SICK deTem4 Core Ex Operating Instructions Manual

deTem4 Core Ex
Multiple light beam safety device
Described product
em4 Core Ex
SICK AG Erwin-Sick-Str. 1 79183 Waldkirch Germany
Legal information
his work is protected by copyright. Any rights derived from the copyright shall be
T reserved for SICK AG. Reproduction of this document or parts of this document is only permissible within the limits of the legal determination of Copyright Law. Any modifica‐ tion, abridgment or translation of this document is prohibited without the express writ‐ ten permission of SICK AG.
The trademarks stated in this document are the property of their respective owner.
© SICK AG. All rights reserved.
Original document
his document is an original document of SICK AG.
O PE R AT I NG IN S TR U CT I ON S | deTem4 Core Ex 8022875/2019-03-04 | SICK
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1 About this document........................................................................ 6
1.1 Function of this document....................................................................... 6
1.2 Scope......................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Target groups and structure of these operating instructions................ 6
1.4 Additional information.............................................................................. 7
1.5 Symbols and document conventions...................................................... 7
2 Safety information............................................................................ 9
2.1 General safety notes................................................................................ 9
2.2 Intended use............................................................................................. 9
2.3 Requirements for the qualification of personnel.................................... 11
3 Product description........................................................................... 13
3.1 Setup and function................................................................................... 13
3.2 Product characteristics............................................................................ 14
3.2.1 Status indicators...................................................................... 14
3.3 Example applications............................................................................... 16
4 Project planning................................................................................ 17
4.1 Manufacturer of the machine.................................................................. 17
4.2 Operating entity of the machine.............................................................. 17
4.3 Design........................................................................................................ 17
4.3.1 Scanning range and beam separation................................... 18
4.3.2 Minimum distance from the hazardous point....................... 18
4.3.3 Minimum distance from reflective surfaces.......................... 20
4.3.4 Protection against interference from systems in close prox‐
y to each other................................................................... 22
4.4 Integrating into the electrical control....................................................... 22
4.4.1 Restart interlock...................................................................... 25
4.4.2 External device monitoring (EDM).......................................... 25
4.4.3 Connection diagrams.............................................................. 26
4.5 Testing plan............................................................................................... 26
4.5.1 Test rod check.......................................................................... 27
4.5.2 Visual check of the machine and the protective device........ 28
5 Mounting............................................................................................. 29
5.1 Safety......................................................................................................... 29
5.2 Unpacking.................................................................................................. 30
5.3 Mounting................................................................................................... 30
5.3.1 Mount the multiple light beam safety device in the explo‐
sion-proof enclosure (only if being used in North America).. 32
5.3.2 Mount the optional cable gland.............................................. 34
5.3.3 Mount the handles to the cover of the explosion-proof
enclosure.................................................................................. 34
5.3.4 Mount the multiple light beam safety device........................ 35
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6 Electrical installation........................................................................ 42
6.1 Safety......................................................................................................... 42
6.2 System connection (M12, 5-pin)............................................................. 44
6.3 System connection via connection cable (M12, 5-pin to 8-pin)............ 45
7 Commissioning.................................................................................. 46
7.1 Safety......................................................................................................... 46
7.2 Overview.................................................................................................... 46
7.3 Switching on.............................................................................................. 47
7.4 Sender and receiver alignment................................................................ 47
7.4.1 Aligning the sender and receiver............................................ 47
7.4.2 Aligning the sender, receiver, and deflector mirror................ 48
7.4.3 Alignment with the alignment bracket................................... 49
7.4.4 Indication of the alignment quality......................................... 50
7.5 Check during commissioning and modifications.................................... 51
8 Operation............................................................................................ 52
8.1 Safety......................................................................................................... 52
8.2 Regular thorough check........................................................................... 52
9 Maintenance...................................................................................... 53
9.1 Safety......................................................................................................... 53
9.2 Regular cleaning....................................................................................... 53
9.3 Regular thorough check........................................................................... 55
10 Troubleshooting................................................................................. 56
10.1 Safety......................................................................................................... 56
10.2 Diagnostic LEDs........................................................................................ 56
10.2.1 Fault indicators........................................................................ 56
11 Decommissioning............................................................................. 59
11.1 Protection of the environment................................................................. 59
11.2 Disposal..................................................................................................... 59
12 Technical data.................................................................................... 60
12.1 Data sheet................................................................................................. 60
12.2 Table of weights........................................................................................ 62
12.3 Dimensional drawings.............................................................................. 63
13 Ordering information........................................................................ 66
13.1 Scope of delivery....................................................................................... 66
13.2 Ordering information deTem4 Core Ex.................................................... 66
14 Accessories........................................................................................ 67
14.1 Brackets.................................................................................................... 67
14.2 Mounting accessories.............................................................................. 68
14.3 Connectivity............................................................................................... 68
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14.4 Alignment aid............................................................................................ 68
14.5 Deflector mirrors....................................................................................... 69
14.5.1 Function and use..................................................................... 69
14.5.2 Change in scanning range using deflector mirrors................ 69
14.5.3 Deflector mirror – ordering information................................. 69
14.5.4 Deflector mirror PNS75 - ordering information...................... 69
14.5.5 Deflector mirror PNS125 - ordering information................... 69
14.6 Test rods.................................................................................................... 70
15 Annex.................................................................................................. 71
15.1 Compliance with EU directives................................................................. 71
15.2 Note on specified standards.................................................................... 72
15.3 Checklist for initial commissioning and commissioning........................ 73
16 List of figures..................................................................................... 74
17 List of tables....................................................................................... 75
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1 About this document

