SI Analytics TitroLine 7500 KF Operating Instructions Manual

7500 KF
Gebrauchsanleitung ...................................................................................................... Seite 5 ..... 72
Wichtige Hinwei se: Die Gebrauchsanlei tung vor der ersten Inbetriebnahm e des Tit rators TitroLine® 7500 KF bitte sorgf älti g lesen und beac hten. Aus Sic herhei tsgrü nden darf der T i trator TitroLine
7500 KF ausschließlich
nur für die in dieser Gebr auc hsanl eitung beschriebenen Zwecke ei ngesetzt werden. Bitte beachten Si e auc h die Gebrauc hsanl eitungen für die anzuschließenden Geräte. Alle in dieser Gebr auc hsanl eitung enthalt enen A ngaben sind zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung gül tige Daten. Es
können jedoch von SI Analytics sowohl aus technischen und kaufmännischen Gründen, als auch aus der Notwendigkeit heraus, gesetzliche Bestimmungen der verschiedenen Länder zu berücksichtigen, Ergänzungen am Titrator TitroLine
7500 KF vorgenommen werden, ohne dass die beschriebenen
Eigenschaften beeinflusst werden.
Operating Instructions ................................................................................................ Page 73 .... 142
Important notes: Before initial operation of the Titration Unit TitroLine® 7500 KF, please read and observe carefully the oper ating i nstructions. F or safety reasons the Titrati on Unit TitroLine
7500 KF may only be use d
for the purposes described i n these present oper ating instructions. Please also observ e the operating instructions for t he units to be connected. All specifications in this instruction manual are guidance values which are valid at the time of printing.
However, for techni cal or commercial reasons or in the neces sity to comply with the statuary stipulati ons of various countri es, SI Analyti cs may perf orm additions to the Ti tration Unit TitroLine
7500 KF without changing
the described properties.
1 . Technical Specifications of the Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF ................................ 75
1.1 Summary ............................................................................................................................ 75
1.2 Specifications Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF............................................................................ 76
1.3 Warning and safety inf ormati on ........................................................................................... 79
2 . Unpacking and First Operation .............................................................................. 80
2.1 Unpacking ........................................................................................................................... 80
2.2 Installation and Connection of the TM 235 KF titration stand and t itration vessel .................. 80
2.3 Connecting the Titrator - Com bination with Accessories and Additional Dev ic es .................. 84
2.3.1 Back panel of the titr ator TitroLine® 7500 KF ...................................................................... 84
2.3.2 Connection port s of the Ti troLine® 7500 KF ........................................................................ 84
2.3.3 Connecting a print er ............................................................................................................ 84
2.3.4 Connecting a USB devi c e (manual controller, keyboard, memory device, hub) .................... 84
2.3.5 Connection of analy tical balances ....................................................................................... 85
2.4 Setting the Language of the Country ................................................................................... 85
2.5 Interchangeable unit WA ..................................................................................................... 86
2.5.1 Installing the interchangeable unit ....................................................................................... 86
2.6 Positioning and Replacing an Interchangeable Uni t ............................................................. 87
2.6.1 Placing an interc hangeable unit ........................................................................................... 87
2.6.2 Removing an interc hangeable unit ...................................................................................... 88
2.6.3 Programming the ti tration unit .............................................................................................. 88
2.7 Initial Filling or Rinsing of the Entire Interchangeable Unit .................................................... 90
2.8 Filling the titr ation vessel with solvent .................................................................................. 92
2.9 Replacing the Glass Cylinder and the PTFE Piston ............................................................. 92
3 . Working with the Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF ........................................................ 95
3.1 Front Keyboard ................................................................................................................... 95
3.2 Display ................................................................................................................................ 95
3.3 Manual controller “mouse“ ................................................................................................... 96
3.4 External PC Keyboar d ......................................................................................................... 96
3.5 Menu Structur e ................................................................................................................... 97
3.6 Main Menu .......................................................................................................................... 99
3.6.1 Standard methods of KF Titration ........................................................................................ 99
3.6.2 Automatic KF Titration ....................................................................................................... 100
3.6.3 Dosage ............................................................................................................................. 104
3.6.4 Preparing Soluti ons ........................................................................................................... 107
4 . Method Parameters................................................................................................ 108
4.1 Method editing and new m ethod ........................................................................................ 108
4.2 Default methods ................................................................................................................ 108
