Shyam RF/DBR Series, DB6MR20 Operation & Installation Manual

5920 0060 200 December 2008
Next Generation Sig n a l Enha ncement
RF / DBR Series
Six Sub-Band Repeaters for In-Door Applications
DDBB66MMRR2200 (
(Dual Band)
The information contained herein is proprietary to Shyam Telecom Limited. Unauthorized acces s, copy and repl icati on are prohibit ed. This do cument must not be copied in whole or part by any means or it shall not be disclosed or divulged to any third Party without the prior written consent of Shya m Telecom Limi ted.
Proprietary In forma tion
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1. Document History.........................................................................................4
2. Disclaimer...................................................................................................... 5
3. Safety Instructions and Warnings...............................................................5
3.1. Personnel Safety......... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ......................... .5
3.2. Equipment Safety........ ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ......................... ...... ...... ....... .5
3.3. Electrostatic Sensitivity......................... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ....................6
4. Introduction...................................................................................................7
4.1. Purpose................ ....... ...... ...... ...... ......................... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... .7
4.2. Scope . ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ......................... ...... ....... .7
4.3. Definitions . ...... ....... ...... ...... ......................... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... .......7
4.4. References........... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ......................... ...... ...... ....... ...... .8
Next Generation Sig n a l Enha ncement
4.5. General ..... ...... ...... ....... ......................... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....................8
5. Functional Description of DB6MR20 Repeater...........................................9
5.1. General Description........... ...... ...... ....... ...... ......................... ...... ...... ....... .9
5.2. Typical In-Building Coverage.................................................................11
6. To Get started-Basic Software Control of the System.............................14
6.1. General ..... ...... ...... ....... ......................... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... .................. 1 4
6.2. Terminal Set-up.............................. ...... ......................... ...... ...... ....... .....14
6.3. Block Diagram Description ....................................................................24
7. DB6MR20 Repeater Specifications............................................................26
7.1 Specification-RF .....................................................................................26
7.2. Electrical Specification Power Requirement........... ...... ....... ...... ....... .....26
7.3. External Electrical Interface...................................................................27
7.4. Mechanical Specification................ ...... ...... ...... ....... ........................ ......27
7.5. Environmental Specification ............................. ...... ....... ........................27
7.6. Contents of Delivery ..............................................................................27
8. Installation...................................................................................................28
8.1. Preparation Sheet-Pre Installation.........................................................28
8.2. Engineering Consideration ............................... ...... ....... ...... ...... ............2 9
8.3. Installation Tools... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ............3 1
8.4. Installation Procedure.. ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ............3 2
8.5. Gain Settings.. ....... ...... ...... ...... ......................... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ......33
8.6. Commissioning........................ ......................... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ......34
8.7. Checklist – Post Installation..... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... .....35
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8.8. Dos & Don’t Dos...................... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........................36
8.9. Display Details of DB6MR20 .................................................................37
9. System Maintenance...................................................................................38
9.1. General ..... ...... ...... ....... ......................... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... .................. 3 8
9.2. Preventative Maintenance.............. ...... ...... ...... ....... ......................... .....38
9.3. In-Building Coverage Problems........................ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ......38
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Next Generation Sig n a l Enha ncement
1. Document History
Document Number
5920 0060 2 00 DB6MR20
Document Name
Date Compiled
Inderjit Ramvir Singh
Approved by Revision
Revision Revised Section Date
Intentionally Left Blank
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2. Disclaimer
Every attempt has been made to make this material complete, accu rate, and up-to-date. Users are cautioned, however, that Shyam Telecom Limited reserves the right to make changes without notice and shall not be responsible for any damages inc luding consequentia l, caused by reliance of the contents presented, including, but not limited to, typographical, arithmetical, or listing errors.
Product name(s) referenced in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, and are hereby acknowledged.
In areas with unstable power grids (mains) all repeaters must be installed with a voltage regulator ensuring a constant voltage level at the repeater power input. A maxi mum voltage d eviation should remain within the input ran ge to the repeaters for warranty purposes.
All antennas must be installed with lighting protection. Damage to internal modules, as a result of lightning is not covered by the warranty.
All specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
3. Safety Instructions and Warnings
3.1. Personnel Safety
Before installing or replacing any equipment, the entire manual should be read and understood. The user needs to supply the appropri ate AC power to the Repeater. Inc orrect AC po wer s ettings can da mage the re pea ter an d may cause injury to the user.