1.1 Function of this document

These operating instructions contain the information needed during the life cycle of the
iple light beam safety device.
Operating instructions of the multiple light beam safety device must be made available to all people who work with the device.
Please read these operating instructions carefully and make sure that you understand the content fully before working with the multiple light beam safety device.

1.2 Scope

These operating instructions only apply to the deTem4 Core Ex multiple light beam s
afety device with the following type label entry in the Operating Instructions field:
This document is included with the following SICK part numbers (this document in all available language versions):

1.3 Target groups and structure of these operating instructions

These operating instructions are intended for the following target groups: project devel‐ oper
s (planners, developers, designers), installers, electricians, safety experts (such as CE authorized representatives, compliance officers, people who test and approve the application), operators, and maintenance personnel.
The structure of these operating instructions is based on the life cycle phases of the multiple light beam safety device: project planning, mounting, electrical installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance.
In many applications, therefore, the target groups consist of the manufacturer and the operating entity of the machine in which the multiple light beam safety device is inte‐ grated:
Area of responsibility Target group Special chapters of these operating instruc‐
Manufacturer Project developers
(planners, developers, designers)
Installers Mounting, pa
Electricians Electrical installation, page 42
Safety experts Project planning, pa
Operating entity Operators Operation, pa
Maintenance person‐
Chapters not listed here are intended for all target groups. All target groups must understand the safety no
tes in all of the operating instructions!
Project planning, page 17 Technical data, page 60 Accessories, page 67
Commissioning, page 46 Technical data, page 60 Checklist for initial commissioning and com‐ missioning, page 73
Troubleshooting, page 56
Maintenance, page 53 Troubleshooting, page 56 Ordering information, page 66
ge 29
ge 17
ge 52
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In other applications, the operating organization is also the manufacturer of the equip‐ ment w
ith the corresponding allocation of the target groups.

1.4 Additional information
he following information is available on the Internet:
This document in other languages
Data sheets and application examples
CAD data and dimensional drawings
Certificates (e.g. EU declaration of conformity)
Guide for Safe Machinery Six steps to a safe machine

1.5 Symbols and document conventions

The following symbols and conventions are used in this document:
Safety notes and other notes
ates a situation presenting imminent danger, which will lead to death or serious
injuries if not prevented.
Indicates a situation presenting possible danger, which may lead to death or serious injuries if not prevented.
ates a situation presenting possible danger, which may lead to moderate or minor
Indic injuries if not prevented.
ates a situation presenting possible danger, which may lead to property damage if
not prevented.
ates useful tips and recommendations.
Instructions to action
he arrow denotes instructions to action.
1. The sequence of instructions for action is numbered.
2. Follow the order in which the numbered instructions are given.
The check mark denotes the result of an instruction.
LED symbols
These symbols indicate the status of an LED:
The LED is off.
The LED is flashing.
The LED is illuminated continuously.
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Sender and receiver
hese symbols indicate the sender and receiver of the device:
The symbol indicates the sender.
The symbol indicates the receiver.
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2 Safety information

