Product Data Sheet
Rose Electronics # EPG-1140
The products referenced herein are “articles” under 29 CFR 1910.1200(c) and are not subject to
OSHA's requirements for material safety data sheets under its Hazard Communication Standard, 29
CFR 1910.1200. This Product Data Sheet is provided as a service to our customers.
Section I: Company Information:
Identity: Lithium Ion Batteries Manufacturer:
Models: EPG-1140 Rose Electronics Distributing Company, Inc.
WH Rating: 7.03Wh 2030 Ringwood Avenue
Date: 1/17/13 San Jose, CA 95131
Phone: 1-408-943-0200
Section II: Composition Information:
Rose Electronics EPG-1140 contains 1S1P E-One Moli # ICP103450A.
1. Exposure Limits are those published by ACGIH, American Conference of Governmental Industrial
2. Exposure limits may vary from time to time and from one jurisdiction to another. Check with local regulatory
agency for the exposure limits in your area.
3. Production code EFSPE80057 is Halogen Free.
2030 Ringwood Avenue ● San Jose, CA 95131 ● 800-632-4789 ● www.rosebatteries.com

Section III: Hazards Information
As a solid, these chemicals and metals are contained in a sealed can. For consumer use, exposure to
hazardous in gradients is not expected with normal use. Adequate hazard warnings are included on
both the package and on the battery. Do not short circuit, puncture, incinerate, crush, immerse, force
discharge or expose to temperatures above the declared operating temperature range of the product.
Risk of fire or explosion. Under normal conditions of use, the electrode materials and liquid electrolyte
they contain are not exposed to the outside, provided the battery integrity is maintained and seals
remain intact. Risk of exposure only in case of abuse (mechanical, thermal, electrolyte leakage,
electrode materials reaction with moisture/water or battery vent/ explosion/ fire may follow, depending
upon the circumstance.
Section IV: First Aid Measures
2030 Ringwood Avenue ● San Jose, CA 95131 ● 800-632-4789 ● www.rosebatteries.com

Section V: Firefighting Measures
Section VI – Accidental Release Measure
2030 Ringwood Avenue ● San Jose, CA 95131 ● 800-632-4789 ● www.rosebatteries.com