SICK EFI Technical Information

EFI – Enhanced Function Interface
Safe SICK device communication
Technical information
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2 © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved 8012622/Z098/2016-11-07
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Technical information
1 About this document.................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Function of this document................................................................................5
1.2 Abbreviations used........................................................................................... 5
1.3 Symbols used ...................................................................................................5
2 On safety.......................................................................................................................6
2.1 General safety notes and protective measures................................................6
3 Basics ........................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Devices with EFI................................................................................................7
3.2 Function expansion by connecting ESPE..........................................................8
3.3 Function expansion using switching amplifiers ..............................................10
3.4 Applications with safety controllers................................................................11
3.5 Network solutions...........................................................................................12
4 Technical realization..................................................................................................13
4.1 Data exchange via EFI ....................................................................................14
4.1.1 Addressing.....................................................................................15
4.1.2 Sending and receiving of information............................................16
4.2 Firmware compatibility of the EFI devices ......................................................17
4.2.1 C4000 safety light curtain.............................................................17
4.2.2 M4000 multiple light beam safety device.....................................18
4.2.3 S300/S3000 safety laser scanners..............................................19
4.3 Description of the bytes and bits of the EFI communication ..........................19
4.3.1 Bytes of the EFI communication....................................................19
4.4 Status information and control options for the EFI devices............................26
4.4.1 C4000 safety light curtain.............................................................26
4.4.2 M4000 multiple light beam safety device.....................................28
4.4.3 S3000 safety laser scanner..........................................................29
4.4.4 S300 safety laser scanner ............................................................32
4.4.5 S300 Mini safety laser scanner.....................................................34
4.4.6 Flexi Soft FX3-CPU1, -CPU2, -CPU3 safety controller.....................36
4.4.7 UE4740 EFI gateway.....................................................................37
4.5 Application examples......................................................................................38
4.5.1 EFI gateway with M4000 multiple light beam safety device .........38
4.5.2 EFI gateway with M4000 and UE403 switching amplifier.............39
4.5.3 EFI gateway with two S3000 safety laser scanners ......................40
4.5.4 EFI gateways with S3000 or S300 host/guest systems with
local inputs....................................................................................40
4.5.5 EFI gateway with two S300 safety laser scanners ........................41
4.5.6 EFI gateway with safety controllers ...............................................42
4.5.7 Flexi Soft safety controller with M4000 multiple light beam
safety device .................................................................................43
4.5.8 Flexi Soft safety controller with two S3000 or S300 Mini.............44
4.5.9 Flexi Soft safety controller with S3000 or S300 host/guest
system (with local inputs)..............................................................44
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5 Configuration options via EFI.................................................................................... 47
5.1 Device groups with one EFI string.................................................................. 47
5.1.1 Cascaded system with the safety light curtain C4000.................. 47
5.1.2 Host/guest system with the S300/S300 Mini/S3000 safety
laser scanners .............................................................................. 48
5.1.3 M4000 with UE403 switching amplifier....................................... 48
5.1.4 Safety controller with one ESPE.................................................... 49
5.1.5 EFI gateway with ESPE(s) connected............................................ 49
5.2 Device groups with two EFI strings................................................................. 50
5.2.1 Safety controller with two ESPE.................................................... 50
5.2.2 EFI gateway with safety controller and ESPE connected .............. 51
5.2.3 EFI gateway with two safety controllers with ESPE connected...... 52
6 Technical specifications............................................................................................ 54
6.1 Electrical installation...................................................................................... 54
6.2 Interfaces....................................................................................................... 54
7 Annex ......................................................................................................................... 55
7.1 List of tables .................................................................................................. 55
7.2 List of illustrations.......................................................................................... 55
Technical information
4 © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved 8012622/Z098/2016-11-07
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Technical information Chapter 1
About this document

1 About this document

Please read this chapter carefully before working with the technical description.

1.1 Function of this document

This technical information gives you an overview of the possibilities, expanded functionality and the technical implementation of safety-related applications with the Enhanced Function Interface from SICK AG.

