SICK CLV640 Operating Instructions Manual

CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Advanced Line
Operating Instructions
Software Versions
Operating Instructions
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Software Versions
Software/Tool Function Version
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Device Description CLV640
SOPAS-ET Configuration software From v 2.16
SICK firmware From v 1.0 0000
Device-specific software module for SOPAS-ET config­uration software
From v 2.5
Copyright © 2008
SICK AG Waldkirch
Auto Ident, Reute Plant
Nimburger Strasse 11
79276 Reute
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marks of the Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries.
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Latest manual version
For the latest version of this manual (PDF), see
Operating Instructions
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Table of contents
Figures and Tables............................................................................................................ 5
Abbreviations..................................................................................................... 5
Tables................................................................................................................. 6
Figures ............................................................................................................... 7
1 Notes on this document.................................................................................................11
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................11
1.2 Target group ....................................................................................................11
1.3 Depth of information.......................................................................................11
1.4 Used symbols ..................................................................................................12
2 Safety information ..........................................................................................................13
2.1 Authorised users .............................................................................................13
2.2 Intended use ...................................................................................................14
2.3 General safety precautions and protection measures.................................14
2.4 Quick stop and quick restart ..........................................................................17
2.5 Environmental information.............................................................................18
3 Quick-Start .......................................................................................................................19
3.1 Preparing the bar code scanner for the quick start......................................19
3.2 Establishing connection with the bar code scanner.....................................19
3.3 Performing the reading...................................................................................20
4 Product description......................................................................................................... 23
4.1 Setting up the bar code scanner....................................................................23
4.2 Included in delivery .........................................................................................26
4.3 Device versions ...............................................................................................27
4.4 System requirements......................................................................................27
4.5 Product features and functions (overview) ...................................................28
4.6 Bar code scanner methods of operation.......................................................29
4.7 Indicators and control elements ....................................................................36
5 Installation .......................................................................................................................41
5.1 Overview of installation sequences ...............................................................41
5.2 Installation preparations ................................................................................41
5.3 Installation location ........................................................................................43
5.4 Installation of the bar code scanner..............................................................48
5.5 Installing external components......................................................................49
5.6 Removing the bar code scanner ....................................................................50
6 Electrical installation ......................................................................................................51
6.1 Overview of installation sequence.................................................................51
6.2 Electrical installation preparation..................................................................51
6.3 Electrical connections and cables .................................................................52
6.4 Performing electrical installation ...................................................................56
6.5 Pin assignment and wire colour assignment of the assembled cables......62
7 Startup and configuration.............................................................................................. 65
7.1 Overview of the startup procedure ................................................................65
7.2 SOPAS-ET configuration software ..................................................................65
7.3 Establish communication with the bar code scanner ..................................66
7.4 First startup .....................................................................................................68
7.5 Default setting.................................................................................................70
7.6 Adjusting the bar code scanner .....................................................................71
8 Maintenance ....................................................................................................................73
8.1 Maintenance during operation.......................................................................73
8.2 Cleaning the bar code scanner ......................................................................73
8.3 Cleaning further optical effective surfaces ...................................................76
8.4 Checking the incremental encoder................................................................76
8.5 Replacing a bar code scanner........................................................................76
8011975/0000/2008-04-14 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 3
9 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 79
9.1 Overview of errors and malfunctions which could occur ............................. 79
9.2 Detailed malfunction analysis ....................................................................... 79
9.3 Status protocol................................................................................................ 80
9.4 SICK Support................................................................................................... 80
10 Technical data................................................................................................................. 81
10.1 Datenblatt Barcodescanner CLV640 (Linien-/Rasterscanner) ................... 81
10.2 Data sheet for the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner (line scanner with oscillating mir­ror)83
10.3 Specification diagrams................................................................................... 84
10.4 CLV640 Bar Code Scanner dimensional drawings ....................................102
11 Appendix ........................................................................................................................109
11.1 Appendix overview........................................................................................ 109
11.2 Configuring the bar code scanner with command strings .........................109
11.3 Calculating the code length of a bar code ..................................................110
11.4 Ordering information for bar code scanner and accessories....................111
11.5 Dimensional drawing accessories...............................................................117
11.6 Supplementary documentation ................................................................... 121
11.7 Glossary......................................................................................................... 122
