DATE: February, 1942
SUBJECT: Model 76B Lapel Crystal
Model 76B Lapel Crystal Microphone
Added cable should be of high quality and
low capacity. The inner leads should be soldered
and insulated with a good grade of rubber
Metal braid sleeve or a serve of fine wire should
be soldered between the shields of the cable to
complete the shielding. Longer lengths of cables
with standard plug attached may be purchased at
small cost, and may be used interchangeably with
shorter cables.
Crystal microphones may be seriously damaged
if accidentally connected to loud speaker or power
supply outlets carrying high voltage. Check your
connections carefully.
Crystal microphones should not be used or
kept in places where the temperature exceeds 125°F.
speech when attached to the lapel. The crystal used
is a grafoil (high capacity) bimorph unit, moisture-
sealed to withstand adverse climatic conditions. The
microphone is compact and light, weighing only 1-1/2
oz. It is provided with a 25 foot shielded rubberjacketed cable.
ters and all general uses where clear, intelligible
reproduction of speech is of primary importance, and
where the user must be able to move freely at all
INSTALLATION: Model 76B is supplied with an alliga-
of the wearing apparel. A 25 foot cable iS furnished, which permits freedom of motion; the cable length
may be increased if necessary. (See Connections).
a load resistance of ½ to 5 megohms. Input resistance of approximately 1/2 megohms should be used to
decrease the low frequency response of the Microphone,
for improvement in speech transmission efficiency;
but higher values are recommended if good low frequency response is desired. The shield should be
connected to the chassis.
companied by a decrease in output level as given in
the table below. There is no frequency discrimina-
tion introduced by the cable, regardless of length.
*(Expressed in db below 1 volt per bar.)
margin or gain to make up for the decrease in output
levels shown in the table. If the amplifier does
not have the necessary gain a preamplifier at the
microphone or near the main amplifier, is suggest-
ed. Preamplifiers with low impedance output are
recommended if the main amplifier system has low
impedance transformer or mixed input.
Copyright 1942 Shure Brothers
Model 76B is a pressure-actuated dia-
phragm-type crystal microphone especially
designed for high quality reproduction of
The Model 76B is designed for public
address, lecturing in large halls,
broadcasting from-portable transmit-
tor clip especially designed to fasten firmly to the lapel or other parts
The inner conductor of the cable
should be connected to the grid of
the first tube in the amplifier across
Added lengths or connecting cable will be ac-
Total cable length
25 ft.
(Standard) -61.0 db
50 ft.
75 ft.
100 ft.
150 ft. -71.5 db
200 ft.
Most modern high-gain amplifiers have sufficient
Output Level* at
Cable Terminals
-65.0 db
-66.5 db
-68.0 db
-73.5 db
They should not be exposed to rays of the sun
in very hot weather for any considerable length
of time - or left in closed automobiles parked in
the sun during hot weather, as the temperature inside the automobile may easily build up to over
125° and permanently damage the crystal.
When used near a radio transmitter, use the
minimum length of cable consistent with placement
requirements. Careful grounding of the cable shield
is advisable.
quency response is accentuated for maximum intelligibility, and is smooth and free from undesirable peaks. The accentuation or high frequency
response is very useful because of the fact that
sounds reach the Microphone at an angle which tends
to decrease transmission of high frequencies. The
low frequency response is flat, but maybe attenuated
if necessary as indicated under connections.
equivalent to 61 db below 1 volt per dyne per sq.cm.
IMPEDANCE: 1 to 5 megohms.
date or shipment from the factory, provided all
instructions are complied with fully. In case of
damage, return the microphone to the factory for
repairs. Our guarantee is voided if the microphone
case is opened.
No polarizing voltage is required for
crystal microphones.
The frequency response of the 76B
Microphone extends from 30 to 6000
cycles per second. The high fre-
8.9 Millivolts for a 10 bar
speech signal at the end or
a 25-foot-cable. This is
Equivalent to a 1,500 micromicro-farad condenser.
Thickness, including clip
Net Weight
Microphone head only
Complete with cable
Shipping Weight
Code Word (25’ cable)
Each microphone Is guaranteed to be
free from electrical and mechanical defects for a period of one year from
Shure patents pending. Licensed under patents of the Brush Development Company.
Iridescent Gray Chrome
1-1/2 oz.
1 lb.
Printed in U.S.A.