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 1 teach-
in process commences.
TEACH-IN 2START: The output is deactivated as soon as the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 2 teach-
in process commences.
MATCH 1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the MATCH 1 CONDITION match code.
MULTICODES1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the number of codes that have
been read corresponds to the number specified by the MULTICODES1 CONDITION.
TEACH-IN1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN1 CONDITION match code.
TEACH-IN2 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN2 CONDITION match code.
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The or parameter can be used to select a second condition for deactivating the digital output.
In order for the digital output to be deactivated, one of the conditions must be met.
---: No second condition selected
MATCH 1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the MATCH 1 CONDITION match code.
MULTICODES1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the number of codes that have
been read corresponds to the number specified by the MULTICODES1 CONDITION.
TEACH-IN1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN1 CONDITION match code.
TEACH-IN2 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN2 CONDITION match code.
The Logik parameter is used to select the polarity of the digital output.
NOT INVERTED: If this option is activated, the digital output switches from Low (0) to
High (1).
INVERTED: If this option is activated, the digital output switches from High (1) to Low
Control system
The Control system parameter allows you to choose between a configuration based on length units and a configuration based on time units.
DISTANCE-CONTROLLED: The values for the Länge parameter are entered in mm.
TIME-CONTROLLED: The values for the Länge parameter are entered in ms.
If the Inactive parameter is set to the TIMER/TRACKING condition, the Length parameter can be used to specify how long the digital output should remain activated. The unit can be selected via the Control system parameter.

42 Output / Result 3

The Output / Result 3 group contains the parameters for adjusting digital output 3.
Digital outputs 3 and 4 are not available via the 15-pin D-Sub port on the CDB620 or CDM420 connection module. They can only be utilized if a 17-pin open-ended cable is used.
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The Active parameter is used to select the event that activates the digital output.
SOPAS COMMAND: The output can be activated via a command. This allows defined
statuses to be displayed by a connected indicator lamp when a corresponding command is issued by the control (PLC).
DEVICE READY: The output is activated as soon as the sensor is ready for use.
GOOD READ: The output is activated if the read operation was successful.
NO READ: The output is activated if the read operation was unsuccessful.
TEACH-IN 1 OK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 1 has been success‐
fully taught in.
TEACH-IN 1 NOK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 1 could not be suc‐
cessfully taught in.
TEACH-IN 2 OK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 2 has been success‐
fully taught in.
TEACH-IN 2 NOK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 2 could not be suc‐
cessfully taught in.
EXTERNAL ILLUMINATION: External lighting is connected to the output and can be
switched on and off by the device.
MATCH 1 CONDITION: The output is activated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the MATCH 1 CONDITION match code.
MULTICODES1 CONDITION: The output is activated if the number of codes that have
been read corresponds to the number specified by the MULTICODES1 CONDITION.
TEACH-IN1 CONDITION: The output is activated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN1 CONDITION match code.
TEACH-IN2 CONDITION: The output is activated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN2 CONDITION match code.
The Inactive parameter is used to select the event that leads to the digital output being deactivated.
TIMER/TRACKING: The output is deactivated on expiry of a specific period (Length).
NEXT OBJECT TRIGGER: The output is deactivated as soon as the next reading gate
SOPAS COMMAND: The output can be deactivated via a command. This allows defined
statuses to be displayed by a connected indicator lamp when a corresponding command is issued by the control (PLC).
GOOD READ: The output is deactivated if the read operation was successful.
NO READ: The output is deactivated if the read operation was unsuccessful.
TEACH-IN 1START: The output is deactivated as soon as the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 1 teach-
in process commences.
TEACH-IN 2START: The output is deactivated as soon as the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 2 teach-
in process commences.
MATCH 1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the MATCH 1 CONDITION match code.
MULTICODES1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the number of codes that have
been read corresponds to the number specified by the MULTICODES1 CONDITION.
TEACH-IN1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN1 CONDITION match code.
TEACH-IN2 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN2 CONDITION match code.
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The or parameter can be used to select a second condition for deactivating the digital output.
In order for the digital output to be deactivated, one of the conditions must be met.
---: No second condition selected
MATCH 1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the MATCH 1 CONDITION match code.
MULTICODES1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the number of codes that have
been read corresponds to the number specified by the MULTICODES1 CONDITION.
TEACH-IN1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN1 CONDITION match code.
TEACH-IN2 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN2 CONDITION match code.
The Logic parameter is used to select the polarity of the digital output.
NOT INVERTED: If this option is activated, the digital output switches from Low (0) to
High (1).
INVERTED: If this option is activated, the digital output switches from High (1) to Low
Control system
The Control system parameter allows you to choose between a configuration based on length units and a configuration based on time units.
DISTANCE-CONTROLLED: The values for the Length parameter are entered in mm.
TIME-CONTROLLED: The values for the Length parameter are entered in ms.
If the Inactive parameter is set to the TIMER/TRACKING condition, the Length parameter can be used to specify how long the digital output should remain activated. The unit can be selected via the Control system parameter.