4.3 Copy Methods ................................................................................................................... 109
4.4 Delete Methods ................................................................................................................. 109
4.5 Print method ..................................................................................................................... 110
4.6 Change Method Param eters.............................................................................................. 110
4.6.1 Method type ...................................................................................................................... 110
4.6.2 Result ............................................................................................................................... 111
4.6.3 Titration param eters .......................................................................................................... 119
4.6.4 Titration end ...................................................................................................................... 122
4.6.5 Dosing parameter.............................................................................................................. 124
4.6.6 Sample identification ......................................................................................................... 125
4.6.7 Documentation .................................................................................................................. 126
5 . System settings ..................................................................................................... 127
5.1 Interchangeabl e Unit - Reagents ....................................................................................... 127
5.2 RS232 Settings ................................................................................................................. 129
5.3 Date and Time .................................................................................................................. 131
5.4 Password .......................................................................................................................... 131
5.5 RESET.............................................................................................................................. 131
5.6 Printer ............................................................................................................................... 132
5.7 Device Information ............................................................................................................ 132
5.8 System Tone ..................................................................................................................... 132
5.9 Software Update ............................................................................................................... 133
6 . Data Communication via RS232- and USB -B interface ...................................... 135
6.1 General Information .......................................................................................................... 135
Meaning / Descri ption ........................................................................................................................ 135
6.2 Chaining multiple devices —“Daisy Chain Concept“ .......................................................... 135
6.3 Instructi on S et f or RS-Communication ............................................................................... 135
7 . Connection of Analytical Balances and Printers ................................................ 137
7.1 Connection of Analytical Balances ..................................................................................... 137
7.1.1 Balance TZ-Number .......................................................................................................... 137
7.2 Balance data edit or ........................................................................................................... 138
7.3 Connection of Printers ....................................................................................................... 139
8 . Maintenance and Care of the TitroLine® 7500 KF ............................................... 140
9 . Storage and transportati on ................................................................................... 141
10 Recycling and Disposal ......................................................................................... 141
11 Index ....................................................................................................................... 142
Version 120829 US
Chapter 1 – Specifications Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF
1 Technical Specifications of the Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF
1.1 Summary
The TitroLine® 7500 KF is suitable for the foll owing applications: The possible range of titrations includes volumetric KF and Dead stop titrations with a maximum of 50
memorisable methods. The examples of possible use of the TitroLine
7500 KF include:
KF tit r ations with 1-component KF reagents
KF tit r ations with 2-component KF reagents
Dead stop ti t r ations such a bromine number and sulphur dioxide in
Compatible with TitriSoft 3.0.
In addition, the Tit r oLine® 7500 KF comes with following functionalities of the TITRONIC® 500 piston burette:
Preparation of solutions
Each method allows for the setting of a variety of dosing and filling rat es.
Solutions to be used:
Virtually, any li qui ds and soluti ons wit h a vi scosity of < = 10 mm² / s such as conce ntrat ed sulphuri c aci d m ay be used. However, one has to avoi d the use of chemicals that may attack glass, PTFE or FEP or that are explosive, such as hydrofluoric acid, sodium azide or bromine! Suspensions containing high solids percentages may clog or ev en dam age the dosing syst em .
General pr ov isions:
The safety guidelines that are applicable to the handling of chemi c als have to be observed under all circumstances. This applies in particular to inflammable and/or etching liquids.
We provide guarantee for the device described for two years from the date of purchase. This guarantee covers manufacturing faults being discovered within the mentioned period of two years. Claim under guarantee covers only the restoration of functionality, not any further claim for damages or financi al loss . Improper handling/use or illegitimate opening of the device results in loss of the guarantee rights. The guarantee does not cover wear parts, as lobes, cylinders, valves and pipes including the thread connections and the titration tips. The breach of glass parts is also excluded. To ascertain the guarantee liability, please return the instrument and proof of purchase together with the date of purchase freight paid or prepai d.
