SICK deTec2 Core Operating Instructions Manual

deTec2 Core
Safety light curtain
Described product deTec2 Core
Manufacturer SICK AG
Erwin-Sick-Str. 1 79183 Waldkirch, Germany Germany
served for SICK AG. Reproduction of this document or parts of this document is only permissible within the limits of the legal determination of Copyright Law. Any modifica‐ tion, expurgation or translation of this document is prohibited without the express writ‐ ten permission of SICK AG.
The trademarks stated in this document are the property of their respective owner.
© SICK AG. All rights reserved.
Original document This document is an original document of SICK AG.
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1 About this document..............................................................................6
1.1 Scope............................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Target groups and structure of these operating instructions.......................6
1.3 Further information......................................................................................... 7
1.4 Symbols and document conventions.............................................................7
2 Safety information..................................................................................8
2.1 General safety notes....................................................................................... 8
2.2 Correct use.......................................................................................................8
2.3 Requirements for the qualification of personnel.......................................... 9
3 Product description..............................................................................10
3.1 Structure and function..................................................................................10
3.2 Product characteristics.................................................................................11
3.2.1 Absence of blind zones................................................................11
3.2.2 Automatic calibration of the protective field width....................11
3.2.3 Status indicators.......................................................................... 11
3.3 Example applications....................................................................................13
4 Project planning................................................................................... 15
4.1 Manufacturer of the machine...................................................................... 15
4.2 Operator of the machine.............................................................................. 15
4.3 Design............................................................................................................ 15
4.3.1 Scanning range and protective field width.................................16
4.3.2 Minimum distance from the hazardous point............................16
4.3.3 Minimum distance to reflective surfaces................................... 18
4.3.4 Protection against interference from systems in close proximity
to each other................................................................................ 20
4.4 Integration in electrical control.................................................................... 20
4.4.1 Restart interlock and external device monitoring......................22
5 Mounting................................................................................................24
5.1 Safety............................................................................................................. 24
5.2 Unpacking......................................................................................................24
5.3 Installation.....................................................................................................24
5.3.1 Mount the QuickFix bracket........................................................ 26
5.3.2 Mount optional FlexFix bracket...................................................27
5.3.3 Mount optional replacement bracket......................................... 30
5.4 Attach information label............................................................................... 32
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6 Electrical installation........................................................................... 33
6.1 Safety............................................................................................................. 33
6.2 Device connection (M12, 5-pin)...................................................................34
6.3 Device connection via connection cable (M12, 5-pin to 8-pin)................. 34
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7 Initial commissioning.......................................................................... 35
7.1 Safety............................................................................................................. 35
7.2 Switching on.................................................................................................. 35
7.3 Align the sender and receiver...................................................................... 36
7.4 Checks........................................................................................................... 38
8 Operation...............................................................................................39
8.1 Safety............................................................................................................. 39
8.2 Daily check.................................................................................................... 39
9 Maintenance......................................................................................... 42
9.1 Safety............................................................................................................. 42
9.2 Regular cleaning........................................................................................... 42
9.3 Regular inspection........................................................................................ 43
10 Troubleshooting....................................................................................44
10.1 Safety.............................................................................................................44
10.2 Fault indicators............................................................................................. 44
11 Decommissioning................................................................................ 46
11.1 Protection of the environment..................................................................... 46
11.2 Disposal......................................................................................................... 46
12 Technical data...................................................................................... 47
12.1 Data sheet..................................................................................................... 47
12.2 Response time.............................................................................................. 49
12.3 power consumption...................................................................................... 50
12.4 Table of weights............................................................................................ 50
12.5 Dimensional drawings.................................................................................. 51
13 Ordering information........................................................................... 52
13.1 Scope of delivery...........................................................................................52
13.2 Ordering information ....................................................................................52
14 Accessories........................................................................................... 53
14.1 Ordering information, accessories...............................................................53
14.2 Weld spark guard..........................................................................................55
14.3 Deflector mirror.............................................................................................56
14.3.1 Mounting.......................................................................................57
14.3.2 Change in scanning range using deflector mirrors....................57
14.3.3 Deflector mirror PNS75 - ordering information..........................57
14.3.4 Deflector mirror PSN125 - ordering information....................... 58
14.4 Columns.........................................................................................................58
14.5 Test rods........................................................................................................59
15 List of figures........................................................................................ 60
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16 List of tables..........................................................................................61
17 Appendix................................................................................................62
17.1 Compliance with EC directives.....................................................................62
17.2 Checklist for initial commissioning and commissioning............................ 64
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1 About this document