2.1 General safety notes

azard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
In the case of non-compliance, it is possible that the dangerous state of the machine may not be stopped or not stopped in a timely manner.
Please read this document carefully and make sure that you understand the con‐
tent fully before working with the device. Follow all safety notes in this document.
Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device Please observe the following information to ensure safe and correct use of the device
deTem4 Core Ex.
National and international regulations and guidelines must be observed when
mounting, using, and commissioning electrical devices as well as when carrying out regular technical inspections in explosion-hazardous areas. Article 500 of the National Electrical Code and ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU shall apply in particular. Manufacturers of and entities operating machines using the device are responsi‐ ble for ensuring that all applicable safety regulations and guidelines are complied with. These operating instructions must be made available to the operator of the
machine on which the device is used. Qualified safety personnel must instruct the operator in how to use the device. The operator must also be directed to read and follow the operating instructions.
Ris Failure to observe this instruction can result in a risk of ignition from potential sparking.

2.2 Intended use

T device (ESPE) and is suitable for the following applications:
The multiple beam light beam safety device deTem4 Core Ex is suitable for use in enc defined in the National Electrical Code® and Canadian Electrical Code®:
k of ignition
Ensure that only accessories that are approved for explosion-hazardous areas are used.
K provides more information about the following explosion-proof connections:
Joint between glass and cover Joint between cover and explosion-proof enclosure
he deTem4 Core Ex multiple light beam safety device is an electro-sensitive protective
Single-sided access protection Multi-sided access protection
losed spaces only. It has UL/cUL certification for the following hazardous areas
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The multiple light beam safety device deTem4 Core Ex also complies with these stan‐
ards: EN 60079-0:2012/A11:2013/IEC 60079-0 Edition 6.0, EN 60079-1:2014/IEC
d 60079-1 Edition 7.0, EN 60079-31:2014/IEC 60079-31 Edition 2.0 and is certified for the following hazardous areas:
DEMKO 14 ATEX 1315X IECEx UL 14.0034X
The multiple light beam safety device deTem4 Core Ex does not emit any paint wetting im rials into the surrounding area.
The deTem4 Core Ex multiple light beam safety device must only be used within the lim‐ its of the prescribed and specified technical data and operating conditions at all times.
ss I, Groups C, D
Cla Class II, Groups E, F, G Class III
X II 2 G Ex db IIB T6 X II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T56 °C Db IP6X
Ex db IIB T6 Ex tb IIIC T56 °C Db IP6X
pairment substances or volatile silicones and does not expel any fixed parts or mate‐
Any instance of improper use, incorrect modification, or manipulation of the deTem4 Core Ex multiple light beam safety device shall void any warranty provided by SICK AG; furthermore, SICK AG shall not accept any responsibility or liability for any resulting damage and consequential damage.
Important information
azard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected may not be recognized in case of non­observance.
The multiple light beam safety device works as an indirect protective measure and can‐ not provide protection from pieces thrown from application nor from emitted radiation. Transparent objects are not detected.
Only use the multiple light beam safety device as an indirect protective measure.
k of ignition
Failure to observe this information could result in a risk of ignition.
The sender, receiver, and cables delivered with the device deTem4 Core Ex are not
explosion-proof. The person purchasing, assembling, and using the safety light cur‐ tain is responsible for fitting the cables in suitable explosion-proof conduits and/or cable glands to ensure the integrity of the system. The type label on each individual explosion-proof enclosure contains information
on the device’s hazardous area class and group. Every device that penetrates the explosion-proof enclosure must be suitable for the environment in which the explo‐ sion-proof enclosure is installed with regard to its hazardous area class and group or zone.
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k of ignition
Ris Failure to observe this information could result in a risk of ignition. Only if the device is used outside North America:
A cable gland must be mounted.
The cable gland must be certified for d and tb environments.
k of ignition
Ris Failure to observe this information could result in a risk of ignition. Only if the device is used in North America:
Any conduit openings that are not in use must be sealed. Sealing fittings must turn
at least five (5) full revolutions and be at least 3.175 mm thick (1/8 of an inch). Conduit sealing fittings must be applied in each installed conduit run (located a
maximum of 457 mm (18 inches) away from the explosion-proof enclosure) in order to comply with the provisions of the most recent version of the National Elec‐ trical Code, Article 501.15 and/or 502.15, and all other applicable regulations.
Reasonably foreseeable misuse
g others, the deTem4 Core Ex multiple light beam safety device is not suitable for
Amon the following applications:
At altitudes over 3,000 m above sea level
In environments with increased levels of ionizing radiation