Chapter 1 – Specifications Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF
1.2 Specifications Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF
Status July. 01th 2012
CE sign:
EMC compatibility acc or ding to the Council Directive: 2004/108/EG; applied harmoniz ed standar ds: E N 61326-1:2006 Low-voltage di r ectiv e ac c or ding to the Council Directive 2006/95/EG Testing basis EN 61 010, P art 1
Country of origin: Germany, Made in Germany The following solv ents/titration reagent s are allowed to be used:
All c ommon ti tration solutions.
As reagent water and al l non-aggressiv e non-organic and organi c fluids are al lowed. If using combustible
fluids fir e please adhere t o the Guidelines for Explosion Protec tion and Prevention of the chemical industr y .
For f luids wit h higher v iscosity ( 5 mm
/s), lower boiling poi nt or affinity to outgas, t he filling and dosage
speed can be adjusted.
Fluids with viscosity over 20mm
/s ca nnot be dosed.
Measurement i nput: Karl-Fischer (Dead-stop) connect or for double platinum electrode
Polarisation voltage variably adjustable from 40 … 220 mV.
Connector: 2 x 4 mm - sockets.
Display resoluti on
accuracy* withou
sensor probe
I [µA]
0 ... 100
0,2 ± 1 Digit
* The measurement uncert ainty of the sensor probe has to be taken into acc ount as well.
Chapter 1 – Specifications Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF
Display: 3.5 inches -1/4 VGA TFT display with 320x240 pixels.
Inputs: Measurement i nput µA: (Dead-Stop-) connector for double platinum electrode Connection sockets: 2 x 4 mm)
Power supply: power supply 90-240 V; 50/60 Hz , power input: 30 VA RS232-C Interface: RS232-C int erface separated galvanically through photocoupler
Daisy Chain function available. Data bits: adjustable, 7 or 8 Bit (default: 8 Bit) Stop bit: adjustable, 1 or 2 Bit (def ault: 1 Bit) Start bit: static 1 Bit Parity: adjustable: ev en / odd / none Baud rate: adjustable: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 (Default 4800 baud) Address: adjustable, (0 to 15, default: 01) RS232-1 for computer, input Daisy Chain RS232-2 devices of SI Analytics, titr ator TitroLine
- Burettes TITRONIC
500, TITRONIC 110 plus, TITRONIC universal,
- Balances of the types Mettler, Sartorius,
- Kern, Ohaus (for m or e, please contac t SI Analytics)
- Exit Daisy Chain USB Interface: 2 x USB-type A and 1 x USB-ty pe B
USB –Typ B (“slave“) for connecting a PC USB –Typ A (“master“) for connecting:
- USB keyboard
- USB printer
- USB “mouse“ (“mouse“),
- USB data media e.g. USB stick
- USB Hub Stirrer/pump TMKF: 12V DC out, 500mA
power supply for sti r r er TM 235 and KF titration stand TM 235 KF
Housing material : Polypropylene Front keyboard: polyester coated Housing dimensions: 15.3 x 45 x 29.6 cm (W x H x D), height incl. interchangeable unit Weight: ca. 2.3 kg for basic unit
ca. 3.5 kg for complete devic e inc l. interchangeable unit (with em pty r eagent bottle)
Ambient conditions: Ambient temperature: + 10 ... + 40 °C for operation and storage
Humidity according to EN 61 010, Part 1: Max. relative humi dity 80 % for temperatures up to 31 °C, linear decrease down to 50 % relative humidity at a temperatur e of 40 °
Chapter 1 – Specifications Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF
Status Aug. 23
Interchangeabl e un its
Compatibility: units are compatible to the titrat or s TitroLine
6000, TitroLine® 7000, TitroLine®
7500 KF and Piston Burette TITRONIC
500 Recognition: automatically through RFID. Recognition of unit size and characteristics of the Titration- or dosi ng sol ution Valve: volume neutral cone v alv e made fr om fluor oc ar bon poly mers (PTFE), TZ 3000 Cylinder: borosilic ate glass 3.3 (DURAN
) Hoses: FEP hose set, blue Bracket for supply bott le: suitable for square glas s bottle and misc. reagent bottles Materials: borosilicat e glass DURAN
, fluorocarbon pol ymers (PTFE), stainless steel, polypropylene, Dimensions: 15 x 34 x 22.8 cm (W x H x D) incl. reagent bottle Weight: approx. 1.2 kg for int er c hangeable unit WA incl. empty reagent bottle
Dosing accuracy: after DIN EN ISO 8655, part 3
Accuracy: 0.15 % Precision: 0.05 - 0.07 %
(Depending on the used int er c hangeable unit)
Dosing accuracy of the Titrator TitroLine
7500 KF with WA interchangeable units:
type No.