These operating instructions contain information required during the life cycle of the safety light curtain.
These operating instructions are available to all those who work with the safety light curtain.
Please read these operating instructions carefully and make sure that you understand the content fully before working with the safety light curtain.

1.1 Scope

These operating instructions only apply to the deTec2 Core safety light curtain with the following type label entry Operating Instructions: 8014274.
These operating instructions are included with SICK part number 8014274 (all availa‐ ble languages).

1.2 Target groups and structure of these operating instructions

These operating instructions are intended for the following target groups: project devel‐ opers (planners, developers, designers), installers, electricians, operators and mainte‐ nance personnel.
The structure of these operating instructions is based on the life cycle phases of the safety light curtain: project planning, mounting, electrical installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance.
In many applications, the audiences are assigned as follows to the manufacturer and organization operating the machine, in which the safety light curtain is integrated:
Area of responsibility Target group Special chapters of these operating instruc‐
Manufacturer Project developers
(planners, developers, designers)
Installers "Mounting", Page 24
Electricians "Electrical installation", Page 33
operating company Operator "Operation", Page 39
Maintenance person‐ nel
Chapters not listed here are intended for all target groups. All target groups must take into account the safety and warning instructions of the complete operating instructions!
"Project planning", Page 15 "Technical data", Page 47 "Accessories", Page 53
"Initial commissioning", Page 35 "Checklist for initial commissioning and com‐ missioning", Page 64
"Troubleshooting", Page 44
"Maintenance", Page 42 "Troubleshooting", Page 44 "Ordering information", Page 52
In other applications, the operating organization is also the manufacturer of the equip‐ ment with the corresponding allocation of the target groups.
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1.3 Further information The following information is available on the Internet:
– Other language versions – Data sheets and application examples – CAD data of drawings and dimensional drawings – Certificates (e.g. EC declaration of conformity) – Guidelines for safe machines (accident prevention with opto-electronic protective de‐

Symbols and document conventions

The following symbols are used in these operating instructions:
Instructions to actionbThe arrow denotes instructions to action. Read carefully and follow the instructions
for action.
LED symbols These symbols indicate the status of an LED:
The LED is off.
The LED is flashing.
The LED is illuminated continuously.
Sender and receiver These symbols indicate the sender and receiver of the safety light curtain:
The symbol indicates the sender.
The symbol indicates the receiver.
Warnings A warning indicates an actual or potential risk or dangers. It is designed to help you to
prevent accidents. Read carefully and follow the warnings!
The following warning types are used in these operating instructions:
Alerts you to a dangerous situation, which can result in a mild to moderate injury if not avoided.
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Alerts you to a dangerous situation, which can cause serious injury or death if not avoi‐ ded.
Alerts you to a dangerous situation, which will cause serious injury or death if not avoi‐ ded.
The "i" symbol denotes information and alerts you to possible damage and other impor‐ tant information.
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2 Safety information
This chapter contains information on general safety for the safety light curtain.
More safety information about specific usage situations of the safety light curtain is available in the respective chapters.

2.1 General safety notes

Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device
Persons or parts of the body to be protected are not recognized in case of non-observ‐ ance.
Pay particular attention to all warnings in these operating instructions.

