Model WA490 User Guide
The Shure Model WA490 is a half-wave wireless microphone antenna that provides up t o 3 d B more g ain than t he
standard quarter-wave a ntennas s upplied w ith S hure w ireless microphone receivers. A low–cost alternative to conventional telescoping half-wave antennas, the WA490 offers the additional advantages of ruggedness and the
capability for unobtrusive wall- or ceiling-mounting in or
around the operating area. When locating the antenna at
a distance from the receiver, a half-wave antenna such as
the WA490 m ust b e a lways b e u sed i nstead o f t he s tandard
quarter-wave antenna.
This WA490 consists of a small molded plastic housing
with two mounting flanges molded into its body (see Figure
1). One end of the housing contains a short length of
RG–174/U coax i a l cable terminated in a female UHF coaxial
connector for connection to the wireless receiver antenna input through an extension cable (Shure WA421: 6.1 meters—20 feet, or equivalent). The other end of the housing
contains a length of 300 Ω twin-lead wire, cut to a length that
matches the wireless frequency range in use.
NOTE: Diversity receivers require two WA490 antennas.
When both antennas are remotely located, each must use
an extension cable.
S If the frequencies span two adjacent bands, select anten-
nas for the lower frequency band.
S If the frequencies span all three bands, use one WA490A
antenna and one WA490C antenna.
Installing the WA490
For best results with diversity receivers, the receiver antennas must be separated by at least one wavelength (1.5 meters—60 inches) or more.
Study the area in which the wireless microphone system is
to be used. Locate an optimum wall or ceiling surface that
will provide continuous line-of-sight contact between the
transmitter and the W A490. While the WA490 can be easily
removed for use in other locations, it is most readily used in
permanent or semi-permanent installations. Mount the
WA490 using the two mounting flange holes (3.81
mm—0.150 in. diameter) and the eyelet hole (3.18
mm—0.125 in. diameter). The type of mounting hardware
used depends on the mounting surface. If desired, the
WA490 can be painted or otherwise disguised after mounting (non-metallic covering).
The WA490 can also be fastened to wooden beams, scenery flats, curtains, or to the rear (away from the audience) of
lecterns or altars (Figure 2).
IMPORTANT: Avoid mounting the WA490s along metal
beams or metal-studded walls; the antennas must always be
well away from any metallic object or surface, and always
within the transmitter line of sight.
76.2 mm (3 in.)See text
21.4 mm (27/32 in.)
50.8 mm
(2 in.)
Selecting the Proper Antenna
The WA490 is available in three configurations, which cor-
respond to three frequency bands, as follows:
WA490A 169 to 185 MHz 1.13 m (441/2 in.)
WA490B 185 to 200 MHz 1.04 m (41 in.)
WA490C 200 to 216 MHz 0.95 m (3717/32 in.)
For best performance, choose the antenna that corresponds to your system’s operating f requency . If y ou a re u sing the W A490 with a n a ntenna distribution system s uch a s
Shure’s Model W A405, select the antennas as follows:
S If the frequencies are all in the same band, select the an-
tennas for that band.
SHURE Incorporated Web Address: http://www.shure.com
5800 W. Touhy Avenue, Niles, IL 60714-4608, U.S.A.
In U.S.A., Phone: 1-847-600-2000 Fax: 1-847-600-1212
In Europe, Phone: 49-7131-72140 Fax: 49-7131-721414
In Asia, Phone: 1-852-2893-4290 Fax: 1-852-2893-4055
International Fax: 1-847-600-6446
2001, Shure Incorporated
27C8407 (Rev. 4)
Printed in U.S.A.