Next Generation Sig n a l Enha ncement
Throughout this manual, there are "Caution" warnings, "Caution" calls attention to a procedure or p ractice, whic h , if igno r ed, may res ult in i njur y or damage to the system or system component or even the user. Do not perform any procedure preceded by a "Caution" until the described conditions are fully understood and met.
3.2. Equipment Safety
When installing, replacing or using this product, observe all safety precautions during handling and operation. Failure to comply with the following general s afety precautions and with spec ific precautions described elsewhere in this manual violates the safety standards of the design, manufacture, and intended use of this product. Shyam Telecom Limited assumes no liability for the customer's failure to comply with these precautions. This entire manual should be read and understood before operating or maintaining the repeater system.
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It calls attention to a procedure or practice which, if not followed, may result in personal inj ury, damage to the sys tem or damage to indiv idual components. Do not perform any procedure preceded by a
CAUTION until described conditions are fully understood and met.
WARNING! This equipment complies with FCC & IC radiation exposure limits
set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not be co­located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. The signal booste r with server antenna must be installed to provide minimum 20 cm separation distance between the server an tenna and the body of user or near by person. The donor antenna used for this transmitter must be fixed­mounted on outdoor permanent structures with a separation distance of at least 1.5 meters from all persons during normal operation.
The RF electric performance of the DB6MR20 repeater conforms to FCC requirement of the inter modulation and spurious emission. It avoids interference problems.
3.3. Electrostatic Sensitivity
Observe electrostatic precautionary procedures. Semiconduct or tra nsmitters and rece ivers prov ide highly rel iable per formance
when operated in co nformity with the intentions of their design. However, a semiconductor may be damaged by an electrostatic charge inadvertently imposed by careless handling.
Static electricity ca n be conducted to the semico nductor chip from the centre pin of the RF input connector, and through the AC connector pins. When unpacking and otherwise handling the Repeater, follow ESD precautionary procedures includin g the use of grounded wrist straps, grounded workbench surfaces, and grounded floor mats.
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4. Introduction
4.1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe the electrical and mechanical specifications, operation and maintenance of the DB6MR20 Repeater.
4.2. Scope
This document is the produc t description of the Shya m DB6MR20 Repeater for indoor applications.
Next Generation Sig n a l Enha ncement
Automatic Gain Control Automatic Level Control Automatic Power Control Broadcast Control Channel Base Transceiver Station Band Selective Coded Division Multiple Access Configuration & Monitoring Console software Combiner Unit Channel Selective Digital Communication System Downlink signal (from base station via repeater to mobile station) Extended Global System for Mobile Communication European Telecommunications Standard Institute Global System for Mobile communication Location Area Code of the BTS site Light Emitting Diode Low Noise Amplifier Local Oscillator Mobile Station Mobile Switching Center Network Management System Power Amplifier Personal Communication Network Personal Communication System Power Supply Unit Radio Frequency Remote Management System Received Signal Strength Indication Real Ti me Cl ock Total Access Comm unication System Time Division Multiple Access Uplink signal direction (from mobile station via repeater to base station)
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4.4. References
[1] ETS 300 086.
Radio Equipment and Systems Land mobile service Technical characteristics and test conditions for radio equ ipment with an internal or external RF connector intended primarily for analogue speech.
[2] ETS 300 609-4.
Digital cellular telecommunications system (phase 2): Base Station Systems (BSS) equipment specification: Part 4: Repeaters.
[3] ETS 300 342-3
Radio Equipment and Systems (RES): Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) for European Digital Cellular Telecommunications systems. Base Station Radio and ancillary equipment and Repeaters meeting phase 2 GSM requirements.
4.5. General
Mobile Communicatio ns Systems are planned as cellula r systems and each cell of the base station is required to provide RF coverage over a certain geographical area as per defined RF power levels. Due to the RF propagation properties, even using high radiated RF powers or complicated antenna systems, there are zones within the coverage area where the RF signal strength from base station remains inadequate for establishing the desired connectivity to mobile users.
Repeaters tradit ionally are de plo yed in the Mob ile Communication Network to fill in the “Dead Zones” caused by blocking of signals by geographic topologies such as mountains, valleys, dense foliage, high rising urban landscapes and other man-made structures. The distance from the base station also adversely affects the RF signal strength. The user views repeaters as a means to extend base stati on coverage so as to reduce the number of base stations and thereby accelerate network availability.