Tolerances of t he Øi
of the glass cylinder
Dosage error*
according to
100 % volume
WA 0 5 5.00 ± 0.005 ± 0.15 0.07 WA 1 0 10.00 ± 0.005 ± 0.15 0.05 WA 2 0 20.00 ± 0.005 ± 0.15 0.05 WA 5 0 50.00 ± 0.005 ± 0.15 0.05
Chapter 1 – Specifications Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF
1.3 Warning and safety information
The TitroLine® 7500 KF corresponds to prot ection cl ass II. It was manuf actured and tested according to DI N EN 61 010, Part 1, Protective Measures for El ectronic Measurement Devices and has left the fact ory in an impeccabl e condition as concerns safet y technology. In order t o maintain this condi tion and to ensure safe operation, the user should observe the notes and warning information contained in the present operating instructi ons. Development and production i s done within a system which meets the requi rements lai d down in the DIN EN ISO 9001 standard.
For reasons of saf ety, the ti trat or TitroLine
7500 KF must be open ed by aut hori sed person s only; thi s means,
for instance, that work on electrical equipment must only be performed by qualified speciali sts.
In the case of nonobservance of t hese provisions the titrator TitroLine® 7500 KFmay co nstitute a danger: electrical accidents of persons or fire hazard. Moreover, in the case of unauthorised intervention in the titrator TitroLine
7500 KF as well as in the case of negligently or deliberately
caused damage, the warranty will become void.
Prior to switchi ng the dev ice on i t has to be en sured that the operati ng v oltage of the t itrator TitroLine® 7500 KF matches the mains voltage. The operating voltage is indicated on the specification plat e. Nonobservance of this provision may result in damage to the titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF or in personal injury or damage to property.
If it has to be as sumed that safe oper ation is im possible, the tit rator TitroLine
7500 KF has to be put out of
operation and secur ed against inadvertent putting to operation. In this case please switch the t itrator TitroLine
7500 KF off, pul l plug of the mains cabl e out of the mains socket, and rem ove t he titrator TitroLine
7500 K F
from the place of work. Examples for the assumption that a safe operation is no longer possible,
the package is damaged, the titrator TitroLine
7500 KF shows visible damages,
titrator TitroLine
7500 KF does not function properly,
liquid has penetrated into the casing. The titrator TitroLine
7500 KF must not be stored or operated in humid rooms.
For reasons of saf ety, t he tit rator TitroLine
7500 KF m ust onl y be used f or the range of appl i cation descri bed
in the present operati ng instructions. In the case of dev iations from the intended proper use of the device, it is up to the user to evaluate the
occurring risks.
T he relevant reg ulations reg arding the h andling of th e substan ces used have to b e observed: The Decree on Hazardou s Matters, the Chem icals Act, and the rul es and inform ation of the chemical s trade. It has to be ensured on t he side of the u ser that the persons entr usted with the u se of the titr ator TitroLine
7500 KF are experts in the handli ng of substances used in the envir onment and in titrat or TitroLine
7500 KF
or that they are supervi sed by speci alised persons, respectively. During all work with tit r ation solutions:
Please wear protective gl asses! !
The titrator TitroLine
7500 KF i s equipped with int egrated circuit s (EPROMs). X rays or other high energy radiation may penetrate through the device’s casing and del ete the program. For working with liquids, not beeing common titration solvents, especially the chemical resistance of the construction m aterials of the t itrator TitroLine
7500 KF hav e to be considered (pl ease also refer to chapter
1.1). For the use of liqui ds with hi gh vapour pressure or (mixture of) substance s not being m enti oned in chapt er 1.1
as allowed substances, t he safe and proper op erati on of the tit rator TitroLine
7500 KF has to be guaranteed by the user. When the piston moves upwards withi n t he cyli nder, a mi crofilm of dosing li qui d or titrati on solution wil l al ways remain adhered to t he inner wall of the c ylinder, but t his has no i nfluenc e on the dosing acc uracy. T his small residue of li quid, however, may ev aporate and t hus pe netrat e i nto t he zone underneat h the piston, and if non­admitted liqui ds are being used, the m aterials of t he titrator TitroLine
7500 KF may be dissolved or c orroded
(please refer al so to c hapter 8 “Maintenance and Care of the titrator Titr oLine
