Poppenbütteler Bogen 9 b · 22399 Hamburg · Germany
Swagelok is a trademark of the Swagelok Company.
Other product names used in this document may also be trademarks and are only used for identification purposes.
Original documents
The English edition 8016234 of this document is an original
document of SICK AG.
SICK AG assumes no liability for the correctness of an unauthorized translation.
Please contact SICK AG or your local representative in case of
Legal information
Subject to change without notice
Warning Symbols
Hazard (general)
Hazard in potentially explosive atmospheres
Hazard by explosive substances/mixtures
Hazard by toxic substances
Warning Levels / Signal Words
Risk or hazardous situation which could result in severe personal
injury or death.
Hazard or unsafe practice which could result in personal injury or
property damage.
Hazard which could result in property damage.
Information Symbols
Information on product characteristics with regard to
protection against explosions
ACAlternating Current
IP XY International Protection (also: Ingress Protection);
degree of protection of a device according to IEC/
DIN EN 60529. The digit X designates protection
against contact and impurities, Y protection against
Important technical information for this product
Important information on electric or electronic functions
Only use the Enclosure GMS815P-PS-2G/-3G in potentially explosive atmospheres
when permitted according to the zone, explosion group and temperature class specifications (refer to the type plate → p. 10, §2.1).
Observe and follow the “special requirements” of the approval (→ p. 8, §1.5).
Observe and follow the Operating Instructions delivered with the pressurized enclosure
system as well.
Only allow skilled persons having knowledge of the relevant rules and regulations for
potentially explosive atmospheres to carry out installation, start-up, maintenance and
test – e.g.:
– Range specification
– Ignition protection types
– Installation regulations, e.g. “Regulation concerning electrical equipment in hazard-
ous areas (ElexV)”
Only have the device repaired by the manufacturer or by trained and authorized skilled
Do not make any unauthorized modifications to the device.
1.4Additional documentation/information
This document supplements the Operating Instructions “GMS800 Series”. It extends these
Operating Instructions with technical information on the Enclosures GMS815P-PS-2G and
Observe the Operating Instructions delivered with the “GMS800 Series”.
The “GMS800 Series” Operating Instructions also specify all further documents belonging to the individual device.
Pay primary attention to any individual information delivered.
Other documents delivered
Operating Instructions for the pressurized
enclosure system
Operating Instructions for the main switch
Operating Instructions for the Zener
[1] Only for versions with intrinsically safe signal connections (→ p. 24, § 3.9)
Subject to change w ithout notice
Observe during start-up and shutdown.
Observe when installing the mains connection (→ p. 19, §3.5.3).
Observe when installing intrinsically safe
signal connections.
1.5.1Approval conditions for the Enclosure GMS815P-PS-2G
Extract from the approval document:
1. The volume flow of sample gas on the system must be restricted to maximum
100 dm³/h.
2.– Sample gases must not be combustible,
– sample gas concentrations must always be maximal 25% of the LEL,
– sample gases can be combustible but not explosive; the oxygen part must be
below 2% by volume and less than 80% of the upper explosion limit.
3. Sample gas lines connected must be checked for leak tightness and strength using
1.5 times the maximum allowable pressure.
4. Wait at least 60 minutes after disconnecting from the mains voltage before opening
the enclosure (refer to the warning information).
5. Observe manufacturer's Operating Instructions especially with regard to the resistance of the relevant seal materials and gas lines against the sample gases.
Important Information
1.5.2Approval conditions for the Enclosure GMS815P-PS-3G
Extract from the approval document:
1. – Sample gases must not be combustible,
– sample gas concentrations must always be maximal 25% of the lower explosion
limit (LEL).
2. Sample gas lines connected must be checked for leak tightness and strength using
1 Gas analyzer enclosure, top sectionContains the power supply unit, operating
unit, I/O module
2 Safety information→ p. 28, §4.2
3 Gas analyzer enclosure, bottom sectionContains the Analyzer module, Gas module
4 Bonding load connection→ p. 19, §3.5.2
5 Pressurized enclosure system
6 Protective gas outlet→ p. 16, §3.3.2
7 Operating unit of the pressurized enclosure systemOnly for Enclosure GMS815P-PS-2G
8 Protective gas inlet→ p. 16, §3.3.1
9Type plate→ p. 10, §2.1
10 Power relayFor mains voltage
11 Main switch→ p. 19, §3.5.3
12 Bonding load connection→ p. 19, §3.5.2
13 Interface box→ p. 20, §3.7.1
– Sample gas connections
→ Operating Instructions for GMS800 series
gas analyzers
– Option:
[1] → Operating Instructions of the pressurized enclosure system
[2] On the underside of the gas analyzer enclosure (not shown)
Subject to change w ithout notice
Span gas connection
or connection for second sample gas path
or purge gas connection for an Analyzer module
● Usable in potentially explosive atmospheres in the particular zone, explosion group and
temperature class specified on the type plate (→ p. 10, §2.1).
● Limitations on product variants to be maintained vary when measuring combustible
gases (→ p. 8, §1.5).
● The interface box (→ p. 11, Fig. 1) is always fitted on the Enclosure GMS815P-PS-2G and
is an option for the Enclosure GMS815P-PS-3G.
If the Enclosure GMS815P-PS-3G does not have an interface box fitted:
Maintain the requirements in accordance with EN 60079-2 “Explosive
atmospheres – Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosure “p””
/Section 7.
● Function of the interface box → p. 20, §3.7.1
● It may be necessary to use the interface box due to the planned operating
● Intrinsically safe signal connections
● Interface box (only for GMS815P-PS-3G)
● Version for temperature class “T6” (in preparation)
Product Description
2.3Function of the pressurized enclosure system
The pressurized enclosure prevents an explosive atmosphere being created inside the
enclosure. To this purpose, the gas analyzer enclosure is filled with a protective gas. Apart
from that, it also ensures the gas pressure inside the gas analyzer enclosure is higher than
the ambient air pressure.
Safety functions
● The enclosure is pre-purged automatically before start-up. The mains supply for the gas
analyzer is first switched on afterwards.
● The mains supply of the gas analyzer is switched off automatically should the pressurized enclosure not be in the correct operating state (malfunction).
Functionality during operation
The pressurized enclosure system functions in “leakage compensation” operating mode: A
certain protective gas pressure is created in the gas analyzer enclosure after pre-purging
has completed. If the protective gas pressure drops below the minimum pressure set, protective gas feed is activated until the rated pressure is reached again.
On the Enclosure GMS815P-PS-2G, a certain amount of protective gas leaks out of the gas
analyzer enclosure through the protective gas outlet. This means the protective gas feed is
activated often to restore the pressure. This creates a more or less permanent protective
gas flow with the required flowrate.