Shure Wireless Microphone Systems Operation Manual

A Shure Educational Publication
and Operation
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
. . . . . . . . . . 5
Radio Wave Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Radio Wave Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
. . . . . . . . . . . . 8
System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Input Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Transmitter: General Description . . . . . . . . 9
Transmitter: Audio Circuitry . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Transmitter: Radio Circuitry . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Receiver: General Description . . . . . . . . . 12
Receiver: Radio Circuitry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Receiver: Audio Circuitry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Receiver: Squelch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Receiver: Antenna Configuration . . . . . . . 15
Multipath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
New! Receiver: Diversity Techniques . . 16
New! Antennas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
New! Antenna Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Antenna Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
New! Frequency Bands for
Wireless Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
VHF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
UHF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
New! Frequency Selection . . . . . . . . . . . 24
System Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Operating Frequency Interactions:
Intermodulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Internal Frequency interactions: LO, IF,
Crystal Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Non-System Radio Interference . . . . . . . . 28
New! Broadcast Television . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Broadcast Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Other Radio Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Non-Broadcast Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Spread Spectrum Transmission . . . . . . . . 32
Range of Wireless Microphone Systems . 33
New! Digital Wireless Systems . . . . . . . 34
New! Operation of Wireless Systems
Outside of the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
SELECTION AND SETUP . . . . . . . . . . . 36
New! System Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
New! Crystal Controlled vs.
Frequency Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
System Setup: Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
System Setup: Receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
System Setup: Receiver Antennas . . . . . . 42
System Setup: Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
System Checkout and Operation . . . . . . . 43
Wireless Microphone Systems . . . . . . . . . 44
Troubleshooting Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
APPLICATION NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Presenters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Musical Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Vocalists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Aerobic/Dance Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Bingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Film/Videography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Broadcast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
New! Point-to-Point Wireless . . . . . . . . . 51
Large Room/Multi-Room Applications . . . 51
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Appendix A: Calculation of
Intermodulation Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Appendix B: U.S. Television Channels . . . 57 Glossary of Terms and Specifications . . . 58
Included Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Suggested Reading & Biography . . . . . . 62
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
The many uses of wireless microphone systems can span applications from live entertainment to earth-orbit communications. It can include devices from a single "Mr . Microphone" to a 60 channel theme park system. It can evoke visions of freedom in prospective users and memories of ancient disaster in veteran sound engineers. In all its forms, wireless has become a fact of life for people who design and use audio systems. With increased use of wireless microphone systems has come the need for increased quantity and quality of information on the topic.
The scope of this guide is limited to wireless microphone systems used in audio applications. The reader is presumed to be somewhat familiar with basic audio. However, since wireless microphone systems depend upon certain general principles of radio, some information on basic radio is included. While there are similarities between sound transmission and radio transmission, many of the characteristics of radio systems are neither analogous to audio systems nor intuitive. Still, though perhaps new, the key ideas are fairly straightforward.
The purpose of this guide is to provide the interested reader with adequate information to select suitable wireless equipment for a given application and to use that equipment successfully. In addition, it is hoped that the fundamentals presented here will equip regular users of wireless with a framework to assist in their further understanding of this evolving technology .
This guide is presented in two parts: how wireless microphone systems work and how to make wireless microphone systems work. The first part is a technical introduction to the basic principles of radio and to the characteristics of wireless transmitters and receivers. The second part discusses the practical selection and operation of wireless microphone systems for general and specific applications. The two parts are intended to be self-contained. The first part should be of interest to those who specify or integrate professional wireless equipment while the second part should be of use to anyone who regularly works with wireless microphone systems.
Radio refers to a class of time-varying electromagnetic fields created by varying voltages and/or currents in certain physical sources. These sources may be "artificial," such as electrical power and electronic circuits, or "natural," such as the atmosphere (lightning) and stars (sunspots). The electromagnetic field variations radiate outward from the source forming a pattern called a radio wave. Thus, a radio wave is a series of electromagnetic field variations travelling through space. Although, technically, any varying source of voltage or current produces a varying field near the source, here the term "radio wave" describes field variations that propagate a significant distance away from the source.
A sound wave has only a single "field" component (air pressure). Variations in this component create a pattern of air pressure changes along the direction the sound wave travels but otherwise have no particular orientation. In contrast, a radio wave includes both an electric field component and a magnetic field component. The variations in these components have the same relative pattern along the direction the radio wave travels but they are oriented at a 90 degree angle to each other as illustrated in Figure 1-1. In particular, it is the orientation of the electric field component which determines the angle of "polarization" of the radio wave. This becomes especially important in the design and operation of antennas.
Like sound waves, a radio wave can be described by its frequency and its amplitude. The frequency of a radio wave is the time rate of the field variations measured in Hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz equals 1 cycle-per-second. The radio spectrum, or range of frequencies, extends from a few Hertz through the Kilohertz (KHz) and Megahertz (MHz) ranges, to beyond the Gigahertz (GHz) range. The suffixes KHz, MHz, and GHz refer to thousands, millions, and billions of cycles-per-second respectively. As far as is presently known, humans are directly sensitive to radio waves only at frequencies in the range of a few million GHz, which are perceived as visible light, and at those
frequencies in the range just below visible light, which are perceived as heat (infrared radiation). The overall radio spectrum includes both natural and artificial sources as indicated by Figure 1-2.
The amplitude of a radio wave is the magnitude of the field variations. It is the characteristic that determines the "strength" of the radio wave. Specifically , it is defined to be the amplitude of the electric field variation. It is measured in volts per unit length and ranges from nanovolts/meter (nV/m) to kilovolts/meter (KV/m), where nV refers to one billionth of a volt and KV refers to one thousand volts. The minimum level required for pickup by a typical radio receiver is only a few tens of microvolts (uV, a millionth of a volt) but much higher levels can be found near transmitters and other sources. The wide range of radio wave amplitudes that may be encountered in typical applications requires great care in the design and use of wireless microphone systems, particularly receivers.
Another characteristic of waves, related to frequency, is wavelength. The wavelength is the physical distance between the start of one cycle and the start of the next cycle as the wave moves through space. Wavelength is related to frequency by the speed at which the wave travels through a given medium. This relationship is expressed in the wave equation, which states that the speed of the wave is always equal to the product of the frequency times the wavelength. The wave equation applies to any physical wave phenomenon such as radio waves, sound waves, seismic waves, etc. (See Figure 1-3.)