2.3 Requirements for the qualification of personnel

The multiple light beam safety device must be configured, installed, connected, com‐
sioned, and serviced only by qualified safety personnel.
Project planning
For project planning, a person is considered competent when he/she has expertise and experience in the selection and use of protective devices on machines and is familiar with the relevant technical rules and national work safety regulations.
Mechanical mounting
For mechanical mounting, a person is considered competent when he/she has the expertise and experience in the relevant field and is sufficiently familiar with the appli‐ cation of the protective device on the machine that he/she can assess its operational safety status.
Electrical installation
For electrical installation, a person is considered competent when he/she has the expertise and experience in the relevant field and is sufficiently familiar with the appli‐ cation of the protective device on the machine that he/she can assess its operational safety status.
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2 S
or commissioning, a person is considered competent when he/she has the expertise and experience in the relevant field and is sufficiently familiar with the application of the protective device on the machine that he/she can assess its operational safety sta‐ tus.
Operation and maintenance
For operation and maintenance, a person is considered competent when he/she has the expertise and experience in the relevant field and is sufficiently familiar with the application of the protective device on the machine and has been instructed by the machine operator in its operation.
Maintenance and thorough checks should only be conducted by qualified, trained per‐ sonnel who are familiar with the regulations and instructions relating to explosion-haz‐ ardous environments, particularly:
Ignition protection methods
Mounting regulations
Regulations on distances to be maintained
An operator must clean the multiple light beam safety device. Additional information for the operator of the machine: see "Operation", page 52, and see "Regular cleaning",
page 53.
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3 Product description

3.1 Setup and function

The deTem4 Core Ex multiple light beam safety device is an electro-sensitive protective
vice (ESPE) consisting of a sender and receiver.
Parallel infrared light beams between the sender and receiver protect the hazardous area. When one or more light beams are completely interrupted, the multiple light beam safety device reports the interruption in the light path to the secure output signal switching devices (OSSDs) by a signal change. The machine or its control must safely analyze the signals (for example using a safe control or safety relays) and stop the dan‐ gerous state.
Sender and receiver automatically synchronize themselves optically. An electrical con‐ nection between both components is not required.
Figure 1: Sender and receiver
Beam separation and number of beams
he beam separation is the distance between two adjacent light beams, measured from the center of one beam to the center of the next.
The beam separation and number of beams depend on the device variant.
Scanning range
he scanning range is the maximum dimension of the light path between sender and receiver. It depends on the device variant.
The scanning range is reduced by using deflector mirrors.
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Further topics
ata sheet", page 60
"Deflector mirrors", page 69

3.2 Product characteristics

3.2.1 Status indicators

The sender and receiver light emitting diodes indicate the operational status.
Sender indicators
Figure 2: Sender indicators
wo light emitting diodes on the sender indicate the operational status:
Position LED color Display Labeling
Yellow Status indicator PWR
Red Fault indicator ERR
Complete overview of the light emitting diode statuses and their meanings: see "Dia
nostic LEDs", page 56.
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Receiver indicators
1 2 3 4
Figure 3: Receiver indicators
ix light emitting diodes on the receiver indicate the operational status:
Position LED color Display Labeling
Red/green OSSD status OSSD
Red Fault indicator ERR
Blue Alignment quality 1, 2, 3, 4
The blue alignment quality light emitting diodes in combination with the red flashing
R LED also denote faults.
Complete overview of the light emitting diode statuses and their meanings: see "Diag‐
nostic LEDs", page 56.
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3.3 Example applications

Figure 4: Single-sided access protection
Figure 5: Multi-sided access protection
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4 Project planning

4.1 Manufacturer of the machine

azard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected may not be recognized in case of non­observance.
Use of the multiple light beam safety device requires a risk assessment. Check
whether additional protective measures are required. Comply with the applicable national regulations derived from the application (e.g.,
work safety regulations, safety rules, or other relevant safety guidelines). Do not combine the components of the multiple light beam safety device with
components from other multiple light beam safety devices. Apart from the procedures described in this document, the components of the
multiple light beam safety device must not be opened. The components of the multiple light beam safety device must not be tampered
with or changed. Improper repair of the protective device can lead to a loss of the protective func‐
tion. Do not carry out any repairs on the device components.