1.2 Abbreviations used

= Take action …
SICK Configuration & Diagnostic Software
External device monitoring
Enhanced function interface = safe SICK device communication Electro-sensitive protective equipment (e.g. C4000, S300)
(Fail-safe) Programmable logic controller
Output signal switching device = signal output that drives the safety circuit

1.3 Symbols used

Refer to notes for special features of the device.
Instructions for taking action are shown by an arrow. Read carefully and follow the instructions for action.
A warning indicates an actual or potential risk or health hazard. They are designed to help you to prevent accidents.
Read carefully and follow the warning notices!
Software notes show the location in the CDS (Configuration & Diagnostic Software) where you can make the appropriate settings and adjustments. In the CDS open the menu View, Dialog box and select the item File Cards to go straight to the stated dialog fields. Alternatively, the software wizard will guide you through the appropriate setting.
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Chapter 2 Technical information
in the use of the device by qualified safety personnel and must
On safety

2 On safety

2.1 General safety notes and protective measures

Use the related operating instructions for the devices!
This technical information does not replace the operating instructions for the ESPE, safety
controllers or the EFI gateway described in the following.
These operating instructions are to be made available to the operator of the system, machine or vehicle on which an ESPE, a safety controller or an EFI gateway is used. The operator is to be instructed be instructed to read and observe the operating instructions.
6 © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved 8012622/Z098/2016-11-07
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Technical information Chapter 3

3 Basics

This chapter describes the possibilities offered by the Enhanced Function Interface (EFI).
The Enhanced Function Interface (EFI) was developed to implement safe communication between ESPE, Flexi Soft modular safety controller or EFI gateway.
However, EFI is more than an interface for connecting together SICK devices. EFI expands the functionality of the individual protective devices.
Using protective devices connected with EFI, safety-related applications can be implemented that would otherwise only be possible with a large amount of circuitry or extensive installation effort. These applications include, for example, simultaneous protective field monitoring using the S3000 safety laser scanner, operating mode switching on the C4000 or sampling status signals (e.g. for a contaminated front screen).
Status and control information is exchanged between devices via EFI. The applications can be integrated into higher level bus systems using EFI gateways.
In addition the concurrent configuration of the devices in a project is possible.
You will find the advantages of EFI in SICK safety systems only.

3.1 Devices with EFI

The following product families are equipped with EFI:
M4000 multiple light beam safety device: Advanced, Area
UE403 switching amplifier
C4000 safety light curtain: Standard, Advanced, Entry/Exit, Palletizer, Fusion,
Standard Guest, Advanced Guest
M4000 multiple light beam safety device: Standard Curtain, Advanced Curtain
UE402 switching amplifier
S3000 safety laser scanner: Standard, Advanced, Professional, Expert, Remote,
Cold Store, Anti Collision
S300 safety laser scanner: Standard, Advanced, Professional, Expert
S300 Mini safety laser scanner: Remote
UE4740 EFI gateway
Flexi Soft FX3-CPU1, -CPU2, -CPU3 modular safety controller
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Chapter 3 Technical information
Principle of the S300

3.2 Function expansion by connecting ESPE

By connecting together individual ESPE via EFI additional applications become possible.
Example 1: Two S300 in host/guest operation
vehicle monitoring for bi­directional travel
The S300 safety laser scanners are connected to a host/guest system via an EFI connec­tion. It is then possible, for instance, to realize vehicle monitoring in two directions of movement.
The guest (2) receives the incremental encoder values (4) from the host (1) over the EFI interface (3). It monitors the areas for the second direction of travel as a function of the velocity. As soon as there is an object in the protective field, it switches the OSSDs on the host via the EFI interface to the OFF state (5).
host/guest system
less configuration effort:
– central interface for the configuration of the system – concurrent monitoring case switching
less wiring costs:
– The cables for the input signals only need to be connected to the host. – One pair of OSSDs is sufficient for the entire system.
simplified diagnostics on the host/guest system:
– combined error messages – central interface for system diagnostics
8 © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved 8012622/Z098/2016-11-07
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Technical information Chapter 3
Hazardous point
Principle of the
Example 2: Two C4000 in operation as a cascaded system
protection with presence detection
Two C4000 safety light curtains form a cascaded system. The C4000 Host (1) performs the actual hazardous point protection on a press. The C4000 Guest (2) performs the presence detection. The two C4000 are connected together using EFI. The OSSDs on the C4000 Host are integrated into the machine controller (4). If the protective field of the C4000 Guest is interrupted by standing behind or by an attempt at crawling beneath/reaching under, the OSSDs on the C4000 Host are switched via EFI (3) to the OFF state.
cascaded C4000 system
Up to three safety light curtains can be connected to each other.
No additional external circuitry required. Quick to connect.
Resolution and protective field height may differ among the individual systems.
8012622/Z098/2016-11-07 © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved 9
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Chapter 3 Technical information
Access protection with
Principle of the