11.8 EC Declaration of Conformity.......................................................................130
11.9 Code samples of bar codes (selection).......................................................131
Operating Instructions
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Operating Instructions Chapter
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Figures and Tables
Figures and Tables
CAN Controlled Area Network (field bus protocol based on the CAN bus)
CDB Connection Device Basic
CDM Connection Device Modular
CLV Code-Leser V-Prinzip
CMC Connection Module Cloning
CMD Connection Module Device
CMF Connection Module Fieldbus
CMP Connection Module Power
DOF Depth Of Field
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
LED Light Emitting Diode
MAC Medium Access Control
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
PROM Programable Read Only M
RAM Random Acces Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
RTF Rich Text Format (standardised document format with format description)
SD Secure Digital
SMART SICK Modular Advanced Recognition Technology
SOPAS-ET SICK Open Portal for Application and Systems Engineering Tool (PC software for Windows for con-
figuring the bar code scanner)
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
8011975/0000/2008-04-14 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 5
Chapter Operating Instructions
Figures and Tables
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Tab. 1-1: Target group ..................................................................................................... 11
Tab. 2-1: Required qualification for starting up the bar code scanner ........................ 13
Tab. 2-2: Laser Data of CLV640 ..................................................................................... 16
Tab. 4-1: CLV640 Bar Code Scanner delivery ................................................................ 26
Tab. 4-2: Variants of the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner .................................................... 27
Tab. 4-3: Overview of the bar code scanner's product features and functions ........... 29
Tab. 4-4: Data interface function .................................................................................... 35
Tab. 4-5: LED indications ................................................................................................. 37
Tab. 4-6: Meaning of the LEDs during activation of buttons ......................................... 38
Tab. 5-1: Permitted reading angles between the scanning line and bar code ............ 45
Tab. 6-1: Electrical connections to the bar code scanner with a fixed cable and
connector (standard version) .......................................................................... 53
Tab. 6-2: Electrical connections to the bar code scanner with connector unit
(Ethernet version) ............................................................................................ 53
Tab. 6-3: Standard version: Pin assignment of the 15-pole D-Sub-HD cable
connector .......................................................................................................... 54
Tab. 6-4: Ethernet version: Pin assignment of the 4-pole M12 socket ....................... 54
Tab. 6-5: Ethernet version: Pin assignment on the 12-pole M12 plug ........................ 55
Tab. 6-6: Recommended maximum cable lengths, depending on the selected
data transfer rate ............................................................................................. 57
Tab. 6-7: Ratings for the switching inputs ..................................................................... 60
Tab. 6-8: Ratings for the switching outputs ................................................................... 61
Tab. 6-9: Pin assignment of the 4-pole M12 plug and the 6-pole RJ45 plug .............. 62
Tab. 6-10: Pin assignment of the 12-pole M12 socket and the 15-pole
D-Sub-HD plug .................................................................................................. 62
Tab. 6-11: Pin assignment of the 12-pole M12 socket and wire colours at the
open end ........................................................................................................... 63
Tab. 6-12: Pin assignment of the 5-pole M12 plug and wire colours at the
open end ........................................................................................................... 63
Tab. 6-13: Pin assignment of the 15-pole D-Sub-HD socket and wire colours
at the open cable end ...................................................................................... 64
Tab. 7-1: Default setting for the SOPAS-ET configuration software (excerpt) ............. 66
Tab. 7-2: Connection between the PC with SOPAS-ET configuration software
and the bar code scanner ............................................................................... 66
Tab. 10-1: Technical specifications for the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
(line/raster scanner)......................................................................................... 82
Tab. 10-2: Technical specifications for the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
(line scanner with oscillating mirror) ............................................................... 83
Tab. 10-3: Reading conditions for all specification diagrams ........................................ 84
Tab. 11-1: Help table for calculating the code length of a bar code.............................110
Tab. 11-2: Variants of the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner ..................................................111
Tab. 11-3: In stock accessories: Installation accessories..............................................111
Tab. 11-4: In stock accessories: Connection modules...................................................112
Tab. 11-5: In stock accessories: Extensions for connection modules ..........................114
Tab. 11-6: In stock accessories: Separate field bus modules....................................... 114
Tab. 11-7: In stock accessories: Cables and connectors for the standard
version of the bar code scanner .................................................................... 115
Tab. 11-8: In stock accessories: Cables and connectors for the Ethernet
version of the bar code scanner ...................................................................115
Tab. 11-9: In stock accessories: General cables and connectors for
bar code scanner ............................................................................................116
Tab. 11-10: In stock accessories: Memory media for CLV640 Bar Code Scanner ........117
Tab. 11-11: Supplementary documentation .....................................................................121
6 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 8011975/0000/2008-04-14
Operating Instructions Chapter
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Figures and Tables
Fig. 2-1: Outlet opening of the laser radiation at the reading window
(shown here: Ethernet version)........................................................................ 15
Fig. 2-2: Laser warning sign attached to the bar code scanner at delivery ................ 16
Fig. 3-1: Register tab Quickstart ....................................................................................20
Fig. 4-1: Housing types of the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner ........................................... 24
Fig. 4-2: Device view of the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
(shown here: Ethernet-Version)........................................................................ 25
Fig. 4-3: Bar code scanner's methods of operation in a conveyor system
(schematic)........................................................................................................ 30
Fig. 4-4: Switching the focus for CLV640: Division of the entire reading
area in distance configurations .................................................................... 31
Fig. 4-5: CLV640 Oscillating Mirror: Example of focal position control in
search run, here with 6 focus positions ......................................................... 32
Fig. 4-6: Reading operation mode for the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner in
stand-alone operation ..................................................................................... 34
Fig. 4-7: Micro SD memory card for storing the parameter set.................................... 40
Fig. 5-1: Example: Fixing the bar code scanner with the bracket no. 2042800 ........ 42
Fig. 5-2: Exchanging the laser warning sign ................................................................. 43
Fig. 5-3: Allocation of the scanning line(s) for the bar code and conveyor system .... 44
Fig. 5-4: Definition of the reading distance a and the aperture angle α ..................... 44
