This document is protected by the law of copyright, whereby all rights established therein remain with the company SICK AG. Reproduction of this document or parts of this document is only permissible within the limits of the
legal determination of Copyright Law. Alteration or abridgement of the document is not permitted without the
explicit written approval of the company SICK AG.
Please read this chapter carefully before working with this documentation and the C4000
1.1 Function of this document
These operating instructions are designed to address the technical personnel of the
machine manufacturer or the machine operator in regards to safe mounting, installation,
configuration, electrical installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the
C4000 Select safety light curtain.
These operating instructions do not provide instructions for operating machines on which
the safety light curtain is, or will be, integrated. Information on this is to be found in the
appropriate operating instructions of the machine.
1.2 Target group
These operating instructions are addressed to planning engineers, developers and the
operators of plants and systems which are to be protected by one or several C4000 Select
safety light curtains. It also addresses persons who integrate the C4000 Select into a ma-
chine, initialize its use, or who are in charge of servicing and maintaining the device.
1.3 Scope
These operating instructions apply to the C4000 Select safety light curtain with one of the
following entries on the type label in the field Operating Instructions:
8012198 / RI61
This document is part of SICK part number 8012198 (operating instructions “C4000
Select” in all available languages).
1.4 Depth of information
These operating instructions contain information on:
installation and mounting
electrical installation
commissioning and configuration
care and maintenance
of the C4000 Select safety light curtain.
Planning and using protective devices such as the C4000 Select also require specific tech-
nical skills which are not detailed in this documentation.
When operating the C4000 Select, the national, local and statutory rules and regulations
must be observed.
General information on health and safety at work and accident prevention using opto-elec-
tronic protective devices can be found in the brochure “Safe Machines with opto-electronic
protective devices” from SICK.
The probability of failure per hour in accordance with the functional safety testing
requirements outlined in IEC 61508
Performance level in accordance with EN ISO 13849@1:2006
Safety integrity level in accordance with IEC 61508/IEC 62061
1.6 Symbols used
Red, Red, Off
Take action …
Recommendations are designed to give you some assistance in your decision-making
process with respect to a certain function or a technical measure.
Refer to notes for special features of the device.
Display indicators show the status of the 7@segment display of sender or receiver:
Constant indication of characters, e.g. 2
When using an inverted mounting of the C4000 Select, you must take into account that
the information presented by the 7-segment display will also be inverted.
LED symbols describe the state of a diagnostics LED. Examples:
RedThe red LED is illuminated constantly.
RedThe red LED is flashing.
OffThe LED is off.
Instructions for taking action are shown by an arrow. Read carefully and follow the instruc-
tions for action.
A warning indicates an actual or potential risk or health hazard. They are designed to help
you to prevent accidents.
Read carefully and follow the warnings!
Sender and receiver
In drawings and diagrams, the symbol denotes the sender and the symbol denotes
the receiver.
This chapter deals with your own safety and the safety of the equipment operators.
Please read this chapter carefully before working with the C4000 Select or with the
machine protected by the C4000 Select.
2.1 Qualified safety personnel
The C4000 Select safety light curtain must be installed, connected, commissioned and
serviced only by qualified safety personnel. Qualified safety personnel are defined as
persons who …
due to their specialist training and experience have adequate knowledge of the power-
driven equipment to be checked
who have been instructed by the responsible machine operator in the operation of the
machine and the current valid safety guidelines
are sufficiently familiar with the applicable official health and safety regulations,
directives and generally recognized engineering practice (e.g. DIN standards, VDE
stipulations, engineering regulations from other EC member states) that they can
assess the work safety aspects of the power-driven equipment
who have access to these operating instructions and who have read and understood
As a rule these are qualified safety personnel from the ESPE manufacturer or also those
persons who have been appropriately trained at the ESPE manufacturer, are primarily
involved in checking ESPE and are allocated the task by the organization operating the
2.2 Applications of the device
The C4000 Select safety light curtain is an electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE)
rated to:
type 4 in accordance with IEC 61496@1 and @2
SIL 3 in accordance with IEC 61508 and IEC 62061
category 4 in accordance with EN 954@1:1997
performance level “e” in accordance with EN ISO 13849@1:2006
The physical resolution of the C4000 Select is 30 mm with a maximum protective field
width of up to 21 m and available protective field heights from 300 up to 1800 mm. Configurable parameters are set using DIP switches.