43 Output / Result 4

The Output / Result 4 group contains the parameters for adjusting digital output 4.
Digital outputs 3 and 4 are not available via the 15-pin D-Sub port on the CDB620 or CDM420 connection module. They can only be utilized if a 17-pin open-ended cable is used.
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The Active parameter is used to select the event that activates the digital output.
SOPAS COMMAND: The output can be activated via a command. This allows defined
statuses to be displayed by a connected indicator lamp when a corresponding command is issued by the control (PLC).
DEVICE READY: The output is activated as soon as the sensor is ready for use.
GOOD READ: The output is activated if the read operation was successful.
NO READ: The output is activated if the read operation was unsuccessful.
TEACH-IN 1 OK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 1 has been success‐
fully taught in.
TEACH-IN 1 NOK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 1 could not be suc‐
cessfully taught in.
TEACH-IN 2 OK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 2 has been success‐
fully taught in.
TEACH-IN 2 NOK: The output is activated if the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 2 could not be suc‐
cessfully taught in.
MATCH 1 CONDITION: The output is activated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the MATCH 1 CONDITION match code.
MULTICODES1 CONDITION: The output is activated if the number of codes that have
been read corresponds to the number specified by the MULTICODES1 CONDITION.
TEACH-IN1 CONDITION: The output is activated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN1 CONDITION match code.
TEACH-IN2 CONDITION: The output is activated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN2 CONDITION match code.
The Inactive parameter is used to select the event that leads to the digital output being deactivated.
TIMER/TRACKING: The output is deactivated on expiry of a specific period (see
"Length", page 84).
NEXT OBJECT TRIGGER: The output is deactivated as soon as the next reading gate
SOPAS COMMAND: The output can be deactivated via a command. This allows defined
statuses to be displayed by a connected indicator lamp when a corresponding command is issued by the control (PLC).
GOOD READ: The output is deactivated if the read operation was successful.
NO READ: The output is deactivated if the read operation was unsuccessful.
TEACH-IN 1START: The output is deactivated as soon as the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 1 teach-
in process commences.
TEACH-IN 2START: The output is deactivated as soon as the MATCH CODE TEACH-IN 2 teach-
in process commences.
MATCH 1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the MATCH 1 CONDITION match code.
MULTICODES1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the number of codes that have
been read corresponds to the number specified by the MULTICODES1 CONDITION.
TEACH-IN1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN1 CONDITION match code.
TEACH-IN2 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN2 CONDITION match code.
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The or parameter can be used to select a second condition for deactivating the digital output.
In order for the digital output to be deactivated, one of the conditions must be met.
---: No second condition selected
MATCH 1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the MATCH 1 CONDITION match code.
MULTICODES1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the number of codes that have
been read corresponds to the number specified by the MULTICODES1 CONDITION.
TEACH-IN1 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN1 CONDITION match code.
TEACH-IN2 CONDITION: The output is deactivated if the code that has been read corre‐
sponds to the TEACH-IN2 CONDITION match code.
The Logic parameter is used to select the polarity of the digital output.
NOT INVERTED: If this option is activated, the digital output switches from Low (0) to
High (1).
INVERTED: If this option is activated, the digital output switches from High (1) to Low
Control system
The Control system parameter allows you to choose between a configuration based on length units and a configuration based on time units.
DISTANCE-CONTROLLED: The values for the Länge parameter are entered in mm.
TIME-CONTROLLED: The values for the Länge parameter are entered in ms.
If the Inactive parameter is set to the TIMER/TRACKING condition, the Length parameter can be used to specify how long the digital output should remain activated. The unit can be selected via the Control system parameter.