Fig. 5-5: Line scanner: Reading angles that occurs between the scanning line
and bar code ....................................................................................................45
Fig. 5-6: Avoiding surface reflection using the line scanner as an example:
Angle between emitting light and bar code
(tilted away from the plumb line) ..................................................................... 46
Fig. 5-7: Counting direction of the reading angle RA within the scanning l
ine and of the code angle CW with the oscillating mirror .............................. 47
Fig. 5-8: Line scanner: Installation example for positioning the external
reading pulse sensor ....................................................................................... 49
Fig. 6-1: Standard version: Electrical connections at the bar code scanner
with connection cable....................................................................................... 52
Fig. 6-2: Ethernet version: Electrical connections at the bar code scanner
with connector unit ........................................................................................... 52
Fig. 6-3: Direction of rotation of the connector unit .....................................................56
Fig. 6-4: Wiring the serial host data interfaces (RS-232 or RS-422) on the
15-pole D-Sub-HD plug .................................................................................... 58
Fig. 6-5: Function of the Ethernet interface .................................................................. 59
Fig. 6-6: Wiring the “Sensor 1“ switching input on the 15-pole D-Sub-HD plug ......... 59
Fig. 6-7: Wiring the "Sensor 2" switching input on the 15-pole D-Sub-HD plug ......... 60
Fig. 6-8: Possible wiring of the "Result 1" switching output on the 15-pole
D-Sub-HD plug .................................................................................................. 61
Fig. 7-1: Configuration with SOPAS-ET and storage the parameter set....................... 68
Fig. 8-1: Cleaning the reading window........................................................................... 75
Fig. 8-2: Cleaning of the external optical sensors (reading pulse generator) ............ 76
Fig. 10-1: Meaning of selection
elated to depth of focus diagram.....................................................................84
Fig. 10-2: Line scanner/raster scanner with front reading window: min. and
max. reading distance depending on the focus position and the aperture
angle with a resolution of 0.2 mm (8 mil)....................................................... 85
Fig. 10-3: Line scanner/raster scanner with front reading window: min. and max.
reading distance depending on the focus position and the aperture
angle with a resolution of 0.25 mm (10 mil) .................................................. 86
Fig. 10-4: Line scanner/raster scanner with front reading window: min. and max.
reading distance depending on the focus position and the aperture
angle with a resolution of 0.35 mm (14 mil) .................................................. 87
1, 2 and 3 in the reading area diagram r
8011975/0000/2008-04-14 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 7
Chapter Operating Instructions
Figures and Tables
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Fig. 10-5: Line scanner/raster scanner with front reading window: min. and max.
reading distance depending on the focus position and the aperture
angle with a resolution of 0.5 mm (20 mil)..................................................... 88
Fig. 10-6: Line scanner/raster scanner with front reading window: min. and
max. reading distance depending on the focus position and the
aperture angle with a resolution of 1.0 mm (40 mil) ..................................... 89
Fig. 10-7: Line scanner/raster scanner with side reading window: min. and
max. reading distance depending on the focus position and the
aperture angle with a resolution of 0.2 mm (8 mil)........................................ 90
Fig. 10-8: Line scanner/raster scanner with side reading window: min. and
max. reading distance depending on the focus position and the
aperture angle with a resolution of 0.25 mm (10 mil)................................... 91
Fig. 10-9: Line scanner/raster scanner with side reading window: min. and
max. reading distance depending on the focus position and the
aperture angle with a resolution of 0.35 mm (14 mil)................................... 92
Fig. 10-10: Line scanner/raster scanner with side reading window: min. and
max. reading distance depending on the focus position and the
aperture angle with a resolution of 0.5 mm (20 mil) ..................................... 93
Fig. 10-11: Line scanner/raster scanner with side reading window: min. and max.
reading distance depending on the focus position and the aperture
angle with a resolution of 1.0 mm (40 mil)..................................................... 94
Fig. 10-12: Line scanner with oscillating mirror (side reading window): min. and
max. reading distance depending on the focus position and the aperture
angle with a resolution of 0.2 mm (8 mil)....................................................... 95
Fig. 10-13: Line scanner with oscillating mirror (side reading window): min. and
max. reading distance depending on the focus position and the aperture
angle with a resolution of 0.25 mm (10 mil) .................................................. 96
Fig. 10-14: Line scanner with oscillating mirror (side reading window): min. and
max. reading distance depending on the focus position and the
aperture angle with a resolution of 0.35 mm (14 mil)................................... 97
Fig. 10-15: Line scanner with oscillating mirror (side reading window): min. and
max. reading distance depending on the focus position and the
aperture angle with a resolution of 0.5 mm (20 mil) ..................................... 98
Fig. 10-16: Line scanner with oscillating mirror (side reading window): min. and
max. reading distance depending on the focus position and the
aperture angle with a resolution of 1.0 mm (40 mil) ..................................... 99
Fig. 10-17: Deflection range depending on the reading distance, angle of
deflection and resolution with a focus position F = 280 mm (11 in).......... 100
Fig. 10-18: Deflection range depending on the reading distance, angle of
deflection and resolution with a focus position F = 215 mm (8 in) ............ 100
Fig. 10-19: Deflection range depending on the reading distance, angle of
deflection and resolution with a focus position F = 140 mm (5.5 in)......... 101
Fig. 10-20: Standard version: Dimensions of the bar code scanner with front
reading window (CLV640-0000 and CLV640-1000)....................................102
Fig. 10-21: Standard version: Dimensions of the bar code scanner with side
reading window (CLV640-2000 and CLV640-3000)....................................103
Fig. 10-22: Standard version: Dimensions of the bar code scanner with
oscilliating mirror (CLV640-6000) .................................................................104
Fig. 10-23: Ethernet version: Dimensions of the bar code scanner with
front reading window (CLV640-0120 and CLV640-1120)...........................105
Fig. 10-24: Ethernet version: Dimensions of the bar code scanner with side
reading window (CLV640-2120 and CLV640-3120)....................................106
Fig. 10-25: Ethernet version: Dimensions of the bar code scanner with
oscilliating mirror (CLV640-6120) .................................................................107
8 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 8011975/0000/2008-04-14
Operating Instructions Chapter
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Figures and Tables
Fig. 11-1: Dimensions of the fixing bracket no. 2020410 ...........................................117
Fig. 11-2: Dimensions of the quick release clamp no. 2025526 ...............................118
Fig. 11-3: Dimensions of the fixing bracket no. 2042800............................................119
Fig. 11-4: Dimensions of the round rod holder no. 2042801......................................120
Fig. 11-5: EC Declaration of Conformity for the bar code scanner
(page 1, scaled down version) ......................................................................130
Fig. 11-6: Code samples of bar codes of various module widths (print ratio 2:1) .....131
8011975/0000/2008-04-14 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 9
Chapter Operating Instructions
Figures and Tables
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
10 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 8011975/0000/2008-04-14
Operating Instructions Chapter 1
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Notes on this document