Access to the hazardous point must be allowed only through the protective field. The
lant/system is not allowed to start as long as personnel are within the hazardous area.
Refer to chapter 3.3 “Examples of range of use” on page 17 for an illustration of the
protection modes.
Only use the safety light curtain as an indirect protective measure!
An opto-electronic protective device provides indirect protection, e.g., by switching off the
power at the source of the hazard. It cannot provide protection from parts thrown out, nor
from emitted radiation. Transparent objects are not detected.
Depending on the application, mechanical protection devices may be required in addition
to the safety light curtain.
The C4000 Select safety light curtain operates as a standalone system, comprising a sender and receiver, or in combination with other extended C4000 Select systems, SICK S300
or S3000 safety laser scanners. This means that the protective field can be adapted to
suit individual safety requirements.
2.3 Correct use
The C4000 Select safety light curtain must be used only as defined in section 2.2 “Applica-
tions of the device”. It must be used only by qualified safety personnel and only on the
machine where it has been installed and initialized by qualified safety personnel in
accordance with these operating instructions.
If the device is used for any other purposes or modified in any way—also during mounting
and installation—any warranty claim against SICK AG and its subsidiary companies shall
become void.
2.4 General safety notes and protective measures
Safety notes
Please observe the following procedures in order to ensure the correct and safe use of the
safety light curtain C4000 Select.
The national/international rules and regulations apply to the installation, use and
periodic technical inspections of the safety light curtain, in particular:
– Machinery Directive 98/37/EEC
– Equipment Usage Directive 89/655/EEC
– the work safety regulations/safety rules
– other relevant health and safety regulations
Manufacturers and operators of the machine with which the safety light curtain is used
are responsible for obtaining and observing all applicable safety regulations and rules.
The notices, in particular the test regulations (see “Test notes” on page 48) of these
operating instructions (e.g. on use, mounting, installation or integration into the existing
machine controller) must be observed.
Changes to the configuration of the devices can degrade the protective function. After
every change to the configuration you must therefore reverify and validate the effective-
ness of the protective device (e.g. C4000 Select).
The person who makes the change is also responsible for the correct protective function
The tests must be carried out by authorized qualified safety personnel and must be re-
orded and documented to ensure that the tests can be reconstructed and retraced at
any time.
The operating instructions must be made available to the operator of the machine
where the C4000 Select safety light curtain is installed. The machine operator is to be
instructed in the use of the device by qualified safety personnel and must be instructed
to read the operating instructions.
The external voltage supply of the device must be capable of buffering brief mains vol-
tage failures of 20 ms as specified in EN 60204@1. Suitable power supplies are available as accessories from SICK (i.e. model PS50W@24V, SICK part number 7028789 or
PS95W@24V, SICK part number 7028790).
2.5 Protection of the environment
The C4000 Select safety light curtain has been designed to minimize environmental
impact. It uses only a minimum of power and natural resources.
At work, always act in an environmentally responsible manner. For this reason please note
the following information on disposal.
Always dispose of unserviceable or irreparable devices in compliance with
local/national rules and regulations with respect to waste disposal.
We would be pleased to be of assistance on the disposal of this device. Contact your
local SICK representative.
The disposal of Instapak® foam inserts included in the C4000 Select packaging is com-
pletely compatible with waste-to-energy facilities. Instapak® foam has high energy content similar to that of coal. Instapak® foam can actually be used to aid in the process-
ing of other less combustible materials. The process leaves less than one-percent ash
and is completely free of any heavy metals. Instapak® foam also has a recycling pro-
gram available to help companies meet their recycling needs. Instapak® foam may be
returned to any one of more than twenty-five worldwide locations. Refer on the internet
to for additional information.