3.3 Function expansion using switching amplifiers

Using the UE402 switching amplifiers for C4000 and UE403 for M4000 the functionality of the C4000 safety light curtains and the M4000 multiple light beam safety devices can be expanded.
Example: Muting with M4000 and UE403
M4000 muting system
Two pairs of inductive muting sensors (1) connected to the UE403 detect the transport platform. The UE403 switching amplifier (2) transmits signals via EFI (3) to the M4000 multiple light beam safety device (4) and controls the muting function.
less wiring due to local connection of all signals
less wiring between switching amplifier and ESPE due to EFI
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Technical information Chapter 3
Safety application with

3.4 Applications with safety controllers

Complex safety applications can be solved specifically using safety controllers.
a Flexi Soft safety controller
protective field monitoring with S3000 and a safety controller
In the insertion station with rotary table shown and the downstream robot station (1) all the safety-related functions (hazardous point protection, hazardous area protection, door contacts, emergency stop, restart) are realized using a Flexi Soft safety controller (2). The ESPE are integrated into the safety application via EFI.
One S3000 simultaneously monitors two protective fields (1 and 2). Via EFI it signals the states of the protective fields to the Flexi Soft safety controller (3). The safety controller has two OSSDs for separate safe shut down. The related industrial robot is shut down by an object in one of the protective fields. The second station continues to operate.
all safety-relevant functions in one application
one ESPE saved due to simultaneous protective field monitoring
increased availability of the system, as only the robots related to the hazardous
situation are stopped and not the complete system
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Chapter 3 Technical information
Integration of two

3.5 Network solutions

By integrating ESPE with the aid of the EFI gateway it is possible to bidirectionally transmit configuration, status and diagnostics functions from the ESPE to the bus system PROFINET IO PROFIsafe.
Using the EFI gateway, one or more ESPE or even entire applications realized with safety controllers can be integrated into, for example, an (F)PLC.
S300 in host/guest operation into a bus system
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Technical information Chapter 4
Safety controller with
Technical realization

4 Technical realization

EFI is a linear bus system. Up to four devices can be connected to this bus system. The actual number of devices depends on the related application or product family.
ESPE connected via two EFI strings
Twisted-pair cable with a characteristic impedance of 108 … 132 is used as the bus medium (see also chapter 6 “Technical specifications” on page 54).
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Chapter 4 Technical information
Example data
Example data
Technical realization

4.1 Data exchange via EFI

To enable data to be exchanged via EFI, each device connected has a unique address.
exchange between two S3000
In the example the S3000 Host has the address 7, the S3000 Guest the address 8. The host receives via address 8 the status information on the OSSDs and the diagnostics messages from the guest on contamination. The guest however receives the incremental encoder values from the host over the address 7.
The safety controllers receive via these addresses status information on the electrosensitive protective devices (C4000, S3000 etc.) or they control functions on the ESPE via these addresses (muting, operating mode switching etc.).
If an EFI system is connected via an EFI gateway to a PROFINET IO, these data can be forwarded to an (F)PLC or control tasks performed by the (F)PLC.
exchange between an (F)PLC and an M4000 via an EFI gateway
In the example the (F)PLC can write data to the M4000 via the routing in the EFI gateway (address 14). I.e. muting signals can be simulated by the control system. Conversely, status information including the output information from the M4000 (address 1) can be transferred to the (F)PLC via the routing in the EFI gateway.
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Technical information Chapter 4
Product family
Technical realization