1 Notes on this document

1.1 Purpose

This document provides instructions for technical staff on the installation and operation of the bar code scanner series CLV640 with dynamic focus position in the following versions:
Line scanner / raster scanner / line scanner with oscillating mirror
With front / side reading window
With cable and connector (standard version) / with connector unit (Ethernet version)
A summary of all device versions is shown in chapter 4.3 Device versions, page 27.
This document contains the following information:
Electrical installation
Startup and configuration
Replacing the bar code scanner
A step-by-step approach is taken for all tasks.

1.2 Target group

The target group of this document is persons assigned the following tasks:
Tasks Target group
Installation, electrical installation, maintenance, replacing the device
Startup and configuration Trained staff, e.g. technicians or engineers
Operation of the conveyor system Qualified staff for start-up and operation of the
Tab. 1-1: Target group
Qualified staff, e.g. service technicians and fac­tory electricians
conveyor system

1.3 Depth of information

This document contains all the required information for installation, electrical installation and operation of the bar code scanner at the installation location. The factory default set-
ting (basic configuration) of the bar code scanner is prepared for the use as a stand-alone device.
Configuration of the bar code scanner for the application-specific reading conditions and operation is carried out using the SOPAS-ET configuration software on a Windows SOPAS-ET configuration software contains an online help system to facilitate configuration.
PC. The
Important Further information about the design of the bar code scanner as well as the bar code tech-
nology is available from SICK AG, Auto Ident division.
On the Internet at
8011975/0000/2008-04-14 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 11
Chapter 1 Operating Instructions
Notes on this document
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner

1.4 Used symbols

To gain easier access, some information in this documentation is emphasised as follows:
¾ Indicates a potential risk of damage or impair on the functionality of the bar code scan-
ner or other devices.
Warning notice!
A warning notice indicates real or potential danger. This should protect you against acci­dents.
The safety symbol next to the warning notice indicates why there is a risk of accident, e.g. due to electricity. The warning levels (DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION) indicate the serious­ness of the risk.
¾ Carefully read and follow the warning notices!
Reference Italic script denotes a reference to further information.
Important This important note informs you about specific features.
Explanation An explanation provides background knowledge of technical nature.
Recommendation A recommendation helps you to carry out tasks correctly.
TIP A tip explains setting options in the SOPAS-ET configuration software.
ROJECT This type of script denotes a term in the user interface in the SOPAS-ET configuration soft-
A symbol indicates a button in the user interface of the SOPAS-ET configuration software.
There is a procedure which needs to be carried out. This symbol indicates operational in­structions which only contain one operational step or operational steps in warning notices which do not have to be followed in any particular order.
Operational instructions comprising several steps are denoted using consecutive num­bers.
This symbol indicates a reference to other information in the glossary.
This symbol denotes a section in which the operation steps with the SOPAS-ET configuration software are described.
This symbol indicates supplementary technical documentation.
12 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 8011975/0000/2008-04-14
Operating Instructions Chapter 2
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Safety information

2 Safety information

This chapter deals with your safety and operator safety in the operational area.
¾ Read this chapter carefully before using the bar code scanner.