Please refer to chapter 11 “Technical specifications” on page 55 for the data sheet.
Please refer to pages 64ff. for the dimensional drawings.
Operating InstructionsChapter 3
C4000 Select
Product description
3.2.2 The light curtain principle
The C4000 Select safety light curtain consists of a sender and a receiver (Fig. 1). Between
these two units is the protective field, defined by a protective field height and a protective
field width.
The construction height determines the height of the protective field of the appropriate
system. For the exact protective field height, please see Tab. 40ff. in chapter 11.4
“Dimensional drawings” on page 64.
The width of the protective field is derived from the dimension of the light path between
sender and receiver and must satisfy the specification requirements for the protective field
(see “Technical specifications” on page 55).
Sender and receiver automatically synchronize themselves optically. An electrical connection between both components is not required.
The C4000 Select is modular in construction. All optical and electronic components and
assemblies are housed in a slim and torsionally rigid housing.
3.2.3 Device variants
The C4000 Select sender and receiver devices support several end cap configurations.
You must decide which end cap is best suited for your application at time of order placement. The bottom end cap supports the system connection and optional extended I/O
functionality. Three top end cap options are available: cover only, with an optional
integrated LED or with an optional extended I/O connection.
There are several variants of the C4000 Select:
without any extension connection (no extended I/O capability)
without any extension connection (no extended I/O capability) with integrated LED on
the top end cap of the receiver unit
with extension connection (supports cascading) located on the bottom end cap with the
system connection
with extension connection (supports cascading) located on the top end cap with a sepa-
rate bottom end cap having the system connection
with extension connection (supports cascading) located on the bottom end cap with the
system connection with integrated LED on the top end cap of the receiver unit
3.2.4 Standalone and cascaded systems
The C4000 Select allows you to coordinate multiple protective devices (e.g. additional
C4000 Select devices or SICK S300/S3000 safety laser scanner) in a single safety
A maximum of three C4000 Select devices can be connected in series as a “cascade”. The
following configurations are possible:
standalone operation of a single C4000 Select system
cascade of a host C4000 Select with a guest C4000 Select
cascade of a host C4000 Select with two guest C4000 Select devices
cascade of a host C4000 Select with a SICK S300/S3000 safety laser scanner
Cascaded devices are connected using the extended I/O connection. The extended I/O
connection may be located either beside the system connection (extended I/O connection
on the bottom end cap) or separate from the system connection (extended I/O connection
on the top end cap).
no additional external circuitry required making connection of additional protective
evices easy to implement
the protective field height may differ among the individual C4000 Select devices
a combination of hazardous point (i.e. C4000 Select) and area protection devices (e.g.
ICK S300/S3000 safety laser scanners) can be realized in a single safety system.
The following sections describe the different configurations supported by the C4000
Select. For ease of understanding, only the receiver units have been shown in subsequent
Ensure that you set the Extended I/O DIP switch correctly for your application!
When cascading additional protective devices to the C4000 Select, you must ensure that
the Extended I/O DIP switch has been set to Enabled. Failure to enable the Extended I/O
function in cascaded applications will expose personnel to risk of the associated hazard!
Please refer to chapter 4 “Configuration” on page 21 for additional details regarding
extended I/O DIP switch settings and functionality.
Standalone operation
Standalone operation can be realized with all C4000 Select variants. Regardless of variant, DIP switch configuration can be set for standalone operation (refer to chapter 4 “Con-
figuration” on page 21 for additional information).
vers used in standalone
operation (shown without
extended I/O capability)
Cascade of multiple C4000 Select systems
The C4000 Select supports the cascade of up to three 1800 mm protective height C4000
Select sender and receiver pairs. This may be realized only when the extended I/O connection is available. When three light curtains are cascaded together, a physical barrier may
be necessary to prevent optical interference between the two light curtains configured with
the same beam code if they are positioned too closely together. Refer to section 4.2
“Beam coding” on page 23 for additional information regarding this requirement.