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Principles
Figure 1-2: frequency vs. wavelength
Figure 1-1: radio wave
Figure 1-3: the wave equation
Part One: Wireless Microphone Systems: How They Work
Magnetic Field
Electric Field
The speed of radio waves (through a
vacuum) is equal to approximately 3 x 10
meter/second, or about 186,000 miles/ second. This is also known as the "speed of light," since light is just one part of the radio spectrum. The wave equation states that the frequency of a radio wave, multiplied by its wavelength always equals the speed of light. Thus, the higher the radio frequency, the shorter the wavelength, and the lower the frequency, the longer the wavelength. Typical wavelengths for certain radio frequencies are given in Figure 1-3. Wavelength also has important consequences for the design and use of wireless microphone systems, particularly for antennas.
Unlike sound, radio waves do not require a physical substance (such as air) for transmission. In fact, they "propagate" or travel most efficiently through the vacuum of space. However, the speed of radio waves is somewhat slower when travelling through a medium other than vacuum. For example, visible light travels more slowly through glass than through air. This effect accounts for the "refraction" or bending of light by a lens. Radio waves can also be affected by the size and composition of objects in their path. In particular , they can be reflected by metal objects if the size of the object is comparable to or greater than the wavelength of the radio wave. Large surfaces can reflect both low frequency (long wavelength) and high frequency (short wavelength) waves, but small surfaces can reflect only high frequency (short) radio waves. (See Figure 1-5.)
Interestingly, a reflecting metal object can be porous, that is, it can have holes or spaces in it. As long as the holes are much smaller than the wavelength, the metal surface will behave as if it were solid. This means that screens, grids, bars, or other metal arrays can reflect radio waves whose wavelength is greater than the space between the array elements and less than the overall array size. If the space between elements is larger than the wavelength, the radio waves will pass through the array. For example, the metal grid on the glass door of a microwave oven reflects microwaves back into the oven but allows light waves to pass through so that the inside is visible. This is because microwaves have a wavelength of
at least one centimeter while visible light has a wavelength of only one-millionth of a meter. (See Figure 1-4)
Even metal objects that are somewhat smaller than the wavelength are able to bend or "diffract" radio waves. Generally, the size, location, and quantity of metal in the vicinity of radio waves will have significant effect on their behavior. Non-metallic substances (including air) do not reflect radio waves but are not completely transparent either . To some degree, they generally "attenuate" or cause a loss in the strength of radio waves that pass through them. The amount of attenuation or loss is a function of the thickness and composition of the material and also a function of the radio wavelength. In practice, dense materials produce more losses than lighter materials and long radio waves (low frequencies) can propagate greater distances through "lossy" materials than short radio waves (high frequencies). The human body causes significant losses to short radio waves passing through it.
An object that is large enough to reflect radio waves or dense enough to attenuate them can create a "shadow" in the path of the waves which can greatly hamper reception of radio in the area beyond the object.
A final parallel between sound waves and radio waves lies in the nature of the overall radio wave pattern or "field" produced by various sources at a given location. If reflections are present (which is nearly always the case indoors), the radio field will include both direct waves (those that travel by the shortest path
from the source to the location) and indirect waves (those that are reflected). Radio waves, like sound waves, become weaker as they travel away from their source, at a rate governed by the inverse-square law: at twice the distance, the strength is decreased by a factor of four (the square of two). The strength of radio waves that arrive at a given location, by direct or indirect paths, is equal to the strength of the original source(s) minus the amount of loss due to distance (inverse square loss), loss due to material attenuation, and loss due to reflections.
After many reflections radio waves become weaker and
essentially non-directional. They ultimately contribute to
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Principles
ambient radio "noise," that is, general radio energy produced by many natural and man-made sources across a wide range of frequencies. The strength of ambient radio noise is relatively constant in a given area, that is, it does not diminish with distance. The total radio field at a given loca­tion consists of direct waves, indirect waves and radio noise.
Radio noise is nearly always considered to be undesirable. The direct and indirect waves may come from both the desired source (the intended transmission) and undesirable sources (other transmissions and general radio energy emitters). Successful radio reception depends on a favorable level of the desired transmission compared to the level of undesirable transmissions and noise.
This discussion of radio transmission has so far dealt only with the basic radio wave. It is also necessary to consider how information is carried by these waves. Audio "information" is transmitted by sound waves which consist of air pressure variations over a large range of amplitudes and frequencies. This combination of varying amplitudes and varying frequencies creates a highly complex sound field. These varying pressure waves are able to be processed directly by our auditory systems to perceive speech, music, and other intelligible sounds (information).
Radio "information" is generally transmitted using only one frequency. This single electromagnetic wave is varied in amplitude, frequency, or some other characteristic (such as phase) and for most radio transmissions neither the wave nor its variation can be detected or processed directly by human senses. In fact, the wave itself is not the information but rather the "carrier" of the information. The information is actually contained in the amplitude variation or frequency variation, for example. When a radio wave contains information it is called a radio "signal." The general term for this information-carrying variation of radio waves is "modulation." If the amplitude of the wave is varied the technique is called Amplitude Modulation or AM. If the frequency is varied, it is called Frequency Modulation or FM.
The amount of information that can be carried in a radio signal depends on the type of modulation and the level of modulation that can be applied to the basic radio wave. It also depends on the frequency of the basic radio wave. These factors are limited by physics to some extent, but are also limited by regulatory agencies such as the FCC. For AM signals, the radio wave has a single (constant) frequency of some basic amplitude (determined by the transmitter power). This amplitude is varied up and down (modulated) by the audio signal to create the corresponding radio signal. The rate of modulation is equal to the frequency of the audio signal and the amount of modulation is proportional to the amplitude (loudness) of the audio signal. The maximum (legal) amount
of amplitude modulation allows an audio signal of only limited frequency response (about 50-9000 Hz) and limited dynamic range (about 50 dB). (See Figure 1-6.)
For FM signals, the radio wave has a constant amplitude (again determined by transmitter power) and a basic frequency . The basic radio frequency is varied up and down (modulated) by the audio signal to create the corre­sponding radio signal. This frequency modulation is called "deviation" since it causes the carrier to deviate up and down from its basic or unmodulated frequency . (See Figure 1-7.)
The amount of deviation is a function of the amplitude of the audio signal and is usually measured in kilohertz (KHz). Typical values of deviation in wireless microphone systems range from about 12KHz to 45KHz depending on the operating frequency band. The maximum (legal) amount of deviation allows an audio signal of greater frequency response (about 50-15,000 Hz) and greater dynamic range (more than 90 dB) than does AM.
Although the details of wireless microphone transmitters and receivers will be covered in the next section, it should be noted here that all of the systems discussed in this presenta­tion use the FM technique. The reasons for this are the same as are apparent in commercial broadcast systems. More "information" can be sent in the typical FM signal, allowing higher fidelity audio signals to be transmitted. In addition, FM receivers are inherently less sensitive to many common sources of radio noise, such as lightning and electrical power equipment. These sources are characterized by a high level of AM-type noise which is rejected by FM systems.