2.1 Authorised users

For correct and safe functioning, the bar code scanner must be installed, operated and maintained by sufficiently qualified staff.
Repairs to the bar code scanner should only be carried out by qualified and authorised SICK AG service staff.
¾ The operating instructions should be made available to the end user.
¾ The end user should be briefed and urged to read the operating instructions by the
The following qualifications are required for different activities:
Tasks Qualification
Installation, maintenance
Electrical installation, device replacement
Startup, configuration
Operation of the device in each operational area
Practical technical training
Knowledge of current health and safety regulations at the work-
Practical electrical training
Knowledge of current electrical safety regulations
Knowledge of start-up and operation of the device in each opera-
tional area (e. g. conveyor system)
Basic knowledge of the Windows
operating system
Basic knowledge of designing and setting up (addressing) Ethernet
connections for connecting the bar code system to the Ethernet
Basic knowledge of working with an HTML browser (e. g. Internet
ExplorerTM) for using the online help
Basic knowledge of data transfer
Basic knowledge of bar code technology
Knowledge of start-up and operation of the device in each opera-
tional area (e. g. conveyor system)
Knowledge of the software and hardware environment in each op-
erational area (e. g. conveyor system)
Tab. 2-1: Required qualification for starting up the bar code scanner
8011975/0000/2008-04-14 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 13
Chapter 2 Operating Instructions
Safety information
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner

2.2 Intended use

The CLV640 Bar Code Scanner is an intelligent sensor for the automatic recognition and de­coding of bar codes on objects e.g. in a conveyor system.
The intended use of the bar code system results from the following description of the func­tion:
In a reading station, the bar code scanner is installed in a holder, either on the side of a conveyor system (side reading) or above it (reading from above).
The bar code scanner transfers the reading data via the host interface to a superordi­nate host computer for further processing.
The bar code scanner is configured/operated using the SOPAS-ET configuration soft­ware that runs on a standard client PC provided by the customer. Communication takes place using RS-232 or Ethernet.
Important Any warranty claims against SICK AG shall be deemed invalid in the case changes to the bar
code scanner, such as opening the housing, this includes modifications during installation and electrical installation or changes to the SICK software.
The bar code scanner is only to be operated in ambient air temperature limit.

2.3 General safety precautions and protection measures

¾ Read the general safety precautions thoroughly and observe them during all bar code
scanner activities. Also observe the warning notices above the operational instructions of each chapter.

2.3.1 Electrical installation work

Risk of injuries due to electrical current!
The optional power supply module CMP400/CMP490 is connected to the power supply (100 ... 250 V AC/50 ... 60 Hz) in connection module CDM420.
¾ Observe current safety regulations when working with electrical equipment.
Important Electrical installation should only be carried out by qualified staff.
Connect or release current linkages only under de-energised conditions.
Wire cross sections and their correct shields have to be selected and implemented accord­ing to valid engineering standards.
14 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 8011975/0000/2008-04-14
Operating Instructions Chapter 2
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Safety information

2.3.2 Laser radiation of the bar code scanner

Fig. 2-1: Outlet opening of the laser radiation at the reading window (shown here: Ethernet version)
Damage to the eyes through laser radiation!
The bar code scanner operates with an red light laser of class 2. Looking at the laser's li­ght path for a longer period of time can damage the eye's retina.
The entire reading window is the LED radiation outlet opening.
Caution - use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
¾ Never look directly into the light path (similar to sun light).
¾ Never direct the device's laser beam at the eyes of persons.
¾ When installing and aligning the bar code scanner, avoid laser beam reflections from
reflective surfaces.
¾ Do not open the housing. (Opening does not interrupt the activation of the laser diode
by the reading pulsing.)
¾ Always observe the latest valid version of laser protection regulations.
Important Bar code scanners in series CLV640 operate with a laser of wavelength λ = 655 nm (red
light). The radiation emitted is not harmful to human skin.
The product is classified in laser class 2 (laser class II) in accordance with EN 60825-1, IEC 60825-1 and 21 CFR 1040.10 (see the warning sign on the device for the date of pub­lication)
Maintenance is not required to ensure compliance with laser class 2.
The bar code scanner displays a black and yellow laser warning sign.
8011975/0000/2008-04-14 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 15
Chapter 2 Operating Instructions
Safety information
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Standard version Ethernet version
Fig. 2-2: Laser warning sign attached to the bar code scanner at delivery
Device CLV640
Laser out radiation (maximum/average) 3.2 mW/ <1.0 mW
Emitted wavelength 655 nm
Pulse duration < 300 μs
Tab. 2-2: Laser Data of CLV640
Important If the bar code scanner is installed in a machine/panelling in such a way that the bar code
scanner's laser warning sign is hidden, additional warning signs in the same language (not included in delivery) have to be attached to the machine next to the outlet opening of the laser radiation!
The bar code scanner works as follows in controlling the laser diodes:
The bar code scanner has monitoring switches that deactivate the laser diode if irreg­ularities occur in the radiation emission.
The reading pulse (pulse source) controls the on and off mechanism of the laser diode during the reading process.
During reading operation with "Sensor" and "Command" reading pulses, each time level (laser timeout) switches off the laser diode automatically after 10 minutes (default set­tings) when a permanent reading pulse has been started. However, it does not stop the reading pulse.
The reading pulse can be stopped via an appropriate clock signal. The successive read­ing pulse switches on the laser diode.
In SOPAS-ET on the "Illumination control" tab you can set or deactivate the laser timeout within a range of 1 ... 1,500 min (= 25h).
16 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 8011975/0000/2008-04-14
Operating Instructions Chapter 2
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Safety information
"Laser" LED:
During normal reading operation the "Laser" LED lights up when the laser diode is switched on.
When calling up functions via the two buttons of the bar code scanner (aborting normal reading operation), the LEDs have got additional display functions. The "Laser" LED will differ from its original function. It is possible that the "Laser" LED is flashing when Auto­setup is selected, although the laser diode is still switched off or the laser diode is switched on, for example, in diagnostic mode (Read Diagn) and the "Laser" LED, how­ever, is not flashing.