There are two methods of implementing C4000 Select cascades. The first method utilizes
n extended I/O connection located on the top end cap for the first C4000 Select (host)
and the second C4000 Select (guest 1). The third C4000 Select (guest 2) utilizes a system
connection only.
vers used in cascade with
extension connection (on top
end cap)
vers used in cascade with
extension connection (on
same end cap as system
Alternatively, the second method of implementing cascaded C4000 Select devices uses an
extended I/O connection that is located on the same end cap as the system connection.
Sender units cannot be physically connected to receiver units when cascading C4000
Select devices. Always physically connect sender units together when cascading. Always
physcially connect receiver units together when cascading C4000 Select devices.
Cascade of C4000 Select and SICK S300/S3000 safety laser scanner
The C4000 Select supports the cascade of a single SICK S300 or S3000 safety laser scan-
er. Connection of the S300 or S3000 occurs on the extended I/O connection to provide
both power and connection of safety relevant signals (i.e. safety outputs from the safety
scanner). The extended I/O connection may be located on either the top end cap or with
the system connection on the bottom end cap of the C4000 Select.
with extended I/O connection
(shown on top end cap and
with system connection) used
to cascade a SICK S3000
safety laser scanner
tection using a C4000 Select
safety light curtain
Fig. 7: Hazardous area protection using a C4000 Select
safety light curtain
using a C4000 Select safety
light curtain cascaded with
an S3000 safety laser
The C4000 Select safety light curtain operates correctly as a protective device only if the
following conditions are met:
The control of the machine must be electrical.
The dangerous state of the machine must be transferable at any time into a safe state.
Sender and receiver unit must be mounted so that objects penetrating the hazardous
area are safely identified by the C4000 Select.
An external reset/restart function (e.g. button) must be fitted outside the hazardous
area such that it cannot be operated by a person working inside the hazardous area.
When operating the reset button, the operator must have full visual command of the
hazardous area.
The statutory and local rules and regulations must be observed when installing and
3.4.2 Message center of the C4000 Select receiver unit
The message center for the C4000 Select receiver unit consists of several LED groups and
a 7@segment LED display that provides operational status as shown in the figure below:
C4000 Select receiver unit
ver LED display indication
LED NameDisplayMeaning
GreenOutput signal switching devices (OSSD)/safety outputs
are ON
RedOutput signal switching devices (OSSD)/safety outputs
are OFF
OffNo power is currently supplied to the receiver unit
RedExtended I/O safety inputs are Inactive (Low) i.e. OFFEXT I/O
OffExtended I/O safety inputs are Active (High) i.e. ON or
Extended I/O has been disabled
YellowBlanking is activeBLANKING
OffBlanking is inactive
YellowIndicates that one or more beams are aligned between sen-
der and receiver units. The first LED will be Yellow when
one of the synchronization beams has been aligned. When
all five (5) LEDs are Yellow, this indicates all beams are
aligned between sender and receiver units, but there is a
weak signal.
GreenWhen all five (5) LEDs are Green, this indicates that all
beams are aligned between sender and receiver units.
The C4000 Select supports several advanced functions which are configured using DIP
switches. Included in these advanced functions are beam coding, extended I/O capability
and floating blanking. The DIP switches used for configuration are located under the
lastic cover in the system connection end cap.
You must ensure electrostatic discharge does not occur when handling the C4000
unit DIP switch
Before handling the C4000 Select, you must ensure that any electrostatic charge is dis-
charged. An electrostatic discharge that occurs on the C4000 Select may cause damage
to the electronic boards.
The following figure and table describe the C4000 Select sender unit DIP switch settings:
2 = Beam code 2 select
unit DIP switch settings
ver unit DIP switches
ver unit DIP switch settings
for high range
Beam code 1Beam code 2Description
OFFOFFNo beam coding (uncoded)
ONOFFBeam code 1 enabled
OFFONBeam code 2 enabled
ONONNo beam coding (uncoded)
Additional information regarding the scanning range can be found in section 4.2 “Beam
coding” on page 23.