4.1.1 Addressing

The SICK product families have the following addresses on the EFI:
addresses on the EFI
Product families Device address
C4000 receiver (Host) 1
C4000 receiver (Guest 1) 2
C4000 receiver (Guest 2) 3
C4000 sender (Host) 4
C4000 sender (Guest 1) 5
C4000 sender (Guest 2) 6
M4000 receiver 1
M4000 sender 4
S3000 (Host/Guest) 7/8
S300 (Host/Guest) 7/8
S300 Mini (Host/Guest) 7/8
UE402 14
UE403 11/12/13/14
Flexi Soft FX3-CPU1, -CPU2, -CPU3 11/12/13/14
UE4740 EFI gateway 13/14
Devices with the same address cannot be operated on the EFI at the same time.
If there are several C4000 safety light curtains on the EFI string, the addresses for the
cascaded system are assigned automatically.
The addresses are saved in non-volatile memory in the device memory in the C4000. The device can no longer be used as a standalone device or in a different system position.
Reset the system position saved in the C4000 using the CDS configuration software or using the Host-Guest Plug available as an accessory.
In an EFI system with two safety laser scanners, set the address of one of the scanners
to guest! The procedure for addressing is described in the related operating instructions in the chapter “Electrical installation” (S300 Mini, S300, S3000).
For the UE4740 EFI gateway, the UE403 and the Flexi Soft FX3-CPU1, -CPU2, -CPU3 the
EFI device address can be modified using CDS or Flexi Soft Designer.
To change the addresses of the EFI gateway, connect to the EFI gateway in the CDS. Right click the symbol for the EFI gateway and on the context menu choose Operate service/gateway with control system.
To change the addresses of the Flexi Soft FX3-CPU1, -CPU2, -CPU3, connect to the Flexi Soft Designer and the CPU. Right click the symbol for the CPU, a menu then appears where you can select the required EFI device address.
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Chapter 4 Technical information
Maximum number of
Technical realization

4.1.2 Sending and receiving of information

Each device sends exactly one item of status information with a length of up to 26 bits of data (C4000 and M4000 senders do not provide any information, this is provided by the C4000 or M4000 receivers).
The status information is not addressed to a specific user on the EFI string, i.e. all users on the EFI string can receive the status information.
The product families differ in the number of items of status information received.
The maximum number of items of status information received and their addresses are listed in the following table by product family. The table shows the items of status information received per EFI string.
items of status information received
Product family
Max. number of items
of status information
Device addresses from
which items of status
information are received
M4000 receiver 1 1 11, 12, 13 or 14
C4000 receiver (Host) 1 3 2, 3 and 14
C4000 receiver (Guest 1) 2
C4000 receiver (Guest 2) 3
S3000 (Host) 7 1 8, 13 or 14
S3000 (Guest) 8 1 7, 13 or 14
S300 (Host) 7 1 8, 13 or 14
S300 (Guest) 8 1 7, 13 or 14
S300 Mini (Host) 7 1 13 or 14
S300 Mini (Guest) 8 1 7, 13 or 14
UE402 14 1 1
UE403 14 1 1
Flexi Soft FX3-CPU1, -CPU2,
11-14 3 1-8, 11-14
UE4740 EFI gateway 13/14 3 1-8, 13/14
16 © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved 8012622/Z098/2016-11-07
The maximum number of items of status information received defines the number of
devices from which a device can receive information (e.g. C4000 Host from the two guests and a safety controller).
The devices addresses in column 4 define the devices to which a device can be
connected. The C4000 Host receives, e.g., only the addresses 2 and 3 (C4000 Guests) and 14 (safety controllers or EFI gateways). The connection of an M4000 (1) or an S3000 (7) is not possible.
Also pay attention to the information given in section 4.2 “Firmware compatibility of the
EFI devices” on page 17.
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Technical information Chapter 4
Technical realization

4.2 Firmware compatibility of the EFI devices

The following tables show which ESPE can be connected to which device.

4.2.1 C4000 safety light curtain

compatibility C4000/UE devices
C4000 receiver C4000 sender
C4000 Advanced
C4000 Standard
C4000 Guest
C4000 Guest
C4000 Advanced
C4000 Standard
C4000 Strd./Adv.
C4000 Guest
C4000 Strd./Adv.
Flexi Soft V1.00
UE4740 V1.11
UE402 V1.10
Not possible
On request
C4000 Advanced
C4000 Standard
C4000 Advanced
C4000 Standard
C4000 Advanced
C4000 Standard
C4000 Entry/Exit
          ?           ?           ?
C4000 Palletizer
C4000 Palletizer II
C4000 Fusion
C4000 Guest
C4000 Standard/Advanced
C4000 Standard/Advanced
         
C4000 Standard/Advanced
C4000 Entry/Exit
C4000 Palletizer
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Chapter 4 Technical information
Technical realization

4.2.2 M4000 multiple light beam safety device

M4000 receiver M4000 sender
compatibility M4000/UE devices
M4000 Advanced
M4000 Advanced Curtain
M4000 Advanced A/P
Flexi Soft V1.11
UE4740 V1.12
UE403 V1.51
M4000 Area
V1.50 V1.50
 
M4000 Advanced
M4000 Advanced Curtain
M4000 Advanced A/P
M4000 Area
M4000 Advanced Curtain
V1.10 V1.10 V1.10
M4000 Advanced
 
 
M4000 Area
Not possible
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