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Principles
Figure 1-6: amplitude modulation (AM)
Figure 1-7: frequency modulation (FM)
The function of a radio or "wireless" system is to send information in the form of a radio signal. In this presentation, the information is assumed to be an audio signal, but of course video, data, or control signals can all be sent via radio waves. In each case, the information must be converted to a radio signal, transmitted, received, and converted back to its original form. The initial conversion consists of using the original information to create a radio signal by "modulating" a basic radio wave. In the final conversion, a complementary technique is used to "demodulate" the radio signal to recover the original information.
A wireless microphone system consists generally of three main components: an input source, a transmitter, and a receiver. (See Figure 2-1.) The input source provides an audio signal to the transmitter. The transmitter converts the audio signal to a radio signal and "broadcasts" or transmits it to the surrounding area. The receiver "picks up" or receives the radio signal and converts it back into an audiosignal. Additional system components include antennas and, possibly, antenna cables and distribution systems. The processes and the basic components are functionally similar to commercial radio and television and other forms of radio communications. What differs is the component scale and the physical system configurations.
There are four basic configurations of wireless microphone systems, related to the mobility of the transmitter and receiver components, as required for different applications. The first configuration involves a portable transmitter and a stationary receiver. The transmitter is usually carried by the user, who is free to move about, while the receiver is located in a fixed position. The input source in this setup is normally a microphone or an electronic musical instrument. The receiver output is typically sent to a sound system, recording equipment, or a broadcast system. This is the configuration of the standard "wireless microphone" and is the arrangement most widely used in entertainment, public address, and broadcast applications.
The second configuration employs a stationary transmitter and a portable receiver. In this case, the user carries the receiver , while the transmitter is fixed. The input source to the transmitter for these setups is usually a sound system, playback system, or other installed source.
The output of the receiver is typically monitored through headphones or loudspeakers. It may feed a portable audio or video recorder. This is the configuration of wireless systems for in-ear-monitors, (IEMs) interruptible foldback systems (IFB), assistive listening, simultaneous translation, and various instructional uses. It is also, of course, the configuration of commercial radio and television broadcast systems when the receiver is mobile such as a personal radio or a car radio.
The third configuration consists of both a portable transmitter and a portable receiver. The users of both components are free to move about. Again, the input source is usually a microphone and the output is often a headphone. This is the configuration of "wireless intercom" systems, though each user in a typical setup has both a transmitter and a receiver for two-way
Another application
of this configuration
is for transmission
of audio from
a wireless
microphone to a
portable camera/
recorder in
broadcast, film, and
The fourth configuration comprises a transmitter and a receiver that are each stationary. Such setups are often referred to as "point-to-point" wireless systems. The typical input would be a playback source or mixer while the output might be to a sound system or to a broadcast facility. Examples of this setup are wireless audio feeds to multiple amplifier/loudspeaker arrays for temporary distributed sound systems, radio remote-to-studio links and of course commercial and non-commercial broadcasts from fixed transmitters to fixed receivers.
The input source is any device that provides a suitable audio signal to the transmitter. "Suitable audio signal" means an electrical signal within a certain frequency range (audio), voltage range (microphone level or line level), and impedance range (low or high) that can be handled by the transmitter. Though this places some limits on input sources, it will be seen that almost any type of audio signal can be used with one system or another.
The most common input source is a microphone, which may take any one of a variety of forms: handheld, lavaliere, headworn, instrument-mounted, etc. The audio signal provided by this source is audio frequency,
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-1: general radio system diagram
microphone level, and usually low impedance. Since the "wireless" part of the wireless microphone only serves to replace the cable, ideally, the characteristics and performance of a particular microphone should not change when used as part of a wireless microphone system.
Therefore, the selection of microphone type for a wireless microphone system should be made following the same guidelines as for wired microphones. The usual choices of operating principle (dynamic/condenser), frequency response (flat/shaped), directionality (omnidirectional/unidirectional), electrical output (balanced/unbalanced, low or high impedance), and physical design (size, shape, mounting, etc.) must still be made correctly. Problems that result from improper microphone choice will only be aggravated in a wireless application.
Another widely encountered input source is an electronic musical instrument, such as an electric guitar, electric bass, or portable electronic keyboard. The signal from these sources is again audio frequency, microphone or line level, and usually high impedance. The potentially higher signal levels and high impedances can affect transmitter choice and operation.
Finally, general audio signal sources such as mixer outputs, cassette or CD players, etc. may be considered. These exhibit a wide range of levels and impedances. However, as long as these characteristics are within the input capabilities of the transmitter they may be successfully used.
Transmitters can be either fixed or portable as men­tioned earlier . Regardless of type, transmitters usually fea­ture a single audio input (line or microphone type), minimal controls and indicators (power, audio gain adjustment) and a single antenna. Internally, they are also functionally the same, except for the power supply: AC power for fixed types and battery power for portable models. The important features of transmitter design will be presented in the context of portable units.
Portable transmitters are available in three different forms: bodypack, handheld, and plug-on. (See Figure 2-2.) Each of these has further variations of inputs, controls, indicators, and antennas. The choice of transmitter type is often dictated by the choice of input source: handheld microphones usually require handheld or plug-on transmitters while nearly all other sources are used with bodypack types.
Bodypack (sometimes called beltpack) transmitters are typically packaged in a shirt-pocket sized rectangular housing. They are often provided with a clip that secures
to clothing or belt, or may be placed in a pocket or pouch. In theater and some other applications they may be concealed underneath clothing. Input is made from the source to the bodypack via a cable, which may be permanently attached or detachable at a connector. This connector may allow a variety of input sources to be used with one transmitter.
Bodypack transmitter controls include at least a power switch and often a separate mute switch, allowing the audio input to be silenced without interrupting the radio signal. Other controls may include gain adjustment, attenuators, limiters and, in tuneable systems, a provision for frequency selection. Indicators (usually LED’s) for power-on and battery condition are desirable, while tuneable units sometimes include digital readouts of frequency. A few transmitters are equipped with audio "peak" indicators. Finally, the antenna for a bodypack transmitter may be in the form of a flexible attached wire, a short "rubber ducky" type, or the input source cable itself, such as a guitar cable or lavaliere microphone cable.
Handheld transmitters, as the name implies, consist of a handheld vocal microphone element integrated with a transmitter built into the handle. The complete package appears only slightly larger than a wired handheld microphone. It may be carried in the hand or mounted on a microphone stand using an appropriate swivel adapter. Input from the microphone element is direct via an internal connector or wires. Some models have removable or interchangeable microphone elements.
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-2:
examples of transmitters (left to right: handheld, bodypack, plug-on)
Handheld transmitter controls are generally limited to a power switch, a mute switch, and gain adjustment. Again, tuneable models include some provision for frequency selection. Indicators are comparable to those in bodypack transmitters: power status, battery condition, frequency. Handheld transmitter antennas are usually concealed internally, though certain types (primarily UHF) may use a short external antenna.