The following figure and table describe the C4000 Select receiver unit DIP switch settings:
Additional information regarding the scanning range can be found in section 4.3 “Scanning
range” on page 25.
Chapter 4Operating Instructions
C4000 Select
C4000 Select
C4000 Select
C4000 Select
C4000 Select
ver unit DIP switch settings
for extended I/O enable
ver unit DIP switch settings
for beam coding
ver unit DIP switch settings
for floating blanking
Extended I/O enableDescription
OFFExtended I/O functions are disabled
ONExtended I/O functions are enabled
Additional information regarding the scanning range can be found in section 4.1
“Extended I/O” on page 22.
Beam code 1Beam code 2Description
OFFOFFNo beam coding (uncoded)
ONOFFBeam code 1 enabled
OFFONBeam code 2 enabled
ONONNo beam coding (uncoded)
Additional information regarding the scanning range can be found in section 4.2 “Beam
coding” on page 23.
One beam
FB select
Two beam
FB select
OFFOFFOFFFloating blanking is disabled
ONONOFFFloating blanking is enabled for 1 beam blanking
ded I/O system output evaluation of the C4000 Select
host device
ONOFFONFloating blanking is enabled for 2 beam blanking
All other configurationsInvalid configuration will result in a fault condition
Additional information regarding the scanning range can be found in section 4.4 “Floating
blanking” on page 27.
4.1 Extended I/O
Enabling the C4000 Select extended I/O functionality allows the connection (i.e. cascade)
of additional C4000 Select or SICK S300/S3000 safety laser scanners with the C4000
Select. Refer to section 3.2.4 “Standalone and cascaded systems” on page 13 for
additional details regarding C4000 Select cascading options.
When additional devices are cascaded with the C4000 Select, the safety outputs (OSSDs)
of the host C4000 Select represent the logical value of all devices in the cascade.
When the extended I/O safety inputs are not at their expected state (e.g. both inputs
should be Active (High) or Inactive (Low)), they are considered “discrepant”. The inputs
ust reach an equivalent value before the internal discrepancy timer expires. Failure to
reach an equivalent value before the discrepancy time expires will cause a lock-out
condition to occur.
Electrical-mechanical devices (e.g. emergency stop buttons or safety interlock switches)
must not be connected to the extended I/O.
You must ensure that the Extended I/O DIP switch setting satisfies your safety
application requirements!
When cascading one or more devices with the C4000 Select, you must ensure that the extended I/O DIP switch setting(s) for extended I/O is enabled as required for your applica-
tion. You must also validate that the C4000 Select and all cascaded protective devices
perform in accordance with your risk assessment, risk reduction strategy as well as appli-
cable local, regional and national regulatory requirements.
You must ensure that protective device inputs attached to the inputs of the extended
I/O connection can be read safely!
The inputs (IN1, IN2) of an extended I/O connnection enable the 24 V DC PNP-semicon-
ductor safety outputs from a self-monitoring sensor (e.g. another C4000 Select or an
S300/S3000 safety laser scanner) to be read safely. The sensor connected to the inputs
of the extended I/O connection (e.g. guest C4000 Select or S3000 safety laser scanner)
must …
be self-monitoring and detect any error conditions that may occur with its output signal
switching devices (OSSDs) using test signals. The host C4000 Select filters these test
signals out.
execute a safe shutdown of the switching outputs when any error is detected.
Integrated safety mechanisms ensure detection of possible errors on safety capable inputs
Internal errors on safety capable inputs which prevent the inputs from returning to the
safe state. An internal error on a safety capable input is a failure of the C4000 Select
electrical input circuitry.
Discrepancy of the dual-channel input evaluation
Additional measures must be made to address any external errors that cannot be monitored internally by the C4000 Select. In addition, you must exclude any external errors that
could occur due to selected user configuration parameters.