2.4 Quick stop and quick restart

The bar code scanner can be switched on or off using the main switch for connection mod­ules CDB620 or CDM420.

2.4.1 Switching off the bar code scanner

¾ Switch off the power supply to the bar code scanner (the connection module)
- or -
Remove (pull out) the 15-pole D-Sub-HD connector of the bar code scanner's connec­tion cable from the connection module.
When the bar code scanner is switched off, the following data is lost:
Application-specific parameter sets in the bar code scanner that were only saved temporarily in the device
The last reading result of the bar code scanner
Daily operating hours counter of the bar code scanner

2.4.2 Switching the bar code scanner back on

¾ Switch the power supply to the bar code scanner (the connection module) back on
- or -
Connect the 15-pole D-Sub-HD connector of the bar code scanner's connection cable to the connection module.
The bar code scanner starts up using the most recent permanently saved configura­tion. The daily operating hours counter is reset.
8011975/0000/2008-04-14 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 17
Chapter 2 Operating Instructions
Safety information
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner

2.5 Environmental information

The bar code scanner has been constructed with minimum environmental pollution in mind. Excluding the housing, the bar code scanner does not contain any materials using silicone.

2.5.1 Energy requirements

The bar code scanner series CLV640 consumes the following energy:
Line / Raster scanner: Typically 5.5 W with 24 V DC ± 10 %
Line scanner with oscillating mirror: Typically 6.5 W with 24 V DC ± 10 %
All values with unwired switching outputs.

2.5.2 Dispose of the device after decommissioning

SICK AG will not currently accept the return of any devices which can no longer be operated or repaired.
¾ Inoperable or irreparable devices must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly
manner and in accordance with valid country-specific waste disposal guidelines.
The design of the bar code scanner allows for its separation as recyclable secondary raw materials and hazardous waste (electronic scrap).
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Operating Instructions Chapter 3
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner

3 Quick-Start

3.1 Preparing the bar code scanner for the quick start

The bar code scanner can be operated quickly and easily using the supplied SOPAS-ET con­figuration software.
The software offers the following options, among others:
Fast connection with the bar code scanner
Configuration of the most important reading parameters and display of the reading re-
sults on one clear register tab in the configuration software
System requirements for using the SOPAS-ET configuration software
See chapter 7.2.2 System requirements for the SOPAS-ET configuration software, page 65.
Additional accessories required (not in delivery)
Connection module CDB620 or CDM420
For the Ethernet version of the bar code scanner: Connection cable for data and func-
tion interfaces (see chapter 11.4.7 Accessories: Cables for Ethernet version,
page 115)
3-wire RS-232 data cable (null modem cable no. 2014054)
- or -
To connect an Ethernet version of the bar code scanner to the PC's Ethernet interface:
relevant cable (see chapter 11.4.7 Accessories: Cables for Ethernet version,
page 115).
Perform an electrical connection to the bar code scanner
1. Connect the bar code scanner to connection module CDB620/CDM420.
2. Switch on the power supply for CDB620/CDM420.
3. Switch on the PC for the configuration and install and start the supplied SOPAS-ET con­figuration software.
4. Connect the bar code scanner.
To achieve this, connect the PC using a 3-wire RS-232 data cable (null modem cable) to the "Aux“ connection in CDB620/CDM420.
- or -
Connect the PC to the bar code scanner's Ethernet interface (Ethernet version).
For detailed instructions, see chapter 5 Installation, page 41 and chapter 6 Electrical in-
stallation, page 51.