2.2 Correct use

The deTec2 Core safety light curtain is an electro-sensitive protective device (ESPE) and is suitable for the following applications:
– Hazardous point protection – Access protection – Hazardous area protection
The deTec2 Core safety light curtain must be connected to the control such that the machine cannot start while persons are present in the hazardous area. If a person can stand behind the safety light curtain, there must be a restart interlock depending on the applicable national regulations.
The deTec2 Core safety light curtain must be only used within the limits of the prescri‐ bed and specified technical data and operating conditions at all times.
The requirements defined in the technical specifications, e.g. power supply, cables and ambient conditions, must be observed and maintained to allow the safety light curtain to meet its warranted function.
If the product is used for any other purpose or modified in any way, any warranty claim against SICK AG shall become void.
Foreseeable misuse Among others, the deTec2 Core safety light curtain is not suitable for the following ap‐
– Outdoors – Under water – In potentially explosive atmospheres
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Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected are not recognized in case of non-ob‐ servance.
The width of the protective field must not change during operation of the safety light
curtain, see "Scanning range and protective field width", Page 16. The components of the safety light curtain must not be tampered with, opened or
changed. Otherwise, any warranty claim against SICK AG shall become void. Improper repair of the protective device can lead to a loss of the protective function.
The protective device must be repaired by the manufacture or by someone author‐ ized by the manufacturer.
Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected are not recognized in case of non-ob‐ servance.
The safety light curtain works as an indirect protective measure and cannot provide protection from parts thrown out nor from emitted radiation. Transparent objects are not detected.
Only use the safety light curtain as an indirect protective measure!

Requirements for the qualification of personnel

The safety light curtain must be configured, installed, connected, commissioned and serviced only by qualified safety personnel.
Project planning For project planning, a person is considered competent when he/she has expertise and
experience in the selection and use of safety equipment on machines and is familiar with the relevant technical rules and national work safety regulations.
Mechanical installation
and commissioning
For mechanical installation and commissioning, a person is considered competent when he/she has the expertise and experience in the relevant field and is sufficiently familiar with the application of the protective device on the machine that he/she can assess its work safety aspects.
Electrical installation For electrical installation and commissioning, a person is considered competent when
he/she has the expertise and experience in the relevant field and is sufficiently familiar with the application of the protective device on the machine that he/she can assess its work safety aspects.
Operation and mainte‐
For operation and maintenance, a person is considered competent when he/she has the expertise and experience in the relevant field and is sufficiently familiar with the ap‐ plication of the protective device on the machine and has been instructed by the ma‐ chine operator in its operation.
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An operator must clean and check the safety light curtain. Additional information for the operator of the machine: see "Operation", Page 39 and
"Regular cleaning", Page 42.
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3 Product description
This chapter provides information on the operation of the safety light curtain and shows examples of its range of use.

3.1 Structure and function

The deTec2 Core safety light curtain is an electro-sensitive protective device (ESPE) consisting of a sender and receiver.
A series of parallel infrared light beams form a protective field between sender and re‐ ceiver that protects the hazardous area (hazardous point, access and hazardous area protection). When one or more beams are completely interrupted, the safety light cur‐ tain reports the interruption in the light path to the secure output signal switching devi‐ ces (OSSDs) by a signal change. The signal to stop the dangerous state of the machine must be evaluated by a safe control or safety relay (contactors).
Sender and receiver automatically synchronize themselves optically. An electrical con‐ nection between both components is not required.
Figure 1: Sender and receiver
Protective field height The protective field height indicates the range within which the test rod belonging to
the safety light curtain is detected. The size of the safety light curtain determines the protective field height. The design and construction of the safety light curtain deTec2 Core extends the protective function of a device to the end of the housing without any blind spots.
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Resolution 30 mmResolution 14 mm
Protective field range Die Schutzfeldbreite ist die Länge des Lichtweges zwischen Sender und Empfänger. Sie
ist durch die Reichweite begrenzt. Informationen zu Schutzfeldhöhe, Auflösung und Schutzfeldbreite: see "Data sheet", Page 47.
Resolution With the appropriate resolution, the safety light curtain provides finger and hand pro‐
tection. The resolution corresponds to the diameter of the test rod belonging to the safety light curtain, which is reliably detected when in the protective field.
Interrelationship: Reso‐
lution and scanning
The deTec2 Core safety light curtain is available with a protective field height of 300 mm to 2100 mm (150 mm steps). The available resolution versions are 14 mm (0 - 7 m scanning range) and 30 mm (0 - 10 m scanning range).
The scanning range is reduced by using deflector mirrors and/or a weld spark guard. Additional information: see "Deflector mirror", Page 56 and "Weld spark guard",
Page 55.

