Shure Sonobar 488A, Sonobar 488B Datasheet

Noise Cancelling Controlled Reluctance Microphones
The Model 488 Series microphones are designed for
31z/3~~-9000 . CABLE:
voice reproduction in those applications requiring re­jection of unwanted noises. These "Noise Cancelling" Communication Type microphones are essentially "pressure-gradient" units using the balanced armature controlled reluctance principle and are designed for clear voice response of high intelligibility. The units are not affected by heat or humidity and provide de­pendable performance in all types of outdoor and indoor activities.
Model 488 series "Noise Cancelling" microphones are the result of extensive research, and represent a significant improvement over conventional communica­tions microphones (including carbon) having anti-noise features. This achievement in better noise reduction is
reflected in its performance since it exhibits directional
properties and superior discrimination against noise or unwanted sounds coming from a relatively distant source, over an unusually wide frequency range.
The 488 series microphones are equipped with heavy
duty push-to-talk switches. They are designed to stand
up under severe operating conditions and constant usage. The switches are field tested for long life, op­erating in excess of one million cycles.
Model 488 Series microphones are designed for noise cancelling voice reproduction, and are especially recommended for all types of outdoor-indoor com­munication activity in mobile and fixed station use, as in Police, Fire, Utility, Forestry and Transportation Services; Commercial; Industrial-including radio tele­phone, amateur radio, and similar applications. The microphones are exceptionally suitable for outdoor and indoor public address and call systems in noisy areas (factories; forges; airplanes; lobbies; restaurants; trans­portation terminals). Because of its high impedance and high output, the Model 488A may be used in in­stallations where only a moderate length [up to 15 meters (50 ft.)
of cable is required. The low imped-
ance Model
4888 is designed for use in installations
where long cable lengths are required.
The microphones are provided with a mounting bracket for permanent placement with the associated
equipment. The bracket has mounting holes with clear­ance for No. 8 screws (See Figure A).
Internal switch connections of Models 488A and 488B
(as supplied) are shown in Figure B.
Model 488A is a high-impedance unit and uses a three-conductor retractable cable (one conductor shielded), and a double-pole, single-throw, leaf-type switch to control the microphone circuit and to con­trol an external relay or switching circuit. Model 488A
may be used with any amplifier with an input imped­ance of 100,000 ohms or more.
If additional cable length is required for the
488A, a three-conductor (one conductor shielded) cable should be used to provide for the extension of both the micro­phone and relay circuits. If the relay circuit is not used, a single conductor shielded cable may be used to ex­tend only the microphone circuit.
Model 488B is a medium-impedance unit (150-250 ohms) and uses a four-conductor retractable cable (two conductors are shielded), and a double-pole, single-throw, leaf-type switch to control the micro­phone circuit and to control an external relay or switch­ing circuit. Model
4888 is wired for balanced-line operation, and is recommended for use where long cable lengths are required or under conditions of sev­ere hum disturbance. Model 488B may be connected to a medium-impedance amplifier or an amplifier with a high-impedance input. In the latter case one of the Shure Model A95 Series Line Matching Transformers should be used to couple the medium-impedance line to the input of high-impedance amplifiers.
If additional cable length is required for the Model 488B, a four-conductor (two conductors shielded) cable should be used to provide for the extension of both the microphone and relay circuits. If the relay circuit is not used, a two-conductor shielded cable may be used to extend only the microphone circuit.
When used near a radio transmitter, use the mini-
mum length of cable consistent with placement requirements.
The microphone cable shield and associated equip-
ment should be securely connected to an effective earth grounded water pipe (fixed station use), or to an
effective mobile chassis ground to eliminate shock
hazard to the user.
The Model 488A is supplied with the microphone circuit shorted by the switch in the normal position. The switch has been constructed with an extra blade
and the microphone may be modified for use in ap­plications where a normally open switch is required.
A. To modify the 488A for a normally open microphone
switch, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the three #5-40 round head screws from the back of the microphone case. (Caution: the microphone cartridge is spring loaded, and care must be taken to hold the two halves of the microphone case firmly together).