44 Evaluation Conditions

Conditions that are checked by the device at each reading gate are defined in the Eval‐
uation Conditions group. If defined conditions are fulfilled, specific actions can be per‐
formed by the device – for example, setting an output signal, ending a reading gate, or outputting an image or a particular data string.
Evaluation conditions can be used to define situations that serve as reference points in the device software for flexible process control and data processing. The use of evalua‐ tion conditions shifts the complexity of control tasks from the external controls (PLCs) into the code reader, meaning costs are reduced.
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General operation
Conditions that have already been created can be edited via the button. A dialog box opens which specifies the condition in detail.
Conditions that have been taught in can be deleted via the button.
Another new condition can be created via the allows you to specify the condition precisely. The condition type and name are precisely defined in the dialog box along with the condition itself.

45 Auto

Pressing the Auto button starts the Auto-Setup wizard for automatic adjustment of the reading distance.
In order for the reading distance to be adjusted automatically, a suitable object with contrast variations or edges (e.g., code, text, or other structures) must be placed in the reading area.
The reading distance can only be adjusted automatically if there is a certain back‐ ground brightness to ensure the structures in the image are visible.

46 Automatic Tuning / Parameter Switchover

The parameter switchover switches over the saved parameter sets during the reading interval. A maximum of four different parameter sets can be saved in the parameter switchover.
If codes are to be read on different background materials or under different application conditions, the parameter switchover can be used. The individual parameter sets can be adapted individually and optimally to the respective code or the application. This increases the flexibility and stability of the sensor.
button. A dialog box opens which

Automatic Tuning

Image optimization can be activated and configured in the Automatic Tuning group dur‐ ing operation.
The brightness tuning is ideally used if code contrasts fluctuate or ambient lighting con‐ ditions change slightly. It is recommended that brightness tuning is only carried out when the system is stationary due to the time required for the brightness measurement and adjustment.
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48 Auto-Setup via function button menu

The Auto-Setup via function button menu group contains the parameters for adjusting the Auto-Setup wizards.
The AUTO-SETUP function is divided into three individual modules:
IMAGE SETTINGS (brightness and contrast)
CODE SETTINGS (only available for DATA MATRIX for the time being)
The AUTO-SETUP function can be started in different ways:
Via wizard
Via pushbuttons on sensor
By pressing the AUTO buttons
Via command (SOPAS command)
Commands for starting the AUTO-SETUP function:
SMN MASSTART: The Auto-Setup process is started.
SMN MASFINISH: The Auto-Setup process is stopped and the result is applied. To
return to reading mode, you must end the Auto-Setup process with a stop com‐ mand.
SMN MASCANCEL: The Auto-Setup process is stopped. This does, however, cause the
result to be discarded. To return to reading mode, you must end the Auto-Setup process with a stop command.
Even if you start the AUTO-SETUP function via a command, the settings for the wizard (standard or advanced) are still taken into consideration. The settings can also be con‐ figured using commands. A detailed list of commands can be obtained from SICK on request.

49 Barcode Symbology

The Barcode Symbology parameter determines which barcode symbology is used to enter the received data in the sensor. The selected barcode symbology must also be enabled in the sensor.
For the USE FIRST CHARACTER FOR IDENTIFICATION setting, the first character after the Rx
Header must correspond to the code ID for the required bar code.
STX > E 123456 ETX: Input via code ID "e" as 2/5 Interleaved, content = 123456
STX > B ABCDEF ETX: Input via code ID "b" as code 39, content = abcdef
For a list of valid bar code IDs, see Code-IDs für Barcodes
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Code IDs for bar codes
b, CODE39
c, UPC
d, EAN
i, CODE93
j, CODE128
n, EAN 128
p, GS1 DataBar Expanded
r, PDF417
u, GS1 DataBar Limited
<, CODE32 (6 digit C39 decodes as C32)

50 Base COB-ID for ReadResult PDOs

The Base COB-ID for ReadResult PDOs parameter defines the CAN identifier of the first transmit process data object (TPDO), which used to transmit the reading result.
When reading results are transmitted via process data objects (PDOs), the reading result is distributed across several PDOs that are sent to the PLC one after the other. The identifier for the first PDO must be configured; subsequent PDOs have consecutive identifiers.

51 Baud rate

The maximum transmission rate for data sent by the sensor to the host can be adjusted via the Baud rate parameter.
The value is specified in baud. This value defines the number of signal changes that can take place via the interface per second. Depending on the protocol, up to four bits can be transmitted per signal change (e.g., with 2,400 baud: up to 9,600 bits/second).

52 Baud rate

The maximum transmission rate can be adjusted via the Baud rate parameter.
The value is specified in bits/s.
All devices on the CAN network must run at the same data baud rate. The maximum length of cable for the network is dependent on the baud rate.
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