3.2 Product characteristics

3.2.1 Absence of blind zones

The design and construction of the safety light curtain extends the protective function of a device to the end of the housing without any blind spots. The absence of blind zones reduces the space requirement when integrated in the machine.

3.2.2 Automatic calibration of the protective field width

When switched on, the safety light curtain automatically calibrates to the protective field width.

3.2.3 Status indicators

The sender and receiver LEDs indicate the operating status of the safety light curtains.
Status indicators of the
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Figure 2: Sender indicators
The sender has two LEDs, which indicate the operating status:
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Resolution 30 mmResolution 14 mm
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Status indicators of the
Item LED color Display Labeling
1 Yellow Status indicator PWR
2 Red Fault indicator ERR
For a complete overview of the fault indications: see "Fault indicators", Page 44.
Figure 3: Receiver indicators
The receiver has six LEDs, which indicate the operating status:
Item LED color Display Labeling
1 Red/green OSSD status indicator OSSD
2 Red Fault indicator ERR
3 Blue Alignment quality 1, 2, 3, 4
Blue LEDs in combination with the red flashing ERR LED also denote fault indications. For a complete overview of the fault indications: see "Fault indicators", Page 44.
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3.3 Example applications

Figure 4: Hazardous point protection
Figure 5: Access protection
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Figure 6: Hazardous area protection
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4 Project planning

This chapter includes important information about the proper integration of the safety light curtain in machines for planners, developers and designers.

4.1 Manufacturer of the machine

Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected are not recognized in case of non-ob‐ servance.
Use of the safety light curtain requires a risk analysis. Check whether additional pro‐
tective measures are required. Comply with the applicable national regulations derived from the application (e.g.
work safety regulations, safety rules or other relevant safety guidelines). Do not combine the components of the safety light curtain with components from
other safety light curtains. The components of the safety light curtain must not be tampered with, opened or
changed. Otherwise, any warranty claim against SICK AG shall become void. Improper repair of the protective device can lead to a loss of the protective function.
The protective device must be repaired by the manufacture or by someone author‐ ized by the manufacturer.

4.2 Operator of the machine

Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected are not recognized in case of non-ob‐ servance.
Changes to the electrical integration of the safety light curtain in the machine control
and changes to the mechanical installation of the safety light curtain require another risk analysis. The results of the risk analysis may require the operator of the machine to meet the
obligations of a manufacturer. The components of the safety light curtain must not be tampered with, opened or
changed. Otherwise, any warranty claim against SICK AG shall become void. Improper repair of the protective device can lead to a loss of the protective function.
The protective device must be repaired by the manufacture or by someone author‐ ized by the manufacturer.

4.3 Design

This chapter contains important information about the design.
Information about the individual steps for installation of the device: see "Mounting",
Page 24.
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Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected are not recognized in case of non-ob‐ servance.
Make sure that the following design requirements are met such that the safety light
curtain can fulfill its protective function.
– Sender and receiver must be arranged such that persons or parts of the body are
reliably detected when they enter the hazardous area.
– Reaching under, over and around as well as moving the safety light curtain must be
– If people can stop between the protective device and the hazardous point without
being detected, check if additional protective measures (e. g. restart interlock with a reset button) are required.

4.3.1 Scanning range and protective field width

Scanning range The scanning range limits the maximum protective field width. The protective field
width cannot change during operation see "Technical data", Page 47.
The scanning range, see "Deflector mirror", Page 56 and "Weld spark guard",
Page 55 is reduced by using deflector mirrors and/or a weld spark guard.
Protective field range The protective field range is the dimension of the light path between sender and receiv‐
er. It is automatically calibrated with switching on the safety light curtain during initiali‐ zation and must not be changed during operation.
Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected are not recognized in case of non-ob‐ servance.
The safety light curtain can only be mounted to machines on which the protective
field width does not change when the safety light curtain is switched on.