3.2 Establishing connection with the bar code scanner

¾ Communicate with the bar code scanner according to the selected data interface (RS-
232 or Ethernet) (see chapter 7.3 Establish communication with the bar code scanner,
page 66) and perform a scan.
TIP To establish a connection quickly and easily via Ethernet, the SOPAS-ET configuration soft-
ware has a C
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Chapter 3 Operating Instructions
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner

3.3 Performing the reading

With the SOPAS-ET configuration software, the QUICKSTART register tab contains the most im­portant reading parameters for configuring and performing a bar code reading:
Fig. 3-1: Register tab Quickstart
Perform the reading:
1. Ensure that the relevant code types are activated on the register tab.
2. Carry out a test reading with a test bar code.
To achieve this, hold an object with a bar code in front of the bar code scanner's reading window and trigger the reading by clicking S
TART. The default setting of the focus posi-
tion is 285 mm (11.2 in). If necessary, observe the bar code scanner's depth of fields ranges in relation to the resolution (see chapter 10.3 Specification diagrams,
page 84).
During reading operation and with default settings, the line scanner with oscillating mir­ror deflects the scanning line by the central position with a frequency of 1 Hz and at a max. angle of ± 20°.
The reading result is displayed in the B
ARCODE CONTENT display field.
The code reading reliability is specified in the relevant display field.
20 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 8011975/0000/2008-04-14
Operating Instructions Chapter 3
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Optimise the reading conditions:
If no reading result is displayed or if you wish to increase the code reading reliability, the reading can be repeated by taking the following measures.
¾ Install the bar code scanner in such a way that the bar code scanner's light meets the
idle object (code) at a 15° angle (skew).
¾ Correct or optimise the parameter values where necessary via the SOPAS-ET configura-
tion software.
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Chapter 3 Operating Instructions
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
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Operating Instructions Chapter 4
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Product description

4 Product description

This chapter describes the design, the features and the functions of the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner.
¾ For installation, electrical installation and startup assistance as well as for the applica-
tion-specific configuration of the bar code scanner using the SOPAS-ET configuration software, please read this chapter prior to carrying out any of the tasks.

4.1 Setting up the bar code scanner

The CLV640 Bar Code Scanner consists of a laser scanner (laser diode and lens) with dy­namic focus position and an electronic unit with an integrated decoder. The laser scanner and electronic unit are located in a housing. The light exits and enters via a reading window in the industrial-type housing. The bar code scanner (depending on the version) is electri­cally connected by a cable with a connector or a revolving connector unit with two connec­tions.
For an adaption to on-site space conditions/reading functions three housings are available: a housing with front reading window, a housing with side reading window and a housing with oscillating mirror. Via the integrated angle attachment/oscillating mirror, the laser beam ex­its through the side reading window at an angle of emergence of 105°. For the oscillating mirror this corresponds to the central position (default settings) of the laser beam perpen­dicular to the scan direction.
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Chapter 4 Operating Instructions
Product description
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner

4.1.1 Device view

Fig. 4-1: Housing types of the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
24 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 8011975/0000/2008-04-14
Operating Instructions Chapter 4
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Product description
Fig. 4-2: Device view of the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner (shown here: Ethernet-Version)
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Chapter 4 Operating Instructions
Product description
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner

4.2 Included in delivery

Delivery of the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner includes the following components:
Piece(s) Components Comment
1 Bar code scanner CLV640
1 Set of laser warning signs for class 2 in
German/American English and French/ American English
1 Notes on device with electrical connec-
tion diagram as primary information
1 CD-ROM "Manuals & Software Auto
CLV640 Operating Instructions in printed form, in German and/or English
Tab. 4-1: CLV640 Bar Code Scanner delivery
Important The Micro-SD memory card is not included in delivery.
An overview of in-stock installation accessories, connection modules, cables and connec­tors, sensors for reading pulses as well as memory media is available in chapter 11.4 Or-
dering information for bar code scanner and accessories, page 111.
Self-adhesive to affix the warning sign to the bar code scanner's housing (if neces­sary)
Included in the device packaging of the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Optional, depending on the number of issues explicitly ordered upon purchase
Important For save operation of the Micro-SD memory card, use only SICK approved memory card.

4.2.1 Contents of the CD-ROM

"SOPAS-ET Engineering Tool“: Configuration software for Windows
PCs with integrat-
ed online help system (HTML files)
CLV640 operating instructions: PDF version in German and English as well as further publications of other SICK devices
“Acrobat Reader“: Freely available PC software for reading PDF files
Important The current versions of publications and programs on the CD-ROM can also be downloaded
26 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 8011975/0000/2008-04-14
Operating Instructions Chapter 4
Product description
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner

4.3 Device versions

The CLV640 Bar Code Scanner with a glass reading window is available in the following ver­sions, among others:
Order no. Type Scanning method Reading
Connection (design)
1042014 CLV640-0000 Line scanner On front Cable with connector
1042015 CLV640-0120 Line scanner On front Connector unit on device
1042022 CLV640-6000 Line scanner with
Raster scanner On front Cable with connector
Raster scanner On front Connector unit on device
Line scanner On side Cable with connector
Line scanner On side Connector unit on device
Raster scanner On side Cable with connector
Raster scanner On side Connector unit on device
On side Cable with connector
oscillating mirror
1042023 CLV640-6120 Line scanner with
On side Connector unit on device
oscillating mirror
*) available from q4 2008
Tab. 4-2: Variants of the CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Important Depending on the connection (design), the following interfaces are available:
Standard version (cable with connector)
– RS-232, RS-422/485, CAN, two digital switching inputs, two digital switching out-
puts, power supply
Ethernet version (revolving connector unit)
– Connector 1: Ethernet
– Connector 2: RS-232, RS-422/485, CAN, one digital switching input, power supply

