The W15HT/58’s normal operating range is about 100
meters (330 feet). Operation at greater distances-300
meters (about 1,000 feet) or more-is often accomplished, but the determining factors in each installation will
be reflections, obstacles and interference.
The microphone is supplied with a zippered carrying/storage bag, a swivel adapter for mounting the
W15HT/58 on most desk and floor stands, a lockplate
for locking the microphone in the “on” position, and a
small screwdriver for adjusting the transmitter gain.
DESCRIPTION (see Figure 1)
ANTENNA: The W15HT/58’s antenna is not visible. It
consists of the case and grille, and a wire coil inside the
end cap.
BATTERY (not supplied): Only alkaline (Duracell
MN1604 or equivalent), lithium (Kodak U9VL or
equivalent), or heavy duty nickel-cadmium (8.4-volt)
transistor-radio-type batteries should be used. A fresh
alkaline battery should provide approximately 12 hours
of operation, a lithium battery about 35 hours, and a
fully charged, heavy-duty nicad approximately 3 hours.
The Shure Model W15HT/58 is a handheld
microphone and radio transmitter for use with Shure
Wireless Microphone receivers. The W15HT/58 uses the
legendary Shure SM58 unidirectional dynamic microphone cartridge as its transducer element. Small, compact and lightweight, the W15HT/58 is humanengineered for reliable, unobtrusive operation. The case
is finished in satin black enamel and ridged over its
length for optimum gripping. The cartridge is easily
removed and is interchangeable with other Shure
Wireless Microphone cartridges.
All operating controls are located in a single area on
the microphone’s outer surface, and are recessed to
minimize accidental movement.
The W15HT/58 uses a standard 9-volt transistorradio-type battery (alkaline, lithium or heavy-duty nickelcadmium recommended). The long-life alkaline battery
is easily obtained, and battery replacement is easily accomplished through a locking end cap. An LED indicator provides information on battery condition.
The transmitter operates at a single, crystalcontrolled frequency in the VHF band between 150 and
216 MHz. A total of 15 frequencies, computer-selected
for interference-free operation, are readily available,
and other frequencies can be specially ordered. This
means that a number of wireless microphone systems
can be operated in a single sound installation,
simultaneously and without intermodulation problems.
BATTERY COMPARTMENT: A locking twist-off end
cap exposes the battery compartment.
BATTERY TEST LED lndicator: Flashes briefly when
the POWER Switch is turned on and a “good” battery is
installed. Indicator will be on and clearly visible in room
light when the battery voltage drops to approximately
7.0 volts.
END CAP: The push-twist-remove end cap functions
as both battery cover and antenna coil holder. Note that
the end cap is color-coded internally to reflect the
W15HT/58’s operating frequency as follows:
Green 163-168 MHz Brown-Red 188-192 MHz
Yellow 168-175 MHz Brown-Blue
White-Red 175-177 MHz Brown-Orange 192-196 MHz
White-Orange 180-182 MHz Brown-Yellow
White-Green 182-185 MHz Gray-Red
177-180 MHz Brown-Green 196-201 MHz
185-188 MHz Gray-Blue
191-195 MHz
199-204 MHz
204-210 MHz
210-216 MHz
FREQUENCY NAMEPLATE: Located inside the battery compartment, the nameplate specifies the
W15HT/58’s operating frequency. Note that the
operating frequency must be within the end cap frequency range (see above).
222 HARTREY AVENUE, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS 60202-3696 U.S.A. l PHONE (312) 866-2200 l TELEX 4330191 l FAX (312) 866-2279
Copyright 1988; Shure Brothers Inc.
27A2455 (HC) Printed in U.S.A.
Protects the SM58 acoustic transducer of the
W15HT/58, and helps minimize the effects of breath
sounds and wind noise.
MICROPHONE LEVEL Rotary Control: Used in con-
junction with the wireless microphone receiver, this
control provides audio level adjustments for various
sound sources. A small screwdriver is supplied to make
adjustments. (NOTE: The supplied screwdriver has a
plastic blade; use of a metal-blade screwdriver may
damage the rotary control.) A rubber plug is provided to
cover the adjustment hole if desired.
MICROPHONE ON/OFF Slide Switch: Permits the
user to “mute” the microphone without turning the
transmitter off. This avoids the “pop” that may accompany power turn-on and turn-off, and generally prevents
pickup of unwanted signals by an “open” receiver.
POWER ON/OFF Slide Switch: Applies power to the
transmitter circuitry. Like the Microphone On/Off
switch, it is a low-profile type and is oriented perpendicular to the Microphone On/Off switch to further prevent accidental turn-off.
UPPER CASE: In addition to the controls, this section
contains the transmitter circuitry.
LOCKPLATE: Used to lock the controls against
accidental movement. Installed by removing the upper
case screw just above the control area, inserting the
lockplate, and replacing the screw.
With the transmitter POWER ON/OFF Switch in the
OFF position, remove the end cap (push in, twist
counterclockwise, and pull). Insert a new 9-volt alkaline
or lithium battery in the compartment (carbon-zinc batteries will work, but they provide a diminished operating
life of about 2.5 hours). Observe the proper
polarity: the large (negative) terminal in the large
channel and the small (positive) terminal in the small
channel (see battery compartment label).
Operation with a fully charged, heavy-duty, 8.4-volt
nickel-cadmium rechargeable battery is also permissible and will provide approximately 3 hours of operation.
IMPORTANT: Do not use a “conventional” 9-volt-sized
nickel-cadmium battery; its 7.2-volt output will not
operate the transmitter properly.
Turn the POWER Switch on and observe the Battery
Test LED. The LED should light momentarily, indicating
adequate voltage. If it remains lit (clearly visible in nor-
mal room light), the battery voltage has dropped below
7.0 volts and should be replaced (alkaline or lithium) or
recharged (nicad). If it does not light at all, the battery
should be discarded.
Place the POWER Switch of the receiver in the ON
position. The green POWER LED will light.
Move the microphone POWER ON/OFF Switch to the
On position. Observe the receiver RF SIGNAL LEVEL Indicator. In the Shure W20R receiver, the yellow signal
LED should be continually lit, indicating adequate RF
signal strength for good transmission. If the LED continually flickers or does not light, consult the
Troubleshooting section of the receiver manual.
In the Shure W25DR receiver, one of the green LED
segments should light, indicating adequate RF signal
strength for good transmission. A yellow LED indication
means less than optimum signal transmission and/or
reception, and a red LED indicates less than satisfactory operation.