"Plug-on" transmit­ters are a special type designed to attach directly to a typical handheld microphone, effectively allowing many standard micro­phones to become "wireless." The trans­mitter is contained in a small rectangular or cylindrical housing with an integral female XLR-type input connector . Controls and indicators are comparable to those found in bodypack types and the antenna is usually internal.
Miniaturization of components has also resulted in a class of transmitters that are integrated directly into headworn microphones and lapel microphones as well as units that can plug directly into the output connector of an electric guitar. The trend toward smaller and more highly integrated devices is certain to continue.
While transmitters vary considerably in their external appearance, internally they all must accomplish the same task: use the input audio signal to modulate a radio carrier and transmit the resulting radio signal effectively. Though there are many different ways to engineer wireless transmitters, certain functional elements are common to most current designs. It is useful to describe these elements to gain some insight to the overall performance and use of wireless microphone systems. (See Figure 2-3.)
The first part of the typical transmitter is the input circuitry. This section makes the proper electrical match between the input source and the rest of the transmitter . It must handle the expected range of input levels and present the correct impedance to the source. Gain controls and impedance switches allow greater flexibility in some designs. In certain cases, the input circuitry also provides electrical power to the source (for condenser microphone elements).
The signal from the input stage passes to the signal processing section, which optimizes the audio signal in several ways for the constraints imposed by radio transmission. The first process is a special equalization
called pre-emphasis, which is designed to minimize the apparent level of high frequency noise (hiss) that is unavoidably added during the transmission. The "emphasis" is a specifically tailored boost of the high frequencies. When this is coupled with an equal (but opposite) "de-emphasis" in the receiver, the effect is to reduce high frequency noise by up to 10 dB. (See Figures 2-4 a & b.)
The second process is called "companding"
(compress/expand), which is designed to compensate for the limited dynamic range of radio transmission. The part of the process performed in the trans­mitter is "compression," in which the dynamic range of the audio signal is reduced or
compressed, typically by a fixed ratio of 2:1. Again, when this is coupled with an equal but opposite (1:2) "expansion" of the signal in the receiver, the original dynamic range of the audio signal is restored. A voltage-controlled-amplifier (VCA) is the circuit element that provides both dynamic functions: gain is decreased in the compressor mode and increased in the expander mode. The gain change is proportional to the signal level change. Nearly all current wireless microphone systems employ some form of companding, allowing a potential dynamic range greater than 100 dB. (See Figure 2-5.)
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-4b: de-emphasis in transmitter
Figure 2-4a: pre-emphasis in transmitter
Figure 2-3: general transmitter block diagram
A variation that is found in a few compander designs is to divide the audio signal into two or more frequency bands. Each band is then pre-emphasized and compressed independently . In the receiver, de-emphasis and expansion are applied separately to these same bands before combining them back into a full-range audio signal. Though more expensive, multi-band companding systems may have a better ability to improve dynamic range and apparent signal-to-noise ratio across the entire audio range.
A limitation of fixed-ratio companders is that the same amount of signal processing is applied regardless of signal level. Dynamics processors perform compression or expansion functions based on an evaluation of the "average" signal level, which fluctuates continuously. Because this process is not instantaneous, the compander action is not completely transparent. With good design, audible "artifacts" are minimal but may become more apparent when the signal level is extremely low. This accounts for occasional "modulation" noise or background noise intrusion that accompanies low-level audio signals, especially when the radio signal itself is weak or noisy.
The performance of full-band companding systems can be improved by first optimizing the measurement of the average signal level. A "true RMS" detector is preferred, since this technique most closely tracks the amplitude of a full range audio signal, regardless of frequency response. Further improvement can be realized by using level­dependent companding. For low level audio signals, little or no processing is applied so there are no audible effects. As the audio signal level increases, processing levels are increased, so that potentially audible artifacts are masked. Implementation of this scheme requires a high performance VCA and close tolerance in the audio sections of transmitters and receivers.
In many transmitters, an additional process called limiting is applied to the audio signal. This is to prevent overload and distortion in subsequent audio stages or to prevent
"overmodulation" (excessive frequency deviation) of the radio signal. The "limiter" automatically prevents the audio signal level from exceeding some preset maximum level and is usually applied after pre-emphasis and companding.
After processing, the audio signal is sent to a voltage­controlled oscillator (VCO). This is the section that actually converts the audio signal to a radio signal by the technique called frequency modulation (FM). The (relatively) low frequency audio signal controls a high frequency oscillator to produce a radio signal whose frequency "modulates" or varies in direct proportion to the audio signal.
The maximum value of modulation is called the deviation and is specified in kilohertz (KHz). The amount of deviation produced by the audio signal is a function of the design of the transmitter. Systems with deviation greater than the modulating frequency are called wideband, while systems with deviation less than the modulating frequency are called narrow band. Most wireless microphone transmitters fall into the upper end of the narrow band category . (See Figures 2-6 a & b.)
The "base" or unmodulated frequency of the oscillator for a single frequency system is fixed. By design, the frequency of the signal from the VCO (for a conventional, crystal-controlled transmitter) is much lower than the desired output frequency of the transmitter . In order to achieve a given transmitter frequency the output from the VCO is put through a series of frequency multiplier stages. These multipliers are usually a combination of doublers, triplers, or even quadruplers. For example, a transmitter that employs two triplers (for a 9x multiplication) would use a VCO with a base frequency of 20 MHz to achieve a 180 MHz transmitted frequency. The multipliers also function as amplifiers so that the output signal is at the desired power level as well. (See Figure 2-7.)
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-5: compander (2:1, fixed rate)
Figure 2-6b: modulated FM signal spectrum
Figure 2-6a: unmodulated FM signal spectrum
A few tuneable transmitters use multiple crystals to obtain multiple frequencies. However , the base frequency of the VCO for most tuneable systems is adjustable by a technique known as frequency synthesis. A control circuit called a phase-locked-loop (PLL) is used to calibrate the transmitter frequency to a reference "clock" frequency through an adjustable frequency divider. By changing the divider in discrete steps, the transmitter frequency can be precisely varied or tuned over the desired range. Frequency-synthesized designs allow the audio signal to modulate the VCO directly at the transmitter frequency . No multiplier stages are required. (See Figure 2-8.)
The last internal element of the transmitter is the power supply. For portable transmitters, power is generally supplied by batteries. Since the voltage level of batteries falls as they are discharged, it is necessary to design the device to operate over a wide range of voltage and/or to employ voltage-regulating circuitry. Most designs, especially those requiring a 9 V battery, use the battery voltage directly. Others, typically those using 1.5 V cells, have DC-to-DC converters that boost the low voltage up to the desired operating value. Battery life varies widely among transmitters, from just a few hours up to twenty hours, depending on output power, battery type, and overall circuit efficiency.