7500 KF”).
80 Chapter 2. Unpacking and First Operation
2 Unpack i ng an d Fir st Operation
2.1 Unpacking
The titrator it self as well as all r elated accessory and peripheral parts hav e been c ar efully checked at the factory to ensure their cor r ect function and size. The TitroLine
7500 KF modules consists of:
7500 basic unit
An interchangeable dosing unit WA 05, WA 10 or WA 20
The KF titration stand (pump and stirrer) TM 235 KF including waste (1 L clear bottle), solvent (1 L amber
bottle) and moisture bottle (100 ml) with all tubes.
Titration vessel TZ 1770 including titration tip
KF starter kit TZ 1789 with molec ular sieve, glass wool and a set of syringes with needl es.
Electrode KF 1100
Please ensure that the sm all ac c essories are also removed in full from the packaging. For the scope of delivery, please refer to the enclosed parts lists.
Fig. 1
2.2 Installation and Connection of the TM 235 KF titration stand and titration vessel
The titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF and the TM 235 KF may be placed on any flat surface. As a rule, the TM 235 KF titration stand is arranged to the right of the titrator. The pump/stirrer is connected to the 12V out-socket at the rear panel of the TitroLine
7500 KF using the TZ
1577 connection cable (scope of delivery of the basic device) (cp. ‘B ac k panel ’ illustration, chapter 2.4) . The stand rod (scope of deliv er y of t he basi c device) is screwed into the thread of the TM 235 KF. The titrati on v essel TZ 1770 is mount ed at the stand rod. Please take care that the m etal clam p is adj usted as
shown in the attached photo:
Chapter 2. Unpacking and F ir s t O per ation
Fig. 2 Put all three white inner plastic adapters at the waste, solvent and moisture bottle. Fill the moisture bottle with molecular sieve. Connect the PVC and PTFE plastic tubes as shown in the next pictures. The PVC tubes are connected t o the connectors at the back side of the TM 235 KF. The long PVC tube is used
for the connecti on of t he waste bott le. The two shorter PVC ones are used to connect the moisture bottle and the solvent bottle.
Fig. 3
82 Chapter 2. Unpacking and First Operation
The moisture bot tle is connected to the right connect or (view from above) of the TM 235 KF. The waste (clear) bottle is connect ed to the left connector.
Fig. 4 The PTFE tube from the clear waste bottle is adjusted to the ground (tube 1) of the tit r ation vessel. The PTFE
tube from the solvent bottle (tube 2) is adjusted as shown in the next two pictures:
Fig. 5
Chapter 2. Unpacking and F ir s t O per ation
Fig. 6 The burette tip is placed into the left NS 14 opening and connected to the valve of the interchangeable unit. Put first some glass wool and then molecular sieve in the plastic moisture tube. Place it t o the ot her NS opening
as shown in the next picture.
Fig. 7 The electrode KF 1100 i s connected to the µA input. The keyboard is connected to one of the USB –A ports.
84 Chapter 2. Unpacking and First Operation
2.3 Connec ting the Titrator - Combination with Accessories and Additional Devices
2.3.1 Back panel of the titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF
Fig. 8
2.3.2 Connection ports of the TitroLine
7500 KF
The TitroLine® 7500 KF is equipped with the following connections:
1) µA measurem ent input for the connection of doubl e platinum electrodes (KF 1100 or Pt 1200, Pt 1400)
2) USB-B interface for connection to a PC
3) On/Off switch
4) Two USB-A (“M aster “ ) interfaces for connecting USB devices such as a keyboard, printer, manual control unit, USB memory devic e etc.
5) ”in“ : Connection of the external power pack
6) “out“: Connection of the TM 235 KF titration stand or TM 235 magnetic stirrer
7) Two RS232 ports, 4-channel (Mini-DIN): RS1 for connection to the PC RS2 for connection of a weighing balance and other devices from SI Analytic s (burettes a.s.o.)