4.4 System requirements

General system requirements are derived from the bar code scanner's technical data (see
chapter 10 Technical data, page 81).
The requirements and conditions for Installation, Electrical installation and Startup and
configuration are summarised in the respective chapters.
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Chapter 4 Operating Instructions
Product description
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner

4.5 Product features and functions (overview)

CLV640 Bar Code Scanner Dynamic focus position
Line scanner / raster scanner / line scanner with oscillating mirror
Reading window on front / side
High scan frequency
Can be adapted to the print quality of the code
Evaluation area of the scanning line can be restricted
User safety and convenience
Convenient operation/configuration
Reading operation modi
Reading pulse
Bar code evaluation
Data processing
Data communication
Electrical interfaces
Robust, compact metal housing, CE mark
Laser class 2, laser switches off if the output capacity is exceeded
Automatic self-test on system startup
Diagnosis tools for system setup and system (remote) monitoring
Configurable reading diagnosis data display in two reading result formats
Operational data retrieval, error code display on request in case of errors
Activatable test string function (heartbeat) for signalling readiness for operation
Password protected configuration mode
Configured parameter values (cloning) can be additionally secured on a Micro SD
memory card (can be removed in the case of bar code scanner replacement )
Future proof due to firmware update (flash PROM) via data interface
Future-proof SOPAS-ET configuration software
Low current consumption
Extended power supply range
Configuration (online/offline) using the SOPAS-ET configuration software (incl. help
2 buttons on the device for calling up preset functions without connecting a PC
Status indicators via five LEDs
Beeper that can be switched off to confirm device functioning
Start/Stop operation
Pulse sources for start: switching inputs; data interface (command); automatic cycle;
Pulse sources for stop: reading pulse source, switching inputs, command, timer, con-
All common bar code types
Max. number of bar codes: 50 per reading pulse
Separation of identical codes of the same code type using the reading angle
Manipulation of the output of the reading data via event-dependent evaluation condi-
Manipulation of the output strings through filter and output sort options
Host interface: two data output formats configurable, switchable to different physical
interfaces, parallel operation possible
Aux interface: fixed data output format, switchable to different physical interfaces, par-
allel operation possible
Host interface: RS-232, RS-422/485 (data format and protocol can be configured) and
Ethernet, or CAN
Aux interface: RS-232, (fixed data format, data transfer rate and protocol) and Ether-
CAN interface for integration into the SICK-specific CAN-SENSOR network
Digital switching inputs
– Standard version: Two digital switching inputs for external reading pulse sensor(s)
or incremental encoder, using optocoupler
– Ethernet version: One digital switching input on the device
Digital switching outputs
– Standard version: Two digital switching outputs for signalling definable results in
the reading process (reading result status)
– Ethernet version: No digital switching output on the device
28 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 8011975/0000/2008-04-14
Operating Instructions Chapter 4
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Connection technology (design) Standard version: Cable with 15-pole D-Sub-HD connector
Product description
Ethernet version: Revolving connector unit on the device with two M12 circular connec-
Connection module CDB620/CDM420 for connection to the host computer (stan-
dalone) and for integrating into the SICK-specific CAN-SENSOR network
Bus connection module CMF400
field bus systems
1) Supported by SOPAS-ET from Q4 2007
Tab. 4-3: Overview of the bar code scanner's product features and functions
in connection module CDM420 for connecting to

4.6 Bar code scanner methods of operation

The CLV640 Bar Code Scanner is an intelligent sensor system for automatic and non-con­tact detection and decoding of bar codes. In principle, the codes can be detected on any side of still or moving objects in a conveyor system (single-side reading).
Several bar code scanners can be combined to allow detection of several sides in one pas­sage (multi-side reading).
The bar code scanner creates a scanning line (line scanner) to recognise the codes. In the raster scanner version, the bar code scanner creates eight scanning lines that are moved parallel to each other.
Line scanner with oscillating mirror
The oscillating mirror additionally deflects the scanning line from the home position to both sides, perpendicular to the scanning direction, with a low oscillation frequency. This enables the bar code scanner to scan larger areas for bar codes as well.
Th e leng th of the s cann ing li ne th at is used for the evaluation (reading area height) depends on the reading distance because of the V-shaped light exit.
The light pattern that is reflected by the bar code is recorded, processed and decoded. To control this process, external sensors deliver information via the reading pulse, the object distance and the conveyor speed (increment). The reading results are output to the bar code scanner's data interfaces and forwarded to a host/PC.
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Chapter 4 Operating Instructions
Product description
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
Fig. 4-3: Bar code scanner's methods of operation in a conveyor system (schematic)
The detailed wiring of the bar code scanner and the connections to the host/PC and to the external sensors is described in chapter 6 Electrical installation, page 51.

4.6.1 Reading configuration

The bar code scanner detects bar codes with an adjustable scan frequency.
The bar code scanner can detect codes on still and moving objects.
For more rapid evaluation, the reading range of the scanning line (reading angle: RA value) can be restricted.
The SOPAS-ET configuration software can, among other things, be used to configure the reading angle and the symbol contrast:
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