Receivers are available in both fixed and portable designs. (See Figure 2-9.) Portable receivers resemble portable transmitters externally: they are characterized by small size, one or two outputs (microphone/line, head­phone), minimal controls and indicators (power , level), and (usually) a single antenna. Internally they are functionally similar to fixed receivers, again with the exception of the power supply (battery vs. AC). The important features ofreceivers will be presented in the context of fixed units, which exhibit a greater range of choices.
Fixed receivers offer various outward features: units may be free standing or rack-mountable; outputs may include balanced/unbalanced microphone or line level as well as headphones; indicators for power and audio/radio signal level may be present; controls for power and output level are usually offered; antennas may be removable or permanently attached. Like transmitters, receivers can vary greatly in packaging, but inside they must achieve a common goal: receive the radio signal efficiently and
convert it into a suitable audio signal output. Once again it will be useful to look at the main functional elements of the typical receiver. (See Figure 2-10.)
The first section of receiver circuitry is the "front end." Its function is to provide a first stage of radio frequency (RF) filtering to prevent unwanted radio signals from causing interference in subsequent stages. It should effectively reject signals that are substantially above or below the operating frequency of the receiver . For a single frequency receiver the front end can be fairly narrow. For a tuneable receiver it must be wide enough to accommodate the desired range of frequencies if the front end filter itself
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-7: crystal-controlled transmitter
Figure 2-8: frequency-synthesized transmitter
Figure 2-9:
receiver examples
is not tuneable. Filter circuits of various types ranging from simple coils to precision "helical resonators" are used in front end filters. The second receiver section is the "local oscillator" (usually abbreviated as "LO"). This circuit generates a constant radio frequency that is related to the frequency of the received radio signal but differs by a "defined amount." Single frequency receivers have a fixed frequency local oscillator (LO), again using a quartz crystal. Tuneable receivers have an adjustable LO, which generally uses a frequency synthesis design. (See Figures 2-11 a & b.)
Next, the (filtered) received signal and the local oscillator output are input to the "mixer" section. The mixer , in a radio receiver, is a circuit that combines these signals in a process called "heterodyning." This process produces two "new" signals: the first new signal is at a frequency which is the sum of the received signal frequency and the local oscillator frequency , while the second is at a frequency which is the difference between the received signal frequency and the local oscillator frequency . Both the sum and the difference signals contain the audio information carried by the received signal. It should be noted that the LO frequency can be above or below the received
frequency and still yield the same difference frequency when combined in the mixer. When the LO frequency is lower than the received frequency the design is called "low-side injection." When it is above it is called "high-side injection." The sum and difference signals are then sent to a series of filter stages that are all tuned to the frequency of the difference signal. This frequency is the "intermediate frequency" (IF), so-called because it is lower than the received radio frequency but still higher than the final audio frequency . It is also the "defined amount" used to determine the local oscillator frequency of the previous section. The narrowly tuned IF filters are designed to completely reject the sum signal, as well as the LO frequency and the original received signal, and any other radio signals that may have gotten through the front end. The IF filters allow only the difference signal to pass through. (See Figure 2-12.) This effectively converts the received radio frequency (RF) signal to the much lower intermediate frequency (IF) signal and makes subsequent signal processing more efficient. This overall process is called "downconversion."
If only one LO and one mixer stage are used then only one intermediate frequency is produced and the receiver is said to be a "single conversion" type. In a "double conversion" receiver the incoming signal is converted to the final IF in two successive stages, each with its own LO and mixer. This technique can provide increased stability and interference rejection, though at significantly higher design complexity and cost. Double conversion is more common in UHF receiver designs where the received signal frequency is extremely high. (See Figures 2-13 a & b.)
The IF signal is finally input to the "detector" stage which "demodulates" or extracts the audio signal by one of several methods. One standard technique is known as "quadrature." When two signals are out of phase with each other by exactly 90 degrees they are said to be in quadrature. When such signals are multiplied together and low-pass filtered the resulting output signal consists
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-11a: single conversion, crystal-controlled receiver
Figure 2-11b: single conversion, frequency-synthesized receiver
Figure 2-10: general receiver block diagram
Figure 2-12: receiver, filter characteristic
only of frequency variations of the original input signal. This effectively eliminates the (high-frequency) carrier frequency leaving only the low-frequency modulation information (the original audio signal).
In a quadrature FM detector the IF signal passes through a circuit which introduces a 90 degree phase shift relative to the original IF signal. The phase-shifted IF signal is then multiplied by the straight IF signal. A low-pass filter is applied to the product, which results in a signal that is now the audio signal originally used to modulate the carrier in the transmitter.
The demodulated audio signal undergoes complementary signal processing to complete the dynamic range recovery and noise reduction action begun in the transmitter . For conventional compander systems, a 1:2 expansion is applied, followed by a high-frequency de-emphasis. If a multi-band process was used in the transmitter, the received audio is divided into the corresponding bands, each band is expanded, the high frequency band is de-emphasized, and finally the bands are recombined to yield the full-range audio signal.
In the case of a signal-dependent compression system, complementary variable expansion is used
followed by high frequency de-emphasis. Again, a precision VCA with a true-rms audio level detector is required.
Finally, an output amplifier supplies the necessary audio signal characteristics (level and impedance) for connection to an external device such as a mixer input, a recorder, headphones, etc. Typically, better receivers will include a balanced output that can be switched between line level and microphone level. Unbalanced outputs are usually provided as well.
One additional circuit that is important to proper receiver behavior is called "squelch" or muting. The function of this circuit is to mute or silence the audio output of the receiver in the absence of the desired radio signal. When the desired signal is lost (due to multi-path dropout, exces­sive distance, loss of power to the transmitter, etc.) the "open" receiver may pick up another signal or background radio "noise." T ypically , this is heard as "white" noise and is often much louder than the audio signal from the desired source.
The traditional squelch circuit is an audio switch controlled by the radio signal level using a fixed or manually adjustable threshold (level). (See Figure 2-14.) When the received signal strength falls below this level the output of the receiver is muted. Ideally, the squelch level should be set just above the background radio noise level or at the point where the desired signal is becoming too noisy to be acceptable. Higher settings of squelch level require higher received signal strength to unmute the receiver. Since received signal strength decreases as transmission distance increases, higher squelch settings will decrease the operating range of the system.