Repeater syste ms are installed after meticulous planning b etween BTSs and the mobile users to provide RF coverage in the shadowed regi ons. Repeater systems are available for different applications and ultimate choice shall depend on some of the factors mentioned below:
Area to be provided with coverage.
Indoor/outdoor coverage.
Availability of BTSs in the vicinity.
Antenna isolation to be achieved.
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5. Functional Description of DB6MR20 Repeater
5.1. General Description
The DB6MR20 Repeater System is a designed to provide indoor coverage and can handle signals in up to six sub bands in two of the service bands, used around the World by various service operators. It provides highly selective amplific ation in the pre-set bands. The d etails of operating service frequency bands are given below:
S.NO. Service Band DL Frequency (MHz) UL Frequency (M Hz)
1. SMR 800
2. Cellular
3. SMR 900
5. GSM 900
6. DCS
7. PCS
*The certification for FCC ID:S3CDB6MR20 & IC:5751A-DB6MR20 is only applied to Cellular and PCS Band applicati ons.
851-866 806-821 869-894 824-849 935-941 896-902 925-960 880-915
935-960 890-915 1805-1880 1710-1785 1930-1990 1850-1910 2110-2170 1920-1980
The Customer i s advised to refe r to the stick er on th e repe at er unit givin g the details of frequency bands set & the bandwidths of different sub bands equipped in the repeater.
Salient Feature s
The repeater has been designed to meet the requirement of users
who are allocated frequency spectrum in different bands. It is provisioned to be equipped up to six s ub bands maximum in both the bands with 3+3 configuration.
The repeater adopts duplex mode and bi-directional amplificatio n for
UL & DL signals between the base station and mobile users. It has been designed for indoor applications to meet the requirements of large number of users in the targeted area.
It conforms to ETSI standards & international safety
The system can be incorporated with optional Remote
Management System (RMS). It enables status monitoring, remote
configuration & speedy maintenance.
The system is modular in nature & can be customized to meet
requirement of user in terms of number of sub bands with the desired
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bandwidth of each. The System is incorporated with monitoring facility through USB port with easy GUI interface.
It sucks signals from the BTS through a DONOR antenna (highly
directional outdoor antenna) and distributes the signals to mobile users after amplification through a set of indoor SERVER antenna(s) (omni/ directional) system in the DL.
In the UL, the signals from the mobile users are picked up by
SERVER antenna and retransmitted to the BTS after processing & amplification in the repeater.
The repeater consists of the following modules/units:
Power amplifiers Power supply unit Quad-plexers filters for transmit/receive directions Supervisory module A metallic case houses the repeater. Provision is made for heat
dissipation especially for amplifiers, which generate more heat. The choice of suitable metal as the case material gives a lightweight design with good hea t conduction. It is not waterproo f and therefore, should be installed at indoor locations only.
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DB6R 20 unit
Figure 1: Typical In-building Coverage
5.2. Typical In-Building Coverage
The DB6MR20 repeater is designed to provide optimal coverage over an area of approximately 1,000 to 2,000 sq. meters (10,000 to 20,000 Sq ft.). However, ultimate performance depends on the obstructions blocking/absorbing o f the RF signals in si de the building and the available forward signal level at the donor antenna.
Typical coverage is usually plann ed for relatively small areas such as large conference rooms or several adjacent rooms in smaller office areas.
Coverage is primarily determined b y the available fo rward sign al level at the outdoor antenna input, loss due to the RF cable length, type of RF cable installed and achievable isolation for optimum DB6MR20 performance. Indoor coverage varies greatly due to the nature of various building construction techniques and materials. Approximations of signal level/coverage can be determined with the following assumptions:
10dBi to12dBi-donor antenna. Max. 9dBi indoor
omni/directional antenna.
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Installed total cab le and connector loss of approx imately 5 dB
(125 feet of typical 1/2” coaxial foam cable).
Interior building s tructure consists of typical vertical stud and
drywall composition.
Isolation between th e do nor and server antennas should be 15
dB more than the gain of the repeater.
DB6R20 Repeate
Figure 2: Application of DB6MR20 in a multi-storey building
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Figure 3: Typical Indoor Cov erage Application in Train
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