4.2 Operating entity of the machine

azard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected may not be recognized in case of non­observance.
Changes to the electrical integration of the multiple light beam safety device in the
machine control and changes to the mechanical mounting of the multiple light beam safety device necessitate a new risk assessment. The results of this risk assessment may require the operating entity of the machine to meet a manufac‐ turer’s obligations. Apart from the procedures described in this document, the components of the
multiple light beam safety device must not be opened. The components of the multiple light beam safety device must not be tampered
with or changed. Improper repair of the protective device can lead to a loss of the protective func‐
tion. Do not carry out any repairs on the device components.

4.3 Design

This chapter contains important information about the design.
Information on the individual steps for mounting the device: see "Mounting", page 29.
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4 P
azard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
H Persons and parts of the body to be protected may not be recognized in case of non-
Make sure that the following design requirements are met so that the multiple
light beam safety device can fulfill its protective function.
Sender and receiver must be arranged such that persons or parts of the body
are reliably detected when they enter the hazardous area. Ensure that nobody can pass under the lowest light beam, pass over the
highest light beam, get between two light beams, or pass by the side of the protective device. If people can stay between the protective device and the hazardous point
without being detected, check if additional protective measures (e.g., restart interlock) are required.

4.3.1 Scanning range and beam separation

Important information
azard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected may not be recognized in case of non­observance.
The multiple light beam safety device can only be mounted to machines on which
the protective field width does not change when the device is switched on.
Beam separation and number of beams
he beam separation is the distance between two adjacent light beams, measured
T from the center of one beam to the center of the next.
The beam separation and number of beams depend on the device variant.
Scanning range
he scanning range is the maximum dimension of the light path between sender and receiver. It depends on the device variant.
The scanning range is reduced by using deflector mirrors.
Further topics
"Minimum dis
"Technical data", page 60
"Deflector mirrors", page 69

4.3.2 Minimum distance from the hazardous point

A minimum distance must be maintained between the multiple light beam safety de
vice and the hazardous point. This distance is required to prevent a person or part of the body from reaching the hazardous area before the dangerous state of the machine state has completed.
tance from reflective surfaces", page 20
Calculating the minimum distance according to ISO 13855
The calculation of the minimum distance is based on international or national stan‐ dards and statutory requirements applicable at the place of installation of the machine.
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If the minimum distance is calculated according to ISO 13855, then it depends on the f
ollowing points:
Machine stopping time (time interval between triggering the sensor function and
the end of the machine’s dangerous state) Response time of the protective device, see "Technical data", page 60
Approach speed of personnel
Type of approach: orthogonal (at right angles)
Parameters specified based on the application
For the USA (scope of OSHA and ANSI), different regulations may apply, e.g.:
a) Laws: Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29 (CFR29) Part 1910.217
b) Standards: ANSI B11.19
Complementary information
dditional information is available in the ISO 13855 standard and in the Guidelines
Safe Machinery.
SICK offers a stopping/run-down time measurement service in many countries. Calculating minimum distance from the hazardous point
Important information
Minimum distance from the hazardous point is too small The dangerous state of the machine may not be stopped or not be stopped in a timely
manner due to a minimum distance that is too small.
Calculate the minimum distances for the machine in which the multiple light beam
safety device is integrated. When mounting the multiple light beam safety device, observe the minimum dis‐
he example shows the calculation of the minimum distance for an orthogonal (at right
T angles) approach to the multiple light beam safety device. Depending on the applica‐ tion and the ambient conditions, a different calculation may be required (e.g., at a dif‐ ferent angle to the direction of approach or an indirect approach).
1. Calculate S using the following formula:
S = 1,600 mm/s × T + C where:
S = minimum dis
T = machine stopping time + response time of the protective device after
interruption in the light path in seconds (s) C = supplement in accordance with ISO 13855:
The reach/approach speed is already included in the formula.
If it is not possible to reach over the protective device: C = 850 mm
If it is possible to reach over the protective device, the value CRO must be
used for C in accordance with ISO 13855, provided that this is greater than 850 mm: C ≥ 850 mm and C ≥ C
tance in millimeters (mm)
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Figure 6: Minimum distance from the hazardous point
Minimum distance S
Height of the light beams above ground
Hazardous point
Depending on the application and distance, persons must be prevented from standing
hind the protective device.
Example calculation
hine stopping time = 290 ms
Response time after interruption of the light path = 20 ms
T = 290 ms + 20 ms = 310 ms = 0.31 s
S = 1,600 mm/s × 0.31 s + 850 mm = 1,346 mm