4.3.2 Minimum distance from the hazardous point

A minimum distance must be maintained between the safety light curtain and the haz‐ ardous point. This distance is required to prevent a person or part of the body from reaching the hazardous area before the dangerous state of the machine state has com‐ pleted.
Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device
The dangerous state of the machine is not stopped or not stopped in a timely manner for non-compliance.
Calculate minimum dis‐
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Calculate the required minimum distance for your machine.
Mount the safety light curtain taking this calculation into account.
The calculation of the minimum distance is based on international and national stand‐ ards and statutory requirements applicable at the place of installation of the machine.
If the minimum distance is calculated according to ISO 13855, then it depends on the following points:
Subject to change without notice
– Machine stopping time (time interval between triggering the sensor function and the
end of the dangerous state of the machine) – Response time of the protective device see "Response time", Page 49 – Reach or approach speed of the person – Resolution (detection capability) of the safety light curtain – Type of approach: orthogonal or parallel – Parameters specified based on the application
For the USA (scope of OSHA and ANSI), the following regulations apply among others:
a) Laws: Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29 (CFR29) Part 1910.217
b) Standards: ANSI B11.19
Additional information is available in the ISO 13855 standard and in the Guidelines Safe Machinery.
SICK offers to measure the stopping/run-down time as a service in many countries.
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Figure 7: Minimum distance to hazardous point for orthogonal approach to protective field
Calculation example of the minimum distance S according to ISO 13855
The example shows the calculation of the minimum distance for orthogonal approach to the protective field. Depending on the application and the ambient conditions (e.g. a protective field parallel or at an arbitrary angle to the direction of approach or an indi‐ rect approach), a different calculation may be required.
– First, calculate S using the following formula:
S = 2000 × T + 8 × (d – 14) [mm]
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– T = machine stopping time + response time of the protective device after interrup‐
tion in the light path [s] – d = resolution of the safety light curtain [mm] – S = minimum distance [mm]
The reach/approach speed is already included in the formula.
– If the result S is 500 mm, then use the determined value as the minimum dis‐
– If the result S is > 500 mm, then recalculate S as follows:
S = 1600 × T + 8 × (d – 14) [mm]
– If the new value S is > 500 mm, then use the newly determined value as the mini‐
mum distance.
– If the new value S is ≤ 500 mm, then use 500 mm as the minimum distance.
Example calculation Machine stopping time = 290 ms
Response time after interruption of the light path = 30 ms
Resolution of the safety light curtain = 14 mm
T = 290 ms + 30 ms = 320 ms = 0.32 s
S = 2000 × 0.32 + 8 × (14 – 14) = 640 mm
S > 500 mm, therefore:
S = 1600 × 0,32 + 8 × (14 – 14) = 512 mm
Taking reaching over in‐
to account
If access to the hazardous area cannot be ruled out by reaching over a vertical protec‐ tive field, the height of the protective field and minimum distance of the ESPE must be determined. This is done by comparing the calculated values based on the possible de‐ tection of limbs or body parts with the values resulting from reaching over the protec‐ tive field. The greater value resulting from this comparison must be used. This compari‐ son is to be carried out according to ISO 13855, Section 6.5 or national regulations.
Figure 8: Representation of the accessibility of ESPE by reaching over. Left: Protective field that cannot be reached over. Right: Protective field that can be reached over.