2.3.3 Co nn ect ing a printer
Printers with a USB int erface are to be connected to one of the two USB-A interfaces. These pri nters have to feature HP PCL emulation (3, 3GUI, 3 enhanced, 5, 5e). So-called GDI printers cannot be used! Alternatively the thermo-compact printer Seiko S 445 c an be connect ed.
2.3.4 Co nn ect ing a USB device (manual controller, keyboard, memory device, hub)
The following USB devi c es can be connec ted to the USB-A interfaces:
TZ 3880 manual controller (in the following: ”mouse“)
USB stor age dev ices, e.g. USB sticks
USB hub
USB bar c ode scanners
3 4 5
Chapter 2. Unpacking and F ir s t O per ation
2.3.5 Connection of ana ly t ic al balances
Analytical balanc es are t o be c onnec ted to the RS232-2 using an appropriate cable
2.4 Setting the Language of the Country
The ex-factory default language setting is English. When the piston burette is switched on, the mai n menu will appear once the boot sequence is completed:
Fig. 8 Using <SYS/<F7> or <MODE>, followed by <System settings> you navigate to the system settings. The very first
menu is to be used for setting t he language of the country:
Fig. 9 Use <ENTER>/<OK> to call the menu. S elec t t he national language using the <↑↓> arrow keys, confi rm it with
Fig. 10 The selected language wil l appear immediately. Pressing the <ESC> key twice will return the user to the main
86 Chapter 2. Unpacking and First Operation
2.5 Interchangeable unit WA
Fig. 11
1) TZ 3871 - sucti on hose
2) TZ 38 72 - connection hose
3) TZ 3873 - dosing hose wit hout dosing tip and holding bracket;
TZ 3874 - dosing hose with dosing tip and holding bracket
4) TZ 3801 - valve cov er lid
5) TZ 3000 - 3/2-way valve
6) TZ 2003 - drying t ube
7) TZ 3802 - threaded c ap with borehole GL 45, incl. adapter with 2 openings for drying tube and suction
8) TZ 3803 - 1 litre reagent bottle, brown
9) TZ 3900 - UV protecti on, blue transparent
10) TZ 3875 - shaft for titration tip and
TZ 3356 - titrati on tip unit, blue or micro titration tip white TZ 3285, adapter TZ 1525
11) TZ 1507 - plastic drip-down tubule
2.5.1 Installing the interchangeable unit
Fig. 11 shows a completely assembled interchangeable unit.
Remove the valve with the attached hoses from the pack, and then push it on the valve support until it
snaps in position.
Slip on the valve cover lid on the valve as is shown in the ill ustr ation.
Insert the TZ 3872 connection hose in the threaded hole prov ided in the burette cylinder, and then tighten
it by hand.
Insert the TZ 3871 suction hose into the threaded openi ng of t he GL 45 or S 40 adapter s, and then
tighten it manually.
Remove the standard dosing hose TZ 3874 from the valve and c onnec t t he dosi ng hose i nc luding from
the KF titrati on vessel TZ 1770
6 3 1 2 4 5 7 8 9
Chapter 2. Unpacking and F ir s t O per ation
2.6 Positioning and Replacing an Interchangeable Unit
The base unit comes with an RFID r eader , and all the interchangeable units are equi pped with an RFID transponder. Thi s tr ansponder can be use d to store the following information:
Uni t size (cannot be changed)
Uni t ID (cannot be changed)
Reagent name (default: blank)
Concent r ation (default: 1.000000)
Concent r ation determined on: (Date)
To be used until: (Date)
Opened/Produced on: (Date)
Test ac c or ding to ISO 8655: (Date)
Charge description: (default: no c har ge)
Last modification: (Date)
Each time an interc hangeable unit is pushed onto the base unit, t he data is automatically read out of the transponder.
2.6.1 Placing an interchangeable unit
The interchangeabl e unit is to be placed on the device unit as is shown in fig. 12 a-c; subsequentl y , it is to be pushed downwards until the black button latches on the left side.