2. Separate the case front and back and remove switch button. See Figure C.
Remove the #5-40 round head switch mounting screw and lock washer, holding the switch assembly in the case back.
4. Disconnect or clip the white cable lead from the switch solder lug.
5. Strip the insulation from the white lead ap­proximately
in.) and solder to unused
lug at the bottom end of the switch.
NOTE: In certain instances, if switch sequence is
critical, it may be necessary to remove the effect of the shorted switch on the cartridge. This can be done by insulating the shorting contacts with a piece of "spaghetti" tubing or a piece of insulating tape.
Re-assemble the switch in the case back, using screw and lock washer removed previously.
Replace switch button in case back. Also be cer­tain that the cartridge-shield retaining springs are in the proper position.
8. Place case back on case front and firmly press cases together. Fasten with the three #5-40 screws and washers previously removed.
The Model 4888 is supplied with the microphone circuit opened by the switch in the normal position of the switch. The microphone may be modified for use
in applications requiring the microphone circuit to be
shorted in the normal position of the switch.
To modify the 4888 for normally closed microphone
switch, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the three #5-40 round head screws from the back of the microphone case. (Caution: the microphone cartridge is spring loaded and care must be taken to hold the two halves of the microphone case firmly together).
2. Separate the case front and back and remove switch button. See Figure C.
Remove the #5-40 round head switch mounting
screw and lock washer, holding the switch as-
sembly in the case back.
4. Disconnect or clip the white cable lead from the switch solder lug.
5. Strip the insulation from the white lead approx-
in.) and solder this white lead to the switch blade next to the blade with the green lead connections. This is the blade that
the switch button pushes against. The outside
solder lug may be bent out of the way to aid soldering.
Re-assemble the switch in the case back using
screw and lock washer removed previously.
7. Replace switch button in case back. Also be certain that the cartridge shield retaining springs
are in the proper position.
Place case back on case frogt and firmly press cases together; fasten with the three #5-40 screws and washers previously removed.
The important characteristics contributing to the total noise reduction of the 488 Series Microphones are shaped frequency response, directionality and distance and direction discrimination.
The acoustical elements are arranged to optimize
performance in the frequency range of 200 to 4000 Hz.
The results achieved are the elimination of all sounds
outside of the desired frequency range and proper con-
trol of those sounds within the desired range.
The 488 microphones reject noise through their in-
herent directional properties and discriminate against unwanted sounds arriving from a distance in favor of sounds arriving from a near source.
The microphones operate on the pressure-gradient
principle and have two sound entry ports, spaced a small distance apart.
In order to obtain the best noise cancelling perform-
ance with the Model 488 Series, the microphone must
be used as "close talking." The lips should be as close to the microphone grille as comfort will permit, with a distance of approximately
mm to 25 mm
in. to
1 in.) providing the greatest discrimination between
the voice sounds and background noise.
No special precautions beyond ordinary care are
necessary in operation of the 488 Series microphones.
They will operate very satisfactorily under all ordinary conditions of humidity, heat, and cold. Dropping the
microphones or other severe mechanical shocks should be avoided.
Frequency Response:
4000 HZ
Output Level (at
Model 488A
Open Circuit Voltage
. . . . .
17.0 dB* (.141V)
EIA Microphone Rating
Gm (Sensitivity)
. . . . . . . .
147.0 dB***
Model 4888
Open Circuit Voltage
. .
. . .
37.0 dB* (.014V)
Power Level (into 200 ohms) - 56.0 dB*
EIA Microphone Rating
Gm (Sensitivity)
. . .
. .
148.5 dB*
*O dB = 1 volt per 100 microbars
"'0 dB = 1 milliwatt with 10 microbars
***Reference, EIA Standard SE-105, August, 1949.
Microbar = one dyne per square centimeter. Measurements at 9.5 mm
in.) from sound source.
Recommended Load Impedance:
Model 488A
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
.100,000 ohms or more
. . . .
. .
. . . . . .
. .
. .
.I50 to 250 ohms
Attached, recoils to
0.3m (1 ft) extends to 1.5m
High impact gray "Armo-Dur"
See Figure D
Net Weight:
340 grams
Shipping Weight:
510 grams
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