4.3.3 Minimum distance from reflective surfaces

he light beams from the sender may be deflected by reflective surfaces and dispersive
media. This can prevent an object from being detected.
Therefore, all reflective surfaces and objects (e.g., material bins, machine table, etc.) must maintain a minimum distance (a) from the light beams. This minimum distance (a) must be maintained on all sides of the light beams. This applies in horizontal, verti‐ cal, and diagonal directions as well as at the ends of the multiple light beam safety device. The same area must be free of dispersive media (e.g., dust, fog, or smoke).
The minimum distance (a) depends on the distance (D) between sender and receiver.
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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 D/
Figure 7: Minimum distance from reflective surfaces
Important information
azard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
Reflective surfaces and dispersive media can prevent persons or parts of the body to be protected from being properly reflected and therefore, they remain undetected.
Make sure that all reflective surfaces and objects maintain a minimum distance
from the light beams. Make sure that no dispersive media (e.g., dust, fog, or smoke) are within the calcu‐
lated minimum distance from the light beams.
Determining minimum distance to reflective surfaces
Determine the distance between sender and receiver D in meters (m)
2. Read the minimum distance a in millimeters (mm) in the graph or calculate it
based on the respective formula from table 1:
Figure 8: Graph, minimum distance from reflective surfaces
able 1: Formula for calculating the minimum distance from reflective surfaces
Distance between sender and
eceiver D in m
D ≤ 3 m a = 131 mm
D > 3 m a = tan (2.5°) × 1,000 mm/m × D = 43.66 × 1 mm/m ×
Calculating the minimum distance from reflective sur‐ faces a in mm
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4.3.4 Protection against interference from systems in close proximity to each other

Figure 9: Preventing mutual interference from system
The infrared light beams of the sender of system 1 can interfere with the receiver of system 2. This can disrupt the protective function of system 2. This would mean that the operator is at risk.
Avoid such installation situations or take appropriate action, e.g., install optically opaque partitions or reverse the direction of transmission of a system.
and system
Important information
azard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
H Systems of multiple light beam safety devices in close proximity to each other can
mutually interfere with each other.
Use suitable measures to prevent interference between systems in close proximity
to each other. Using reversed direction of transmission
The direction of transmission of the system 2 c switching the positions of the sender and receiver. With reversed direction of mounting, the receiver 2 is not affected by the infrared light from the sender 1.
an be changed during mounting by
Figure 10: Trouble-free operation due to reversed direction of transmission of system tem

4.4 Integrating into the electrical control

This chapter contains important information about integration in the electrical control.
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ormation about the individual steps for electrical installation of the device: see "Elec‐
trical installation", page 42.
and sys‐
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Requirements for use
he output signals of the protective device must be analyzed by downstream controllers in such a way that the dangerous state of the machine is ended safely. Depending on the safety concept, the signal is analyzed by, e.g., safety relays or a safety controller.
azard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
H In the case of non-compliance, it is possible that the dangerous state of the machine
may not be stopped or not stopped in a timely manner.
Make sure that the following control and electrical requirements are met so that
the multiple light beam safety device can fulfill its protective function.
t be possible to electrically influence the control of the machine.
It mus
The electrical control of the machine must meet the requirements of IEC 60204-1.
Depending on the regulations which apply at the place of installation, a restart
interlock may be required. Because the multiple light beam safety device does not have this function, it must be implemented in the external control if required. When using a safety controller, different signal levels of both OSSDs must be
detected depending on the regulations which apply at the place of installation or the required reliability of the safety function. The maximum discrepancy time toler‐ ated by the control must be selected according to the application. The OSSD1 and OSSD2 output signals must not be connected to each other.
In the machine controller, the signals of both OSSDs must be processed sepa‐
Figure 11: Dual-channel and isolated connection of OSSD1 and OSSD2
he machine must switch to the safe state at any time if at least one of the two
OSSDs switches to the OFF state.
Prevent the formation of a potential difference between the load and the protec‐
tive device. If you connect loads to the OSSDs (output signal switching devices) that then also switch if controlled with negative voltage (e.g., electro-mechanical contactor without reverse polarity protection diode), you must connect the 0 V con‐ nections of these loads and those of the corresponding protective device individu‐ ally and directly to the same 0 V terminal strip. In the event of a fault, this is the only way to ensure that there can be no potential difference between the 0 V con‐ nections of the loads and those of the corresponding protective device.
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