Shure WA380 User Guide

The Shure Model W A380 Half–Wave Antenna provides up to 3 dB more gain than the standard quarter–wave antennas supplied with Shure wireless microphone receivers. When remotely locating an antenna away from the receiver, the WA380 Half–Wave Antenna must be used instead of the standard quarter–wave antenna.
This WA380 Antenna Kit consists of the following items:
Note: Diversity receivers require two WA380 antennas. When two WA380 antennas are used, Shure recommends that at least one antenna be remotely located using an ex­tension cable.
How to Select the Proper Antenna
The WA380 is available in three configurations, which cor­respond to three frequency bands, as shown below:
S WA380A 169 to 185 MHz (33.5 in., 85 cm). . . . .
S WA380B 185 to 200 MHz (31 in., 78.5 cm). . . . .
S WA380C 200 to 230 MHz (28.5 in., 72.5 cm). . . . .
For best performance, choose the antenna that corre­sponds to your system’s operating frequency. If you are u s­ing the WA380 Antenna with a Shure Model WA400 or WA404 Antenna Distribuiton System, select the antennas as follows:
S If the frequencies are all in the same band, select the an-
tennas for that band.
S If the frequencies span two adjacent bands, select anten-
nas for the lower frequency band.
S If the frequencies span all three bands, use one WA380A
Antenna and one WA380C Antenna.
Mounting the WA380 Antenna Directly to the Receiver
To mount the WA380 antenna to the receiver, proceed as follows:
1. Attach the right–angle adapter to the antenna connector.
2. Attach the upward–facing female end of the adapter to the antenna connector on the receiver.
3. Extend the antenna as far as possible to ensure maximum reception.
Using the WA380 as a Remote Antenna
When locating an antenna away from the receiver, the WA380 Half–Wave Antenna must be used instead of the standard quarter–wave antenna. For best results, the anten-
Model WA380 User Guide
nas must be separated by at least one wavelength (1.5 m [60 in]) or more.
Important: Avoid mounting the antennas along metal beams, or metal–studded walls, or other metal surfaces un-
less they extend above, or perpendicular to, any metal ob­jects.
To install the WA380 antenna at a remote locaton, proceed
as follows:
1. Select a location for the bracket which will place the anten­na as high as possible and away from metal obstructions. Make sure the receiver antenna can be seen from the transmitter. (Placing the antennas behind non–metallic curtains or stage sets is permissible).
2. Attach the bracket to the mounting surface and secure it with mounting hardware. See Figure 1.
Note: Attachment hardware for the mounting bracket is not included in this kit. Screws or bolts and nuts must be obtained by the installer.
3. Remove one hex nut from the adapter and insert the adapter in the bracket hole.
4. Reinstall the hex nut removed in Step 3, then tighten both hex nuts to secure the adapter to the bracket.
5. Screw the antenna to the top of the adapter.
6. Attach one end of the cable assembly (not supplied with this kit) to the bottom of the adapter and attach the other end of the cable assembly to the receiver antenna con­nector.
2002, Shure Incorporated 27A8802 (BB)
Printed in Korea
Note: A coaxial cable with male PL–259 connectors at each end must be used to connect the receiver to the an­tennas. RG–58U coaxial cable is appropriate for most sit­uations. If the antenna and receiver are separated by more than 12.2 m (40 feet), use low loss cable (RG–8, RG–213/U or equivalent).
7. Extend the antenna as far as possible to ensure maximum reception.
Alternative Methods of Remote Antenna Placement
The remotely located antenna can be vertically mounted
using the following alternative methods (see Figure 2):
S A swivel adapter for 3/4” microphone handles (Shure A57
or equivalent) allows the WA380 antenna to be mounted on a standard 5/8 microphone stand.
S The WA380 antenna can be suspended from an overhead
cable or metal beam using a piece of string or nylon line (not wire) at least 381 mm (15 in) long.
S The WA380 antennas can be mounted on the front or rear
rails of a standard 19-inch equipment rack with the WA440 Antenna Rack Mount Kit.
Lantenne demi–onde modèle WA380 représente une op­tion alternative aux antennes quart donde fournies avec les récepteurs des microphones sans fils. Elle fournit un gain maximum supérieur de 3 dB à celui de lantenne quart d’onde, et doit être utilisée à un emplacement à distance lorsque le récepteur est monté en bâti blindé d’équipement audio. Noter que les récepteurs diversités ont besoin de deux antennes WA380 (lorsque les antennes W A380 sont utilisées avec un récepteur diversité, il est recommandé quau moins une an­tenne soit située à distance en utilisant un câble de rallonge tel que le WA420).
Le WA380 comprend les pièces suivantes :
Antenne télescopique, demionde
Adaptateur à angle droit
Support de montage
Adaptateur droit avec écrous hexagonaux
Le WA380 est disponible en trois configurations, dépen- dant de la fréquence de fonctionnement du système. Ces trois unités sont :
WA380A 169 à 185 MHz (85 cm). . . . . . . . .
WA380B 185 à 200 MHz (78.5 cm). . . . . . . . .
WA380C 200 à 229 MHz (72.5 cm). . . . . . . .
Quand le Modèle WA404 ou WA400 Système de Distribu- tion d’Antenne est utilisé, et si plus d’une bande de fréquen- ces est couverte, choisir les antennes de la manière suivante: A. Si les fréquences enjambent deux bandes contiguës,
choisir les antennes conformément à la bande de fré- quences la plus basse.
B. Si les fréquences enjambent trois bandes, utiliser une an-
tenne WA380A et une antenne WA380C.
IMPORTANT : L’emploi de lantenne incorrecte peut sé- rieusement affecter la performance du système.
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