One refinement of the standard squelch circuit is referred to as "noise squelch." (See Figure 2-15.) This technique relies on the fact that the audio from undesirable radio noise has a great deal of high frequency energy compared to a typical audio signal. The noise squelch circuit compares the high frequency energy of the received signal to a reference voltage set by the squelch adjustment. In this system the squelch control essentially determines the "quality" of signal (signal-to-noise ratio) required to unmute the receiver. This allows operation at lower squelch settings with less likelihood of noise if the desired signal is lost.
A further refinement is known as "tone-key" or "tone­code" squelch. (See Figure 2-16.) It enables the receiver to identify the desired radio signal by means of a supra- or sub-audible tone that is generated in the transmitter and sent along with the normal audio signal. The receiver will unmute only when it picks up a radio signal of adequate strength and also detects the presence of the tone-key.
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-13a: double conversion, crystal-controlled receiver
Figure 2-13b: double conversion, frequency-synthesized receiver
This effectively prevents the possibility of noise from the receiver when the desired transmitter signal is lost, even in the presence of a (non-tone-key) interfering signal at the same frequency. Turn-on and turn-off delays are incorporated in the transmitter tone-key circuits so that the transmitter power switch operates silently. When the transmitter is switched on, the radio signal is activated immediately but the tone-key is briefly delayed, keeping the receiver muted until the signal is stable. This masks any turn-on noise. When the transmitter is switched off, the tone-key is deactivated instantly, muting the receiver, but actual turn-off of the transmitted signal is delayed slightly. This masks any turn-off noise. As a result, the need for a separate mute switch is eliminated.
Fixed receivers are offered in two basic external configurations: diversity and non-diversity. Non-diversity receivers are equipped with a single antenna while diversity receivers generally have two antennas. Both
systems may offer otherwise similar outward features: units may be free standing or rack-mountable; outputs may include balanced/ unbalanced microphone or line level as well as head-phones; indicators for power and audio/radio signal level may be present; controls for power and audio output level are provided; antenna(s) may be removable or permanently attached. (See Figure 2-17.)
Though diversity receivers tend to include more features than non-diversity types, the choice of diversity vs. non-diversity receiver is usually dictated by performance and reliability considerations. Diversity receivers can significantly improve both qualities by minimizing the effect of variations in radio signal strength in a given reception area due to fading or due to multi-path. Fading is a loss of signal strength at excessive distance or because of shadowing or blocking of the radio wave. Multi-path is a more complex phenomenon but both mechanisms can adversely affect radio reception.
A necessary element in the concept of diversity radio reception is the occurrence of "multi-path" effects in radio transmission. In the simplest case, radio waves proceed directly from the transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna in a straight line. The received signal strength is only a function of the transmitter power and the distance between the transmitting and receiving antennas. In practice, this situation could only occur outdoors on level, unobstructed terrain.
In most situations, however, there are objects that attenuate radio waves and objects that reflect them. Since both the transmitting and receiving antennas are essentially omnidirectional, the receiving antenna picks up a varying combination of direct and reflected radio waves. The reflected waves and direct waves travel different distances (paths) to arrive at the receiving antenna, hence the term multi-path. (See Figure 2-18.)
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-17: examples of receivers
Radio Frquency
RF signal and noise
Figure 2-14: threshold squelch
Audio Frequency
20 Hz 20 kHz
32 kHz
tone squelch
Figure 2-16: tone key squelch
Figure 2-15: noise squelch
AF Noise Level
Audio Frequency
RF Noise
Noise Squelch
Threshold Audio
non-diversity (single antenna) diversity (two antennas)
These multiple paths result in differing levels, arrival times and phase relationships between the radio waves. The net received signal strength at any location is the sum of the direct and reflected waves. These waves can reinforce or interfere with each other depending on their relative amplitude and phase. The result is substantial variation in average signal strength throughout an area. This creates the possibility of degradation or loss of the radio signal at certain points in space, even when the transmitter is at a relatively short distance from the receiver. Cancellation of the signal can occur when the direct and indirect waves are similar in amplitude and opposite in phase. (See Figure 2-19.)
The audible effects of such signal strength variation range from a slight swishing sound ("noise-up"), to severe noises ("hits"), to complete loss of audio ("dropout"). Similar effects are sometimes noted in automobile radio reception in areas with many tall buildings. The "size" of a dropout region is related to wavelength: in the VHF range (long wavelength) dropout areas are larger but farther apart, while in the UHF range (short wavelength) they are smaller but closer together . For this reason, multi-path effects tend to be more severe in the UHF range. These effects are unpredictable, uncomfortable, and ultimately unavoidable with single-antenna (non-diversity) receivers.
Diversity refers to the general principle of using multiple (usually two) antennas to take advantage of the very low probability of simultaneous dropouts at two different antenna locations. "Different" means that the signals are statistically independent at each location. This is also sometimes called "space diversity," referring to the space between the antennas.
For radio waves, this "de-correlation" is a function of wavelength: a separation of one wavelength results in nearly complete de-correlation. In most cases, at least one-quarter wavelength separation between antennas is necessary for significant diversity effect: about 40 cm for VHF systems and about 10 cm for UHF systems. Some increased benefit may be had by greater separation, up to one wavelength. Separation beyond one wavelength does not significantly improve diversity performance, but larger areas may be covered due to more favorable antenna placement.
There are a number of diversity techniques that have had some degree of success. The term "true" diversity has come to imply those systems which have two receiver sections, but technically, any system which samples the radio field at two (or more) different locations, and can "intelligently" select or combine the resulting signals is a true diversity system.
The simplest technique, called "passive antenna combining" utilizes a single receiver with a passive combina­tion of two or three antennas. Antennas combined in this manner create an "array," which is essentially a single antenna with fixed directional characteristic. In its most effective form (three antennas, each at right angles to the other two) it can avoid complete dropouts, but with a reduction of maximum range. This is because the array output will almost always be less than the output of a single antenna at the optimum location. If only two antennas are used, dropouts can still occur in the event of an out-of-phase condition between them. Cost is relatively low but setup of multiple antennas can be somewhat cumbersome. This is not a "true" diversity design. (See Figure 2-20.)
A true diversity variation of this technique is "antenna phase diversity." It also employs two antennas and a single receiver but provides an active combining circuit for the two antennas. This circuit can switch the phase of one antenna relative to the other, eliminating the possibility of phase cancellation between them. However, switching noise is possible as well as other audible effects if switching is incorrect. Range is sometimes greater with favorable antenna combinations. Cost is relatively low. Setup requires somewhat greater antenna spacing for best results. (See Figure 2-21.)
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-18: multipath
Figure 2-19: signal level at two antennas with multipath
The next variation, "antenna switching diversity," again consists of a single receiver with two antennas. The receiver includes circuitry that selects the antenna with the better signal according to an evaluation of the radio signal. Switching noise is possible but this system avoids the possibility of phase cancellation between antennas because the antennas are never combined. Range is the same as for a single antenna system. Cost is relatively low and setup is convenient. (See Figure 2-22.)