4.2 Beam coding
If several safety light curtains operate in close proximity to each other, the sender beams
of one system may optically interfere or even align itself with the receiver of another sys-
tem. With code 1 or 2 activated, the receiver can distinguish the beams designated for it
from other beams. The following settings are available: non-coded, code 1 and code 2.
Use different beam codings if the systems are mounted in close proximity!
Systems mounted in close proximity to each other must be operated with different beam
codings (code 1 or code 2). If this precaution is neglected, the system may be impaired in
its protective function by the beams from the neighboring system and so change to the
unsafe state. This would mean that the operator is at risk.
Chapter 4Operating Instructions
Schematic layout of
C4000 Select
Minimum distance
Code 1
Code 2
DaSystem 1
System 2
the beam coding
C4000 Select
ment display on power-up for
beam coding
Beam coding increases the availability of the protected machine. Beam coding also en-
hances the resistance to optical interference such as weld sparks.
Using different beam coding settings will allow one C4000 series sender/receiver pair
to be mounted in close proximity to another C4000 series sender/receiver pair without
optical interference.
Beam coding will increase the response time of the system. This will also change the
required safety distance. Instructions can be found in chapter 5.1 “Determining the
minimum safety distance” on page 29.
In order for the C4000 Select system to operate, both the sender and corresponding
receiver of each C4000 Select system must have the same beam code configuration.
After activating the system, the C4000 Select receiver will briefly display the coding.
7-segment displayDescription
No beam coding
Beam code 1 active
Beam code 2 active
To prevent the possibility of optical interference from C4000 Select devices that have
been configured with the same beam codes (e.g. no coding, beam code 1 or beam code
2), a minimum distance between the two systems must be implemented. The following
figure provides information regarding the minimum distance “a” that must separate the
two C4000 Select systems based on the distance D between the sender of system 1 and
the receiver of system 2.
between C4000 Select systems for systems with the
same beam code configuration
between C4000 Select systems based on same beam
coding configuration
Refer to chapter 4 “Configuration” on page 21 for additional details on DIP switch setting
requirements for beam coding.
4.3 Scanning range
ment display on power-up for
scanning range
Scanning range defines the strength of the C4000 Select protective field beams in order to
allow for longer distances between the C4000 Select sender and receiver devices.
Match the scanning range with the protective field width!
The scanning range of the system (host, guest 1 and guest 2) must be adapted to the protective field width. If the scanning range is set to high range and the light curtains are
mounted below the minimum scanning range value, the safety light curtain may not reliably detect objects within the protective field. This would mean that the operator is at risk.
Two scanning ranges are selectable:
Physical resolutionSelectable scanning ranges
0…7.5 m30 mm
5…21 m
7?segment displayDescription
No symbolLow range (0…7.5 m) selected
High range (5…21 m) selected
If the scanning range is set too low, the safety light curtain may not switch to green.
Tab. 11 shows the guaranteed scanning ranges for the system.
Deflector mirrors are available as accessories (see page 74f.). When used, deflector
mirrors will reduce the effective scanning range based on the number used (see
Tab. 13). When using deflector mirrors, you must configure the safety light curtain for
high scanning range.
Do not use deflector mirrors if the formation of droplets or heavy contamination of the
deflector mirrors is to be expected!
The formation of droplets of heavy contamination can be detrimental to the reflection
behavior. The protective function of the system will be affected and the system will thus
become unsafe. This would mean that the operator is at risk.
Chapter 4Operating Instructions
Scanning ra
C4000 Select
when using 1 or 2 deflector
C4000 SelectDeflector mirror
1 × PNS758 m13 m
2 × PNS758 m12 m
1 × PNS12517 m18.5 m
2 × PNS12515.2 m16.8 m
The information in the table relates to 90° beam deflection per mirror and a protective
field height of 900 mm. If you need more advice on mirror applications, please get in touch
with your local SICK representative.
Refer to chapter 4 “Configuration” on page 21 for additional details on DIP switch setting