4.3.3 Minimum distance to reflective surfaces

Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device
Reflective surfaces and dispersive media can prevent persons or parts of the body to be protected from being properly reflected and therefore, remain undetected.
Make sure that all reflective surfaces and objects maintain a minimum distance
from the protective field. Make sure that no dispersive media is found within the calculated minimum dis‐
tance from the protective field.
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a [mm]
0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5 10 11 12 D [m]
The light beams from the sender may be deflected by reflective surfaces and dispersive media. This can result in non-detection of an object.
Therefore, all reflective surfaces and objects (e.g. material bins, machine table, etc.) must maintain a minimum distance (a) from the protective field. This minimum dis‐ tance (a) must be maintained on all sides of the protective field. This applies in horizon‐ tal, vertical and diagonal directions as well as at the end of the safety light curtain.
Make sure that no dispersive media is found within the calculated minimum distance from the protective field.
The minimum distance (a) depends on the distance (D) between sender and receiver (protective field width).
Figure 9: Minimum distance to reflective surfaces
How to determine the minimum distance from reflective surfaces:
Determine the distance D [m], sender – receiver.
Read the minimum distance a [mm] in the graph or calculate it based on the respec‐
tive formula from Tab. 1:
Figure 10: Graph, minimum distance from reflective surfaces
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Distance (D) [m] Sender–receiver
D ≤ 3 m a [mm] = 262
D > 3 m a [mm] = tan (5°) × 1000 × D [m] = 87,49 × D [m]
Table 1: Formula for calculating the minimum distance from reflective surfaces
Calculation of the minimum distance (a) from reflective surfaces
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System 1
System 2

4.3.4 Protection against interference from systems in close proximity to each other

The infrared light beams of the sender of system 1 can interfere with the receiver of system 2. This can disrupt the protective function of system 2. This would mean that the operator is at risk. Avoid such installation situations or take appropriate action, e.g. install optically opaque partitions or reverse the direction of transmission of a system.
Figure 11: The direction of transmission of systems in close proximity to each other is reversed. The sender of the 2nd system is not affected by the beams 1st system.
Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device
Several systems of safety light curtains in close proximity to each other can interfere with each other.
Prevent interference from systems in close proximity to each other.

4.4 Integration in electrical control

This chapter contains important information about integration in the electrical control. Information about the individual steps for electrical installation of the device: see "Elec‐
trical installation", Page 33.
Requirements for use Depending on the safety concept, the signal to stop the dangerous state of the ma‐
chine must be evaluated by a safe control or safety relay (external control).
Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected are not recognized in case of non-ob‐ servance.
Make sure that the following control and electrical requirements are met such that
the safety light curtain can fulfill its protective function.
– The control of the machine must allow electrical interference. – The electrical control of the machine must meet the requirements of IEC 60204-1. – A restart interlock must be implemented depending on applicable national regula‐
tions or required reliability of the safety function. Because the safety light curtain does not have this function, it must be implemented in the external control if re‐ quired.
– When using a safe control, different signal levels of both OSSDs must be detected
depending on applicable national regulations or required reliability of the safety function. The maximum time tolerated by the control during which the OSSDs may exhibit different states must be selected according to the application.
– The OSSD1 and OSSD2 output signals must not be connected to each other. – In the machine controller, the signals of both OSSDs must be processed separately.
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Figure 12: Dual-channel and isolated connection of OSSD1 and OSSD2
– The machine must switch to the safe state at any time if at least one of the two
OSSDs switches to the LOW state.
– Prevent the formation of a potential difference between the load and the protective
device. If you connect loads to the OSSDs (safety outputs) that then also switch if controlled with negative voltage (e.g. electro-mechanical contactor without reverse polarity protection diode), you must connect the 0 V connections of these loads and those of the corresponding protective device individually and directly to the same 0 V terminal strip. In the event of a fault, this is the only way to ensure that there can be no potential difference between the 0 V connections of the loads and those of the corresponding protective device.
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Figure 13: No potential difference between load and protective device
Risk of ineffectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected are not recognized in case of non-ob‐ servance.
Contactors connected in series must be positively guided and monitored.
Make sure that contactors connected in series are monitored!
– When using external switching elements (e.g. positively guided contactors), verifica‐
tion of the external switching elements (external device monitoring) must be imple‐ mented depending on applicable national regulations or required reliability of the safety function. Because the safety light curtain does not have this function, it must be implemented in the external control if required.
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