In both of these active antenna diversity approaches, the switching decision is based on the received signal quality of a single receiver section. When the signal quality falls below some preset threshold, switching occurs immediately . If the new antenna (or antenna combination) doesn’t improve the reception, the receiver must switch back to the original state. The lack of "predictive" ability often causes unnecessary switching, increasing the chance of noise. The switching speed is also critical: too fast and audible noise occurs, too slow and a dropout may occur.
A recent antenna switching method offers predictive diversity capability using a microcontroller to optimize switching characteristics. A running average signal level and a maximum signal level are calculated by analyzing the change in signal level over time. Comparing the current average signal level to the most recent maximum signal level determines the switch action, based on typical dropout characteristics. Small declines at high signal levels indicate impending dropout, causing a switch to occur. At moderate signal levels, larger decreases are allowed before switching. At very low signal levels switching is curtailed to avoid unnecessary noise. Of course, if the signal level is increasing, no switching occurs. The onset of dropout can be more accurately recognized and countered, while eliminating switching when there is little likelihood for improvement.
"Receiver switching diversity" is a widely used diversity system. It consists of two complete receiver sections, each with its own associated antenna, and circuitry that selects the audio from the receiver that has the better signal. Switching noise is possible but when properly designed these systems can have very good dropout protection with little chance of other audible effects due to incorrect selection. This is because the system compares the signal condition at each receiver output before audio switching occurs. Range is the same as with single antenna systems. Cost is higher, but setup is convenient. (See Figure 2-23.)
"Ratio combining diversity" also uses two complete receiver sections with associated antennas. This design takes advantage of the fact that, most of the time, the signal at both antennas is useable. The diversity circuitry combines the outputs of the two receiver sections by proportionally mixing them rather than switching between them. At any given moment, the combination is proportional to the signal quality of each receiver. The
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-22: antenna switching
Figure 2-21: antenna phase switching
Figure 2-20: passive antenna combining
Figure 2-23: receiver switching
Figure 2-24: receiver combining
output will usually consist of a mix of the two audio sections. In the case of loss of reception at one antenna, the output is chosen from the other section. Excellent dropout protection is obtained with no possibility of switching noise since the diversity circuit is essentially an intelligent panpot, not a switch. (See Figure 2-24.) Signal-to-noise is improved by up to 3 dB. Range can be greater than with single antenna systems. Cost is somewhat higher, setup is convenient.
A properly implemented diversity system can yield measurable improvements in reliability, range, and signal­to-noise ratio. Although a comparable non-diversity system will perform adequately most of the time in typical setups, the extra insurance of a diversity system is worth­while. This is particularly true if the RF environment is severe (multipath), troubleshooting time is minimal (no rehearsal), or dropout-free performance is required (ideally always). The price difference is small enough that diversity receivers are typically chosen in all but the most budget-conscious applications.
In addition to the circuitry contained inside transmitters and receivers, one critical circuitry element is often located outside the unit: the antenna. In fact, the design and implementation of antennas is at least as important as the devices to which they are attached. Although there are certain practical differences between transmitting and receiving antennas there are some considerations that apply to both. In particular, the size of antennas is directly proportional to wavelength (and inversely proportional to frequency). Lower radio frequencies require larger antennas, while higher frequencies use smaller antennas. Another characteristic of antennas is their relative efficiency at converting electrical power into radiated power and vice versa. An increase of 6 dB in radiated power, or an increase of 6 dB in received signal strength can correspond to a 50% increase in range. Likewise, a loss of 6 dB in signal may result in 50% decrease in range. Though these are best (and worst) case predictions, the trend is clear: greater antenna efficiency can give greater range.
The function of an antenna is to act as the interface between the internal circuitry of the transmitter (or receiver) and the external radio signal. In the case of the transmitter , it must radiate the desired signal as efficiently as possible, that is, at the desired strength and in the desired direction. Since the output power of most transmitters is limited by regulatory agencies to some maximum level, and since battery life is a function of power output, antenna efficiency is critical. At the same time, size and portability of transmitters is usually very important. This results in only a few suitable designs for transmitter antennas. (See Figure 2-25.)
The smallest simple antenna that is consistent with reasonable transmitter output is an antenna that is physically (and electrically) one quarter as long as the wavelength of the radio wave frequency being transmitted. This is called a "1/4 wave" antenna. It takes different forms depending on the type of transmitter being used. For some bodypack transmitters, the antenna is a trailing wire cut to an appropriate length. In other designs the cable that attaches the microphone to the transmitter may be used as the antenna. In either case, the antenna must be allowed to extend to its proper length for maximum efficiency. The effective bandwidth of this antenna type is great enough that only about three different lengths are required to cover the high-band VHF range. For transmitter applications requiring even smaller antenna size a short "rubber duckie" antenna is sometimes used. This type is still (electrically) a 1/4 wave antenna, but it is wound in a helical coil to yield a shorter package. There is some loss in efficiency due to the smaller "aperture" or physical length. In addition, these antennas have a narrower bandwidth. This may require up to six different lengths to cover the entire high-band VHF range for example.
Handheld transmitters generally conceal the antenna inside the body of the unit, or use the outer metal parts of the case as the antenna. In either design, the antenna is rarely a true 1/4 wave long. This results in somewhat less radiated power for a handheld transmitter with an internal antenna than a comparable bodypack design with an external antenna. However, antenna output is somewhat reduced when placed close to the body of the user . Since the antenna of a hand-held transmitter is usually at some distance from the body, though, the practical difference may be small. Plug-on type transmitters normally use the microphone body and the transmitter case itself as the antenna, though some manufacturers models have used an external antenna. In practice the typical VHF transmitter antenna is less than 10% efficient. UHF types may be significantly better because the shorter wavelength of these frequencies is more consistent with the requirement for a small antenna.
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-25: transmitter antenna examples
trailing wire
In all of these designs, the radio wave pattern emitted by the 1/4 wave antenna is omnidirectional in the plane perpendicular to the axis of the antenna. For a vertically oriented 1/4 wave antenna the radiation pattern is omnidirectional in the horizontal plane, which is the typical case for a trailing wire antenna. There is very little output along the axis of the antenna. A three-dimensional representation of the field strength from a vertical antenna would resemble a horizontal doughnut shape with the antenna passing through the center of the hole.
Recall that a radio wave has both an electric field component and a magnetic field component. A vertically oriented 1/4 wave transmitter antenna radiates an electric field component that is also vertical (while the magnetic field component is horizontal). This is said to be a "vertically polarized" wave. Horizontal orientation of the antenna produces a "horizontally polarized" wave.