Fig. 12.a
Fig. 12.b
88 Chapter 2. Unpacking and First Operation
Fig. 12.c
2.6.2 Remo ving an interchangeable uni t
Removing the int erchangeable unit is done in reverse order:
Depress the black button on the left, and then pull the interchangeable unit forward as is shown in fig. 12
c – 12 a.
Please note: Removing the interchangeable unit is only possible as long as the piston is in the lower
position (zero position). Possibl y, i t may be necessary to press the <FILL> key first.
2.6.3 Programming the titration unit
The data from the RFID transponder of the interchangeable uni t will be read immediately (fig. 13).
Fig. 13 Following the reading operation, the input menu for the input of t he r eagents will be shown for approx. 10
seconds (fig. 14). The size of the interchangeable unit is displayed on the left side of the display (here 10 ml).
Fig. 14
Chapter 2. Unpacking and F ir s t O per ation
When used for the first time, it is recommended to enter here at least the name of the reagent being used. To do so, confirm the “Reagent “selection with <ENTER>, then ty pe the name and possibly the concentrati on (fig. 12).
Fig. 15 Press <OK>/<ENTER> to confirm (fig. 15). Following the optional input of additional parameter, press <ESC> to
leave the reagent s menu (fig. 16). The approximate concentrati on of t he KF tit r ant (e.g. 5 or 2) should be entered under concentration. Thereby the drift in µg/min can be calc ulated in the right dimensions.
Fig. 16 You will be prompted for a confirmation of the values (fig. 17):
Fig. 17 If you selected <Yes>, the values will be written into the interchangeable unit. You can see this from a message
in red colour displayed at the bottom. Upon completion, the lef t bot tom corner of the display will show the new name of the reagent (fig. 18). In t he pr esent c ase this is Titrant 5.
90 Chapter 2. Unpacking and First Operation
Fig. 18
2.7 Initial Filling or Rinsing of the Entire Interchangeable Unit
Initial filli ng of the interchangeable unit is done using the <rinsing > rinsing programme.
Fig. 19
On the main menu (fig. 19), press <MODE> key to navigate t o the methods/system (fig. 20).
Fig. 20
Pressing <> twice will take you to the <Rinsing> selection immediately (fig. 21).
Chapter 2. Unpacking and F ir s t O per ation
Fig. 21 Confirm the selection by pressing <ENTER>:
Fig. 22 At this point you can selec t t he num ber of rinsi ng cycl es (Fig. 19). I ni tial f illing r equir es a m i nimum of two rinsi ng
cycles. You can stop t he rinsing operation (F ig. 20) at any tim e by pressing <STOP> and then resume ri nsing with <START>.
Fig. 23 While the i nitial filling or ri nsing programme is being run, pl ease place a suffic iently dimensioned waste v essel
under the titration tip. The best is when the titration tip is mount ed in the KF titration vessel.
92 Chapter 2. Unpacking and First Operation
2.8 Filling the titration vessel with solvent
The solvent is pumped from the solvent bottl e into the titration v essel by pushi ng down the front part of the rocker switch on the titration stand TM 235 KF. Pump solvent into the titration vessel until the titration tip and the electrode are c om pletely immersed. This will be approx. 35-40 ml of solvent:
Fig. 24
2.9 Replacing the Glass Cylinder and the PTFE Piston
Replacing the glass cylinder and the pi ston does not require any additional tools. In certain cases the piston extractor has to be used.
Remove the interchangeable unit from the base unit.
Unscrew the hose between the glass cylinder and the valv e from the glass cylinder.
Rotate the blue UV protection 5 to 6 times to the left t o loosen it.
You can r em ov e the UV protection and pull out of the glass cylinder toget her with the piston inside it.
Insert a new glass cyl inder and piston (F ig. 25) into the i nterchangeable uni t, and then sli p on the blue
UV protection again.
Tighten the blue UV protection again by rot ating it 5 to 6 times to the right.
The pi ston rod shoul d proj ect 1-2 cm out of the interchangeable uni t (Fi g. 26 a). At thi s point , til t t he unit
forward unt il the slant ed bott om side is in fl at c ontact wit h the lab t able (Fig. 26 b). This forc es the piston into its correc t position. Should the piston be f orced som ewhat t oo far into the glass cylinder, simply pull it out and place it in the correct position according to the procedure descri bed above.
35-40 ml
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