In receiver applications, the antenna must pick up the desired radio signal as efficiently as possible. Since the strength of the received signal is always far less than that of the transmitted signal this requires that the antenna be very sensitive to the desired signal and in the desired direction. However, since the size and location of the receiver are less restrictive, and since directional pickup may be useful, a much greater selection of antenna types is generally available for receivers.
Again, the minimum size for adequate reception is 1/4 wavelength. A whip or telescoping antenna of this size is supplied with most receivers, and it too is omnidirectional in the horizontal plane when it is vertically oriented. An important consideration in the performance of a 1/4 wave receiving antenna is that its efficiency depends to some extent on the presence of a "ground plane," that is, a metal surface at least 1/4 wave long in one or both dimensions and electrically connected to the receiver ground at the base of the antenna. Typically, the receiver chassis or receiver PC board to which the antenna is attached acts as a sufficient ground plane. (See Figure 2-26.)
If more sensitivity is desired, or if it is necessary to mount an omnidirectional antenna remotely from the receiver, 1/2 wave or 5/8 wave antennas are often used. These antennas have a theoretical "gain" (increase of sensitivity) up to 3 dB greater than the 1/4 wave antenna in some configurations. This can translate into increased range for the system. However , the 5/8 wave antenna, like the 1/4 wave type, only achieves its performance with an appropriate ground plane. Without a ground plane unpredictable effects may occur resulting in asymmetric pickup patterns and potential signal loss due to the non-ideal cable/antenna interface. A properly designed 1/2 wave antenna does not require a ground plane, allowing it to be remotely mounted with relative ease. It can also maintain proper impedance at the cable/antenna interface or can be directly attached to a
receiver or antenna distribution system. In addition, it is resistant to the effects of electrical noise that might otherwise be picked up at the interface.
When antenna size is an issue, such as for portable receivers, the previously mentioned 1/4 wave rubber duckie is an option. UHF designs can use 1/4 wave rubber duckies because of the shorter wavelengths. Another relatively small size remote antenna can be found in the form of a 1/4 wave antenna with an attached array of radial elements that function as an integral ground plane. Both of these types are omnidirectional in the horizontal plane when mounted vertically. For maximum efficiency, receiving antennas should be oriented in the same direction as the transmitting antenna. In the same way that a transmitter antenna produces a radio wave that is "polarized" in the direction of its orientation, a receiver antenna is most sensitive to radio waves that are polarized in its direction of orientation. For example, the receiving antenna should be vertical if the transmitting antenna is vertical. If the orientation of the transmitting antenna is unpredictable (ie. handheld use), or if the polarization of the received wave is unknown (due to multipath reflections) a diversity receiver can have even greater benefit. In this case it is often effective to orient the two receiving antennas at different angles, up to perhaps 45 degrees from vertical.
Unidirectional antennas are also available for wireless microphone systems. These designs are comprised of a horizontal boom with multiple transverse elements and are of the same general type as long range antennas for television reception. They can achieve high gain (up to 10 dB compared to the 1/4 wave type) in one direction and can also reject interfering sources coming from other directions by as much as 30 dB. (See Figure 2-27.)
Two common types are the Yagi and the log-periodic. The Yagi consists of a dipole element and one or more additional elements: those located at the rear of the boom are larger than the dipole element and reflect the signal back to the dipole while those located at the front are smaller than the dipole and act to direct the signal on to the dipole. The Yagi has excellent directivity but has a fairly narrow bandwidth and is usually tuned to cover just one TV channel (6 MHz). The log-periodic achieves greater bandwidth than the Y agi by using multiple dipole elements in its array. The size and spacing between the dipoles
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-26: 1/4 wave and 1/2 wave antennas UHF range
varies in a logarithmic progression so that at any given frequency one or more dipoles are active while the others are functioning as reflecting or directing elements, depending on their size and location relative to the active element(s). The longer the boom and the greater the number of elements the greater is the bandwidth and the directivity. Helical antennas are highly directional and also broadband.
Although these directional antennas are somewhat large (3-5 ft. wide for VHF) and may be mechanically cumber-some to mount, they can provide increased range and greater rejection of interfering sources for certain applications. It should also be noted here that these antennas should be oriented with the transverse elements in the vertical direction rather than the horizontal direction (as would be used for television reception), again because the transmitting antennas are usually also vertical.
An important but often overlooked component of many wireless microphone systems is the antenna cable. Applications in which the receiver is located away from the transmitter vicinity and/or within metal racks will require the use of remote antennas and connecting cables. Compared to audio frequency signals, the nature of radio frequency signal propagation in cables is such that significant losses can occur in relatively short lengths of cable. The loss is a function of the cable type and the frequency of the signal. Figures 2-28 and 2-29 give some approximate losses for various commonly used antenna cables at different radio frequencies. It may be noted from this chart that these cables have a "characteristic" impedance, typically 50 ohms. Ideally , for minimum signal loss in antenna systems, all components should have the same impedance: that is the antennas, cables, connectors and the inputs of the receivers. In practice, the actual losses due to impedance mismatches in wireless receiver antenna systems are negligible compared to the losses due to antenna cable length. Obviously, the benefits of even a high gain antenna can be quickly lost using the wrong cable or too long a cable. In general, antenna cable lengths should be kept as short as
possible. Antenna amplifiers can be used to compensate for losses in long cable runs. (See Figure 2-33.)
In addition, the construction of the cable should be considered: coaxial cables with a solid center conductor and stiff insulator/shield are most suitable for permanent installation, while cables with stranded conductors and flexible insulator/ shield should be used for portable applications which require repeated setups. Finally, the number of connections in the antenna signal path should be kept to a minimum.
The last component found in larger wireless receiver systems is some form of antenna signal distribution. It is often desirable to reduce the total number of antennas in multiple systems by distributing the signal from one set of antennas to several receivers. This is usually done to simplify system setup, but can also improve performance by reducing certain types of interference as will be seen later . There are two general types of antenna distribution available: passive and active. Passive antenna splitting is accomplished with simple in-line devices that provide RF impedance matching for minimum loss. Still, a single passive split results in about a 3 dB loss, which may translate into some loss of range. (See Figure 2-31.) Multiple passive splits are impractical due to excessive signal loss.
To allow coupling of antenna signals to more receivers and to overcome the loss of passive splitters, active antenna distribution amplifiers are used. These are also known as "active antenna splitters" or "antenna multi-couplers." These devices provide enough amplification to make up for splitter loss, they
and Operation
of Wireless Microphone Systems
Basic Radio Systems
Figure 2-27: examples of remote receiver antennas
Figure 2-29: coaxial antenna cable loss
at VHF and UHF frequencies
Figure 2-28: comparison of coaxial cable types
1/2 wave
(with amplifier)
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